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- Best way to dilute my conversion ratio?
- I think this is a good idea
- RDSL in Boston?
- Autoblog Tools
- What can i do with ID Facebook ?
- need PHP script
- anyone know tubefool?
- iframe and cloadking
- [Get] Tube Pusher V5.2 2011 fixed
- What programs do you use to make logos?
- Scrapebox Mini Tutorial Improve your comment acceptance rate by 80%
- scrapebox still working fine for comments
- Need a Fast WAy to Find All My Articles???
- Increase Traffic to your website
- DC Universe Online
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- Looking for someone whom can provide me Youtube Comments
- Looking for Adsense Guru
- Hi...
- htaccess code to fix the farmer update
- gambling/betting lists
- Starting to dominate a Keyword - suggestions?
- Best complete hands-off link building service on the market??
- bookmarking demon
- Hand Rabbit
- Is The Warrior Forum For Retards Only?
- sharecash proxy method??
- i need working fb app
- Need some quick advice for adsense...
- Any review of Classified Auction script - YSP ?
- Help: Scraping a List Off Google
- torrentleech invites
- is this a valid MPAA letter?
- Subdomain problems
- CL Bot problem?
- Failing miserably at PPC
- Google Circles - Google Social Network Coming soon..?
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- Anyone heard of KW Grouper or how to get it?
- yo
- Looking for FB ads
- The BHW All-Star Team
- Google searching numbers
- How many accounts do you use for Article Marketing Robot?
- looking for mortgage sponsor to mail
- Free Youtube Accounts
- Scrapebox = fail ??? 500 Blog Comments = nothing happened
- Anyone around here running their own recurring monthly membership program via Clickbank?
- any one believe they are good in humor ?
- Who are drug lover or prostitute lover?
Best way to dilute my conversion ratio? Posted: 13 Mar 2011 08:41 PM PDT What is the best way to inflate the amount of clicks that I get on an ad? Right now I'm not comfortable with my conversion rate. It has to be from a US IP. Thanks. | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 08:13 PM PDT Its not much but its good enough. If you care about your son's and daughter's future you should also start planting a tree and try to convince other people :sleep: | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 07:59 PM PDT Anyone need it? I may have it available in the near future. | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 07:54 PM PDT I currently have 3 auto blogs I use wp-o-maitc on all 3 blogs and have yahoo pipes that feed content. I've heard a lot of talk about wprobot and I am wondering what the advantage of that is vs wp-o-maitc. | ||
What can i do with ID Facebook ? Posted: 13 Mar 2011 06:02 PM PDT Hello, i got 150k ID facebook, what can i do with this ? | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 06:02 PM PDT Can somebody please help me. I am looking for PHP script to put rss feed in my web.... | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 06:01 PM PDT just discovered this sofware and i think is amazing.just want to ask if anyone know any program that does something similat to that. tubefooldotc*m | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 05:26 PM PDT Hi Being a webmaster, I have a bunch of websites under my control :) I was thinking to leverage that so that i can increase hits/ranks for a personal site. A couple of questions though! a) I added iframes to all those sites and my daily page visits went up considerably. I have google analytics on my site. Does anyone agree that a high number of page visits increases the curiosity of Google's page ranking algorithm or is mostly number of links and relevant content that determines your page rank. b) Can anyone guide me to what I can do to add links of my site onto these othersites without arousing any suspicions? Some people have mentioned cloacking?! is that just simply adding my link to their code and show it only when a spider is looking at it?? c) I had to remove my iframe code on some sites because some public complained to the owner that "i think there is a virus on your website". which came down to me from the owner. I told him i will look into it and had to remove my iframes from some of those sites. any idea how that could have happened? the way i insert my iframe is... using jquery.. i insert a div "<div id="clr"></div> then i insert my iframe inside that div and then after 3 seconds.. remove the <div id="Clr"> which removes the iframe as well. so advantage is that the iframe is never part of the sourcecode and also it gets remove after 3 seconds (which is enough to register a hit on my site though). | ||
