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- Quick question about .us domains
- Does one Need a ********* PC for SENuke?
- Coder Looking For Mentor
- Fan Page Photo Wall Posts Not Showing On iPhone News Feed.
- [ScrapBox] Grab & Blast These AutoApprove DoFoll Links Now-FREE
- Browser that allows for proxy posting on CL?
- Jumpstart not working!! ??
- $$$Selling Replica On Website!!!
- If you get banned...
- How much cost scrapebox
- Backlink Engines
- Problem posting on Craigslist section "talent"
- I got the funniest scam e-mail today (warning: slightly NSFW)
- Need 5 USA proxies
- [ScrapeBox] Grab These AutoApprove DoFoll Blogs Now!
- Target keyword
- question about how to target CPA offers on PPV traffic
- edu question
- is scrapebox automatic mode effective?
- Once Again: The Biggest Shithole is banned (Imran Naseem)
- Ping Fm Bot
- how do they use .edu sites
- Best Method on Facebook
- WTB BEBE shirts
- First potentinal WH project - Need Advice
- Running Fake Ticket Competitions
- My Profile Links...What Should I Do
- facebook app/redirect problem
- Up-to-date RSS submission directories?
- All In One SEO - Auto Complete Plugin
- From Email to list?
- Looking For Adcenter Accounts.
- [WP] SEO Plugins
- Facebook Sues Maxbounty
- Mobile Offers
- Twitter tracking
- Facebook Status Posts?
- How do people sell Twitter followers?
- Victim of a Con - Please help
- Promoting Forex
- Why Some People get All Their Accounts Banned From Youtube ?!?!
- [REQ] ultimate g-power traffic nightmare
- Leaving Programs Running on my ********* Server
- CJ PayPerCall
- New Facebook Filters?
- Trade some Fan Page Posts - upto 60k
- Best CL Poster
- Competator site uses my URL info and spams the search engines
- Closeing Thread.
- How or where can i port over a number to forward?
Quick question about .us domains Posted: 01 Nov 2010 08:52 PM PDT If I am just posting backlinks will I have any problems reaching a pagerank of atleast 2 with a .us domain name? | |
Does one Need a ********* PC for SENuke? Posted: 01 Nov 2010 08:34 PM PDT Was thinking about buying SEnuke but have read that you need a de-dicated pc? Anyone here know about this? Thanks. | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 08:32 PM PDT Hello, I am a coder that has dribbled in "blackhat" technics several years ago but I have been "whitehat" since going to college and recieving my diploma. I am looking for a mentor to help me get into blackhat email marketing/bulk mailing. In return I will develop programs/scripts for my mentor. The information that I require is: - Good Off-shore Servers - How to tie profits to a bank account(offshore account?) - Good affiliate sites that don't mind blackhat sales. - Just the basics on how to get started in the business. | |
Fan Page Photo Wall Posts Not Showing On iPhone News Feed. Posted: 01 Nov 2010 08:14 PM PDT I post a photo on my wall. The photo (update) does not show up in the home section (newsfeed) on an iPhone. I post a wall post url (link). They show up on an iPhone. Any idea what the issue? Are you facing this issue? Is there a setting I am overlooking? any help is much appreciated, thanks BHW! | |
[ScrapBox] Grab & Blast These AutoApprove DoFoll Links Now-FREE Posted: 01 Nov 2010 08:13 PM PDT Here you go h**p://acrosscountrycarmovers*com/2010/03/19/can-i-put-stuff-in-my-car-when-shipped h**p://apartment-marketing-solutions*com/658 | |
Browser that allows for proxy posting on CL? Posted: 01 Nov 2010 08:03 PM PDT Hey folks, I've been searching online for this, and couldn't find the answer, so I figured I'd try it out here. I want to be able to post CL ads for a car dealership in my city, but I won't always be in the city. I did some searching online and found a service that does CL posting for car dealers around the country, and they claim they use the following: "Craigslist does not want someone to remotely post ads for your dealership. The special browser that we have you install allows our staff to post cars so they appear to be coming from your location." Anybody have any idea what this would be that I could install on the dealer computer to make ads post from their IP address?? Thanks in advance for your feedback! | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 08:00 PM PDT Jumpstart seems to be down again! Also, all videos submitted seem to have been removed!!! anyone else having the same problem??? | |
