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- 1k Craigslist Job Leads Per Day
- How to take advantage of a popular site which is now offline?
- looking for someone to restore wordpress site
- For mods - Someone scraping BHW
- Knife knife knife
- Stuck on #5-8 on G
- i need non referrered views
- What can you do with 5000 facebook friends?
- I need Craigslist flagging tool
- Scrapebox? xrumer? can we start a thread that explains to all noobs(including me)the power
- Dating Reviews Website
- Bought Scrapebox. Did not receive an email with my details yet.
- Are shared proxies safe for posting on Youtube?
- Having Trademarks In The Domain
- few YT marketing questions ...
- Adsense and autoblogs.
- Huge Earthquake March 19th in Cali?
- Can i get scrapebox for the Mac??
- Somewhere to have shirts made?
- Need help/advice, can't rank for anything!!
- help reinstalling Advanced Rank Manager, +REP +10Thanks given
- Any Good Geo targeting Pop up plugin
- Your Favorites Blackhat Dish?
- Proxy Services that Auto Rotates your proxies?
- New Twitter Viral App Tool Going Around
- [Gold List] 2000 double optin list - Subscribers another great thing for Email Marketers
- Well what type of data does everybody want since everyone is in a giving mood all of a sud
- Email List of canadian subscribers - Another great list for Email Marketers
- [SHORT GUIDE] Get A Sought-After Twitter Address
- 3500 Michigan Student List emails with complete info
- Adsense - How can you track ALL websites that are showing your ads?
- IE9 - it's fast...
- From Genuinely Poor to Truly "Wealthy" Overnight: Here's How It's Done
- Can I install 2 Wordpress Blogs On 1 Domain???
- Need 500 likes on Facebook page
- From Genuinely Poor to Truly "Wealthy" Overnight: This Is How It's Done
- I swear Google Spam Team is reading BHW
- Need Expert Mailer.
- Suddenly Mr.G banned all my site
- Hitting the boxes!
- Thoughts for a JV - Proxy Related
- Help, Mass Emailing Lists with no permission!?!
- Scrapeboard Question
- Which blog / forum platforms would you like to see automated?
- {FREE} Yes I said free..
- BlackHat tolerant Affiliate Programs
- in need of beta testers YOUTUBE BLITZ
- Copyright future issue? Is having a video website full of Embedded YouTube Videos a prob
- Just a word of caution on YouTube
- Break time
1k Craigslist Job Leads Per Day Posted: 15 Mar 2011 06:27 PM PDT I can provide 1k + Leads per day. Contact me and we can work out a partnership to monetize them to benefit both parties. Pm me your skype Id to further discuss. | ||
How to take advantage of a popular site which is now offline? Posted: 15 Mar 2011 06:20 PM PDT Soon I'm going to start with a website which will offer the same product as the site "product9000" (just as an example). Product9000 is known all over the country (not talking about U.S. though) BUT now... product9000 went offline since January so the big G killed the site from the results. How can I take advantage of this in the search results for my website which offers the same as product9000 but is not so well known? Even though the site is gone, in Google they still search a lot for the term, but only blog reviews or forums posts are showing for the term now. Any suggestions? Last week I bought "product9000" with another domain (us). What good use can I make for this domain? And as a declaration, my site name and content doesn't contain the term product9000 in any single place, as that was their brand name of the now defunct site, but I indeed offer the same service. | ||
looking for someone to restore wordpress site Posted: 15 Mar 2011 06:14 PM PDT need someone to restore my wordpress site, i got all of the files from my old host but can no longer log in, please let me know the price for this type of job | ||
For mods - Someone scraping BHW Posted: 15 Mar 2011 06:10 PM PDT Check link below HTML Code: | ||
Posted: 15 Mar 2011 05:56 PM PDT While other people rank up in Call of Duty by staying in one spot and carefully sniping, I use the amazing tactic of running in circles around the very edge of the map stabbing these snipers in the back of the head. They have no idea what hit them. | ||
Posted: 15 Mar 2011 05:56 PM PDT Hey Guys, I was hoping you to get some insight regarding bumping into the top 4 spots on G. I've been hovering around 5-8 for the past few weeks but can't seem to break that #4 spot. Here's some background: I have an EMD micro niche site, 2000 exact searches/month. It's not very competitive, as the top site is PR2 and less than 500 backlinks. My site has over 5k backlinks, including blog comments, forum links, profile links, few web 2.0 sites. I've got around 5 articles so far on the site, am looking to add more, but that shouldn't be a reason why I can't move up even higher right? I just bought SB and have been messing around with it, but I'm still not seeing any significant improvements. I'm thinking of making some linkwheels, but I'm not sure if that would be the best use of my time. Would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks! | ||