[Get] Tube Pusher V5.2 2011 fixed Posted: 13 Mar 2011 05:25 PM PDT PM me if you can post url's so i can give you the virus total and the download link =) Comment on Video : Custom Delay Time [x] Comment on 1 video with multiple account : Custom Delay Time[x] Comment on gathered videos with multiple accounts : Custom Delay Time [x] Send Messages [x] Send Messages With Videos [x] Send Messages With Multiple Accounts [x] Send Messages With User's username : Type $$NAME$$ : [x] Send Messages To Users who are online [x] Auto Subscribe To a Certain User [x] Auto Thumbs Up [x] Save Usernames [x] Load Usernames [x] Proxy Support [x] ++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Auto Message send (4000 per day ||| Over 200 per hour ||| 10 every 4 minutes) Auto Message and video send (4000 per day ||| 30 per hour ||| 1 every 2 minutes ) Auto Friend Request (4000 per day ||| 40 per hour ||| 1 every 1 minute 30 seconds ) Auto Friend Request (960 per day ||| 40 per hour ||| 1 every 1 minute 30 seconds ) [Custom Delay Time] Auto Comment On Video [Custom Delay Time] Auto Comment on Video with up 20 Account [Unlimited] + [No Captcha] + [No Delay] + [ No Problems =) ] Up 2 [1440 Comments in 1 day, using 20 accounts] Video Id's Gathering [Up to 64,000 id's] More Than 500 user id's you can gather (V2 Could only gather 1 full page) [V3 up to 64,000 id's you can gather] Web Browser Zoom in and out 5 unique Comments [Only for 20 account] [Using 1 account only uses 1 comment section] Hide To Tray [Runs in the background] - [Unfortunately still unable to mute browser] (Good for running at night) Awesome GUI [Graphical user interface] + [ Sexy =) ] Specific MiliSecond Delay [60 = 1 Sec] AUTO Log in and Log out for account Notes: If you only have 1 account than just load the same account into the messanger you might have to auto stop =) You only have to have 13 accounts to have to messenger function work without getting the "you have recently sent" = message Thats it and get views + subscribers + Thumbs up + Comments like crazy =) Took me all saturday =) Awesome Screen Shots Cant Show Pretty pics =( cant post url's ??? I am staying on V5 =) until all errors are fixed =) if you have any errors, reply here and i will fix them ASAP... I have fixed all sending errors all posted errors have been fix'ed so far =) | ||
What programs do you use to make logos? Posted: 13 Mar 2011 05:16 PM PDT Hi there, I have 10 websites and I need to make logos for them. I'm looking for a free software that make logos, however I'm not an expert with design so the software have to be easy to work with. A nice software would be a software that ask me what name I want in logo and generate a logos and allow me to pick the logos that I want. If someone can help me is appreciated. Thank you | ||
Scrapebox Mini Tutorial Improve your comment acceptance rate by 80% Posted: 13 Mar 2011 05:12 PM PDT This little tutorial will show you how to increase you comment acceptance by up to 80% I came up with this while managing my own blogs. While reviewing post comments I keep a sharp eye on on spam, any “Thank you great post” replies will not get by me. But sorting through so many comments you become less focused on things and this is where most admins will slip up. We all love trackbacks/pingbacks, right? So we always approve them. How do you recognize a trackback? Well they show up in the comments approval list and they are mixed in with the regular comments. It is easy to recognize them as the main text will have the following tail tale signs: (see img below) ![]() Notice all trackbacks and pingbacks have a […] at the beginning and the end. I noticed myself that my brain got so used to approving those things that every time I see them I auto approve it. This is the case with most admins. Everyone wants trackbacks, and everyone will auto approve them. After running tests I noticed almost an 80% stick increase. So next time you run your campaign just enter a post in a similar way. For example: Or Quote: | ||
scrapebox still working fine for comments Posted: 13 Mar 2011 05:03 PM PDT We all know there was an update etc and sadly some fellow bht'ers lost out. However I have ,being honest,still been blasting away and seen only upward movement on anything I blast.I do seek high pr sites and manually comment on them(approval needed).I use social bookmarking sites like IMautomator,I also use AMR.I am in many cases blasting directly at the main site. The domains are usually over 6months old and I think this is the key.I would be VERY wary of blasting a new site now,in fact I wouldn't.If it got sandboxed,yes I would. I have wordpress sites so I get the usual 100+ spam a day but I simply delete it all. Anyway I think comments still have something,devalued,sure,but not dead. I am not shy at blasting either.I think alot of issues come with people blasting 50k of links and desperately trying to ping every link,to me this is comment suicide.I have seen upward movement the next day but little links showing.My view is it's probably like reading a book for google,the links are seen (read) but it's not really noted,however if you ping it's like a full colour picture on the next page and gets alot of attention. I never use any tool by google such as google webmaster etc.I use independant tools only but I'm not fussed about getting every link found,in fact I wouldn't want that because if you have say 50k links,over time they get archived and you've lost a link.Let the links be found naturally and it evens out alot better. Anyway folks that my 2c's worth,comments might be devalued but they are still worth the effort. | ||
