Saturday, February 12, 2011

Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO

Posted by IMers at 9:35 PM ,

Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO

==>Can Anyone Send Mass Events Invites?<==

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 07:07 PM PST

Is there anyone on the forum that has enough profiles or friends to send a mass invite to an event I'm having? The event will appeal to younger audience. PM me and we can discuss your fee for the mass invites. Name your price. Shoot me a PM asap.

Best Graphic Design School??????

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 07:03 PM PST

So i am currently looking to transfer schools and change my major to graphic design/web design. I would appreciate any input and advice from people that have gone down this road before and how their experience was. I have been going to Montana State and gotten most of my core credits out of the way and decided that graphic design is my passion that i will major in. Just trying to get some input and do some research on different schools at this point, gettin the ball rolling. so if you have a experience in these fields your comments are appreciated.

Tweet Attacks - False Reporting?

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 06:48 PM PST

I'm getting error - twitter is rejecting your tweet using Tweetattacks but when I push the check button - to view tweet online i see that it went through ..

Anyone getting this too?


Posted: 12 Feb 2011 05:55 PM PST

i need a service that provide me 1k likes in 8 hrs.

a free way to send email

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 05:39 PM PST

search on google for email forms or email a friend forms and you find a bunch of sites with forms that allow you to send email. most don't allow more than one or a few recipients, but some allow you to send 1,000+ in one go. :D even better, almost none of them are blacklisted and they all hit inbox. there's thousands or millions of these sites out there. some sites just don't do the proper coding to stop this sort of thing so they are wide open. :)


Need A BHatter to Advertise My Stuff on Big FB Fanpage Fanpage

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 05:13 PM PST

PM offers. Apologies if this should be in buy/sell.

Greetings from Spain

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 05:09 PM PST

Hi guys

I'm Diego from Spain

I follow BHW like a year ago but this is my first post so, I'm glad to be here :)


Way To Go NY Times

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 04:37 PM PST

my website would be deindexed in a blink but they are huge so they only get a "manual"

Noob Here.. Looking to partner up.

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 03:35 PM PST

If your interested in partnering up with someone with NO internet money making experience. Drop me an email mike25303 at yahoo.

What I do have to offer:
Time, IP Hide software, and a few other tools.

Hopefully we can work together and make some money.


[GET] All in One VPS Course | 35 minutes of unseen footage inside!

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 03:28 PM PST

Although it took a week longer than I expected I finally managed to create the VPS tutorials I said I would do. If you are looking to get a VPS, wanting to set it up or don't even know what it is, this should help you. However, I know it is by no means complete, and there are still a number of other good mailing scripts to talk about, so depending on the response I get from this, I may make another.

Eric Roberts

How to get better ranking?

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 03:09 PM PST

I have been ranked for a few keywords from spot 12 - around 60 on 5-6 words.

I have been in the same spot for about 2 months, there are some daily fluctuations but not much more then a spot or 2 and then they go right back to their original spot. I have been doing backlink blast with scrapebox, purchased an xrummer profile blast, and writing articles for ezine and the big articles, also had my site submitted to 150 bookmarking sites.

Is there anything else I could be doing to get ranked higher? what are web 2.0 sites and could they benefit me?

Selling a browser game, give me a hand please

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 02:52 PM PST

Hello, i am looking to sell a racing browser game i own. I fully developed it from scratch, took me well over 1 year. Its text based and supported by php, mysql and flash. I have recently lost interest in it and want to sell it if an offer comes along.

However i am not quite sure about the value of it. I make about 150 euros a month with subscriptions and ads, used to do more, i know about the 10xmonthly profit rule to value a website but in this case i feel thats not a fair assesment for me because of all the work that has been done for such an unique game. It used to have 100+ players online 6 months ago but due to my lost of interested is down to 40 at peak times.

Here's the site address:

Could anyone give me some hints of what to look for to value such a site?

600.000 Emails with Name. For the great bhw

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 02:47 PM PST

So hey,

First of all , bhw is a really great place. Just wanted to say thanks for all the great ideas and awesome threads !

So here is my "thanks" , 600k Emails with Name for Email Marketing. Have fun ;)

Download : xup(.)in/dl,35251924/600kDS.rar/ ( delete the ( ) )

Greetings Luis

[METHOD] Find all the manual profile links you'll ever need

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 02:46 PM PST

I was browsing the webs earlier and I recieved an email from Paulie Ciara. I went to the blog post and out of interest I searched one of the terms on his website, and amazingly i found Paul and Angela backlink packets among hundreds of others all on google. so you want the term??

