Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO |
- how to comment properly with scrapebox
- What happen after youtube ban account?
- [REQ] MapPI Software for Google Places
- Good Ebook on Twitter?
- $50 to do about 100 algerbra math problems for me.
- How much for this? List of AA blogs.
- Facebook & Clickbank
- Looking for Dropshipper from china
- AFF affiliate customer support....non-existent?
- Clickbump Adsense Problem
- Make money with organic health insurance traffic?
- How I've made $2,564 online
- JV Section Problem.
- Numbers in domain - do or don't?
- iPhone Or Cell Phone Numbers Lists?
- vBulletin Paid Account after Email Submit
- Is It Safe To Let Sites Access Your FB Account?
- SCAMMER - BHW member HustlinHard runs with JV money
- IPv4 All Gone! What now? Big mess?
- Difference between outranking authority/non-authority sites
- My Final Venture...The App Store or Bust
- Let's play a game.
- What business insurance do I need? (UK ltd. company)
- Anyone ever developed something like this?
- I want some items to sell on eBay
- Blogger VS Wordpress
- What to do with 500k do-follow edu blog list?
- Micro niche finder and MS
- I want some items to sell on eBay
- I am so fucked.....
- Does scrapebox work on Windows 2000?
- Ok, if you win me in chess, I will give u a domain.
- ProSense template - Adsense colors can be a problem?
- Indexing links...
- software/method to find high pr blogs/etc to post autoprove backlinks
- Work With a CPA Network - INVEST JV
- Question about movie downloads and flickering Screen (on some downloads from Pirate Bay)?
- Selling a Youtube Account! Must See! Good for Advertising.
- Looking for thesaurus files.
- [Question] Where to Claim 1099 Income
- So this is my understanding of how this works.
- Hiding adsense from UK - cloaking?
- How To Find Out If Someone Is Ripping-Off Your Content
- Who's game for a game?
- Would like to buy Scrapeboard.
- BAN HAMMER:Newbies Old Post Bumping
- Best Backlink Service
- Twitter feed is not getting thru on FB, HELP :)
- Hurray my first clickbank sale - with half hour work
- That's Impossible, we had sex SEVENTEEN times.
how to comment properly with scrapebox Posted: 04 Feb 2011 07:06 PM PST one thing you WANT is to drop your link on a site that has NOT been spammed yet, the less bullshit links on the site the better juice your site gets many people think they can just load up generic comments and blast away, the only sites they'll find their link on is autoapprove sites with bunch of other links on it now im gonna tell you a simple trick i do, i search for very targeted subject lets say iphone for example id use google wonderwheel and grab thousands of keywords, then load the keywords into keyword box on scrapebox, then make a new textfile and put this in: intitle:"%KW%" save, then go back to scrapebox and above keyword box you'll see [M] (on left side) that's merge, click that and open the text file you just made, then now keywords will go from: iphone iphone 4g iphone games etc to intitle:"iphone" intitle:"iphone 4g" intitle:"iphone games" etc now iphone being in the title meaning it IS talking about iphone, then i either write my own comment or i look around for a question, im gonna google 'yahoo answers iphone problem' and now i have this: ----- a week ago i was using my iphone and and i wanted more volume so i pressed the volume button but in the screen said ringer and the ringer thing got stuck in the screen and since then its going crazy the volume goes up and down and sometimes it wants to turn off because it says slide to power of or cancel and i dont know whats wrong please help. thank you ----- you'll want more than one question so find couple more then id open spinnerchief and spin these comments and then add something like "found your site while trying to look for a solution to this problem, hope you can help me, thanks!" or something like that, admins are more likely to approve your comment because its targeted and its on the subject his page is talking about, then your comment will be approved and your link will be alive this might be little more work but its worth it, blogs that are moderated are clean and google likes it, most of PR4-9 blogs are moderated anyway so that way you'll have better chance of dropping your link in high PR blogs sorry for my english ;p |
What happen after youtube ban account? Posted: 04 Feb 2011 06:56 PM PST Right now I kinda figure it out the way they ban account and why but, just wondering, if they ban your YT account and it's linked with Google account, does that affect your Google accounts in general? |
[REQ] MapPI Software for Google Places Posted: 04 Feb 2011 06:29 PM PST This appears to be a great tool to harvest leads as well as analyzing the competition in GP. Does any one have it? What are your thoughts on the software? Is there a better software out there? Thanks! |
