Thursday, June 30, 2011

Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO

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Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO

Content Lock hurting SEO?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 09:11 PM PDT

I have seen a thread like this before, but I can not seem to find it anywhere. If anyone comes by it please link me to it :D

Anyways, My site was on the first and 2nd page for all my main keywords. It is not new, and almost ALL white hat SEO. Over the last few days I went from 600+ visitors from G--gle, to 80 TOTAL.

Things I changed:

-Added content lock
-Added my site to Dripable (Don't think this has anything to do with it

And that was pretty much all that changed. I am wondering if BHCB has anything to do with the ranking drop? Or maybe it is G--gle doing updates? I do not think it is g--gle dance since the site is pretty old, but possibly.

Any input will be appreciated.

Any one interested in selling FLAT IRONs ?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 09:10 PM PDT

Hey guys, based in HK and I can supply top quality GHD replika irons. All the latest models are in stock. I tried listing these items and got banned. If someone can figure a way around it, we can do business. The profit is pretty good. Let me know and we'll talk.

How would I echo post title in Javascript?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 09:02 PM PDT

I'm temporaraly using a content locker from Leadbolt until I have enough money to get CL Pro.

What I'm trying to do is, at the top of the locker, Have it say something like:

To View [post title] Please Complete An Offer:

I tried <?php the_title(); ?>, but it won't work in JS :(.

I'm using Wordpress, BTW.

Is AC dead?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:56 PM PDT

I just ventured into the article writing arena. I saw a lot of people saying they were making $80-$100 per day with AC, but I don't understand how when it takes them 1-2 weeks to review your article.

Am I missing something? I know people are using multiple accts. but still are you getting articles approved everyday or something? If so how does that work?

Thanks in advance.

Question about earning money

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:55 PM PDT

Guys, one quick question.

Do anyone here, live only with money from SEO?
Private or own business or something like that?

I would like to try, I can have about 2.000$ to start.
I have some knowlage, i've worked on about 20-30 sites, and have good results.

But i've never tryed BHSEO and even paid elements of WHSEO

I'm thinking about own business in Poland (Europe) but I'm not sure i could fight with much bigger companys for clients...

Either I don't know if i could use SEnuke, XRumer, Palladin and so one for Polish content... you know Polish content on English sites... it could not look good for big G, right?

I would be very thankful for any advice

A very black hat joke...

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:53 PM PDT

Yo mama so dumb, she thought Google Plus was a search engine for fat people. OH, SNAP!

I'm so white. :p

How does the competitor get ranked 1?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:44 PM PDT

Hello guys.

Im doing seo for a friends website and he is gonna pay me when the site gets to rank 1.

I have been using seo spyglass to look for links that the top 2 competitors have.
Here are the stats

My friends website:
3: pr6 links
7: pr 3 links
8: pr 2 links
16: pr 1 links

Rank 1 competitor
1: pr5 link
3: pr 3 links

rank 2 competitor
1: pr 6 links
13: pr 3 links
2: pr 2 links
1: pr 1 link

I got my friends website to around 3rd page of google. But i do not know how the competitors website are ranked higher if I put more links with high pr for my friends site.

Myspace Collapse: How The Social Network Fell Apart

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:44 PM PDT

I thought this would be a nice insight.


Tom's not anyone's friend anymore. Myspace, the once illustrious hub of social activity, shameless C-list celebrity boosterism, and a go-to roost for most musical acts, is being sold at a huge loss by parent company News Corp.

Just over three years ago, in the spring of 2008, Myspace was top dog. That April, the upstart Facebook grabbed the lead and never looked back. In those three years, Myspace has lost over forty million unique visitors per month, lost both co-founders, laid off the vast majority of its staff and more generally, has diminished to a cluttered afterthought of the power it once was.

But how did things sour so fast? Critics point to Myspace's consistent administrative and strategic blunders combined with a seeming inability to evolve with the social web it had helped inaugurate. That social web that would come to be more and more dominated by rival Facebook, leaving Myspace scrambling to keep up.

"Myspace was created by people in the entertainment industry, not by technology gurus, therefore they could not innovate at the pace that they needed to compete," Connie Chan, an analyst with Chess Media Group, told HuffPost in an email. "So when Facebook came on the scene, a newer better way to network with your friends surfaced - Facebook offered something as basic as being able to actually see your real friends vs. anonymous friends."

Founded in 2003, Myspace quickly took off and was purchased by News Corp in 2005 for $580 million. By 2006, Myspace was the top social network in the country. A few years later, it would cede the position to Facebook, which opened up its site to all comers in September 2006, and would overtake Myspace in April 2008.

But the adoption by News Corp didn't help much either. Rupert Murdoch--once enthralled by his new buy--soon turned his attention to pursuing the Wall Street Journal.

"Culture is changing and quickly enabled by technology," said Chan. "News Corp's old school thinking and probably red tape were also factors in Myspace's fall."

"We've got to admit that, in the last 3 or 4 years, we made some big mistakes," Murdoch said last spring of Myspace.

In an interview with Businessweek, former founder Chris DeWolfe blamed Myspace's overenthusiasm and underexecution on the product side for many of the site's problems.

"We tried to create every feature in the world and said, 'O.K., we can do it, why should we let a third party do it?' " said DeWolfe. "We should have picked five to ten key features that we totally focused on and let other people innovate on everything else."

Instead, Myspace unleashed a slew of products that were buggy and dysfunctional, confusing and alienating users while failing to compete with Facebook's own progress.

"[Myspace failed] to execute the product development," former Facebook president Sean Parker said in a recent interview. "They weren't successful in iterating and evolving the product enough, it was basically this junk heap of bad design that persisted for many, many years. There was a period of time where, if they had just copied Facebook rapidly, I think they would have been Facebook. The network effects, the scale effects were enormous. There was so much power there."

Unlike Facebook, which started to let third-party developers create apps on the site in 2007, Myspace held tight to the notion that it would be able to create its own products for some time. It took almost a year after Facebook had made the move for Myspace to finally agree to let developers onto the site. Of course, apps--including popular social games like Farmville--have contributed greatly to Facebook's success.

Back in 2006, News Corp's chief operating officer Peter Chernin demonstrated Myspace's blindness to the changes going on around them.