Here it is:


<a href="">Your Keywords</a>  filetype:pdf
You could remove the filetype to get more results.

Hope this helps :)

1 240 Outsourcing & Offshore Services List (Fresh & Verified)

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 02:34 PM PST

Hi everybody,

I have an other small gift for you...

Here is a list of 1 240 Emails Outsourcing & Offshore Services List (India, China, ...).
Addresses have been harvested since less 24h and have been cleaned, tested and sorted by domain.

What do you think, you like it ?
This is not Opt-In, don't tell my mother... :cool:


Cb questions

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 02:26 PM PST

-Is it useful to put text ads on my website
-Can someone review my CB website? I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the URL here.
-Are there any writers here who specialize in writing / promoting articles clickbank here? Where can I find them?

Sorry for the nub questions :dontknow:

---> Making Product! Need Sales Page For JV= Good Profits For You<---

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 02:17 PM PST

I'm working on a New Product and We gonna make some good cash With it! The only Thing I lack Is Enough Money to even Pay for one And My Monies Low. That's not even the costs for domain and Warrior Forum etc etc. So I'm looking for someone Who Can Make Killer Landing Pages or Somewhat good landing Pages. If you can do PPC then that's a + For more profits

Reply with your AIM Or PM me it. AIM only for now please!

Using FB Apps to drip-post content??

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 02:06 PM PST

Has anyone tried this? or seen an app that implements it? Seems like it would be pretty simple to setup, sort of like the "7-day newsletter" for email. With the added benefit of advertising it to all their friends...


Buehler? Buehler?


Help! I need some backlinks to be Indexed

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 02:02 PM PST

Hello.. Guys

I have some hubpages, squidoo pages, and some more articles.. I need a good and solid way to get them indexed in Google.. Fast..

Thank You.

Anyone using Zend-encoded scripts? Need your advice!

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 01:57 PM PST

Hey just wondering if anyone's in the same situation as I am.

Last year I bought a script that's Zend-encoded and works on php5.2. I was taking my sweet time working on it here and there but now I found out the script provider isn't going to upgrade their Zend license to work with php5.3.

In other words, when my host migrates to php5.3 my site will stop working.

However in the meantime my host says they have no exact time frame for when they migrate to 5.3 fully (btw they currently support both php 5.2 and 5.3). I don't have anything to worry about YET, but I don't know if I should waste my time developing and promoting it when it's gonna stop working down the line.

Of course the other way to look at it is... I already paid for it, I should at least recuperate the cost. But when the script stops working all my effort building it up will go to waste.

Your thoughts???

==>Who Generates The Most Traffic Thru Social Media?<==

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 01:44 PM PST

hey guys,
Im going to get straight to the point. I have a script Im trying to get traffic to but the methods I've tried havent been very profitable. I'm looking for anyone who can share a method or 2 on how I can generate traffic to the script via social media. There alot smart marketers here. Pm me if you have a method to sell. Of course I dont plan to recieve the method for free. Send me a pm you dont have to post here as I know the method wouldnt be profitable if everyone applied it. We can also discuss how much you want for the method.

Tell Your success rate (%) when posting

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 01:35 PM PST

Can you share your success rate when posting ? for example success rate with scrapebox or when doing directory submissions

I would like to see what kind of success rate have some experienced people when doing:
1: directory submission (for example to 300 directories, i wonder whats standard for veterans, is is 10% acceptance, 20? 50 ?)
2: scrapebox blasting on WP sites. how many successfull post you make and how big acceptance rate do you get?

cl flagger...

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 01:35 PM PST

Are there Craigslist Flagging programs available? I was searching and found a few sites but when I click the links they are not available... hmm Any help would be great...!

Basic FB app code - Seems to be working!

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 01:22 PM PST

Hello all,

I've seen a couple of posts asking for the code that will do this or that on Facebook. I've been looking into building iframe apps for FB for the last couple of weeks and have cobbled together the code I'm sharing below. It works for what I have in mind so far, so hopefully it'll help some one else. Anyway, here we go...

I'm not going to explain setting up an app, check out the Developers site to find the steps for that. It'll also give you ideas about what information you can get FB to give you ;)

Code Explained:

This section of the code shows the opening PHP tag and coding for setting up and connection to the DB. To implement this, you'll need to setup a database and supply the required details. You can add/remove the fields that you need to populate later in the script.