Posted: 04 Feb 2011 06:26 PM PST I have just started promoting in Twitter for a week hardly. I am looking for good & informative book for twitter. Any recommendations will be great for me. |
$50 to do about 100 algerbra math problems for me. Posted: 04 Feb 2011 06:21 PM PST $50 through paypal. Pretty simple collage algebra. Must be good at math. PM ME |
How much for this? List of AA blogs. Posted: 04 Feb 2011 05:50 PM PST If I have a 10.000 auto approved blog list, well is not finished yet. How much do you think is ok to sell it? I still don´t know if I could sell it in somewhere else or maybe just make it BHW esclusive (this forum is so cool). Also if I do it BHW esclusive, in what part of the forum is ok to post this? I am compiling the list myself, and yes it takes a lot of time to compile a list like these will all auto approved blogs. So how much do you think? Thanks for the ideas in advanced. :D |
Posted: 04 Feb 2011 04:43 PM PST Hello Blackhats! One of my goals for 2011 is to achieve 1M fans on facebook, and I'm on a good pace so I think I'll achieve that goal, but something that has been worrying me this days is: I have some facebook groups that are related with some products that I could promote from clickbank... the problem is, I can't send a message to the members of my groups containing a clickbank url, as it is considered spam... Well, I know I can send people to a website and from there direct them to the offer, but isn't there a way of hiding the url or tweaking it in order to send the people straight to the cash? Thanks ever so much for your help, I've tried to search this issue but my pursuit was inconclusive. Best Rgrds facts |
Looking for Dropshipper from china Posted: 04 Feb 2011 04:43 PM PST I'm looking for: Clothes - A&F, Ralph Lauren, Lacoste etc. Shoes - Nike, Adidas, Lacoste etc. Watches - Armani, Casio etc. |
AFF affiliate customer support....non-existent? Posted: 04 Feb 2011 04:34 PM PST Ok, here's the quick deal. I've sent them quite a bit of traffic the last month and finally got my first two 'sales' this past week. They obviously need my w-9 form so I've tried to fax it to the specified number on their webpage and each time (over 5 times) it said the receiving fax machine has a problem. Tried emailing customer support as well as the 'affiliate managers' for 3 days now with not a single response. Even tried adding them on ICQ (they've been away and online on and off throughout the day, so I know it's active) and not a single reply. I'd like to give every network the benefit of the doubt, but as a large I missing something here or are they just REALLY slow with responses? Your experiences? |
Posted: 04 Feb 2011 04:31 PM PST Hello Friends I added my Publisher Id to Micro Niche Clickbump theme but Ads are not showing to me even after a day. If I highlight that area its showing ad area, but ads are not showing just plane white. Can you tell me what i am doing wrong?? Thanks for your help. Another Problem When i make new page it creates but when i visit it through website or preview it gives me 404 not found error can you also help me this too thanks. |
Make money with organic health insurance traffic? Posted: 04 Feb 2011 04:29 PM PST Hello I have a health insurance site that ranks very well, what can I do about monetizing it? I was thinking insurance quotes? Just need a company... |
Posted: 04 Feb 2011 04:24 PM PST I started off with an ebook I got from the Warrior Forum. Explained to sign up to a certain adult network that had like 20 something sites. Then to build a simple html site with a banner, then 3 rows of 4 pictures, writing under each one, Watch Video or Get a Free Trial. So I set that all up. The next part was getting a VCC and singing people up. I found people on craigslist, adult forums and adult chat rooms, supplied them with a Paypal VCC that I generated from my account. I would chat with them on yahoo messenger/aim/skype from start to finish, suppling the VCC through there and waiting with them until the charge went through. So I'd lose $5 in the trial but gain $25. So a nice $20 profit. While I continued to do this I also signed up to a rental type adult site and did the same thing, this time paying $5 for 10 minutes viewing time and gettin $30 commission on sign ups. So $25 profit. I would sign people up for one program, then ask them if they wanted to do it again for the other! Then I signed up to IMLIVE and for this I'd lose $25 but gain $100. Sometimes they had months where they gave out $200 and even $300. I made about $1500 from that and $500 from selling it as a method on DP and WF. Everything was going great, I was driving fake traffic to make up for the stats, but eventually I got converted to revshare, because none of the people I supplied free trials/minutes/camtime with ever continued on. And just like that, it was over. Paypal also discontinued their VCC's. Makiing this method hard to do with other adult