Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO |
- Youtube Phone Verify Method
- ACT FAST: $7 for $15 EBAY GiftCard
- Hey there guys!
- [How To] Get Started with Websites for Noobs
- Poor intro for a poor NooB
- Ethical Ways Of Craig's List?
- Any legit way to use a full feed from a celebrity type site or news type site?
- More Changes Coming From Google - Google+1
- Facebook Widget Spinner
- How to check the emails are valid or not
- Help with Adversal banners
- Have w4m Traffic?
- The Best Spinner - Possible to "Replace Favorites" on an article folder of articles?
- Looking for Virtual Credit Card to Verify Paypal
- Hello all
- went from ranking #5 to nowhere
- Looking for India email lists
- **Need Twitter Followers ASAP**
- [q]Can you invite all your friends to a event/group without being banned?
- Need help with Apache redirect commands
- Is using Xrumer to Create Profiles not making full use of it?
- Hello BHatters!
- Double meta refresh question
- How can I build back links for my site with scrapebox
- Someone get Tommy's mailing list?
- Anyone else having no links show up for advertisers?
- Free Site and Domain
- Backlink Question
- 4000 Auto-Approve High Pr WordPress Blogs BackLink List
- iPads Real - Authentic - No Fakes- iPads
- Mailer JV Residual Proposal
- entry level grey hat
- My Host Suspended My Account
- Selling Twitter Accounts (Question)
- Who Has Good Free Proxies Help
- Please help - Facebook fan page creation!
- Need people with german traffic!
- Mobile friendly website
- Watch Out! Samsung Now Installing Keyloggers On Laptops
- Everyone is Welcomed.
- BHW Avatar?
- Adult Webcam Affs With Niched Category Landing Pages
- Anyone else being charged $1/month for nothing?
- Few SEO noob question - please help
- Lockdown broswer?
- How do I get numbers for verifying gmail sms verification ?
- How Bad Can Some People Get At Business
- Full Feed tool needed
- Split Scrapebox List
- Dizzspaceteam - SilentLocker Does Not work, an tried to sell outside of BHW
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 08:30 PM PDT Hey, Right now I am using the TextFree app to verify youtube accounts but is there a better way? TextFree app gives you a new phone number when you need it and I can verify 5 accounts at a time, but I am looking for software that can automate this process. Anyone know of any alternatives? | |
ACT FAST: $7 for $15 EBAY GiftCard Posted: 30 Mar 2011 08:26 PM PDT US only tho :( Buy like 10 from different accounts and thats like free money! | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 08:20 PM PDT I actually have been a member of this forum for a long time but I never had the time to browse through the forums :) My name is TrendGFX, designer at and I do Website & Graphic Designing. I want to improve SEO possibilities for my website as well as find some work to do so feel free to befriend me, I'm the best friend a guy can get :) Cheers! | |
[How To] Get Started with Websites for Noobs Posted: 30 Mar 2011 08:13 PM PDT I must have posted the same basic thing on a dozen different threads. People always want to know how to make their first $1000 when they should be concentrating on making their first $1. Or better yet, just how to start a website. Hopefully this guide will help some people who are starting off and are confused on how to proceed. Your first project should be a learning experience. So these steps are highlighting how to set up a practice site and get the hang of it, so you can edit these steps to make your money making site extremely profitable. Step#1 - Find a niche. Pick a niche that is large enough for some searches, and you can rank in. What I mean by that is don't try picking an insurance or IM niche, you will find it really hard to rank. At the same time, the niche has to have some searches every month. (Don't worry too much about profitability as this is a practice site) Step#2 - Writing Articles. Build a Wordpress blog, learn all of its features, and write approximately 2 good quality articles a day and submit them to your site. Read other posts in this forum about proper keyword and tag building. This step provides you with quality and quantity, both of which G loves. Step#3 - Building Trust. In each of your articles, link out to an authority site that will not affect your revenue: Such as Wikipedia. This will help build "Trust" in G's eyes. Step#4 - Becoming an Authority. Write approximately 10 related articles and post them on sites like Articlebase, Goarticles, Ezine and similar with a link to an individual page AND a link to your homepage in the author box. This will help establish you as an authority in your niche. (A little boost in rank basically) Step#5 - Raising Alexa Rank. Use Alexa Boosters and Auto Surf Sites to make your Alexa rank go up so you can get better G ads. (Don't even get started on auto surf sites; they do work and Alexa doesn't care where the traffic comes from. Since they are not clicking on ads, G doesn't care either.) Step#6 - Building Links. Using Scrapebox, spam some related links to all of the articles you submitted to the authority sites. Then do some MANUAL link building on your site. Contribute to related forums with a link in your signature, comment on related blogs, ext... You want your site to appear as white hat as possible. Step#7 - Viral Marketing. Learn how to use twitter, FB, myspace, ext... and get some friends and start getting your sites name out there. You can also upload some video's from youtube and in the description send them to your site for an article on it, review or something similar. (It is easy to "borrow" other peoples youtube video's and upload them yourself - just search the forums.) *Remember that this is just a PRACTICE SITE. Yes, it will take quite a bit of work, but it is a learning experience that will make future websites much more successful. Work on this site for 2-3 months then FORGET IT. Leave the website sit, forget about adding content or promoting it then start your new site with your real money making idea. Oh yes, the practice site that I made: I didn't make any money the entire time I was working on it. Now it is making roughly $10 a month from adsense, LOL. That $10 is more encouraging to me than the thousands I make with other sites. Just shows me just how far I have come and how far I could go. Don't give up fellow Black Hatters! | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 08:07 PM PDT Been trolling the forum for awhile almost 3 years using or attempting to use techniques found here to make some cash on the net, though I have still been unsuccessful as of yet besides the 4.52 in my adsense account I still have motivation to keep pushing forward. Looking forward to reading and learning more and hopefully getting that green. see ya around linkdead | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 07:56 PM PDT Yeah, so I did the whole job thing, works good, made $20 in 1 ad and after lying to those innocent people, I couldn't do any more. I replied to only like 25% of the ad responses. Sure, I could be scaling up and be making 3-4 digits a day, but I just wouldn't be able to live with myself. I was brought up in a classy family I suppose and I just can't do that. I remember the whole free ipod thing, it didn't seem as unethical but I think its kind of dead now, maybe not. Maybe I should just post realistic ads to web design or something. Kind of lost right now, I kind of wanna do the right thing. | |
Any legit way to use a full feed from a celebrity type site or news type site? Posted: 30 Mar 2011 07:30 PM PDT I see tons of blogs that use popular feeds and have the adsense or cpa ads incorporated. Is there any worry for those doing this? Is this okay to do, and if so what are the things that needed to be done to be on the right side of the line. I am asking because I have a guy wanting me to build a site like this and want to make sure that he will be okay. Thanks | |
More Changes Coming From Google - Google+1 Posted: 30 Mar 2011 07:19 PM PDT Get ready for a new tool in the SERP rankings. Google +1, basically a rep system for how well people like your content. Read more: | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 07:12 PM PDT Hey I'm looking for a widget spinner script for my joint venture. I found a couple scripts online but there all php and the application my widgets are on only supports HTML and Javascript. Anyone know where I can get a script? Thanks! | |
How to check the emails are valid or not Posted: 30 Mar 2011 07:06 PM PDT I have a *.txt file that has over 1000 email ids .I dont want to check per email at a time but I want to know is there any software to check these emails are valid or not in the short time? It can be export the report about the valid and invalid email ids. Thanks | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:48 PM PDT Please help, how could I setup banners from Adversal? I could not see it in my account, thanks | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:47 PM PDT Hi, I had a thread here before but not sure why it was removed so im going to keep this short. I you can post and want to monetize you w4m traffic then contact me. I'm only looking for a few more people, had quite a few people contact me from my thread before. *If this is against the rules please let me know.. | |