"If you look at virtually any Web 2.0 application, whether it's YouTube, whether it's Flickr, whether it's Photobucket or any of the next-generation Web applications, almost all of them are really driven off the back of Myspace," Chernin said, according to ReadWriteWeb. "Given that most of their traffic comes from us," he said, "if we build adequate if not superior competitors, I think we ought to be able to match them if not exceed them."

According to Businessweek, the pressure to drive revenue, when other startups were using the luxury of venture money to create and explore, stifled the possibility that Myspace would have the breathing room it needed to innovate. Instead, executives were focused on trying to raise advertising profits--a mission that only intensified when, in 2006, Google paid $900 million for a three-year advertising deal contingent on the site's traffic.

"There was a lot of pressure to drive revenue," Shawn Gold, Myspace's former head of marketing and content, told Businessweek. "There were things that we knew would be more efficient for the user that we didn't act on immediately because it would reduce page views, which would have hurt the bottom line."

"When we did the Google deal, we basically doubled the ads on our site," DeWolfe said. Compared to Facebook's streamlined offering, the ad-congested, overwhelmingly brash layout of MsSpace was an eyesore.

Myspace was also dealing with a public image problem. The network had started to flood with scantily clad would-be celebrities, filling the site with highly sexualized photos that led to the site's tarnished reputation as a hotbed of obscenity. In February 2006, a Connecticut investigation into whether Myspace was exposing minors to pornography cemented public opinion that Myspace wasn't safe.

Researcher Danah Boyd compared user migration from Myspace to Facebook to white flight, making the case that Myspace had come to be regarded as a "digital ghetto," whereas Facebook was a safe haven for more elite users.

Ironically, Myspace's desperate attempts to recoup its former success came in the form of imitating Facebook, a site it'd once tried to set itself apart from. It adopted the news feed Facebook had popularized, and neatened up the site itself in a way that also suggested it was taking visual cues from Zuckerberg's page. In November 2010, the site integrated with Facebook Connect, calling it "Mashup with Facebook."

Myspace's last ditch attempt was in rebranding itself as an entertainment hub, playing to the strengths it still had. Plenty of bands still used the site as their primary method of broadcasting to fans. According to Reuters, Myspace CEO Mike Jones made it clear that the site was no longer competing with Facebook directly, and would instead try to provide a complementary service.

But it simply wasn't enough. The site, which has lost over a million users a month on average in the past two years, was clearly in shaky shape. Co-founders DeWolfe and Tom Anderson left the site in 2009. Replacement Owen Van Natta departed less than a year after he took over.

Myspace was finally purchased by Specific Media for $35 million -- $65 million less than News Corp's asking price, and over $500 million less than News Corp had paid. On Wednesday, Myspace laid off over half of its remaining 450 employees.

My apologies

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:38 PM PDT

I would like to apologize to a certain application developer that I shared your program in the 'Download' section of this forum. I did check the DNS list first and saw that it was not there, hence the reason I'm guessing I am not banned today. I went to look on the status of my share and noticed it was removed and the program I shared was placed on the DNS list afterwards.

I don't ever want to cause problems with anybody here on BHW, I love this forum and look forward everyday to logon and see what the latest buzz is. BHW is where I started with IM and it's the only trusted place I know of where one can get the best info.

Respect and peace to everyone

Looking for fake likes! (Facebook)

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:18 PM PDT


Im looking for over 5k fake likes to win a contest. Any offer $$?

Replica Golf Products

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:15 PM PDT

Hi, we've all heard the normal replica stuff,shoes,beats,handbags,shirts etc. I have not heard anyone say anything about replica golf products? Anybody tried these products? Thanks

Twitter Profile PageRank

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:09 PM PDT

I just noticed that one of my twitter profiles with only 4k followers was coming up as PR9 in seoquake. Just for curiosity I ran it through pr check and as you can guess it did not come back pr9 but it did return a pr4. Just curious if your twitter profile page PR is related to number of followers or just straight up backlinks. I guess every follower should count as a link and leak some PR to you. I'm just curious, Whats your twitter PR and how many followers do you have?

I Made $24.98 today with sharecash and fiverr

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:06 PM PDT

hy guys just made $24.98 from sharecash and fiver

sharecash and youtube - put a video up how to download the hangover part 2
used comment youtube bot to comment and rate got lots of downloads

total: $12.98

fiverr - gig i will write 3 unique and original articles for $5 got 3 orders and used wordflood to spin articles manually

total: $12

total all time: $24.98
i am very happy

Think of a Business name for a friends company

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:02 PM PDT

Ok so my friend i've known since i was young has proposed an idea to me today and he wants to open up one of those services where people trade in games and he gives them cash etc.

He has already secured a shop in a major shopping centre near me (Very busy) and he has also invested in 3 x £3500 Industrial Disk cleaners. If any of you know the laser burn problems that you get with xbox's then those cleaners can remove it so they are really good kit.

So basically to sum it all up he needs a business name both for offline and online . This is quite an important one so i need serious answers :)

Its a Game trade-in service + a disk repair one so names must be based on that.



Access Violation at Address XXXX in module SBLINKCHECKER.EXE

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 08:01 PM PDT

i don't know what is happening why SBLINKCHECKER is always having this error on XsServer. i tried it both on VPS and Dedicated server and they always have this error after checking 30,000 links. anyone having this problem too ?

I have an email list of 1 million telecom customers - How to market to them effectively?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 07:58 PM PDT

As title states, I have an email list of 1 million telecom customers. They are subscribed to internet and maybe phone plans through a single company. These are not opt-in.

I'm just looking for advice on what is the best way to market to these people? What type of offers should I send them? How to not get busted for sending non CAN-SPAM compliant emails? Any recommendations if I want to outsource the mailing?

I had an email list in the past that generated a few grand through cpa that I was mailing to using Gmail Inferno. The cpa offer quickly got shut down by Neverblue after they received a CAN SPAM complaint. I'm hoping to avoid this type of situation again at all costs.

Any tips, advice, words of wisdom, etc. would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Exoclick - Big scammer, avoid them!

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 07:56 PM PDT

I have paid a minumum amount for advertising on exoclick (50 $). They took the money, after 3 days, they didnt accept my ad campaign. I emailed them and they told me that there is a problem in script and this can't be done. What a bad ass they are.

Will Effect Google's new look Readers visiting ratio..?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 07:46 PM PDT

Google changed their result position to..