programs. In total I made $2000 with this method. Next I started re-writing articles for Associated Content. Here and there I would re-write and submit. I wrote articles here and there, until my account was banned, this happened when Yahoo bought AC. I did have two accounts on AC, as I planned to re-write a lot of articles and submit through 2 different accounts, but I never did. I logged into the other account and it was banned too. I'm guessing AC used Yahoo's software or something to determine multiple accounts, cuz it was all fine before that, and I had infact forgotten about the 2nd account it was laying doormat, along with the 2nd paypal I created, with $7 in the way I used a VPN to do this and never verified the paypal. In total I made about $87. Next I dabbled in freebie trading, I would sign up under people for the refferal sites until I "greened" it and they pay me through Paypal. Don't like to do it anymore but it is good for some quick cash, but after a while I found I had done all the easy offers and it just wasn't worth it anymore. In total, I made $200 from this method. Next I decided CPA was the way to go. So I joined NeverBlueAds. I came across a campaign - Smiley Central. I found this girls myspace, copied everything and made it into a blogger blog, put the smiley central banner on the bottom of the blog, and chatted with guys online telling them to download the toolbar and I'll send em sexy pics. I made about $100from this method, but I made more selling it on DP. I made $150 in sales then someone bought the resale rights to the book for $150. I logged into my NB account after I sold the resale rights and I was banned. So in total I made $300 with this method. Next I joined Fiverr and offered twitter following gigs, yahoo answers gigs, sold some info bout warez sites on there...this was in the early days before fiverr started manually approving gigs..they eventually suspended it. In total I have made, so far, $44 Next I got into Sharecash. First month I made $17, next month I made $48. This month I have like $2, I stopped doing the method I was doing. I own a facebook/twitter fanpage about a certain artist. Songs would leak and I would post them there, but nothing has been leaking recently and fans started getting mad a the surveys lol. In total, so far, I've made $67 with this method. Where do I go from here? I am looking for more ways to get downloads for sharecash. Fiverr is really just a side thing not gonna get rich on there lol. Other than that, I don't really know what I'm doing. I have hosting and I have Aweber. I'm thinking now I will try article marketing to build a list + build adsense websites + get back into CPA but whitehat this time. Honestly, I just want to make $50 a day, thats it, just don't know how yet. $50 a day would change my entire life, sad but true. Everything I've done so far has been blackhat/doesn't work anymore/quickcash/inconsistent. Do you guys have any advice or recommendations? Thank you! |
Posted: 04 Feb 2011 04:16 PM PST whenever I goto post a new thread in there it says Code: ThePayRoll, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons: It says: Code: The Joint Venture section is limited to members that have 50 posts and 30 days on the forum. Join Date 12-01-2010 Total Posts 59 I have over 50 posts, and been a member for 30+ days. So why can't I post there? |
Numbers in domain - do or don't? Posted: 04 Feb 2011 04:07 PM PST since I can't get an exact match domain, I was thinking about adding '101' to the end of the domain, so it ends up being would adding numbers to the domain work well with seo? |
iPhone Or Cell Phone Numbers Lists? Posted: 04 Feb 2011 04:07 PM PST Where Can I Buy Mass Amounts? And How Much Do they Run for? I Am Trying To Get Into Sms Messaging. |
vBulletin Paid Account after Email Submit Posted: 04 Feb 2011 04:03 PM PST Does anyone know how to do this or even if it's possible? I'd like to give my forum members a single months supporter account if they fill in an email submit. Is there any way to do this? ideally I want them to click the banner, fill in the email, submit it then be redirected back to the forum with a month supporter access on their account. This is with vbulletin 3 Jez |
Is It Safe To Let Sites Access Your FB Account? Posted: 04 Feb 2011 04:00 PM PST i was just at and it lets you sign up with your fb account. you are then asked if you want to let it access your info. many sites do this, and i was wondering if this is a safe thing to allow? or are you leaving yourself open to hacking??? :confused: a friend's fb account sent out xmas ecards last year without his permission! i told him to change his password. not sure how that happened. :eek: |