The Best Spinner - Possible to "Replace Favorites" on an article folder of articles? Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:45 PM PDT I have a folder that has many of my articles in it. Is it possible to have "The Best Spinner" do a "Replace Everyone's Favorites" on all of them and save the results somewhere? | |
Looking for Virtual Credit Card to Verify Paypal Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:37 PM PDT I really need a VCC tonight to unlimit my Paypal account. Please message me for my ICQ | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:34 PM PDT Hey I am Dustin from Vancouver BC, love this forum!! :) | |
went from ranking #5 to nowhere Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:28 PM PDT So my site has been ranking on page 1 for about 3 weeks for 2 keywords. For the past week, I have been ranked at position 5 for both keywords. I did some link building about 2 days ago, about 300 links a mixture of forums and pligg sites with pr 2 and up. Yesterday I created rss feeds from all links and ran these thru scrapebox auto approve blog list, submitted to rss feed listings and bookmarked. I go to check my site today and now I'm ranking on page 35 for my home page for the main keyword, but a previous page of the site that was ranking position 39 is still the same. For the 2nd keyword my main site is now ranking on page 35 also. Is this the google dance or something else.? I checked webmaster tools and see no message about errors or penalties. When I was link building I used my main keyword and second keyword as anchors. | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:27 PM PDT As the title says - looking for India email lists. Or if you know any decent emailing services that can target Indians... Looking for recommendations only. | |
**Need Twitter Followers ASAP** Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:21 PM PDT I am looking for a guy that can offer me twitter followers for my customers. I am willing to pay $7 per each 1000 followers. If you can do this I have plenty of orders. Please also let me know how you will be adding them and how long each 1000 followers will take to get on the account. | |
[q]Can you invite all your friends to a event/group without being banned? Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:18 PM PDT [q]Can you invite all your friends to a event/group without being banned? I'm using FFAP and there is an option to invite all friends to a group/event would this cause any suspicion by facebook? | |
Need help with Apache redirect commands Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:12 PM PDT Can someone please help me to get Apache rewrite commands working for the following idea. I am looking to create a redirect command(s) that do the following I want to ignore a portion of a web url request. Example I want all of the following to return the same image.. Code: Code: Let me know if this is the wrong forum for this request, but I am trying to build a way to create 100,000's of url's to the same image. Thanks.. Figured that was similar to cloaking.. DS | |
Is using Xrumer to Create Profiles not making full use of it? Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:09 PM PDT Xrumer is a very powerful link building tool no doubt about it, but if I just use it to harvest and create profile links, am i not making full use of my money? Or is this sufficient for most people? How much resources does xrumer need? Can i run xrumer and scrapebox simultaneously on my own modern dual core desktop with 4GB ram, nothing else running? | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:08 PM PDT I'm glad to be here! i'm newbie, but with all the energy to start a new lifestyle! ;) | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:04 PM PDT I am very new at this and was wondering when doing a double meta refresh do I need to have the exact affiliate link I am hiding referrer on my site? Could I have a banner for that link on my site? Does it work good with zip and email submits or just products? | |
How can I build back links for my site with scrapebox Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:03 PM PDT Guys. Pls tell me where can I get the guide to buildbacklinks with my new scrape box also I need private proxies how to use them and where to get them. Thanks in advance to all these great people at this forum. Bugaman | |
Someone get Tommy's mailing list? Posted: 30 Mar 2011 06:02 PM PDT Today I got an email about pvas at an address I rarely ever use for business and the first person that comes to mind is Tommy as that's one of a few that had that email. So me being paranoid I'm wondering if cl didn't get his list and is fishing for people to sue. Anyone else get an email from a "jack laso" today? | |