Posted: 15 Mar 2011 05:41 PM PDT Can anyone offer non referrered views i.e on the public video stats no url shows up. I'm having a hard time finding a service that can offer this. I understand youtube may/maynot be undergoing changes which could limit this kind of promotion. Any advice or offers here? | ||
What can you do with 5000 facebook friends? Posted: 15 Mar 2011 05:37 PM PDT My goal is to make 5000 facebook friends is this a good marketing strategy... I use a hot chick who looks normal and I have been using an email generator(sharkgen) and adding the .csv file on facebook i sent out 400 requests today none of them were accepted.. if you have 2 cents on facebook .csv please share... But the question is.. Should every marketer build a facebook that has 5000 friends... will it help bring traffic?:D | ||
I need Craigslist flagging tool Posted: 15 Mar 2011 05:32 PM PDT does anyone have a tool like this? let me know | ||
Scrapebox? xrumer? can we start a thread that explains to all noobs(including me)the power Posted: 15 Mar 2011 05:32 PM PDT I am completely new to scrapebox and xrumer... are these even the same things or are they completely different? I know I can find this information on google and in this forum.. but the info is to broad I need some direct noob info... I keep hearing about Scrapebox...Xrumer....SEnuke... There are so many products I don't want to go blowing my money I need quality info that will help me establish my decision... Are these products the same or do they all have their own purpose? I have 1 website im working on and 2 empty domians I have sitting around Im looking to make a site live here soon how will these products help my SEO ranking n such... I want to understand these products so I can use them to my advantage I hear everybody has been making money off these is that true? | ||
Posted: 15 Mar 2011 05:29 PM PDT I got myself a domain name and set up with Wordpress. I plan on starting a blog to review different dating websites that have good Affiliate programs. Was thinking about using fiverr and getting some people to write out some posts about each dating site. Is anybody doing this and are there any tips you can share? Thanks | ||
Bought Scrapebox. Did not receive an email with my details yet. Posted: 15 Mar 2011 05:28 PM PDT Do they instantly send you the scrapebox licensing information and what not? Or do you have to wait? | ||
Are shared proxies safe for posting on Youtube? Posted: 15 Mar 2011 05:28 PM PDT Guys, Are shared proxies ok for posting vids on youtube? Shared doesn't = Public. | ||
Having Trademarks In The Domain Posted: 15 Mar 2011 05:11 PM PDT Do you guys use words like iphone, ipad etc to your domain names? On the legal side will there is a risk from losing the domain or even worst losing my domain name accounts with all domains in it. I meaning in using products words like iphone, viagra to the domain name. I don't mean in using words like Facebook, Apple etc. Sorry if this question is kinda silly | ||
few YT marketing questions ... Posted: 15 Mar 2011 05:08 PM PDT Hi Guys, Can you help me with the following .... 1) When you want to publish/submit a video to video sites like youtube do you submit it to multiple sites and the same way as people do with article marketing? if yes, is there a risk of duplicate content? same video? 2) What tools can i use to create multiple accounts with different sites? i know se nuke used to do this but se nuke has had some pretty poor press recently and would prefer to invest into something else? 3) Do you submit each new video you create under one account? or do you create a new account for every video? 4) is it still a good idea to create a rss feed that contains all of the urls of your submitted video? to help with indexing? Any other tips and suggestions .... :) | ||
Posted: 15 Mar 2011 05:04 PM PDT Do they work together? Will google ban you from their program for using ONE autoblog with adsense? edit ;; I just looked through the adsense TOS. They say NOTHING about it being against the TOS or anything to use autoblogs. | ||
Huge Earthquake March 19th in Cali? Posted: 15 Mar 2011 04:59 PM PDT This has nothing to do with BHW but I thought it was interesting..So someone sent me this and I live in Cali and was there for 1989 earthquake and ya it was pretty crazy. But the guy that predicted the 1989 earthquake is predicting one again this Sat March 19th.....I usually don't believe in this crap but he has some pretty crazy points. here is the video... *Disclaimer - This is from fox news a channel I hate and they always think the world is ending, so take it for what's it's worth..... What do you think? | ||
Can i get scrapebox for the Mac?? Posted: 15 Mar 2011 04:56 PM PDT Hi guys, i was about to purchase Scrapebox as I've heard really good things about it. Only problem is, I've got a Mac and not sure if it works on it? Please let me know. Thanks | ||
Somewhere to have shirts made? Posted: 15 Mar 2011 04:53 PM PDT Not sure where to post this, move it if it is in the wrong section. Does anyone here make shirts or anything or know where I can have shirts made without paying anything but making comission? Nothing like cafepress or anything. | ||