SCAMMER - BHW member HustlinHard runs with JV money Posted: 04 Feb 2011 03:52 PM PST BHW member HustlinHard (former JrVIP) has not paid me remaining JV funds owed since July & August 2010. I have given him plenty of time to pay the remaining balance and asked him to pay slowly in increments and he has chosen to ignore my emails and offer no payment solution over the last 5 months. He owes me $1,500+ from me sending traffic to his CPA accounts and then him stiffing me on the final payments owed, multiple emails and BHW PMs have been ignored for months by HustlinHard. |
IPv4 All Gone! What now? Big mess? Posted: 04 Feb 2011 03:51 PM PST That was quick! I wonder how long it will take for the switchover to IPv6 and what it'll be like? A big mess? More people calling up IT technicians because their Internet connection isn't working? $$$$$$$$ :D Code: Code: Code: |
Difference between outranking authority/non-authority sites Posted: 04 Feb 2011 03:18 PM PST So often i hear, "oh yeah, you can outrank them, but you will need many links from authority sites" and stuff like that. But does it make a difference if my competition is a blackhatter with 100k backlinks or a authority site with 1k backlinks? Do i really do anything else depending on my competition? I think that the google algorithms just analyse your own site, give your site a score and the site with highest score get #1 on google. What do you think about that? |
My Final Venture...The App Store or Bust Posted: 04 Feb 2011 03:12 PM PST Thank you BHW for all the shares, insight, knowledge, methods and more. Those things have been a gift and a curse for me. So much information is shared that it sparks my own creative process and inspires me to try new things based on the success of others, thats the gift part. The curse has been that all these new methods and ideas are more of a distraction to get me off course from the current project that I may be working on at the time. I know I'm not the only one that goes through this. Its just a lot of information and if not properly prioritized you can get lost reading about the next big thing in methods and not focusing on your work at hand. I have decided that 2011 is my last year to reach my financial goals via online ventures or computing in general. If it doesn't work this year, I'm going back to flipping cars on craigslist. Which in itself can be profitable because I do all my own mechanical work but living in upstate New York makes it a pain to turn those wrenches during our 6 months of winter weather. I'm going join the mobile device gold rush and I really think it will be gold rush now that Verizon has the iphone and that opens up millions of new app buyers to Apples app store. I know that its a massive undertaking but I think its a worthwhile venture. I was planning on using dragonfire sdk or appcelerator to create apps in a windows environment without having to learn any objective-c. This is possible to do, but I figured that I'm putting my business at the mercy of a third party that may change their terms in the future or may even get blocked by Apple. So I decided to follow the proprietary path that Apple recommends and made the investment in a MacBook (my first mac...ever) solely for the purpose of using xcode and objective-c. Did you know that Apple computers are about 2 to 3 times the price of a similarly powered windows based PC? :eek: Luckily I found a used oned in mint condition on craigslist, and if I find that I simply can't learn objective-c I can always resell the macbook for what I paid for it. I took C in college years ago and back then I was more concerned with being a ladies man than a programmer. I'm hoping my past programming experience will allow me to make the leap to objective-c. Its kind of like me as a car mechanic deciding to build a space shuttle. Hopefully I can learn this language in less than 3 months. To learn objective-c, I decided to get a background in object oriented programming by reading Apples ebook: Object Oriented Programming with Objective-C. This has explained some of the basic concepts around objects, classes, interface/implementation, methods, messages, etc. and allows me to learn some of the nomenclature used in objective-c, so I'll know what mean when they are referring to a selector or instance variable in the next book. The book I'm currently reading is also by Apple called: The Objective-C Programming Language. This book digs deeper into Objective-C. I'll let you know how this one goes later. If anyone has pointers about learning objective-c, feel free to share them. I just want to learn the language and become proficient in iOS development. Feel free to watch my progress as I go from zero iOS and Objective-C programming experience to the promise land of the App Store. I'll try to update this thread with my progress several times per week. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2011 02:48 PM PST Sorry, change my mind, it's kinda bad idea. |