$$$Selling Replica On Website!!! Posted: 01 Nov 2010 07:59 PM PDT First off, I've never been involved in replica business before, so this might sound ignorance to some of you. Please, refrain yourself. When I've read thread on how to sell it, bla blah blah, I always hear this "sell it on website is the way to go". Why does selling on website is harder than selling on ebay? Isn't the other way around? You see, I always thought that selling anything for that matter, online is relatively simple. Getting traffic is tough, but I'm sure if the margin is high, It wouldn't be any problem bidding these highly competitive "BRANDED NAME" keyword. So questions are: 1. What keeps you from stepping up your game and get it on website? 2. What are the typical margin for these "ITEMS"? 3. Anyone has ever had online store before? What's your experiences? Discuss: | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 07:51 PM PDT Then what shold you do ? Im asking since, i had a nightmare today about it :) Anyway, could i quickly signup with a fake name and just continue ? Only IP should be different ? | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 07:43 PM PDT Wonder the price of this tool, WHERE TO GET IT, also can this be installed if two computers? Is this safe for ADSENSE ? THANKS FOR YOUR COMMENTS.. | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 07:18 PM PDT ![]() Any one who use this software? I need your comments here please | |
Problem posting on Craigslist section "talent" Posted: 01 Nov 2010 07:15 PM PDT I cannot for the life of me get any adds to go up on the talent section in craigslist for the last week or so before then I had no problems what so ever Im a legit photographer posting for models my add doesn't contain any words insinuating nudity or anything adult related adds are short , Ive tried everything... I see people in the same section posting adds for strippers .... I can post in the normal jobs section but not the talent ?? does anyone know what could be going on or have the same problem ? | |
I got the funniest scam e-mail today (warning: slightly NSFW) Posted: 01 Nov 2010 07:05 PM PDT Here is the text of the e-mail that had me laughing my head off: "i bought a dildo at cashbot. i request a refund on both as it doesn't fit up my arse. i will carry out further investigations on my arse with trading standards. if i do not refund my money and if still no action taken i will take this case to small claims court and say you raped me up the bum and i'll get trading standards in volved in investigation!" Yeah buddy come on and sue me lol.:p | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 07:03 PM PDT I need 5 US SOCK proxies that are very fast. I need them in the next hour. Please PM me with price and skype/aim info | |
[ScrapeBox] Grab These AutoApprove DoFoll Blogs Now! Posted: 01 Nov 2010 06:56 PM PDT Here you go h**p://acrosscountrycarmovers*com/2010/03/19/can-i-put-stuff-in-my-car-when-shipped h**p://apartment-marketing-solutions*com/658 | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 06:47 PM PDT I just created a new website wich is SEO optimize for my keyword. Right now, my Ad unit is showing UNREVELANT ad, not targeted to my keyword at all. How many times does it take before Adsense start displaying related ad? Do my website need to be crawled first? I would like some insight about Keyword targeting because: 1- My site IS optimised for my keyword 2- I checked using google and There are many relevant ads for my keywords right now. (I did a search for my keyword on Google and many relevant ads showed up on the side but none of these ads are showing on my website) Thanks guys, ;) | |
question about how to target CPA offers on PPV traffic Posted: 01 Nov 2010 06:26 PM PDT hey guys im new at ppv marketing, and was just wondering how some of you target you ppv campaigns when using a somewhat generic offer like a $500 gift card, or something like that. | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 06:20 PM PDT Hi, As a student, I have access to our university's electronic portfolios (Mahara). In other words, I can create as many views as I want. Let's say I create multiple views (pages) and added links to my money site would that increase the juice to my website? or does big G count only 1 link from that ip? Thank you. | |
is scrapebox automatic mode effective? Posted: 01 Nov 2010 06:11 PM PDT The way I see it, every blog that scrapebox can comment on is worthless because its been spammed to death. so is scrapebox automatic mode effective for SEO? If I harvest 10k blogs and start in the morning and shut if off at night, how many backlinks will I get? will these be worth anything? not interested in its other features like pinging, harvesting blogs and manual commenitng, etc. only want to know if automatic mode is good. | |