Need help/advice, can't rank for anything!! Posted: 15 Mar 2011 04:42 PM PDT The begining of the year I started 5 new websites, all of which are product review sites that I could monitize using amazon and adsense. The competition for all 5 sites was next to nothing. Top 10 results were amazon, tagert, walmart, buy etc so I figured itd be easy as hell to get to number #1. After 10 weeks im ranking anywhere from 100-500 for all of my domains and I dont know why. I have good, valuable, content on my sites and all my onsite SEO is good. For backlinks each site has anywhere from 1000-2000 links. I use scrapebox on the sites, ive used services here that submit my articles to 100s of article directories, i use an article network service EZArticle Link, ive bought high PR links, profile links, I've backlinked my backlinks and still nothing seems to be working!! What am I doing wrong?? I figured after 10 weeks these sites should be ranking at least in the top 10. The thing that pisses me off the most is that for a couple of these sites I have some competition (sites like mine reviewing a product) and they are out ranking me with little to no backlinks. One guy has 10 profile links, ranked 2nd, one page of content on his site and you can't even read it because the english is so bad. Can anyone give me some advice on what I should do?? At first this was fun now its just becoming a drag. | ||
help reinstalling Advanced Rank Manager, +REP +10Thanks given Posted: 15 Mar 2011 04:37 PM PDT does someone knows how to RE-install this cool tool plz? When launching it yesterday I clicked on Free licence without paying attention and now i can only manage 5 keywords instead of 50 before (thanks to date cracker).... Then when i try uninstalling and reinstalling it keeps the free licence setup in memory. Maybe the registry needs to be cleaned? Thanks for your help guys | ||
Any Good Geo targeting Pop up plugin Posted: 15 Mar 2011 04:29 PM PDT I want a popup plugin like WP super popup which will pop up when someone visits only from certain country and I want it to be disabled for all other countries which I dont want them to see the subscribe button. Thanks | ||
Posted: 15 Mar 2011 04:25 PM PDT so what do you guys love to eat? my girlfriend just cooked me fried fish with white rice and salad with lemon sooooooo goooooooooood:D | ||
Proxy Services that Auto Rotates your proxies? Posted: 15 Mar 2011 04:23 PM PDT I want to buy new scrape box proxies asap, but I want a service that I don't have to open a support ticket every new month when I want to change proxies. So far the few I have used need either a ticket or some other crap. I just want to grab a new list and plop it into the sb proxy window, and not have any extra headache or down time. Also are there any that will rotate weekly? That would be optimum but I never seen a service that does. Recommendations from owners are welcome and encouraged... Thanks people! | ||
New Twitter Viral App Tool Going Around Posted: 15 Mar 2011 04:08 PM PDT Has anyone seen this is action yet? I promote on Twitter heavily but never run into a app like these. Posted here: Not sure if we can post to other forums please delete if not allowed :o | ||
[Gold List] 2000 double optin list - Subscribers another great thing for Email Marketers Posted: 15 Mar 2011 04:05 PM PDT Hey BHW i'm giving again another great list for you guys. It is with full detailed info: hope it will help peoples out there to make some cash. Link : | ||
Well what type of data does everybody want since everyone is in a giving mood all of a sud Posted: 15 Mar 2011 03:56 PM PDT Post up here what your looking for we have just about everything | ||
Email List of canadian subscribers - Another great list for Email Marketers Posted: 15 Mar 2011 03:56 PM PDT This list containt the following infos : Name,Street_Address1,Street_Address2,City,State_Pr ovince,Postal_Code,Country,Organization,Email,Subs cribe Here is the link : | ||
[SHORT GUIDE] Get A Sought-After Twitter Address Posted: 15 Mar 2011 03:50 PM PDT In most fonts, a lowercase l looks like a capital I, and vice versa. How is this advantageous? Here are three examples: fightcIub RlSEAGAINST TlGERWOODS Can't post links yet, but go to the Twitters with that username. The possibilities are endless, as long as there is an I or an L. | ||
3500 Michigan Student List emails with complete info Posted: 15 Mar 2011 03:45 PM PDT Hi BHW Members here is a list of 3500 Michigan Students with complete info. here is the link : hope this will help any of you guys who are into Email Marketing. | ||
Adsense - How can you track ALL websites that are showing your ads? Posted: 15 Mar 2011 03:42 PM PDT My adsense is showing that I am having a boost in clicks but when I check my channels I only see about 15% of places the clicks are coming from. Is there an option to list all the sites that are giving you clicks without having to manually try to remember all the sites? | ||
Posted: 15 Mar 2011 03:35 PM PDT IE9 jsut released today ( My first take - it's noticably faster. Not that I had real complaints about IE8. I'll need to play more to be able to comment on the other changes, but it's seems worth a look. | ||