What business insurance do I need? (UK ltd. company) Posted: 04 Feb 2011 02:31 PM PST Hi guys, Just wanted to know if there's any manditory insurance that I need to buy for a limited company in the UK with only one director and working from home on affiliate marketing, also if you could give advice as to which insurance policies would be worth buying even if they are not manditory that would be perfect. Thanks for the help in advice. |
Anyone ever developed something like this? Posted: 04 Feb 2011 02:28 PM PST Hey Fellas, I've looked around and can't find something I'm looking for. I'm wondering if any of you know what I'm talking about or have heard of a program that does this: I'm looking for a program that can visit a specific homepage first. After it arrives on the homepage it looks for a pre-set link thats on that page and clicks on it. Then the program shuts the browser down, clears all cookies and cache, then repeats the process all over again by going to the same exact homepage, then looking for that same link again and clicking on it. This program doesn't need proxy or multi-threaded support. |
I want some items to sell on eBay Posted: 04 Feb 2011 02:20 PM PST I want sell new merchandises on eBay. These items must be NO REPLICA or FAKE. 100% GENUINE and LEGAL. I do not want to lose my eBay account. I have 2 accoutns. 1 seller - 1 buyer. My seller account info: Positive feedback: 369 Negative feedback: none Member Since: Jul-14-99 in United States Please PM. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2011 02:13 PM PST what do you guys think is the best one for autoblogging? |
What to do with 500k do-follow edu blog list? Posted: 04 Feb 2011 02:00 PM PST Hi,I have a fresh 500k .edu list . I haven't check the page rank yet... What shall I do with it ? Any suggestion ? |
Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:59 PM PST i just have a quick question do both these programs do the same thing? is there one thing better i want to buy one of them but i keep getting mixed reviews please help me with this thanks |
I want some items to sell on eBay Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:56 PM PST I want sell new merchandises on eBay. These items must be NO REPLICA or FAKE. 100% GENUINE and LEGAL. I do not want to lose my eBay account. I have 2 accoutns. 1 seller - 1 buyer. My seller account info: Positive feedback: 369 Negative feedback: none Member Since: Jul-14-99 in United States Please PM. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:56 PM PST T-mobile just cancelled my number... not my account but my number... because supposedly i was sending "unsolicited business" which is not true.... but anyways... I just got the axe by tmobile.... no warning.. no explanation.. nothing. when i called... they said that i was doing unsolicited business from my phone.. I just text my promoters... i run an event promotion company.. all those people i text they work for me.... NOW .. i need an unlimited texting system like right now... I have an event for superbowl that is going down in like 3 hours and I have 70 thousand tied up in this event. i need to blast last minute info to my promoters.... anybody knows a unlimited sms system that is affordable.. and reliable.. like a flat fee...I don't want to pay pennies per message.... and please no systems that use email to send the text message... i can do that. your help is highly needed... |
Does scrapebox work on Windows 2000? Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:52 PM PST One of my computers is running on windows 2000 and I would like to know if Scrape box works on windows 2000 before I buy it. If it doesn't are there any alternatives or online services that will scrape for me? Just wondering. I really need to get it for it will benefit me but it must work on the other computer. Thanks, Austin |
Ok, if you win me in chess, I will give u a domain. Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:50 PM PST played. |
ProSense template - Adsense colors can be a problem? Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:42 PM PST Hi, I have a good blog that is earning about $5 a day with adsense, i am afraid of get banned for add many websites to my adsense account.... Its a problem? I have been already banned from adsense about a year ago, now i have my websites at another IP and everythings are good. I would like to know if i create multiple ProSense template websites with adsense its a problem to get banned? Its a problem to choose the same adsense colors as the template? OR i need to put other color to people see that is an ad... I am afraid of ban =/ |
Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:41 PM PST Hey ther.. I have costumer and scrapebox and I can build lots of links to my site The problem is how to index all this profile and blog links with google automatically ?? Tnx:D |
