Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bolt 2.31 Handler UI 200b3

0 comments, Posted by IMers at 11:51 PM ,
After previous Bolt 2.11 Handler released and Bolt 2.20, Bolt 2.30, Now the latest Handler mod is released to us, Bolt 2.31 Handler UI 200B3. Another Handler's masterpiece, that's what i have to say about this great app, thankyou Handler !.
All credits goes to the master Handler for modify Bolt 2.31 so we can have free internet access, that is ofcourse if you know the setting in Handler UI for free internet access (sorry, i can't help you with that) as the setting are vary for each operator.
If you searching for Bolt 2.31 Handler, here it is :

Blog posts :

Google Fixed Broadband Network

0 comments, Posted by IMers at 4:45 AM ,
Google plunge in the fixed broadband market.
At present, the main game in the fixed broadband market is telecom operators and cable television operators. However, the competitive landscape is expected to soon change as companies in the world's largest internet media Google inc, plan helped plunge in the fixed broadband outlets.

To established fixed broadband market dominance, Google test a fixed broadband internet networks which have very high speed. At this time, fixed broadband network speed, either DSL, cable or optical in range between 3 Mbps up to 20 mbps. Google internet fixed broadband network is remarkable because it has a speed of up to 300 times higher. Google fixed broadband Internet networks can deliver speeds up to 1 Gbps to 500.000 users. With such a high speed, Google fixed broadband network users can download widescreen high-definition movie in less than five minutes. Other scenarios is, a rural health clinic can transmit faster three-dimensional medical image of a big city hospital patients for analysis.

htc hd7

Friday, October 29, 2010

How To Start Your Own Home Business

0 comments, Posted by IMers at 4:30 PM ,

For some people that wasn't lucky enough to find a job that not only doesn't pay well but also the job is always conflicted with what their heart desired, the most thinkable solution is to start your own business or even better starting your own home business. I'm also one of those unfortunate people, my job doesn't pay well and it's not the kind of job that i desire to do. I also been thinking a lot about starting my own business in the field that i always love, although i allready have a steady job about 7 years now. Should i quit my job and follow my heart with starting my own business ? Although i wanted to but there's things to consider before i start my own business.

How to start your own business

The question about how to start your own business is really to wide to answer, we need to narrow it down to what kind of business that we want to start. In this article i would like to narrow the question to how to start your own home business, because a home business is also the kind of business that i want to plunge in to. There are many options for business at home based, you can start a catering business, boutique, cake business, winch works, consultant, fitness business, internet marketing, blogging, and so on. Just think about what you are very good at and make use of that potential for making steady income.

How to start your own home business

After deciding what you want and desired to do for your home business, now it's time to study the oppurtinity for your home business. Don't even think about starting anything yet before you have a complete data about every angle of your home business. You need to study all these aspect :

  1. Creation

  2. Marketing

  3. Income

Creation or manufacturing goods, is the data about how to create delicious food if you are in catering business, how to make creative works that people want to buy, how to make a good website or blog if you want to blogging for your home business, etc. You need to master this, you need to have quality that your costumer deserve. This is your arsenal, your strength for competitions from others.

After you have mastered the creating part, next thing to do is become a prodigy in the marketing area. Study the market for your home business, what are your costumer, how to introduce your goods to them, promote your goods, your website, your cakes to them in any methods that are appropiate. Make sure that you have targetted costumer, for example, if you doing blogging than you need to know where your reader are going to come from, is it from the search engine, from social networks site or a mix of both. Then study how to get visitor from these sources, how to promote your blog, after you have acquired the methods than implement it, implement the methods to the max.

Those two part i've mentioned above are the hardest part in your home business planning step. After you have execute both of mastering your creation and become a prodigy in marketing your goods or services, next is to calculate the income or the price for your goods or services. How much you're going to sell it ? Make a reasonable price at the first or maybe discount to make it even more interesting. Then slowly raise it after you have a good selling or loyal costumers.

Right now i'm still in the learning proccess of those 3 steps above, i'm learning by doing, i still doing my 7 years job that i hate but i'm not going to quit that job untill my home business have steady income that more than my job sallary atleast 5 times better. My home business is slowly raise better income each day as i promoting it in daily bases, i promote my goods to my co worker, my friends, i promote it in facebook, twitter, just about any oppurtinity for promotions. My home business is going to be successfull and i'll quit my steady job for sure. By doing those 3 steps that i believe is the key for success in my home business, i'm doing well in my home business. Right now i'm doing both of my steady job and after work or in my day off i'm building my home business, doing it slowly but steady and my motto is " THERE ARE NO FAILURE, JUST QUITER " if you quit, you failed, if you just keep on working then you are on your way to success starting your own business.

