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- <b1> tags - WHICH one of you hacked my blog?
- how do i even start this process....?
- Starting freelance webdesign/seo?
- We code + You market = We make bank. ($500-$1,000 every sale)
- Augghh! Heellpp meee. D:
- Looking for a ClickBank Joint Venture :)
- Get a Custom banner on Facebook Profile
- Need to quickly index *THOUSANDS* of profile links? Here's the quick and easy code..
- How Would You Define "Successful"
- Cashing of Adsense Check
- [Need] CTRL script FB
- Clickbank Squeezepages
- Anyone Using SEO Link Robot
- clbot pro
- Current limits?
- Account premium Tunabox.Net
- [GET]Bank $2400 for 2.5hrs work:The Facebook Offline Arsenal: iframe ready
- FB Like and Share Buttons - One And The Same Now?
- AMR success within 6 hours... yes THAT fast
- URGENT! Fake Viewers at streaming site
- Should I begrudge telling my coworker a few social bookmarking sites? Seo Office Drama!
- Okay .. so who did it?
- How can i MASS search cpc for each keywords?
- List of high pr Rss directory?
- Please Give Suggestions
- How much it's worth 50000 followers twitter account?
- Can seo link tobot can be used to bookmark pages not created with seo link robot?
- Need Low obl links. anyone offering?
- Auto Blogging Combined with Micro Niche
- I can drive traffic to your offers, seeking for good payouts JV
- Good Email Lists For People That Have Donated
- Becoming a BHW Donor
- Postfix setup on CentOS
- Looking for Noobs!
- Tools for android phones
- flash cookies
- Tips For Freelancers To Maximize Earnings
- arsenal trophy cabinet
- Need help convincing investors to join me
- Xrumer text captchas
- Looking for Offshore VPS service asap.
- Facebook app question
- Which online banking service do you think is the best for spammers?
- 20 unique visits per day through my kw and no clicks!?!?
- Best Wordpress Theme for Adsense?
- how to make a fake reciprocal link?
- Scrapebox + aa URLs + comments on 2nd page
- What do u think about
- Protect Your Contents for getting copied
- Reconnect Script
<b1> tags - WHICH one of you hacked my blog? Posted: 27 Feb 2011 07:29 PM PST I found some strange <b1> tags in my blog. Google gives only 2 relevant results. Please help me - i feel like i have to trash my whole blog. Im feeling really really sad cause i dont have a clue what to do. This is the code between the body tags. Code: <body><b1><!--Iw_9c9aZeNolyUEOwyAMBMAXhX2TC6sYCWyEnfD9quppDgP1SURuScc5B2//Ud4ej4yrbcqMYkxoNq+Bf+DmaFG104izruqWtEQqJwOf8TBoIdndoJTGXZauLyrvKog=--></b1> | |
how do i even start this process....? Posted: 27 Feb 2011 07:15 PM PST I am sitting here going through the enormous amounts of posts for backlinking and link pushing...trying to figure out the best way to go about getting these two pieces of the puzzle to start making noise. How often should i link push? I have all these backlinks now, but no clue how to utilize them the right way. There are so many opinions on the seo forums about these services that it is blurry to me what is going to work and what wont. Thoughts anyone? | |
Starting freelance webdesign/seo? Posted: 27 Feb 2011 07:07 PM PST My friend and I are both 20 years old and we wanted to go web designing for local businesses who we know pay $2000+ a year for their dinky sites. I was going to offer to remake the site even better for significantly less and my buddy is a great film/photographer with heavy equipment so we were going to inclue pics, etc with the websites. Do we technically need a license or official tax ID number? And is there risk involved if we create well formed contracts? Would anyone come after us if we just reported all of the income to the IRS? | |
We code + You market = We make bank. ($500-$1,000 every sale) Posted: 27 Feb 2011 06:58 PM PST Looking for someone who *REALLY* knows how to market tools to the Internet Marketing community. We're currently developing a website + software intended for new IM'ers. (I can't tell you more since this is a public thread). We're also open to new ideas. If you have previous experience in webinars, product launches, you know how to or have access to someone who can do a decent sales copywrite, etc then pm me. Please include links to your previous sales pages and why we should pick you over the others. :) Arby | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 06:51 PM PST Hey! So I lurk here constantly and read constantly, I have a website that WOT has given a bad rating too, and apparently put on some dudes website as being a spam site. I know there was issues, malware attacks so I completely took down the ads I had up and revamped the WHOLE site, but I rad some of the WOT reviews and it says that my site is advertised through spam emails! I don't even know how to run an email list little alone a spam list. What can I do to get my sites rep back up? How do I combat being considered a spam site? I have no idea how to convince people I don't spam people for advertisement haha. Cruds. | |