Once Again: The Biggest Shithole is banned (Imran Naseem) Posted: 01 Nov 2010 06:01 PM PDT Anyone have any more information about this guy this time? ;) Code: | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 05:53 PM PDT I'm currently checking the Blog Blueprint launch and noticed they are offering a account creator bot. To me this seems like the best part of the package. I've searched around big G and other places looking for something similar and wondered if anyone can point me in the right direction. I'd hate to buy the product only for the bot..:rolleyes: | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 05:52 PM PDT Was using a scraper to see what what competitive keywords were ranking where. Some were ranking on .edu sites, which I'm assuming get a lot of clout from google since they are .edu sites. Some of them were subdomains with wordpress blogs, but in order to comment you couldn't have a generic wordpress login. If you did I wouldn't be asking this question. So how are some of these guys using these sites. Because I don't think a music subdomain of would approve of a bunch of buy cialis comments, like there were on the blog. | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 05:42 PM PDT I've been looking on the forums and I've seen bots that do things like add friends, message, post on peoples walls etc, and for the most part I've heard of people getting their accounts shut down for the exact same actions. I don't wanna focus on the users actions and how they could of got banned but more so I would like to talk about the best ways or more acceptable ways to "advertise" (i don't like to use the word spam because I find that what I do is not spam beacuse I don't flood in boxes and do other actions associated with spam) in your expierences. I'm relatively new to facebook and have been tagging photos and have yet to run into any issues, though I have heard of a photo roadblock yet to see one though but have had problems with messages and even adding. I'm just looking for a few expert social network advertiser opinions on the methods they use or have been testing and any help in general would be appreciated. | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 05:36 PM PDT Looking to buy replicas of bebe shirts msg me with prices and pics | |
First potentinal WH project - Need Advice Posted: 01 Nov 2010 05:34 PM PDT Hey all I found a product that is in a great niche I know well and has basically no internet marketing involved with it. The product maker has a crappy website with a paypal "Buy Now" button as the payment gateway. My question is, how can I set up a commission system with the product maker? What is the simplest way to be able to track clicks/sales made by me? Any help is greatly appreicated :happysad: | |
Running Fake Ticket Competitions Posted: 01 Nov 2010 05:33 PM PDT I'm trying something new with Facebook at the moment; using it to get people to opt into my email list with fake ticket competitions pages. For example, a big celebrity/band/whatever is coming to your country, you set up a ccTLD with CelebNameTickets.ccTLD These are pretty simple to rank for provided you give yourself 2-3 months in advance. Step 1 is to get their email on my double opt in list so I can send them offers even if/when the Facebook page is banned. Step 2 is always to "Like" the Facebook page so that their friends and family will see it in their feed and then follow the same step. Every few days, I tell them to tune into a well known radio or T.V station to learn more about how to win tickets and to ensure they Like this so their friends find out. The key to having them share it a lot on Facebook is by offering the winner more than just 1 ticket; offer 10. Incentive is that if their friends sign up, it increases their own chances of winning if their friend happens to win. Every few days, I send out a email like the following. Quote:
You can use this for just about anything really, Facebook users are not very intelligent and once you get a list going, they're quite happy to jump through hoops in order to gain additional entries. Wrong/immoral? I guess so but radio stations have pulled stunts like this for many years now. | |