Need a Fast WAy to Find All My Articles??? Posted: 13 Mar 2011 04:59 PM PDT This is a newb question, but how do you quickly find all of your URLs on your domain? I dont mean the indexed ones in google or something, i am referring to all of the domains of your website (indexed and unindexed). I have SB but dont know if this can find them easy.. :) | ||
Increase Traffic to your website Posted: 13 Mar 2011 04:50 PM PDT The following methods you can join to increase your traffic. 1-social networking site like facebook and twitter 2-social bookmarking sites. 3-directory submission 4-article submission 5-blog commenting 6-forum posting | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 04:49 PM PDT Does anyone if theres a bot for this game yet? like world of warcraft has? | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 04:40 PM PDT Just like the title says, anyone every tried kooltrade? | ||
Looking for someone whom can provide me Youtube Comments Posted: 13 Mar 2011 04:21 PM PDT Here's the deal: I'm looking for someone to write anywhere from 50-500 comments on videos. I will provide the comments, you post them on the videos. So if anyone provides this service, please name your price. The comments are all about the video and are in a non-english language. I will send you a list of the comments and you simply post 50-500 comments on 1 video (Will be more videos soon). The comments won't get your accounts banned because they are about the video itself, so not promoting any adult content/websites. So if you have about 50-500 accounts to post comments with, let me know. Thanks. | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 04:15 PM PDT Hey, I'm looking for an adsense guru, who can review my site design, and give me pointers on how I should format the adsense placement on the site. If you are an Adsense Guru, contact me :) | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 04:14 PM PDT Hello people of BHW. Nice forum I really want to get some sites up as I have plenty of time on my hands and have done a bit of HTML, CSS and PHP over the years. Can anyone recommend where a complete noob should start? Thanks :) | ||
htaccess code to fix the farmer update Posted: 13 Mar 2011 04:10 PM PDT my site's rankings got killed in the scraper and farmer updates. I would like to disable the wodrpress blog that is located on because it is filled with scraped content, and maybe even redirect all the traffic from the 2000+ pages in the blog to my homepage. Can anyone please suggest an htaccess code that I can use to do this? I'm trying to recover from the farmer update. | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 04:10 PM PDT If you have online gambling or betting or bingo lists, hit me up on skype: imperatorny . Looking for big lists only, over 50-100k up to a couple of million. I have an offer nobody in their right mind can refuse. | ||
Starting to dominate a Keyword - suggestions? Posted: 13 Mar 2011 04:10 PM PDT I'm on the 3rd page in google of a keyword I'm trying to dominate. I've been doing yahoo answers a bit. Any suggestions on what I should do next? | ||
Best complete hands-off link building service on the market?? Posted: 13 Mar 2011 03:31 PM PDT Hi everyone, I'd like to know what you think the best link building service is on the market - one where price is not a factor. I'm aware of senuke, scrapebox, xrumer, 100% unique contextual blog posts through build my rank, linkvana, regging aged, high pr domains and hosting them on separate c class for my own personal network of link juice, tiered link building, pinging backlinks of backlinks etc but I'm looking for a total hands off approach where I can entrust my sites to a master. So who do people turn to? does everyone just do it themselves? Cheers, Rich. | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 03:31 PM PDT Hello, I have read on the forum that I can get a discount for the program using clickbank. So I have registered to the website, searched the program on the marketplace and tried to buy it but the price is the same. Does anybody knows what do I need to do for the discount? Thank you. | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 03:21 PM PDT ![]() I found it mildy amusing ;) | ||