Looking for a ClickBank Joint Venture :) Posted: 27 Feb 2011 06:43 PM PST I have a SOLID idea that works, for crazy back links and targeted traffic for FREE.... I need someone that can build a squeezepage, thank you page etc....I can write the ebook....its a simple method so the book shouldn't take long... I need to see sample of what you have made... I will pay you the FIRST $300 in profits....Then when it earns $1,000, you earn another $300.. PM me! | |
Get a Custom banner on Facebook Profile Posted: 27 Feb 2011 06:03 PM PST Not sure if it's been posted on bhw, didn't find it in the search results. But for those of you who want a custom banner on your Facebook profile, great for advertising, check out Code: | |
Need to quickly index *THOUSANDS* of profile links? Here's the quick and easy code.. Posted: 27 Feb 2011 05:44 PM PST Hey guys, I personally don't own xrumer so I tend to purchase a lot of $5 blast for fiverr (I get them from this guy - he does 5250 guaranteed profiles and I usually get 6k+ -- I'm not affiliated with him, so if you'd like his link see below - and he has a litterally 12 - 24 hour turn around... its awesome). EDIT: Here's the guys link: link - and to prove he isn't me, my fiverr username is "rnc505" (like my BHW name lol)... So I own Scrapebox, but the pinging tool thing is kinda topsy-turvy and I don't know if like its actually pinged. So I wrote some PHP code that imports a .csv list (I import my .txt i get from the guy into excel and resave as .csv) into mySQL database, then randomly chooses a link from the database and then you can manipulate it as you wish (I like doing a 1x1 invisible pingomatic iframe). So Here we go: You must create a database. then you need to change the user, pass, dbname, table, and column name values below, which are in various colors. connect.php: Code: <?php Code: <?php Code: <?php Code: <?php You will also have to upload your .csv file to the same folder as all of these files. then to import the values, go to Code: I used a file with 12k rows of only 1 column (the url) and it literally did it in about .85 seconds and I'm on JustHost shared hosting. Most shared hosting have a 30 second time out, so with some testing, you'll probably find that you can use files that have like 100k+ entries at 1 time -- but I truly don't know, because I only had 1 12k file of links. Then, once you've uploaded, remove the // in front of die in import.php so you or anyone else can mess up your DB. Then, what I did was signed up for some auto traffic exchanges and made a page on my site with 3 - 5 iframes of kick.php and then put that page through the auto traffic exchange -- within a day or two most/all of your profile links (or otherwise) will be pretty much indexed -- depending on how many autotraffic creds you have. You twist this in SOOO MANY ways also-- for example -- I also iframed my kick.php page on my high traffic blog so about 3 - 5k of the urls are pinged each day. Get Creative and ENJOY! Rnc505 | |
How Would You Define "Successful" Posted: 27 Feb 2011 05:44 PM PST Just wondering how some of you would define the word "successful" here on black hat world. I myself would define the word not in the amount of money you make with your internet ventures but having your bills paid on time, a good state of mind with what you are doing, and the ability to help others like others have helped you online. Success can be anything you want it to be... just let me know your thoughts. | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 04:57 PM PST hello please is anyone with any Idea on how to cash adsense check issued from like 3 different adsense publisher account but in the same name but different house address/ should i drop all the check into one bank account for it to be cleared or on different bank account with different bank? i hope the bank will not question it or suspicious that why the same name but different house address or relaying the information to Google. Is Adsense for arbitrage is go by with adsense. i hope it is still ok for me to be promoting my adsense site with some PPC like adword,facebook,myspace meanwhile i only used 2 ads block only on the site one wrap within the article