From Genuinely Poor to Truly "Wealthy" Overnight: Here's How It's Done Posted: 15 Mar 2011 03:33 PM PDT I was going to post this in response to coreygeer's thread here, but I think it applies to more people than just the OP of that thread. I don't claim to be some motivational guru and I don't claim to know everything, and I'm not doing this to seem like some kind of credible "wise" man. But I know what has worked for me. (My post starts with a reference to that original thread, talking about a video game.) I'd like to think that this isn't just another silly "All you have to do is take action!" post, and if you don't read the entire thing it may sound that way... and maybe it is... but this is my perspective and it has genuinely worked for me. Quote:
| ||
Can I install 2 Wordpress Blogs On 1 Domain??? Posted: 15 Mar 2011 03:32 PM PDT Hi, I want to install 2 wordpress blogs on one domain. I allready have one installed on www*mysite*com But now I'd like to install one on www*mysite*com/blog Is this possible? Do I just create 1 more database and upload the forum files to the new directory? Reason I want to do this is because I want to use a sales page theme on one of them (/blog) so it looks like a sales page but I still want the main index to look like a content site. In other words I need to use 2 different WP themes :) Any Help? | ||
Need 500 likes on Facebook page Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:55 PM PDT Any offers guys? Thought about approx. 5$ or so? | ||
From Genuinely Poor to Truly "Wealthy" Overnight: This Is How It's Done Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:53 PM PDT I've moved this thread here. :) Edit:Here's the original for your convenience: I was going to post this in response to coreygeer's thread here, but I think it applies to more people than just the OP of that thread. I don't claim to be some motivational guru and I don't claim to know everything, and I'm not doing this to seem like some kind of credible "wise" man. But I know what has worked for me. (My post starts with a reference to that original thread, talking about a video game.) I'd like to think that this isn't just another silly "All you have to do is take action!" post, and if you don't read the entire thing it may sound that way... and maybe it is... but this is my perspective and it has genuinely worked for me. Quote:
| ||
I swear Google Spam Team is reading BHW Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:53 PM PDT Just a couple months or so after I recommended to use quotes instead of inurl: for large harvests in order to avoid the EXTREMELY quick IP ban caused by special operators, I am now experiencing url strings in quotes for example "/user/blog/egg.php?=" to be extremely fast in getting the IP banned, almost as fast as using inurl:. So much so that I have had to change footprints to less ideal ones. I have tested this many times and this is indeed the case. Next time I will think twice before sharing tips here and it sucks because I swear Google are on to it. You think for all their employees and money they don't have at least 1 person scouring these forums for web spam loopholes to close? God damn Matt Cunts | ||
Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:50 PM PDT I am in need of an expert mailer advice. I will offer % of profit from first campaign or two. Pm me. | ||
Suddenly Mr.G banned all my site Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:49 PM PDT My farm gone today ( nearly 200 sites). Index falls to Zero... WTF,,,, some used to be ranked well. $1k2/mo Cheer with me !!!! :beach2(2) Nothing to do now..Time for new thing settled up. | ||
Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:48 PM PDT Any tips on hitting the inbox with interspire? | ||
Thoughts for a JV - Proxy Related Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:43 PM PDT Hi Ive read that u could setup your own proxy server and get 254 proxies for $50 So why not get a few guys divide the cost between us and 1 guy could use the proxies for twitter 1 guy for craigslist 1 guy for facebook etc etc if we get 5 guys then the cost will be about 4 cents per month per private proxies prett cheap compared to $2.50.. The thingvis u wont be allowed to use them for "heavy lifting" (scrapebox / xrumer) just for account creation What do u think? Anyone intrested reply here or pm me Thanx | ||
Help, Mass Emailing Lists with no permission!?! Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:41 PM PDT Hi All, I am quite new here, reading the posts for a while but did not get answer to my problem. I would like to mail an email list (20k+) when I have no permission to do so (I guess it is called spamming) Can anyone tell me what is the safest way? Ideally, I want to send them to opt in pages to have them confirmed opt in. 1, What software, tool would you use for this? 2, How to defend myself, my domain? my data? Thanks! tref | ||
Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:38 PM PDT When I click to create new accounts, I get an error that some file does not exist....If I create that file, it just does nothing..... Anyone else have that issue?? | ||