# why they change the position?.. any particular reason?
# will it effect visitors click ratio?
# is there any technique to improve our visitors quantity with it...?

expect suggestion from experts...


Quick Question about Adsense and CPA

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 07:46 PM PDT

total noob it against adsense tos to have cpa offers on a website with adsense? everything is niche specific and relates

Posting content to your website.

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 07:40 PM PDT

When you post content to your website, you can either have it show the entire text, or have it show a paragraph and have it do "Read More...". Which one is better? I am guessing if you make it only show a paragraph, then it defeats the purpose of posting new content to your website for Google to index. However, if you make it show all the text for all your content, I am guessing the bounce rates will be high because they will just stay on that page.

What is your take on this?

Help me find invisible back link!

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 07:32 PM PDT

Hello, I simply can't understand it. I followed a back link from yahoo explorer and I can see the link in source code, but i can't find it on the page.

Website: http://wh4tsgabycooking.c0m/

[HELP]Client Sourcing for Writers

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 07:22 PM PDT

Hey Guys,

I recently got into the business of article creation with a couple of guys writing my articles for me, very high quality. And I am just having trouble sourcing clients. Any help from you guys would be really helpful.


Wanna mess with an online poll?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 07:02 PM PDT

The local political website in my town is running a poll to see who would win the mayor's race if it were held tomorrow.

I wanna throw it for the guy that I think is the honest hard working one.

Can I get some BHW help?

The guy I want to win would hate me for doing this.. first name on the ballot.

Also.. I tried swapping useragents clearing cookies swapping proxies etc. and the poll detected it? I even swapped refers.

Buying Custom Facebook App

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 06:55 PM PDT

I'm looking at potentially purchasing a custom facebook app from a developer. Does anyone have any idea on where to go for good quality/price? :confused: Where do facebook developers hang out???

The app, if it goes ahead, will be for a macaroon company. Macaroons are these things;

The macaroon cafe is mildly up-class. Here is their logo;

I would like the quiz to look like a nicely design flash quiz that fits the style of the company. It will be something like "what's your macaroon" and it will have 5 questions and 4 potential answers. At the end of the quiz it will automatically post to their wall their result.

How much would that cost me?

What Would You Do With $100 Fiverr Balance?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 06:38 PM PDT

Yes, I realize it's not a lot, at all really. But, I have this money in my Fiverr account and can't do anything with it besides buy other Fiverr gigs cause they're a bitch and won't send me my payment confirmation email unless I provide them with pictures of my birth certificate (no way in hell I'm giving that them). So what would you buy that's worth it and would at least make some of your money back? BTW I already have my own copy of Scrapebox so no blasts, and I've got a Twitter account that actually gets me click throughs unlike most of the gigs. Thanks.

Where to get Facebook PVA USA accounts?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 06:27 PM PDT

Anyone know where I can get facebook pva accounts with USA numbers?

I would like it to have pics and profile filled out and possibly accounts that has some age.

Paypal, Why have you forsaken (limited) me? I thought you were my Pal too?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 06:24 PM PDT

Why have you forsaken me?

You verified by account and we were business partners. We were both making good honest money, no one got hurt.

Now you have limited my account and will make me wait for six months to get the money owed to me.

You have forced me to use Alterpay and now I have to wait a week or more to get paid. Google Checkout is no better on the payout times, two weeks for the next two months. And Plimus, they payout once every 30 days.

You and I had to good thing going, you got your fee's and I got my money in 48 hours. Sure, you would always take the customer's side in a dispute. But that was few and far between.

I do miss you, I can't lie, but Google Checkout is a much better partner. They catch fraud cards before the transaction is funded. Which saved me money and inventory.

So in another few months or so I will miss you less and remember the all the money I lost by being loyal to you alone.

Oh how I wish I had opened multi account with you and sent a few sale to Google Checkout so there would be no delay in payment.

Lesson learned, oh well look like the kids will have a good holiday once you release the funds.

Google Nailed for Pharmacy Ads

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 06:19 PM PDT

Looks like Google is going to settle a case with the FDA to the tune of about $500 Million, for allowing adwords ads for illegal meds. Hah.

Someone has work with Limelight CPA Network?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 06:17 PM PDT

The support seems pretty good but I don't know how they are with the payments.

Please someone could write a short review?,

Thank you Black Hatters.

Best Regards

AMAZON Severed Ties With Over 100,000 Affiliates in CALI

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 06:16 PM PDT


With the Jar being a CA resident, I was one of the 100K that got terminated from the associate program. I have over 15 blogs promoting products and I'm pissed right now, I haven't even gone through and changed the links yet, so their probably getting free sales from me as I type this.

I have never EVER had legislation pass that impacted me like this, and the worst thing is that, Nobody saw it coming, No heads up, No BTW, Nothing, I'm so pissed, I needed to vent and see how other CA Resident Affiliates have been dealing with this.

I think I'm just going to sell the blogs, I worked so hard to get the steam of traffic flowing to them and to open my email and read what AMAZON has decided to do, it just doesn't make sense. The law is requiring you to pay taxes so instead of paying taxes you would rather dispose probably one of the largest affiliate market providing business to you? WTF? Just Pay the Phucking Taxes, this world is FULL of Nothing but Filthy Greedy MOFO's, if they can't make 1,000% on something their not interested.

The government is focusing on the wrong stuff, if they think this will make people shop more OFFLINE their wrong, They Need to CLOSE-UP the Phucking Super Walmarts, their the #1 Mom and PoP shop killers, Not online sales.

I'm tired of ranting, thanks for reading, any positive advice will be appreciated. PHUCK AMAZON!

porn and sharecash

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 06:07 PM PDT

I just put up a porn site, and I wanna lock some content using sharecash, think it'd be okay if I just made a link go through tinyurl, then to, then to sharecash? I'd really hate to have to fake referrers just for sharecash change (sharecash isn't my main focus, just being used for some side cash) I plan on locking the content by letting users download stuff from mediafire cause I think you can download as much as you want from them? anyway it gives them another mirror, then password locking it and having a sharecash file be the password to the video.....any thoughts?

Buy Proxies By liberty Reserve ???