while the other one below the article i think Google will not be frown at this as arbitrage? thirdly,Is it possible to sell one of my adsense micro niche site at flippa but about 50% of the article content on the site are from ezines which means not been 100% unique content can such site still be sold but with good SEO, good traffic and nice income but with contents from ezines? | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 04:48 PM PST hey guys, i need a script that works like the old ctrl script for a application i need the script to copy a JavaScript code from a text box then pasted into adress bar then user to click enter, ctrl + C for the copy ctrl + L for the url-bar ctrl + P for paste then enter il obviously pay for this :) | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 04:34 PM PST Is there any GOOD software that allows for a user to make GOOD looking Clickbank squeeze pages easy? | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 04:34 PM PST I just tested out this tool and so I am impressed... anyone else using it? | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 04:02 PM PST i wanted to get cl bot pro how many people use it and it is worth it to buy it .. ? i have questions about it also if you have it and i can ask questions please PM me .. i want to know if its worth spending 400 on with all the upgrades ? i also have verizon fios ... does that make a difference | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 04:01 PM PST Anybody know what the current limits are for posting unique and spun comments per yt acct? And how many accts you can use per IP? Either im searching wrong or there really arent 100 topics about this like I expected.. | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 03:53 PM PST 1. register account free at hxxp://tunabox[.]net/ 2: login 3: click Account: hxxp://tunabox[.]net/members/account.php 4: enter the following discount code: Code: reddit2011 | |
[GET]Bank $2400 for 2.5hrs work:The Facebook Offline Arsenal: iframe ready Posted: 27 Feb 2011 03:52 PM PST OK I'm sticking this up here Just to prove that most of you [REQ] people will never do anything with it. I'm sick and tired of losers making requests when there is is enough info on this board to make instant cash. $27? I've 10xs that since you been begging. Want a WSO blurb ? Code: Cum your bolt! Code: | |
FB Like and Share Buttons - One And The Same Now? Posted: 27 Feb 2011 03:48 PM PST I've heard that the like & share buttons NOW do same thing. So now you can't force people to like before they get something on FB. I'm not all that up to speed about FB. It still confuses me. LOL An excerpt from someone that doesn't like 'forced optin' about this FB change today: Quote:
Good thing I didn't put my new fan page up yet. :rolleyes: RM | |
AMR success within 6 hours... yes THAT fast Posted: 27 Feb 2011 03:48 PM PST I am by no means a noob. I have never seen my website rank this quickly though. I wrote an article... 5 paragraphs long. I took each paragraph in the article and wrote 2 more extra paragraphs for each one. Total of 15 paragraphs. After that I spun every single word, and inserted it into AMR. I posted it in the morning at 7 am and woke up at 1 oclock. For some reason I decided to check my rankings for all my sites. I had jumped up 2-3 pages for my main keyword. I also submitted 3-4 other keywords and was not even RANKING for those keywords period. Now I'm on Page 1 to Page 2 for those keywords. Also, I didn't fully submit all the articles. Only about 1/3rd of the articles were fully submitted. I put the submission on and went to sleep. When I woke up, I started submitting the rest of the articles. So I will probably get way better results. My theory is that since my articles were so unique, Google indexed them quickly and ranked my websites quickly. Profile links take longer to rank you because it takes so long to get indexed by Google. So my message to Google and Matt Cunts is... SORRY TRY AGAIN. | |
URGENT! Fake Viewers at streaming site Posted: 27 Feb 2011 03:41 PM PST HEY guys i would like to know how can i fake viewers on a streaming site like ustream justin tv... thanks and i would apreciiate if sum1 answered fast! ;=) STAY COOL | |