Anyone else having no links show up for advertisers? Posted: 30 Mar 2011 05:57 PM PDT Trying to get links for best buy, audible, evoice, and a few others. getting nothing when i pull them up for links. emailed support but who knows if they'll reply back. anyone have this happen recently? | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 05:49 PM PDT Ok i'm giving away a site to some . Here is the site: That site is perfect for someone who wants to setup they're own Content creation service. All you gotta do is say why you deserve the site. | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 05:31 PM PDT If I create one main site and a bunch of smaller sites, with the purpose of the smaller sites to be purely backlinks, are those backlinks going to really help me at all? I'd link all 5 (for example) sites together so each is basically weaved together by links. Would Google nail you for that? | |
4000 Auto-Approve High Pr WordPress Blogs BackLink List Posted: 30 Mar 2011 05:10 PM PDT Did not do an Alive check, but still should be good...;) hxxp:// hxxp:// c03976aca943e159bd28466d9ba1a-1295232241 File name: 4000sdf.rar Submission date: 2011-01-17 02:44:01 (UTC) Current status: finished Result: 0 /41 (0.0%) VT Community ![]() not reviewed Safety score: - Antivirus Version Last Update Result AhnLab-V3 2011.01.16.00 2011.01.16 - AntiVir 2011.01.16 - Antiy-AVL 2011.01.17 - Avast 4.8.1351.0 2011.01.16 - Avast5 5.0.677.0 2011.01.16 - AVG 2011.01.17 - BitDefender 7.2 2011.01.17 - CAT-QuickHeal 11.00 2011.01.15 - ClamAV 2011.01.17 - Command 2011.01.16 - Comodo 7412 2011.01.16 - DrWeb 2011.01.17 - eSafe 2011.01.13 - eTrust-Vet 36.1.8100 2011.01.14 - F-Prot 2011.01.16 - F-Secure 9.0.16160.0 2011.01.17 - Fortinet 2011.01.16 - GData 21 2011.01.17 - Ikarus T3. 2011.01.17 - Jiangmin 13.0.900 2011.01.16 - K7AntiVirus 9.75.3548 2011.01.14 - McAfee 5.400.0.1158 2011.01.17 - McAfee-GW-Edition 2010.1C 2011.01.16 - Microsoft 1.6402 2011.01.16 - NOD32 5792 2011.01.16 - Norman 6.06.12 2011.01.16 - nProtect 2011-01-16.01 2011.01.16 - Panda 2011.01.16 - PCTools 2011.01.17 - Prevx 3.0 2011.01.17 - Rising 2011.01.17 - Sophos 4.61.0 2011.01.17 - SUPERAntiSpyware 2011.01.17 - Symantec 20101.3.0.103 2011.01.17 - TheHacker 2011.01.14 - TrendMicro 2011.01.16 - TrendMicro-HouseCall 2011.01.17 - VBA32 2011.01.14 - VIPRE 8094 2011.01.17 - ViRobot 2011.1.15.4256 2011.01.17 - VirusBuster 2011.01.16 - | |
iPads Real - Authentic - No Fakes- iPads Posted: 30 Mar 2011 04:46 PM PDT Hey Guys, I have made a deal to sell iPads. As I said in the subject, they are authentic, not from China by way of U.S. The minimum order is 25. There is a week backlog do to the fact that people are buying these like hot cakes. If you want more info PM me. I will have the auspicious honor of selling the coveted iPad :D to you. | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 04:39 PM PDT Looking for maybe 2-3 mailers that can push really high volume and u must be able to grab your own list, Residual Income proposal. :) | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 04:37 PM PDT helllooo i am new to the forum i am an entry level grey hat. i am here to learn to tactics and skills and hopefully advance to the next level . | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 04:22 PM PDT Holy hell I am pissed. Anybody ever experience this? | |
Selling Twitter Accounts (Question) Posted: 30 Mar 2011 04:08 PM PDT Hi, Just want to make it clear i'm not trying to sell them here as I know thats not allowed. I'm wondering how much I could sell them for and where I could sell them, i've got quite a few accounts each with several thousand followers, but i'm wondering where the best place to sell them would be and how much per 1/k followers. Again it's about followers not mass twitter accounts. Any ideas? | |
Who Has Good Free Proxies Help Posted: 30 Mar 2011 04:08 PM PDT Hidemyass is trashed any other sites have them that arn't blacklisted by cl? | |
Please help - Facebook fan page creation! Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:58 PM PDT I have spent the past few hours trying to figure out how to create a custom Facebook fan page template. I have graphic but I do not know how to upload to Facebook. I have tried to download the Facebook app and install it and it's just not working. Can anyone please provide me with some assistance in how to get this working? I would really like the image that I will upload as my template to have image maps enabled for certain areas to click on. | |