Steps To Make Belgian Chocolate

0 comments, Posted by IMers at 5:15 AM ,
Making chocolate is not as such can be done at home, not just how to lay to melt chocolate bar, given the content of nuts and then in print and cooled. But making chocolate with a sense of luxury was quite complicated, to make a chocolate praline that is trully delicious, the room temperature should be regulated. Need a marble table to mix the dough with the cold marble table affects the temperature of hot chocolate, should use the thermostat to check the temperature of liquid chocolate newly appointed from the fire.

How to make Belgian chocolate

The raw chocolate materials melted over the stove, heated in a certain temperature until the crystals melt butter fat. Wait a moment to reach a certain temperature by pouring upwards marble table. Hand stirring the chocolate had a rotating fluid mixer using a flat metal to become creamy. The temperature is maintained using a temperature gauge. Chocolate mixture was immediately inserted into the reservoir container, then pour into molds. Wait a moment, then the mold is reversed and hit gently with wooden hammer, to dispose of liquid chocolate that is not attached to the wall of the mold to get a concave shape that will be filled with dough contents. Meanwhile, make batter contents, set aside. Chocolate pleasure lies in the dough in this content. Praline paste content is one which is made from a mixture of syrup and chopped almonds or hazel nuts with a ratio of 50%, heated over low heat until the became soft caramel. The next phase, Dab dough filling and chill it. The kitchen room for making chocolate has a certain temperature, cooling chocolate is not in the refrigerator, because the refrigerator can cause water vapor to make the clot chocolate contains grains of water. Now the chocolate is ready out of print.
Because chocolate is made from quality materials, processed and shaped in a proper way, then the texture will feel soft in the mouth, has a smooth surface and shiny and crisp and aromatic chocolate.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bagaimana cara mendapat 5000 dollar/bulan dari Adsense cukup dengan satu blog saja

0 comments, Posted by IMers at 7:51 AM ,
Seorang 'Adsense Guru' berkoar kalau dia bisa mendapat penghasilan sebesar 5000 $/bulan dari satu blog. Tanpa menyebutkan lebih detil tentang proses dia mendapat earning sebesar itu dari Adsense setiap bulannya cuma dari satu blog saja.
Saya coba telisik lebih dalam dari kemungkinan seseorang mendapat earning Adsense 5000 $/bulan dari satu blog.

Kemungkinan pertama adalah blog dia ada di peringkat pertama atau kedua di untuk keyword 'Dui Attorney' atau 'Personal Loan' yang notabene bernilai PPC sangat besar, mungkin per klik nya 10 dollar keatas. Dengan estimasi CTR 5 % , dari 10.000 pengunjung/bulan blog itu akan mendapat 500 klik. Jika dikalikan 500 x 10 dollar hasilnya 5 ribu dollar.

Kemungkinan kedua adalah blog dia tentang berita harian atau berita selebriti yang pengunjungnya sangat banyak tapi nilai PPC na kecil, mungkin per kliknya 0.1 dollar. Dengan estimasi CTR 5 % , dari 1.000.000 pengunjung/bulan blog itu akan mendapat 50.000 klik. Jika dikalikan 50.000 x 0.1 dollar, hasilnya 5 ribu dollar.

Dari dua kemungkinan diatas, saya pilih kemungkinan ketiga, yaitu 'Adsense Guru' tersebut berbohong dan hanya ingin menjual ebook tentang ' Cara Mendapat 5000 $/Bulan Dari Adsense Cukup Dengan Satu Blog Saja' karena penjelasan dia ada di sebuah 'Sales Page' yang ada di peringkat ketiga di untuk keyword ' Cara Mendapat 5000 $/Bulan Dari Adsense Cukup Dengan Satu Blog Saja' sedangkan title/judul halaman 'Sales Page' tersebut adalah ' Cara Mendapat 5000 $/Bulan Dari Adsense Cukup Dengan Satu Blog Saja'.

Mudah-mudahan tulisan ini berguna untuk anda yang sedang mencari di Google dengan keyword 'Bagaimana Cara Mendapat 5000 $/Bulan Dari Adsense Cukup Dengan Satu Blog Saja'.