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 06:02 PM PDT

Hy i want to know place can help me to but new private proxies
but i want to pay by liberty Reserve

Need to start selling on, do I need a US Paypal Acct?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 06:02 PM PDT

As the title, I'm looking to start selling on, I would like to know whether is it required to have a US paypal account, can I use my paypal account which is from a different country?

gathering twitter ids with google spreadsheets

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 05:53 PM PDT

using a white listed api to gather users but for some reason i cant gather the whole users following list into the google spreadsheet anyone know why?

Would redirecting traffic to a CPA offer get you banned?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 05:46 PM PDT

I guess I basically put the description where the ^ title is?

If I added a redirect that is active after 10 seconds and then redirects to an email submit. Would that most likely get me banned?

This is hands-down the best free "macro" tool on the planet

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 05:30 PM PDT

It's like iMacros on steroids. With a little common sense and some elbow grease you can whip up a script to do basically anything at a computer, and it'll look like a real user is actually performing the actions.

Something I use everyday--figured I'd share.

Enjoy :)

Non-English content on English blog

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 05:23 PM PDT


I'm asking about SEO in Polish
Polish content on English blog exactly speaking.

Should it give me the same results as Polish content on Polish blog?
Or just little less? 50% less? 99% less?

Redshock Media - CPA Network

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 05:18 PM PDT

Hey guys, just thought id post something about our Network, as we have thousands of publishers making a killing with our offers, and some of you may be intrested in joining us!
Redshock media offers high converting Zip/Email Submits paying in excess of $5 per lead. We have a low $50 Payment Threshold and multiple payment options available, as well as custom Solutions. We pay weekly to affiliates that earn over $1000 every week, and we pay on time, every time! Further still, we have a dedicated support team thats sole purpose is to help every publisher individually to get the maximum Return and Conversion rate possible.

Any questions, Or help needed, ill be happy to personally assist you!

Kind Regards

[Ebay JV] Sell and earn $$$ !!

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 05:16 PM PDT

Ok so i need someone (Preferably someone trusted) to sell a few SEO related services on Ebay.

I cannot sell on there because i closed my account a few months ago as i got into internet marketing properly hence i drifted away from Ebay.

- Your account must be in Good standing (99%+ Feedback)
- Your account must have no limits
- These items are not illegal nor VerO protected so dont worry

The amount of income achievable is endless. Just depends on how many you can sell. I done this before with an American (Now in Craigslist) and he was making around $160/day just passing orders onto me so as you can tell its quite cool and very profitable :)

Thanks !

credit card merchant (processing questions)?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 05:02 PM PDT

I am just curious, is there anyone here know much about credit card merchants. I had a few questions, I"m hoping someone can offer me some advice.

  • Does anyone now of a high risk merchant to use for re-bills. It will for for Acai and Colon offers?
  • What will generally cause a charge back?

Looking for a partner for my website selling a physical product

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 04:59 PM PDT

Ok decided to post again to see if i can find a trustworthy JV or Partner to help bring new ideas and seo to the table. I ship the product restock and do all the customer service, I'm looking for someone that will improve my traffic and I am willing to give 15 percent of all sales. I know this seems low but once this website is ranked high with the keywords i am aiming for (currently on second page for 3 kw) 10+ sales a day seems normal and that should bring in around $100 a day for you. I am currently making about 5-10 sales a week pulling in around $50 per sale after shipping and restocking.

It is a Diet product and a lot of competition but I can't seem to break through by my self with all my seo packages i bought here and on fiverr and I'm fairly new to scrapebox and just purchased senukex. This is a long term relationship if you can help me maintain first page with some keywords and keep me there you will receive your percentage.

I prefer to deal with an American that if everything works out great we could eventually meet in person and work on new products and idea's.

Post here or PM me and we can talk more via skype, aim, msn, or aol.


How To Protect Your Account From Clickbomb?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 04:52 PM PDT

inspired by this douchebags thread
i want to make a thread about protecting your account from clickbombs and other shady stuff a competitor wants to do.

Is there any wordpress plugin one can use that limits the amounts of clicks or country they are coming from?

also is there anyway to hide your adsense account id? I know that with sites like whorush and spyon you can find all of someones adsense sites. I really dont want someone to see all of my sites and then try to copy my niches.I believe there is a way to hide it whorush and spyon, just havent figured out how.

if anyone can answer these or provide more tips that will be sweet:cool:

Are you an Adult Dating Affiliate who drives traffic to PPF programs?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 04:49 PM PDT

Hi guys,

I am currently able to drive around 150 free signups/registrations to adult dating sites. This amounts to ~ $450-600 of revenue per day through programs like adultdatelink, datinggold, or hookup.

I'm looking for people who currently drive traffic to adult dating programs who want to buy my traffic. I'm willing to discount it by 50%.

If you're a potential partner, you're probably raising your eyebrow right now and I don't blame you. Let me first say that I am in no way promoting any of these programs disingenuously. The traffic is driven directly to the landers and are not incentivized. That being said, the reason I want to sell my traffic off at such a steep discount is because my free to paid ratio is horrible (my guess is because my traffic is relatively young).

So, if you currently drive traffic to any of these programs and are converting with a good free to paid ratio, you would be a perfect candidate to buy this traffic because your current traffic would cover up the poor free to paid ratio, and you would get paid in full.

Essentially, there is $300/day of free profit for the right person here. I can discuss the details of the traffic with any serious partner.

PM me on here for more info, and I'll try my best to respond promptly.

All the best.

for skype users, how to show as online on bhw

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 04:35 PM PDT

This has annoyed me for a while as I noticed that some people showed as online with skype while logged into BHW!!

It took me ages to work out how others showed up as online yet I was permanently showing as offline, sad I know but I am petty like that, I hate to miss out :)

Anyway I thought I would share the love for my fellow skypers!

Open up skype and click TOOLS > OPTIONS > follow picture :)

Attached Images
File Type: jpg bhw.jpg (60.1 KB)

How much is PR6 domain Now Worth?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 04:25 PM PDT

On latest PR update got a new PR6 domain, For about how much PR6 domains go now if I were to sell?
It's .info domain , without much backlinks but still somehow It got PR6 lol :D

Who wants a 5k freebie blast? no strings attached - i promise :)

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 04:20 PM PDT

I currently have a 10k freebie contest held every now and then on my backlink service thread and now I want to give more to the community.

I can't promise this will go on forever, but I will make the effort to make this last as long as I can.