Should I begrudge telling my coworker a few social bookmarking sites? Seo Office Drama! Posted: 27 Feb 2011 03:27 PM PST I work in seo too for my day job. I am the only one who does off site building, social bookmarking etc. My co-worker only does keyword reports but she does some seo/auto blog stuff on her own time too to make extra $. She was asking me if I used a tool to social bookmark and I said no. I told her I bookmark manually and I choose the ones that show up in backlinks and are do follow. She asked me which ones I favor and I told her three or four and she wrote them down!! If she asked me only for the scope of work then that's fine. I just don't want to help her out with her own stuff. I am afraid she might use these social bookmarking sites for her own sites! If it's for something work related for the company then I don't mind. Should I ask her why she wrote them down? It was only three or four social bookmarking sites but they were ones she didn't know of before. I guess I'm stingy. I don't want my knowledge to benefit her or help her out in any way whatsoever. I only work for the company; my knowledge should not be for her use or profit! Should I confront her and ask her what she plans to do with it and why she was writing it down or will it just create trouble? It's been bothering me for days. Am I just being stingy? | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 03:19 PM PST Okay ... so who e-whored some guy for 200K? Fess up and take some cred. | |
How can i MASS search cpc for each keywords? Posted: 27 Feb 2011 03:19 PM PST hey guys... How can i MASS search cpc for each keywords? G keyword tools only allow me 100 each time =/ | |
List of high pr Rss directory? Posted: 27 Feb 2011 03:19 PM PST hey guys does anyone have an updated list of rss directory ? im trying to create a bot for this ill share it when its done thanks | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 03:15 PM PST Alright, I made a new site. I have no money right now, so investments are a big NO. I however used a few WP plugins such as the Blogger High SEO thing. I can't use adsense since I'm only 16 and my parents don't believe in making money online. Can you recommend me some stuff such as affiliate networks? and how to make backlinks? or previous threads that have my questions :D Here's my site: Quote:
| |
How much it's worth 50000 followers twitter account? Posted: 27 Feb 2011 02:56 PM PST HI BHT Member,I'm surprising really how much does it worth a account with 50000 followers.If it is in sell how much do you ready to pay.Just wana know here. | |
Can seo link tobot can be used to bookmark pages not created with seo link robot? Posted: 27 Feb 2011 02:46 PM PST Like if I have other pages already created in the past, can Seo Link Robot bookmark those or can it only bookmark pages created through the script? | |
Need Low obl links. anyone offering? Posted: 27 Feb 2011 02:42 PM PST anyone offering low obl links with pr? PM me pls thanks | |
Auto Blogging Combined with Micro Niche Posted: 27 Feb 2011 02:38 PM PST I have a question to all the amazing talented guy's here. Can you combine auto blogging and micro niche website's ? is this even possible ? If you have great tools that help in making unique readable content, can this work ? | |
I can drive traffic to your offers, seeking for good payouts JV Posted: 27 Feb 2011 02:36 PM PST I have a massive traffic which i can drive to private offers also. Basicly i am looking for people who already have products so we can JV and make some money along. Let me know. | |
Good Email Lists For People That Have Donated Posted: 27 Feb 2011 02:35 PM PST Anyone know a good list broker where i can buy an email list of donaters? For what I am looking for, I need an email list of people that have donated to some non profit organizations or charities. It would be even better if i could get some lists for not only donaters, but donaters in specific categories as well, like animal shelters, mental health organizations ETC. Any place you guys recommend? | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 02:29 PM PST Hey guys. I've been lurking for a while but I've really just started posting with an account. I realize that I can't purchase Jr VIP status because I'm so new, but am I able to become a "donor"? Thanks in advance. | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 02:25 PM PST So I got the itch and got a cheapo VPS and set things up. Two questions: 1. The mail I send out is showing up as from server1 is that right? Can i make it from my domain only ? How? 2. I can not respond to at server1, however I can send mail to at domain - but can't seem to find where to read it. What seems to be the problem please? (Apologies for being cryptic - but this is the third time trying to post and cleaning this up).. | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 02:18 PM PST Calling all NOOBS. If you live in the US and you're