Need people with german traffic! Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:58 PM PDT I need people who have huge german facebook fans/fan pages! 50-100$ per day if your traffic is really good! PM me for more info! | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:55 PM PDT I have looked at my website on my iphone and it appears to be fine, I don't need to scroll left or right, all of the images are appearing correctly and not distorted or anything like that. The website appears almost identical to how it does on my computer. Does that mean my website is mobile friendly? I'm not sure if I'm missing something, if there is an attribute on the website that should be implemented to ensure its mobile friendly 100%? Appreciate any response! | |
Watch Out! Samsung Now Installing Keyloggers On Laptops Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:55 PM PDT This is gonna cost 'em! :eek: Samsung Reportedly Installing Keylogger Software On Consumer Laptops, Privacy Advocates Flip By Darren Murphy Mar 30th 2011 6:28PM We'll start by saying that we've reached out to Samsung for a response here, but as of now, no reply has been given -- neither a confirmation nor a refusal of truth. Why bother mentioning that? If this here story proves true, Sammy could have a serious problem on its hands -- a problem that'll definitely start with a rash of negative PR, and a quandary that could very well end the outfit up in the courtroom. According to a report by Mohamed Hassan over at Network World, Samsung allegedly took the initiative to install a keylogger into his recently purchased R525 and R540 laptops. The app was noticed right away after a security scan on both systems, with StarLogger popping up with the c:\windows\SL directory. Where things really get strange is on the support line; reportedly, a supervisor informed Mr. Hassan (after an earlier denial) that the company did indeed install the software at the factory in order to "monitor the performance of the machine and to find out how it is being used." Unfortunately, it's difficult to say if this is a widespread issue, or if the tale is entirely correct, but we get the feeling that Samsung will have little choice but to respond in some form or fashion here shortly. Naturally, we'll keep you abreast of the situation -- meanwhile, you may want to reconsider that hate-filled comment you're about to bang out on your Samsung laptop. | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:53 PM PDT If you can do email marketing to ANY list , please do let me know. I will give you all marketing materials etc. I have something that is proven and its solid. I just dont have any access to email marketing, i paid someone to do a blast for me, non targeted and worked out great. Now i was thinking to let 5-10 marketers on it. Im promoting other ways, so really looking for some serious guys or girls here, do let me know and i will fill you in. | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:46 PM PDT So I wanted to upload my pic to scare the women and children here.. no joy, i gotta select from a bunch of pre-defined avatars. how do i get my freakishly handsome face on here? | |
Adult Webcam Affs With Niched Category Landing Pages Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:43 PM PDT Any one know of any adult webcam affs, that have niched categories? specifically looking for black girl cams.. Like i have some traffic that are specifically looking for black girls, would like a aff program that would have landing page that would have, say a landing page with all the black girls currently online.. Or even a dating offer that have a ebony landing page.. | |
Anyone else being charged $1/month for nothing? Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:41 PM PDT Apparently without having sold anything since about August 2010 I noticed eBay is taking $1/month from my PayPal account for nothing. Anyone else notice this? Doesn't really matter just seems odd. | |
Few SEO noob question - please help Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:31 PM PDT hi bhatters, i just have some questions about seo. 1) i have an long tail keyword, how can i know this long tail is raking up on google while i do seo things? i must search manually? or exist some software to do this. 2)if i build lot backlinks with pages with domains PR5, do-follow, how long takes this keyword jump to first page if this keyword have few competitors (just for test purposes, dont need be exactly just to give me an idea) thank you, sry my bad english | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:26 PM PDT I'm sure a few of you have had an experience with a "lockdown" style browser for college or high school. As you know its an absolute blasphemy to the internet itself - its cuts off access to the most abundant resource of information in the world, yet uses its access only for its own good, which is absurd considering the internet was made for the sharing of information, not the restriction of it. Anyways, has anyone found a way to work around it? I tried installing on my virtual machine but it detects that its a virtual machine and won't let me open it. Maybe there's a way to make my virtual machine look like a physical machine? Ideas? Thanks in advance! | |