Which blog / forum platforms would you like to see automated? Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:34 PM PDT Which blog / forum platforms would you like to see automated? List them here, or PM me. I'll then see if I can do it. Micallef | ||
Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:07 PM PDT What am I giving away for free, you may ask???? Well now, Heres all the information that you need.. 14 VCCS i have... and don't need.... Bought them, and cant use them.. Info about the Vccs... Have no money on them, they are just card numbers, but are instant verified... Can be used only once and need to be used within the next 10 hours. Interested??? Well, the next 14 ppl to ask for one ***On this thread*** will get one. Thanks, Dizzspaceteam | ||
BlackHat tolerant Affiliate Programs Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:04 PM PDT Please lets make a list of affiliate programs which can be promoted using blackhat methods like Scrapebox, Xrumer spam etc. Programs which mostly do not ban you for comment spam etc. | ||
in need of beta testers YOUTUBE BLITZ Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:01 PM PDT I am in the middle ( actually 3/4 way through ) finishing an application I have been programming for the last 2 months. I am a computer networking student so it has taken longer than expected due to assignments exams etc. Anyways I am looking for 10 people to help me test my new software. The software is not really ground breaking and was done in my spare time. It may be used for a final year project next semester. All it does is increase your youtube views and allows you to auto comment on other peoples videos. The software itself uses the official YouTube API's for commenting. You are probably thinking whaaaaaa. Let me explain. The user running the software can input their own youtube API keys into a txt file and the program will randomly pick a api key then comment. This means if one API key gets banned, you can just use another. The reasons for this. It's alot faster, at the time I did not know how to make the application go to a video page and submit through a text box. The software will have the functionality to scrape youtube videos ( bit buggy at the moment, it has no duplicate checker ) or allow the user to import their own youtube video lists from scrapebox etc. The software supports proxies btw so your IP is unlikely to get banned. I am hoping the software will be finished within the next month. PM me if you are interested. first 10 people to reply will get access to it once it is complete. I will PM you with the download details after it has been complete. | ||
Copyright future issue? Is having a video website full of Embedded YouTube Videos a prob Posted: 15 Mar 2011 02:01 PM PDT I want to make a video share site with some embedded online videos from Youtube and others. If I start making tons of money and getting traffic, will I run me into future problems?? Especially if I'm redownloading , water marking and reposting on the original site to redirect people to mines?? I know this is not anything new but what are your precautions and best advice??? The problem I feel is that they will know I'm doing it intentionally for traffic because the watermarked video in my accounts on the mother video websites.... Hope you guys can help.. thx | ||
Just a word of caution on YouTube Posted: 15 Mar 2011 01:52 PM PDT Just to give you guys a head up on something. A few weeks ago I got canned out of the blue. So I created a new channel last week and they canned that one too. "Terms Of Service" violation apparently, even though I did little with the new account but use viewet on some uploads and a lot of my subscribers came back in a very short period of time. This tells me that not only are they changing the view counts, but they are cracking down on "views" and "subscribers" count. I strongly suspect we will be seeing a lot more bannings on YT in the coming days/weeks. Apparently the spike in subscribers on my channel and the views gathered in Viewet triggered their spam bot to auto terminate my new account. Even though I did little the past week and only uploaded 6 videos, none of which were against the TOS of YT. I'm not blaming Viewet for this, I see this as a sudden crackdown on YT. So looks like I will be heading over to both DailyMotion and Vimeo to share my shit. Vimeo looks so much better than YT anyways, so I can't seem to figure out why people stick with a site that gives us so much grief. Good luck to you if you use YT and use any, and I mean ANY, view increaser. | ||
Posted: 15 Mar 2011 01:51 PM PDT Hello all, A few of you may know me but the majority here won't so i'll keep this message short and sweet. Anyways like alot of people here I've fallen into the trap of becoming completely addicted to BHW! :) So I've decided to have a break from the forums for a few months. I feel like I'm at the point now where I've learnt 'enough' and I'm in the best position to start implementing rather than mindlessly browsing the forums. The forum is a goldmine, but at the same time it can be a big distraction. So I'll be working on a few projects I've had planned for ages. So good luck to everyone and cya soon! oreilly2311 |
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