good with "copy" and "paste" then I WANT YOU!. lol. I'll pay well for your time. | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 02:18 PM PST Okay, as well as getting sorted with Ubot, I am also looking at starting to learn how to code for the Android platform. From the IM view, do you think that there are any tools that you would like to run from your Android phone? I have done a couple of things with the GPS built into most Android phones and its not bad to code with so looking at ideas for things that may be beneficial to the IM arena. Cheers FB | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 02:12 PM PST You always hear...erase your cookies1 Common knowledge...but are you guys erasing your adobe "flash cookies"? It's pointless just to erase your cookies through your options, because your still being tracked with your flash cookies. Just a thought that might help out in the long run.. | |
Tips For Freelancers To Maximize Earnings Posted: 27 Feb 2011 02:07 PM PST When I started working online as a freelancer I really didn't know where to start or look to make money online... I had to do some research on where I could sell my services to earn income online. Now after 4 years of providing services in many areas such as graphics design / wordpress fixes / etc. I have set up an antiquity system which I earn from every day and would like to share it with the community here at BHW. I know some of you have been offering services as a freelancer already and thats fantastic but here are a couple ways I have found out to maximize my profits daily... well maximize them to a level im comfortable with that I am not pushing my own boundaries. - First set up your browser toolbar for easy job finding... I have done this by bookmarking within my toolbar a couple of places which I can find work for free and offer my services without a charge (forums). If you don't know any forums that you can find jobs do a Google search with your skill+forum. I am sure you will find a couple. - On these forums clients really don't like to mess with freelancers with no history on the site. Make a couple posts every day (10-15) so within a week or two you will have a post count over 100. - Create a portfolio of your work... I currently do not have a portfolio to show clients my work and this is a bad thing because I forget some of the URL's of my best work and have to show users 6-7 / 10 work instead of my best. Invest in a domain and set up a site using WordPress to link to your work. I will be working on this myself to maximize my earnings daily. - Here is the biggest thing to do when trying to sell your service to a client... create a professional private message to send to the user. Make sure the private message doesn't have any grammar errors / misspelled words that could sink your service. When I send a private message to a client I try to let them know a couple things such as information about me including how much experience I have in the niche of what they want done, turn around time (if you tell the client you can be completed within 1-2 hours be sure this is true because clients hate to wait, if its really going to take 24 hours then tell them, most will be alright with this). So those are a couple tips for anybody wanting to perform services for clients as freelancers. I know these tricks are 100% legit because I use them on a day to day basis. With these basic tricks I receive 1-3 jobs per day in the price range of $20-50 that don't take too much time. Hopefully this gives rising freelancers motivation and correction when working online. | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 01:51 PM PST hay guys ive just seen the new ARSENAL football club football trophy cabinet for sale on ebay ![]() | |
Need help convincing investors to join me Posted: 27 Feb 2011 01:50 PM PST So, I have this business idea that really desperately needs a relatively small (under $5k) investment to get started, and has the potential to provide wild returns (lifetime passive income equal to that of a full-time job) inside of 6 months. I even have a few clients lined up, practically pre-sold on the product my business plans to provide. I have the plans 100% drawn up, and as soon as the money comes in, I can kick everything off. I'm happy to have all the money go straight from investor to purchase, without having to pass through my hands. But despite all of this, I have not been able to convince anyone to invest in this plan. I have a kinda small rep, and only 3 iTraders (no negative scores though), so I can kinda see how people would be wary, but is that enough to dissuade everyone from doing business with me? Anyone have any advice to give me on how to convince potential investors to put their money into this business? | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 01:42 PM PST How do we program textcaptcha.txt to answer questions of this type: What is the third word in the line "IFDS YUYU HHDSF YYGHH NBSDFSA" ? | |