How do I get numbers for verifying gmail sms verification ? Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:23 PM PDT How do I get numbers for verifying gmail sms verification ? Can anyone please help if they know.If I use 1 number for 100 gmail accounts, I'm sure, google can easily track. | |
How Bad Can Some People Get At Business Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:06 PM PDT So I PMed some guy on WF to get info on his programming service. He replied saying: Quote:
Now, if I did the same thing, but instead walked into a professional retailer like, oh i dont know... Best Buy? and then said "I need a laptop". Would they ever consider getting me to write out a form of what they want because they are too lazy to remember what I told them already? No, they'd rush me to the back of the store and find a laptop and get my money right away. I can't believe how some people conduct their business.... :S | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:04 PM PDT there is any best alternative of to fetch the FULL text for WP Robot... do not work properly | |
Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:00 PM PDT My scrapebox crashed in the middle of posting and I know where it stops. How do I make it continue where it left off? I cant import into excel to split because its more than 65k URLs. Is there a tool in scrapebox to delete everything before say the 101234th url and return the remaining urls? | |
Dizzspaceteam - SilentLocker Does Not work, an tried to sell outside of BHW Posted: 30 Mar 2011 03:00 PM PDT So, I will make this short, and Mods, I apologize if this is not in the right section, I looked around and found this to be the place to post, so if it isnt then please move it. Dizzspaceteam tried contacting me thru skype to purchase some items outside of BHW. Here is the message I received out of nowhere. "iPad (1&2)-50% of retail price iPhone (3&4)-50% of retail price PHYSICAL GIFT CARDS with GUARANTEED delivery to you Gift Cards that arrive 4-5 business days to your door-80% of retail price American Eagle AMC Entertainment Anthropologie Applebee's Avenue Bass Pro Shops Bebe Belk Brown Derby Capital Grille Champs Sports Charlotte Russe Chili's Columbia Sportswear dELiA's Dicks Sporting Goods Express Fleming's Steakhouse Golden Corral Gymboree Home Goods JC Penney Justice Virtual Gift Cards (90% success rate) ------------------------------------------------ |CHEAP GIFT CARDS FOR USA| ------------------------------------------------ RETAIL - OUR PRICE - % OFF $200 - $120.00 - 40% OFF $300 - $160.00 - 47% OFF $400 - $190.00 - 52% OFF $500 - $210.00 - 58% OFF OR OR $100 - $60.00 - 40% OFF" We had a long conversation about it, and I chose NOT to buy. Then within two days I found this thread... Is it a SCAM? Probably.. not sure, but either way he contacted me outside of BHW for a sale.. .that is a big NO NO. I met Dizzspaceteam because I purchased SIlentLocker for my wordpress site. Which once I received it, I found out it does not work with wordpress. So I contacted him in good faith, and worked with him for a few weeks waiting patiently for him to fix it. His claim to fix it, doesn't work, even by his own example. So I post if it cant be fixed, please just refund the money, if it can be fixed.. then GREAT. Well, next thing I know, people left and right were claiming that things were not working with this program. not to mention his empty promises to fix things and make a new manual. As I type this, neither of these things have happened. So I posted and said either fix it, or we all should deserve a refund. He came back and said "No Refund" and he then began a short sad story of how he just got ripped off for $1850 for another project (as if that is any of our faults). So, i just filed a refund request from paypal, and the next step is to file with Chase (lesson for everyone, never pay with your paypal balance, always pay with a bank account or credit card in case of something like this. Digital or not, does not matter). There is a list of people that all want refunds, you can find them located here... He also just edited his post to sound like he cares more, but still unwilling to give refunds. Absolutely ridiculous. Please do something about this guy! |
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