For people who want to use their new sites for the blast then I recommend using either buffer sites or link push URLs. Blasting directly will just cause you problems but not everyone will experience the same results. This is just my recommendation.

So here's how it'll work:

At first, I will start off with a contest of my own and select a winner accordingly.

Only one winner will be chosen and they must create their own contest for the next round.

It could either be a riddle, online puzzle, or simply a question and answer type of thing.

Whatever it may be, you must give me all the details including the answer (if there is one) via PM.

Prior to blasting your site(s), please note that I allow up to 5 urls with 3-4 keywords for each one.

Please format your sites like:

Quote: {anchor1|anchor2|anchor3} {anchor4|anchor5|anchor6} {anchor7|anchor8|anchor9}
What's the catch?

Once after you receive the blast from me, all I ask is for you to post the next contest. NO REVIEW IS NEEDED ;) I also don't need any THANKS or +REPS from you. I'm already happy with what I have right now :p

Posting your own contest:

Be sure to make the font bold and underlined and the header size 7. (shown below) This will make things easier for anyone who's interested in participating.

I will try to keep this running every other day since I'm already busy with a lot of things :p

So without further adieu, here's the details to first contest :)


The FIRST person to post a PICTURE of their DREAM GIRL at 8:30pm EST today will receive the blast from me. You must post right at 8:30pm EST or after to be eligible to win the freebie. Not BEFORE.

Check google and make sure you know when 8:30pm EST is in your location.


The Google Dance

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 04:17 PM PDT

This is a funny one....This is for everyone out there that has expirenced the google dance.


Content Writing, Backlink Building, positions bouncing in the SERPs
Pretty sites, pirate smiles, blackhat seo
Keyword dancing, you must have seen it changing in the serps
And now im nervous, always changing,google dancer in my site.

Hold me closer google dancer,
counting links along information super highway
Don't make my site rank change so drastic,
leave me at number 1 today.

Which affiliate program should I choose?

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 04:13 PM PDT

I have a website in development at this time. I will be looking for affiliates to assist in the sales of the service that the website offers. I want to find an affiliate program which only pays the affiliate after an actual sale is generated.

With this in mind, what are the top few programs that I should be looking at?

I remember seeing one which was well respected, but I can't seem to remember the name of it for the life of me.

Thanks guys

DMCA notifitcation at google search

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 04:10 PM PDT

Any suggestions how to remove the notification that google provides at the botom of about dmca complaints if you have any?
(i have reponded and my domain become active again from suspended state of my hoster, the content is removed too).

"In response to a complaint we received under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have removed 1 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read the DMCA complaint that caused the removal(s) at"

How blackhat links led to a free contextual ******** PR6 Whitehat link :) So funny.

Posted: 30 Jun 2011 04:09 PM PDT

So I was checking my analytics today and noticed a TON of traffic coming from a new referrer. I checked the PR of the domain and to my surprise it was a PR6 domain. At the end of the article the author mentioned my site and gave me a link by saying:

"and a link to the most ridiculous scaremongering I have ever seen, so the guy responsible for it does not need to put his link with some stupid, made up scare story into the comments like he does on every website in existence that mentions..."

I just took a really dumb topic with allot of searches and built a really dumb and funny controversial site about it. My plan was to make it as dumb as to get free whitehat links... and it seems to be working haha.

* Why does do follow get starred out if its one word?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO

0 comments, Posted by IMers at 9:30 PM ,

Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO

Anyone got an extra Google+ invite?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 09:04 PM PDT

Looking for a Google+ invite, PM me if you got one that you can spare.

The 212th Degree--Success In A Nutshell--Celebrating My 100th Post

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 09:03 PM PDT

To celebrate my 100th post I just wanted to share something inspiring with everyone. This video demonstrates what happens when we bring focus, attention, and pigheaded discipline to the world of internet marketing.

I had spent 5 years researching and failing in internet marketing. Scattered all over the internet spending money on things I didn't need from people I thought had it figured out.

Meanwhile BHW sat here, with quiet millionaires sharing their greatest secrets with a community that brings together the next generation of innovators and success stories with the established mentors and givers who want to help others achieve greatness.

I have a clear vision like I have never had before, because I am doing things I have never done before...

I keep pushing because I have one goal...Greatness.

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

BHW has become like a virtual home for me, the minds that gather here have helped me understand what it takes to achieve greatness, and the ingredients that are required.

Black hat world has helped me to create a roadmap towards the boiling point, scattered unfocused knowledge I had before is becoming more concentrated everyday on the empire I see taking shape because of my calculated and well planned actions.

I have spent years failing forward growing intellectually and emotionally--you know the saying "when the student is ready the master will appear"?

BHW is the master. I could not have appreciated the vast goldmines of opportunities that lie within the relationships and the opportunities here at BHW without my 5 years of failure.

All the answers we could need to anything we ever want to learn online are in the minds of the members gathered here at BHW. In the posts that have accumulated over the years, or in the footsteps of those who have gone before us that want to send the elevator of success back down to pick up a few more eagerly waiting riders.

212. Almost is not an option.

Thanks to everyone here at BHW that has helped me find myself again, helped me see what is possible, and even given me some direction.

Here's to those of us who are willing to do anything to reach the boiling point, to climb that extra 1000 feet to the summit, to sit in front of the computer until we are nodding off day in and day out building a digital empire that will lead us to financial freedom and independence.


Does ANy1 Know Where I Can Get Atleast 10 AA edu blogs?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 09:00 PM PDT

Does ANy1 Know Where I Can Get Atleast 10 AA edu blogs? I usually try most auto approve scrapebox lists but the edus are not usually AA does any1 know where I can get just 10 auto approve??

Another newbie. but with moneybags for blackhatters

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 08:57 PM PDT

Hey guys

I've stayed away from BH ops but now it's time to delve into the arts... will need help, have bankroll and can pay! So that's cool.

Starting with ye ol' bulk emails and then we're go from there....



VCC for adcenter?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 08:55 PM PDT

Has anyone been able to open an adcenter account with a VCC recently?

I've tried a few different cards from entropay but they don't work.


100% Of First Orders 55% on renewals Affiliate Program

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 08:29 PM PDT

Webmasters Send me a private message if your interested and i will send you the link

NEW wpCloaker coupon (BHW only)

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 08:24 PM PDT

Folks, I've made the current coupon offer code for wpCloaker EVEN BETTER for a limited time...