My Profile Links...What Should I Do Posted: 01 Nov 2010 05:29 PM PDT Ok this is for the profile link masters so if you are one or have infon on them please kindly help.been doing DFB for about 5 months or so. I know all the stories on how profile links are not worth anything blah blah but im still pushing on. This time im doing a 2 month trial on deep links from my main site (some say dont but because its off the home page im trying it) and will be running a diffrent link for this month and december.My plan is this......Take my 500 links a day (again a diffrent link a day but using the same keywords) and put them into links2RSS to make a RSS url. Take it into SB and send it to the RSS submiters it comes with and do this daily for each new this something that sounds like it will help to get them indexed OR am I wasting my time with my methods with DFB and using it for this test of the deep links to the main site.......I await your replay! | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 05:25 PM PDT ok so i'm using tinies app and i need to be able to post a link on facebook that shows all the information of the apps landing page. it's a internal script so if you just link the it shows pretty much jiberish. i need a redirect .php layout or something so when i post a link on facebook it shows basically whatever i want in the information below, along with a working thumbnail image. thanks BHW, | |
Up-to-date RSS submission directories? Posted: 01 Nov 2010 05:06 PM PDT RSS submission service is everywhere but I am wondering if anyone has a complete up-to-date RSS submission directories(at least 100 most popular ones) in a text format which can save us sometime and we can import the list to scrapebox and get this RSS thing done in one shot. | |
All In One SEO - Auto Complete Plugin Posted: 01 Nov 2010 04:57 PM PDT Is there such a tool or plugin available that will automatically fill in the title, description (possible scrape the first 2/3 lines of each post) & keywords fields from already existent posts? I thinking from an autoblog perspective that you could have such a plugin or tool complete this section for all posts which already exist and then complete this information on the new posts that automatically get posted to your blog. So you would install the plugin and it would go out and analyze your posts and complete these 3 fields or alternatively you could tell the plugin what you want these fields to have in them (possibly with spun text) on a category basis. With autoblogs these get left blank so if you optimizes them with category relevant content then it should help... Right?? Is there already such a tool or is this at all possible? | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 04:51 PM PDT Ok so I have a website where users email me and thus I have their email address. But I don't know how to extract these emails to a list so I can out them through a bulk mailing list...Any ideas? Anything would be good, thanks :) | |
Looking For Adcenter Accounts. Posted: 01 Nov 2010 04:46 PM PDT Hi, I need more Adcenter accounts, looking for a trusted seller. | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 04:42 PM PDT When using seo plugins that give you the choice to mass input your keywords and the SEO is done for you in the page tags etc, is it best to use 3-5 keywords or just drop in all keywords you see relevant, does putting more in dilute your impact in serps? | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 04:13 PM PDT Sry if there is a thread about this but I couldn't find one. What is everyones thoughts about Facebook sueing Maxbounty? | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 04:08 PM PDT Does anybody know of any good converting offers for mobile traffic? I am looking for anything that pays decent and converts well. | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 04:00 PM PDT i have a question. Imagine my twitter account with 10000 followers, but in those 10000 there are about 20 that i want get a notification of their new tweets. how can i do that? | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 03:52 PM PDT If I bought accounts or fan-page. How much clicks/hits should I get to my affiliate link or landing page per: 1000 2000 5000 50K 100K 300K 1 Million | |
How do people sell Twitter followers? Posted: 01 Nov 2010 03:48 PM PDT How does it work? How do the service providers get thousands of followers to the selected account? ... | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 03:36 PM PDT So recently I was a victim of a con! . I wrote articles for a guy that claimed he would pay me after 200 articles at the rate of $4.00 per article.. I finished my last batch of articles and now I haven't heard back from him in a couple weeks. Is there anything I can do? I don't know his personal info, and I don't know his paypal id... This was my first project working for him, I checked his email info and no luck getting anything useful... Just wondering, 1.) is there a way I can find out his personal info and 2.) if i do find out, what can I do about it? This sucks!. This guy owes