software/method to find high pr blogs/etc to post autoprove backlinks Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:39 PM PST HI,I want to know what software emthod I can use to find my own lists of backlinks that have a high pr,i should be able to filter the list through pr and then filter for autoprove backlinks and then blast these sites with my keywords and url,please help fellas |
Work With a CPA Network - INVEST JV Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:38 PM PST Hey all I wanted to set up a JV with someone who is interested in affiliate networks and possibly running one. If you can afford to invest 25-30k/week for 1-2 months get in touch. You get to work with a network You get your money back And 50% of profits earned |
Question about movie downloads and flickering Screen (on some downloads from Pirate Bay)? Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:36 PM PST I am just curious why do some of the movies I download from have a slight flickering screen. Then some play very smooth? What am I doing wrong here? |
Selling a Youtube Account! Must See! Good for Advertising. Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:35 PM PST Videos Uploaded: 3 Video Views: 477,201 Favorites: 0 Channel Views: 36,984 Subscribers: 459 I'm taking offers now. Accepting only Paypal. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:20 PM PST Anyone know where I can get them? Need to be readable, not encrypted and part of a package. |
[Question] Where to Claim 1099 Income Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:19 PM PST First year of IM income, I have several 1099 miscs that I need to claim... can I claim this income on a federal schedule C, or do I have to claim it as part of my regular income... ? |
So this is my understanding of how this works. Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:14 PM PST Build a website. Put lots of links other other peoples page that have a high page rank. Be on the top of search engines. am I missing anything? it seems to easy. Time consuming, but easy. |
Hiding adsense from UK - cloaking? Posted: 04 Feb 2011 01:01 PM PST I have a UK store and we don't ship internationally. So I have set up adsense to hide it from UK IP addresses so that the ads are displayed for anyone outside the UK. Is this considered cloaking? |
How To Find Out If Someone Is Ripping-Off Your Content Posted: 04 Feb 2011 12:49 PM PST i just used this and found one clown who ripped off one of my pages word-for-word. guess we'll be having a talk soon... :batman: |
Posted: 04 Feb 2011 12:48 PM PST |
Would like to buy Scrapeboard. Posted: 04 Feb 2011 12:25 PM PST Hey. I would like to buy scrapeboard. What do you think about this software? By the way does scrapeboard create email accounts? |
BAN HAMMER:Newbies Old Post Bumping Posted: 04 Feb 2011 12:19 PM PST This trend of newbies bumping old threads to get to the 15 post mark is getting to be a pain in the ass. They're not even trying to create useful questions or contributions to the forum, so a BAN HAMMER is needed to stamp this shit out. |
Posted: 04 Feb 2011 12:01 PM PST Can someone refer me to the best Backlink service available? Please be honest, trying to get my sites ranked and earning money. |
Twitter feed is not getting thru on FB, HELP :) Posted: 04 Feb 2011 12:00 PM PST I was using twitterfeed to post feeds to my FB accounts and I have it set to post every hour. But the updates on FB or really old. I know that changed things, is there a better way around this, or are we at the mercy of FB? Thanks |
Hurray my first clickbank sale - with half hour work Posted: 04 Feb 2011 12:00 PM PST right now i am extremely happy . i just checked my CB account by mistake and found a sale. actually that sale was made 9 days ago on on 24th jan but i never checked my account as i never expected it. what i did : - actually on 22nd jan i created a blogger autoblog (using ABS) with that product's banner (i made in photoshop) . i installed some 4 feeds and set to post it articles after 3 to 5 hours. a day after i submitted my site and sitemap to google webmaster and submitted the first post to 30 bookmarking sites with magic submiter(i own) left it . I left it because i thought promoting clickbank through blogger is waste. my blog will probably not even come to top 10 pages. Also it is a highly competitive keyword. i was regretting wasting my half hour creating that bog. i wished i wud have worked for some lower competitive keyword AND Today i see this :- $27 Keyword was "lottery" Seo = just bookmarking one post to 30 SB sites Article = all from feeds , all dublicated. not even translated AT THIS POINT i have no clue how that bugger found my new blog and chose to buy the product. Is there any way i can track the visitors accurately ? This might just be what i call "Beginner's luck" or whatever but this has really motivated me Thanks guys |
That's Impossible, we had sex SEVENTEEN times. Posted: 04 Feb 2011 11:54 AM PST ![]() lol found on failbook:- hxxp:// |
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