In the next 3 days (or thereabouts) you can use coupon code 'bhw50' and get 75% off the normal price of wpCloaker.

Use coupon code 'bhw50' at the special page

Not only that, but you will also get the new wpCloaker 2.0 release in July. We're at version 1.99-xxx with updates being made for additional tweaks and features every month or so.

I am in the process of adding this to the BST subforum but wanting to get the direct-interest cloaking folks first dibs on this.


Shortened Links Leaking

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 08:06 PM PDT

Hi people
Is there a way that I can check to see what shortened link is leaking?
I shortened multiple links and yesterday noticed that one of them came through as the full URL- Any ideas?
kind regards

Getting Jr. VIP without waiting the 60 days?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 08:00 PM PDT

Hey there.. What if I donate first, can I then have the Jr. VIP without waiting the 60 days?

Where Can I Find Freelance Writers and good Websites?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 07:57 PM PDT

Hello Everyone, I am currently looking for some one to write articles for me for freelance websites. I do currently have money to invest and don't mind paying people what they are worth but I'm still looking to make a profit. So my first questions today are:

1.) Where can I find writers that I can pay what there worth ( or at least close to it) but still come out with profit? If you could provide me with links rather then with shortened versions of the website that would be great.

2.) I am currently using associated content but was wondering if there were any other good sites? Again links would be great.

I really appreciate anyone who takes the time to help me out.

Thanks so much!


Make 5,ooo a month on ebay!

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 07:41 PM PDT

I have a method to make 5,ooo a month on e bay and would like to share it with a few people!

You need an aged account and no sellers limit and verified pay pal!

If you have that then add me to sk ype cashdynasty6 then we can talk there and Ill give you the details, I can't P M yet.

This method is a absolute guaranty to make 5,ooo in 4 weeks!

This method is very legit! I am from california usa and not from china, I will explain the details once you con tact me.

I would really like to help some people out, so we can make alot money!

Clickbank Sales Template, Any one?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 07:41 PM PDT

Does anyone know any good reliable software or website that can help me to create my own sales page?

I want to upload my products on clickbank and need a sales template generator as I am newbie in making website.

Please let me know if you have used some reliable source for this job.


Noob - Please help - $20 via paypal

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 07:39 PM PDT


I'm hoping someone here can help me and will gladly transfer $20 via paypal to whomever gives me the best advice.

Here's the situation:

I have a company for which I want to email our customers (special offers etc, not spam). I have a Server running Windows Server 2008 with Exchange 2010. This serves as our normal server and our email server. I have one domain which is fully set up and correct (DNS Records, SPF, RDNS etc). Never had any problems as I am relatively experienced in this part.

Now comes the pickle I have managed to get myself into:

As previously said, I wanted to mass email our customers with special offers so I got Atomic Mail Sender (installed on a client machine). I designed the email, gave it plain text, proper clean html, no bad words/spam phrases, sending from my address etc. I ran the email through some spam tests and it came out with a pretty low score so i was happy, did quite a few tests on some of my personal email addresses and all seemed ok except was being delivered into the Spam Folder. I dropped in about 500 or so email addresses of our customers and clicked start. Then all hell broke loose.

I very quickly received about 400 NDR bouncebacks saying they couldn't be delivered because I was listed on CBL and therefore Spamhaus. HOLY S**T.

I now could no longer send the marketing emails but also crippled the day-to-day emails crucial to the business.


So I quickly got us delisted and now I'm back to normality.

Except I still want to send the marketing emails. So after looking around, racking my brain, I think I know what I did wrong. I think using the Direct Method for email delivery is the culprit. I am too scared to try it in case i get blacklisted again, without some advice.

My questions (and where the money is) are as follows:

  • What did I do wrong?
  • Was it the Direct Delivery in SMTP Settings in Atomic Mailer?
  • If so, shoud I set it to use my Exchange SMTP Server?
  • Will using this method stop me getting blacklisted?
  • Will using this method stop the messages going into spam?
  • What else do I need to know/be aware of?

I will send $20 (or more if you're particularly good) to whomever gives me the best advice.

I really hope someone can help me.

Thanking you in anticipation.


My comments disappear. Why?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 07:31 PM PDT

Whenever I post a comment on someone's video, I can see it as long as I am logged in. When I log out the comment disappears. I login again and I can see the comment. The comment is not being flagged or anything cause if it did it would show that and how can it get flagged as soon as I post it?

Anyone knows what's going on?

Just checked comments on my own video are not visible once I log out.

This just goes to show the intelligence of digital point users...

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 07:29 PM PDT

Look at this thread, it's not mine, but take a look at it:

Right now it's at $140 dollars, and guess what, the seller forged the PR. There are several PR5-6 domains that are forged/fake on Godaddy Auctions.
I haven't said anything on the thread. as I want to see how high it goes.
Since it's black hat world, I thought it'd be the right place to share this.

Cali passing all these laws

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 07:25 PM PDT

Just got email from hasoffers

I just recieved an email from the Performance Marketing Association (PMA), that the State of California is moving foward on passing the Affiliate Nexus Tax. Please pass this along to others you know that may be impacted.

Quoted from the PMA:

"Governor Brown of California has announced he has secured enough votes to pass his budget, including the Affiliate Nexus Tax and 2 related nexus bills: AB 153, AB 155 and SB 234. The law will go into effect immediately upon signing, and he must sign before July 1st, 2011. We are doing everything we can to block this from moving forward but we believe passage is imminent.

If you are a California-based publisher, or an out-of-state advertiser, please seek immediate advise from a tax or legal professional."

what the hell are yall doing out there?

Malware attacked my sites and now all my ranks are gone, why is that? How long to recover

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 07:24 PM PDT

Hi guys,

2 weeks ago all my sites, arround 20 websites were attacked by malware (iframe injection).
At that time my sites were ranked in the first page of google for many keywords at least for 6 months.

I needed almost 10 days to clean up all my sites and ask google to validate it again.
Now google says that everything is clean.
After three days that the sites were clean, they were exactly where they were on google SERPs... after three days all google rankins drop... now my sites are like in page 10 for the keywords I usually was the #1 in first page for 6 month.

Before I was receiving arround 2,000 visits per day count all sites, and now it is arroung 200 visits, all my ernings droped very much..