Is The Warrior Forum For Retards Only? Posted: 13 Mar 2011 03:11 PM PDT "Make $1000000 a day!" "No! Make $2000000 a day!" "Get to the top of Google in 2 minutes!" "I will stop making money for myself - and make it for you instead!" Nuff said. | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 03:04 PM PDT hey, i've been researching sharecash methods for ages now, and I was wondering if instead of using complex methods, if something as simple as getting a proxylist and downloading your files would work? I know it would not amount to much, but im just starting out. thanks CC | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 02:56 PM PDT hey guys, i use fb apps for 3 month but since 3 days ago i can't make my apps post, i tried changing the domain, text and everything was fresh but app won't post and i get "feed limit reached" or "message failed" can you please help me? | ||
Need some quick advice for adsense... Posted: 13 Mar 2011 02:37 PM PDT Hey guys, I'm fairly new to IM as well as this forum and this is actually my first post but I do read a lot of stuff on this site and I find it very valuable. Lot's of people on BHW bring a lot of inspiration. I currently have a few blogs with adsense and I'm trying to increase my traffic. To be honest I have bigger things planned for the future in terms of ventures etc., so my goal isn't to make any huge earns. My goal is to average about $20 a day with google adsense. Ive done some back links with the help of IBusiness Pro, and Ive also put up my blogs on StumbleUpon. What do you guys recommend in terms of achieving my goal of 20 bucks a day. I'm aware that asking for advice on a random amount like $20 seems a bit odd knowing that you can't exactly predict how much one will make, but I'm aiming for approximately that amount, give or take a few dollars. Any advice would be gladly appreciated, thanks. Cheers :D | ||
Any review of Classified Auction script - YSP ? Posted: 13 Mar 2011 02:36 PM PDT Hi there !!
Thanks | ||
Help: Scraping a List Off Google Posted: 13 Mar 2011 02:33 PM PDT Hi All, My site has like 800+ pages indexed on Google. Is there an easy way to download a list of all the indexed pages? I know you can do it easily with Yahoo. Any advice? Thanks | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 02:16 PM PDT howdy and goodafternoon i thought i would try my luck here and see if any of you nice gentlemen can help me out here ive now been trying to get a torrentleech invite and finding it really annoying i can not so far ive had every other prob solved here thought i would give it a go. i dont mind trading either i love torrents demonoid etc etc . please anyone got a spare one they could trade i'd really appreciate it. plus i am a very occasionally a good donater to these sites so may work well for yourself only using it to get latest films etc xbox 360 games . so will be used often. thanks for your time m8. cheers again john aka (cyberpunx) | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 02:06 PM PDT my host forwarded me this with regards to a movie site i have running. the site doesnt really have copyrighted material. it doesnt even link to any material. it does however have the text of the url of where the movies can be found. anyway is this legit? looks pretty professional but im thrown off by the president of the MPAA using an email of Code: MOTION PICTURE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, INC. | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 01:55 PM PDT Ok,so the story starts like this.I have 2 domains,one at and one at I started my way into microniche sites using 1and1 subdomains.Tonight I found out that 1and1(fucking company) limits me to maximum 5 subdomains.So I moved to godaddy to create another subdomain for another microniche site.The problem is,how in the hell I can create one and set it's own DNS.I found that I can create subdomains with forwarding option but I couldn't find any solutions on how to set the DNS and cancel the forwarding. If i'm not wrong,forwarded subdomains aren't getting indexed by google as it should be,right? Problem no.2,how can i set the dns of the godaddy subdomains? Problem no.3 ,if i can't set the dns to godaddy subdomains,wich other company you recomand that i can create a lot of subdomains and set the nameservers to them? Thanks in advance. Alex | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 01:55 PM PDT Set up my ad, email and such, but when i try to "post" nothing happens except a small notice that says: error: Object reference not set to an instance of an ob... Value cannot be null Parameter name: window | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 01:54 PM PDT I started with adwords, did well and am still doing well, So I decided to take a crack at facebook ads and Biing/yahoo Well both campaigns have been up for 2 days and not 1 impression ads are approved, and I have made the suggested amount way above and I am still not getting anything. any tips or guides or anything will be greatly appreciated | ||