me $800!! ... By the way, all transactions were made through email, if that helps any. Also, I do not have the option of selling the articles to someone else, he has already published them | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 03:27 PM PDT Hello my name is Marcos, I am promoting a Forex apprenticeship that allows you to trade using my firms money. What if you could trade with our company trading account and up to $3mil of our trading capital at your disposal with NO RISK of trading losses. You keep the majority share of trading profits AND gain a 12-month training internship while you're at it! I am trying to find leads of people that are losing or have lost their capital trading Forex and want a safe way to learn to do it the right way. Thank you | |
Why Some People get All Their Accounts Banned From Youtube ?!?! Posted: 01 Nov 2010 03:23 PM PDT I just can't understand why some of you get all your accounts banned from Utube in ONE Time !! Sure , Youtube sometimes ban one of my accounts, but never EVER all my acounts at ONE time even if it's from the same IP ! Ouuups... yes just one time, in 01/2009 they banned all my accounts .. but that was because I Created all those accounts from the SAME mail adress ...So far, I 've never made this stupid error again ... Did you guys create your different acounts from the same mail adress ? :eek::eek: Please I need some answers .... :confused::confused: I'm confused !! PS : Youtube Just Cannot Ban all the accounts from the same IP because this PUBLIC IP is used by hundreds of people!!! | |
[REQ] ultimate g-power traffic nightmare Posted: 01 Nov 2010 03:12 PM PDT does anyone have ultimate g-power traffic nightmare i just saw it now heres the sales page hxxp:// replace xx with tt if anyone has used this has it , is it good? and can someone upload please. thanks in advance. | |
Leaving Programs Running on my ********* Server Posted: 01 Nov 2010 02:39 PM PDT Hey Everyone, I'm wondering if it is possible to have programs like xrumer or senuke or programs in general running on my ********* server after i log off and shut off the computer. I want to have these programs running on my ********* but i do not want my computer on through out the night. i've tried leaving xrumer on and logged off. After logging back on the program was closed. Would anyone know how to solve this problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, dchun | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 02:38 PM PDT Is anyone actually making a substantial amount of money with this? If so what are the providers that are giving you the best success? Was using the Art Institute and Wysong made about $60 but thats it..Was just curious to know if anyone else is making some good change off this... | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 02:25 PM PDT Does anyone know how to get around fb's new wall post filters? like you cant post certain keywords and if you try too much they'll start ghosting all your posts?????:D:D:D:D | |
Trade some Fan Page Posts - upto 60k Posted: 01 Nov 2010 02:24 PM PDT Got a fan page with 30k+ fans? Hit me up if you would like to exchange wall posts. You post something for me on your page wall - I post something for you on my page wall! thanks | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 02:21 PM PDT Fairly new to the automatic posts, been doing manual posts for too long and I've been thinking about getting someone / something to help me post about 50-100 posts a day. I've used the demo of cuteback page poster and I didn't like it. Used CL Bot Pro and thought it was alright, but the add-on prices were ridiculous. Want the opinions of some veteran CL users of the best / most affordable posters. Thank you. | |
Competator site uses my URL info and spams the search engines Posted: 01 Nov 2010 02:20 PM PDT Anyone knows what happens if a competator site uses my URL info and spams the search engines with backlinks and several other things like mail spamming ect.. ? Do i get banned? | |
Posted: 01 Nov 2010 02:06 PM PDT I think the OP should have the option to close the thread. I have seen a lot of old threads dug up lately. And maybe have the thread close after 3 months of no activity. If its over 3 months old more than likely it no good anyway. | |
How or where can i port over a number to forward? Posted: 01 Nov 2010 01:44 PM PDT i have a number with vonage that i dont really use but dont want to lose. id like to just forward it to another number i have. where can i move this number to that will let me either hold it or forward it? thanks |
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