Why my ranks droped?
Why it happenas after the malware were removed?
How can I recover my google rankings?

The drop in the ranking happend on June 25.
My sites were cleaned on June 23. So I received the same amount of visitorr for 2 days and after that, it is gone.

My vists and adsense earns decrease like 90%
thanks in advance

BlogHatter - help me find it

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 07:09 PM PDT

I'm having an hard time, can someone send me BlogHatter please? Even just pm direct link if you cant post here.

Also, what is the main developer website? Does this software still works?

Selling an eBook - Website template?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 06:54 PM PDT


I'm new to BlackHatWorld, but I'm no newbie at making money online.

I'm looking to start selling some eBook online, but are stuck at finding a website template.

I need a nice, easy-to-navigate, and professional template. Something like Scrapebox would work PERFECT; easy, simple, and effective.

This template needs to be free. I've tried searching Wordpress for themes, but cannot find anything. If anybody knows of a good Wordpress theme which is great for setting up and selling eBooks on - Please let me know! I'm damn good at Wordpress administration.

Thanks for the help. Just a note: I'm not the type of person who will just come here and ask questions, I wish to contribute to the community as much as possible with the knowledge I have.

Thank you and have a nice day!

Best sites to puchase 100% optin leads?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 06:44 PM PDT

I was wondering if someone had a list of sites they can either pm or post here. That sell opt-in data full records like address and first name last name zip etc.

I am also looking for international leads to purchase as well. No shady sites please. Reputable sources only.


How do you do affiliate marketing on Google Adwords?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 06:37 PM PDT

I made some money on a PPC campaign on Adwords for 2 days, but then they suspended my account for being a "bridge page". I contacted them, exchanged emails and tried to comply with their requirements but they kept telling me that the visitor shouldn't have to "leave your web page in order to buy the product". So does that mean affiliate marketing isn't allowed on Adwords? But then how does everyone else do it? :confused:

Adsense & Socratese WP Theme

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 06:36 PM PDT

I am wondering if using the same WP theme (in my case, Socrates theme) for all your Adsense websites is allowed?

does linkvana work?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 06:31 PM PDT

can anyone who has used linkvana tell me if this is a good service
in particular

1) how many links can you get per month, what is your experience

2) when you submit a spun artricle do you have to proof each spin. say i spin 1 article 100 times, does each variant have to be proofed so it reads like good english with proper grammar

3) related to first question, it says on you get unlimited links how does that work? I am aiming for 500- 1000 article submissions in 2 months is that doable? on the same topic of course. i assume you cannot literally get unlimited links like in the thousands or can you?

Views to the sites, but no page impressions on adsense

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 06:29 PM PDT

One of my sites is getting views, but it rarely shows page impressions on adsense. I have a few sites running on adsense and their are working fine, its only this 1 site.

Anyone know why?

do people actually like dropshipping?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 06:26 PM PDT

if your selling stuff via dropship from china, hong kong, etc, do people actually buy?

kinda curious, i know i personaly try to avoid it if im getting it like that, i hate waiting 2-4 weeks for my purchase...

how can i get a website for verification?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 06:18 PM PDT

i don't really have a website. some networks use an auto-process where they require you to post something on your website or upload something. i dont have a website so i was wondering if anyone out there knew how to get passed this step?

Possible Exploitable Glitch in CL ?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 06:02 PM PDT

While teaching someone else how to post on CL, I noticed that after I had deleted an ad in the "Items Wanted" section, then un-deleted the ad, the ad could no longer be deleted.

It let me delete, then undelete, but I could not delete it again. The undelete option is no longer offered.

Is it "armored" ? The way that CL deals with an ad that has been previously deleted. The previously deleted ad can no longer be deleted; it's status is "special". Could it be special in other, and exploitable ways?


Compare the number of flags it takes to knock down a previously deleted ad to the number it takes to knock down a similar ad that has not been deleted. Do 5 ads of previously deleted ads and compare the results of 5 ads that have not been deleted and then undeleted.

How to count the number of flags:

Make the ad as offensive (and likely to be immediately mass-flagged) as possible, and put in a hit counter that reports how many views the ad has had. Pick a percentage of views to flags (maybe 90%) and that's the number of estimated flags to knock down the ad. If you figure an ad has a 90% flag rate, and the hit-counter reports 35 views before the ad goes down, 90% of 35 equals 31.5.
(I just thought of the hit counter idea today while working. Wonder if it's new or someone else has thought of it.)

IPT Invites for FREE! V4

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:45 PM PDT

[*]PM Me your email.[*]Receive Invite[*]Say Thanks?[/LIST]
I have 2 Invites available so hurry up...
Enjoy :)

BTW You must have been here for at least 4months, have over 50posts and or JrVip/Donor! (they will get priority)

Where do people buy Fanpage Status Updates nowadays

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:42 PM PDT

Looking to buy some status updates on some fanpages. Havent had the need to buy in a while, but am looking now. Do people still sell ?

Plenty of Fish Account Maker Needed

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:39 PM PDT

Does anyone know where to get a plenty of fish messaging bot? That automatically replies to chat messages + inbox messages local members.

Professional Here

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:36 PM PDT


I've been here for a while, kind of just sitting behind the scenes. Every once in a while I'll come across some review/case study of a WSO and end up purchasing based solely on what the share here.

Since I've learned so much over the years by using this community as a resource, I figure its about time to step from behind the scenes and share some of my knowledge, tips, and tools as far as what works for me, especially now that I have taken myself out of the picture in my online business.


JV - Someone with a WF Account with Good Rep and TWR Member.

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:31 PM PDT

If you have one, send me a pm so I can let you know more about the method! :)

How do I rank for 'Things I Fear'

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:30 PM PDT


Web Developers Perspective (I'm mad >:/)

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:30 PM PDT

Okay. I've been struggling to get a job for almost 3 months. About a week ago, a local company hired me as a Web Developer. Now what they basically do, is purchase templates, fill in content, and rank. That's it. It's a team of about 20 incompetent people who literally take weeks just to configure a WordPress blog (setup the plugins, wp-config, load databases, etc). I'm over in the front, coding away like there is no tomorrow.