Google Circles - Google Social Network Coming soon..? Posted: 13 Mar 2011 01:51 PM PDT i heard from some medias that google is going to present today their social network which is "Google Circles". If thats true we should put an eye on it as it can be the next big thing online. | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 01:49 PM PDT Hey folks,im a newbie here but I have been doing Im for a while. I had a 100 website project that I abandoned since my seo who was also my best friend passed away unexpectedly. Im also suffering from a disorder so I have decided give auto blogging a try and this place looks like it has a very nice population that is also very knowledgable in this area. Hope all of your days are going well:) | ||
Anyone heard of KW Grouper or how to get it? Posted: 13 Mar 2011 01:48 PM PDT I heard its best tool for grouping keywords into ad groups, but it seems like they took it off the site or something.. any one have it here or hacked copy? | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 01:34 PM PDT Hey Howdy. | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 01:31 PM PDT Hey I see a few people here may or may not be able to still use FB accounts for ads. If you have a method that is still working, drop me a line, I am willing to pay for the method or if you like you can charge me per account you create for me. Either way would be great for me, I have tried all the methods I can think of and have been pulling out the small amount of hair I do have left. Cheers | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 01:31 PM PDT Hey guys... I just wanted to compile a list of "all-stars" on this forum and their respective skillsets. It would really help guys like me in order to follow and read everything the top contributors wrote - who know what they are talking about and more importantly, are making REAL money online... I'll start... Member: Scritty Area of Expertise: Bookmarking (especially with BMD) and Web 2.0 Structure Creation Best Posts: Create Web 2.0 Structure Yourself, A Simple Method: Bookmarking Demon: (go to the tenth page where he start chiming into the conversation, the real gold begins there...) Poor Man's Power Linking: So if you can, contribute what members and specifically which of their posts were SUPER helpful to you. Hopefully we can gather a master list... | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 01:30 PM PDT Is there a way to see the daily or monthly search total of certain google results? Like if i searched apple i know it's searched 100k a month? | ||
How many accounts do you use for Article Marketing Robot? Posted: 13 Mar 2011 01:22 PM PDT If have my money site and 6 web 2.0 hubs connected to it as buffers for link building. Should I be making 6 different accounts for AMR to connect to the 6 hubs so that I don't leave a footprint? This is for a link push diagram. Or, can I use one AMR account and cross the links? Which I'm concerned might leave a huge footprint. | ||
looking for mortgage sponsor to mail Posted: 13 Mar 2011 01:00 PM PDT looking for mortgage sponsor to mail | ||
Posted: 13 Mar 2011 12:41 PM PDT hey guys i see people giving our youtube accounts a lot and ive been wanting to try out some of these programs for myself i dont want to go out and buy a few thousand yet. i just want like 50-100 free so i can just see how everything works. anyone think they could do that for me? i will give a review and feedback | ||
Scrapebox = fail ??? 500 Blog Comments = nothing happened Posted: 13 Mar 2011 12:38 PM PDT Hey guys i bought SCrapebox 2 days before... i have scraped a bunch of blogs from my german keyword and i harvested some blogs and started blog commenting... i got 500 successful comments.. as software said but after 1,5 days i cant see any results in the backlink check. whats wrong ? | ||
Anyone around here running their own recurring monthly membership program via Clickbank? Posted: 13 Mar 2011 12:35 PM PDT Would love to have a little chit-chat with someone who has a few spare moments. Can you do multiple levels of users? I'd like to run a Trial, Basic, & Professional level membership, and would love to harness the affiliate backing of Clickbank, but I can't tell if this is even possible. It's doable if I use Plimus as my biller, but Plimus doesn't come with the benefit ogf having such a huge pool of affiliates instantly... Anyone got something going on in this area? | ||
any one believe they are good in humor ? Posted: 13 Mar 2011 12:34 PM PDT just wondering is there any one who confidence in their humor skills.. ? i like to read lot book about humor but still learning.. u? | ||
Who are drug lover or prostitute lover? Posted: 13 Mar 2011 12:32 PM PDT i love thai chic,they are honest and lovely the most important is their price is so cheap !!... no drug at all... how about u? |
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