Looking for Offshore VPS service asap. Posted: 27 Feb 2011 01:42 PM PST Hi, I am looking for an offshore VPS with confirmed reputation. I saw that extrawinner VPS doesnt allow spam? Why ? I also doesnt have a big budget, I need the service at a montly cost. Im looking to inbox at least 50-100K emails every days, please if you can recommends me the right service I would be very grateful. Let me know any great offers arround. Thank you bhw. | |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 01:38 PM PST Let's say I had a really good idea for a facebook application, and I also had a good source or sources for certain programmers to help build it. I am looking for this app to be successful with lots of users using it. My only concerns and questions are: 1.Do I need any type of license/trademark/patent so that nobody can steal my idea and make a similar app just like it? 2. If this was a successful app with many users, how could I take advantage of it personally to help build some income off of it? Or in other words, how do you make money from facebook apps? | |
Which online banking service do you think is the best for spammers? Posted: 27 Feb 2011 01:37 PM PST Which service should I use for online transactions. Paypal? Is there better then that? By better I mean one that wont check closely every actions I do. Anyway, let me know what do you use! ty | |
20 unique visits per day through my kw and no clicks!?!? Posted: 27 Feb 2011 01:36 PM PST someone can help? is this normal to have 20 unique visits per day and no clicks already 4 days? (80 unique visits = 0% ctr?? | |
Best Wordpress Theme for Adsense? Posted: 27 Feb 2011 01:34 PM PST Note: I wasn't sure which category to list this in so if mods feel it should be moved to Adsense please do so. So just like it says, which Wordpress theme (free theme) have you guys used and seen the best CTR% with. Considering all content and link building is equal, which theme layout has giving you the best results with clickthroughs? | |
how to make a fake reciprocal link? Posted: 27 Feb 2011 01:33 PM PST I want to have a fake reciprical link page that my competitors can see when they search for it on my site,how do I do this? | |
Scrapebox + aa URLs + comments on 2nd page Posted: 27 Feb 2011 01:24 PM PST I took a bunch of auto approve blogs and used scrapebox to check for internal backlinks. Thinking if one of the domain's URLs is aa, they probably all are. Anyway, I found some blogs that you have to click a link to get to the comments section. Is Scrapebox able to do that? .................................................. ................ Or is there a way to scrape that domain for only the comments links Here is what Scrapebox returned: Here is what was returned when I clicked the comments link manually. Is there a way to just go for comment links if SB doesn't click the comment link? | |
What do u think about Posted: 27 Feb 2011 01:20 PM PST What do u think about pls review. | |
Protect Your Contents for getting copied Posted: 27 Feb 2011 01:15 PM PST Getting your contents copied are very usual thing now a days..This short little code will disable the copy or select function for your entire blog/site..easy to install..just add it in between body tag..I know its not a proper protection but it will definitely save you from some cheap leechers ;) would be helpful for NEWBIES! Quote:
| |
Posted: 27 Feb 2011 01:14 PM PST Ok, ever since I replied to a thread PM'ing the OP a reconnect script, Ive gotten a bunch of PM's asking for it. So figured I would make a thread for it, hopefully help a couple newb's out. This can be easily found if you look for it, and is 'general knowledge' but obviously some still don't know. make a new text file. put the following in: RASDIAL CONNECTIONNAME /disconnect RASDIAL CONNECTIONNAME USERNAME PASSWORD Replace CONNECTIONNAME with your connection name, and username/password accordingly. Save the file as reconnect.bat (make sure that you dont save it as a txt but as a .bat . Now you can run it and it will reconnect automatically. If you have dynamic ip dsl, this will give you a new ip everytime. THAT simple :cool: |
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