There were a couple of documents I found while uploading a clients website. I found some sales pitche PDF's. Basically, they buy the pre-existing templates for a couple hundred, and sell them for about 6k-8k. I've only been working two weeks, but everyday I think to myself "...I can run circles around these guys. Why am I not making thousands a week?". Am I wrong to be upset about this? I've also scoured the Craigslist postings, and there are literally hundreds of "Websites for $100!", and "Blogs for $70! Up and running in 48 hours!!!!". It's like really? Really?

I have the skillset. I just don't have the business portion of it. How do people find clients? I doubt Craigslist is the way to go. How do I make a name for myself, instead of looking like some spam shit-tier company that anyone with basic web knowledge could identity. Of all the websites I checked, none adhered to web standards. Page optimization was a joke, and the graphic design was that of middle school children. I'm being paid $9/hr to make someone thousands, when I could be doing this myself (I could probably churn out about 5-8 fully coded designs a week). Can anyone give any insight? Would this be a viable option? They aren't even blackhat, their borderline stupidhat.


Free Organic traffic

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:30 PM PDT

Free organic traffic how?

Visit your local best buy and make the homepage for internet explorer on their computers have both and your affiliate. that way when an employee checks it out he's less susceptible to check the second one.

you can homepage around 20+ computers and have those running all day with tons of unique visitors!

Free PLR Articles

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:29 PM PDT

Hey everyone, I will be writing unique PLR articles. Some of them I will provide to you guys for helping me with feedback. What subject / industry could you guys use? Weight loss, education, dating? Which niches would you like PLR articles for?

What are your questions about Scrapebox?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:28 PM PDT

Hi, i am starting a scrapebox FAQ thread, so post any of your questions, and i will do my best to answer it.

"Sent Items (0 Messages)"? Huh?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:18 PM PDT

I've sent 3 private messages so far... Not one of them has been recorded. Shouldn't I be able to view the messages I sent? What the deal is, peoplez? :confused:

Adwords Voucher?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:13 PM PDT

Anyone have an extra $100 Adwords Voucher that is expiring soon?

SEO Leads

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:12 PM PDT

I have been looking for the right company to purchase some seo leads from but have not had a good feeling about many of the companies I have found. I was wondering if anyone has purchased any leads online with success and if so with what companies?


-who can make this for bhw!!

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:10 PM PDT

I painfully wish i could kode and make programs and stuff but i have no experience in such avenues.

So, as a one member of BHW to the other - i humbly ask, if anyone of us can spare some of his time to make a free keyword-difficulty tool - special for bhw - members only.

At the moment, there is a keyword tool which is been shared ( stealth keyword tool ).

Stealth keyword tool is based on averages, which is wise - since almost every piece of data on google is based on a set of averages.

Our BHWktool should be able to do the following:

*check for pr of top 10
*check for links for top 10
*check for links to domain for top 10 pages

*calculate avg pr for top 10 pages
*calculate avg links_to_pages for top 10pages
*calculate avg links_to_domain for top 10pages

*find - no broad searches for keyword
*find- no of results inurl:"" intext:"" intitle:"" (this queries at the same time, not single - )

*Display results
*calculate % difficulty based on the broad search/ intitle:"" intext:"" inurl:""

*Display google insights for 30 & 90 days for selected keywords from results above.

*ability to read .csv
*text input
*result output as .csv

Keyword difficulty tool will save our work load and guessing by 50%.

If anyone can kode, please do this for us. If i could program stuff i would have made this tool weeks ago.

RSS Services list for scrapebox !!!

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:08 PM PDT

Hy every body i tried a lot of times to get a good lists of
RSS Services to scrapebox but i didn't find any thing please help me to get fresh and good list of rss

Thinking of buying YTA - Is it a good decision?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 05:05 PM PDT

I'm thinking of buying YTA. $80 is not a small amount from where I belong and it took me some time to arrange it so I wanna be sure before I buy it.

- YTA's official site is blackhattechnologies dot com?
- The price is $79.99?
- They accept Moneybookers?
- Is it a ONE-TIME cost? I mean no license renewals? No purchasing updates? Etc?
- Is it really worth it?
- I'm new to CPA and haven't made anything yet. Will YTA help me start making money?
- Any discount coupons available?
- Is the software worth it?
- What are my immediate costs after purchasing YTA? Proxies, YT accounts, what else?
- Is there any trial version of the software?
- Does YTA 'like' videos and 'thumbs up' comments as well?
- How will you rate their support out of 100%?

If you are not going to help and just troll, please don't post here. I only want people who are using YTA and want to help to answer this thread.

Tool to See Full Rankings?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 04:42 PM PDT

What is a good tool to see what pages/posts/tags and categories rank according to keywords and what positions they currently hold in google?

Anybody used MochaHost?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 04:42 PM PDT

Just looking for additional hosting plans to add to my portfolio... Anybody used this guys? Are they any good?

How to receive credit card payments on PayPal?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 04:40 PM PDT

Sorry I'm new to PayPal.

Someone has to pay me and he can only pay via Credit Card. I have a PayPal personal account. How can I receive payment from a CC?

I need scrapebox against my writings

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 04:39 PM PDT


I am a professional Academic writer, I will write (Academic paper or articles) for you against the Scrapebox.

Just one person can fulfill my need.

Thank you

Buy forum database?

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 04:39 PM PDT

Anyone's selling forum databases or know a seller selling forum databases? Maybe you know, a hacker hacks a forum, steal a db, and sell it.

I know this is blackhat...

CL Mailer Issues

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 04:35 PM PDT

I have a copy of CL Mailer along with some gmail accts and fresh private proxies.

I'm having a hard time sending emails out (many fails).

Log shows gmails not being able to log in, but I still see a few passed here and there. When I try to log in via web it asks me to verify acc with text or phone. Did I get a shitty batch of gmail accts or is gmail doing a good job of blocking access through proxies?

I'm trying to contact US people and using proxies from a nearby location however I'm not sure if my gmail accts were made in the US, (I would bet they werent).

Anyone know what's going on or can shine some light on my troubles, would greatly appreciate it. I'm a newb at this stuff and its being a pain in the *** to figure out.

Posting with CLAD

Posted: 28 Jun 2011 04:23 PM PDT

When I create a new ad in the advertisements tab in the CLAD program, should I only dedicate that one ad to one region? It gives you the option to select multiple areas, but I'm not sure that I really want to do that. Is there a problem with this?