# Now lets load the DB details - Make sure and edit these for your specific setup.

$db_server = "localhost";
$db_username = "DATABASE_USERNAME";
$db_password = "DATABASE_PASSWORD";
$db_name = "DATABASE_NAME";

# Lets connect to the Database and set up the table
$ct_res = mysql_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `facebook_user` (
        `session_key` VARCHAR( 80 ) NOT NULL ,
        `uid` VARCHAR( 80 ) NOT NULL ,
        `email` VARCHAR( 80 ) NOT NULL ,
        `likes` VARCHAR( 80 ) NOT NULL ,
        `expires` VARCHAR( 80 ) NOT NULL ,
        `secret` VARCHAR( 80 ) NOT NULL ,
        `access_token` VARCHAR( 120 ) NOT NULL ,
        `sig` VARCHAR( 80 ) NOT NULL ,
        `date` VARCHAR( 80 ) NOT NULL

Here the script is loading the required functions to interact with the FB api. Also shown are some custom functions that I am using locally in my implementation that you can omit if you want.


# Now lets load the FB GRAPH API

include_once ('facebook.php');
include_once ('FB.class.php');

# Custom Functions

function now(){
        global $t;
        $t = time();
        $d = (date("m-d-Y H:i:s",$t));
        return $t;

function checkFan($l,$n){
        global $facebook;
        for($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
                $target = $facebook->getUser();
                $v = $l['data'][$i]['id'];
                $m = 'ID THAT YOU WANT TO LIKE';
                if ($v == $m){
                        #$sql="UPDATE facebook_user SET likes = 'yes' WHERE uid = '$target';";
                        #$res = mysql_query($sql);
                        #return $l['data'][$i]['name'];
                        return 'yes';
                        return 'no';

Here we setup the application. You get this information from FB after setting up an application.


// Create our Application instance.

global $facebook;
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
  'appId'  => 'APPLICATION_ID',
  'cookie' => false,

Setting up the requested premissions when a FB user first accesses the application. This is the good stuff!


# Lets set up the permissions we need and set the login url in case we need it.

$par['req_perms'] = "publish_stream,offline_access,email, user_likes";
$loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl($par);

And finishing out the code are the functions that chech if a user has authorized the application and then what you want them to do next.


function get_check_session(){
        global $facebook;
        # This function basically checks for a stored session and if we have one it returns it, If we have no stored session then it gets one and stores it
        # OK lets go to the database and see if we have a session stored
        $sid=mysql_query("Select access_token from facebook_user");
        if (is_array($session_id)) {
                # We have a session ID so lets not get a new one
                # Put some session checking in here to make sure its valid
                try {
                $attachment =  array('access_token' => $session_id[0],);
                $ret_code=$facebook->api('/'.$object_id, 'GET', $attachment);
                #$ret_code=$facebook->api('/me', 'GET', $attachment);
                catch (Exception $e) {
                # We don't have a good session so
                $res = mysql_query('delete from facebook_user where expires=0');
                return $session_id[0];
                # Are we coming back from a login with a session set?
                $session = $facebook->getSession();
                if (is_array($session)) {
                        # Yes! so lets store it!
                        $sql="insert into facebook_user (session_key,uid,expires,secret,access_token,sig,date) VALUES ('".$session['session_key']."','".$session['uid']."','". $session['expires']."','". $session['secret'] ."','". $session['access_token']."','". $session['sig']."','".now()."');";
                        $res = mysql_query($sql);
                        return $session['access_token'];

# If we've not got an access_token we need to login.
if ( is_null($access_token) ) {
        echo '<center><a href="'. $loginUrl.'" target=_top <img src=""></a></center>';
        $no_log = 'true';

else {
        $user = json_decode(file_get_contents(''.$target.'?access_token='.$access_token));
        $fname = $user ->{'first_name'};
        $lname = $user ->{'last_name'};
        $email = $user ->{'email'};
        $user_likes = json_decode(file_get_contents(''.$target.'/likes?access_token='.$access_token), true);
        $num_likes = count($user_likes['data']);

if($no_log == 'true'){
                echo checkFan($user_likes, $num_likes);

This will let you control access to a registration form, allow you to autopost when a user takes an action, and any number of other things...fiddling with the above code will let you create whatever app you need! I've attached a zip file with the full code and the needed PHP includes.

If anyone has enhancements they'd like to add feel free. I'm here to learn, too!


Attached Files
File Type: zip (10.6 KB)

VPN with handpicked proxies.

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 12:55 PM PST

need a vpn service where i can change the proxies myself. dont care if its expensive.

and where i can buy 300 private proxies a month price is no issue

hi all

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 12:54 PM PST

made my first 100, 000 USD at 15

Some info for newbies

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 12:21 PM PST

Lately it was pointed out to me that after being a member for 2 years and only having a few posts that I might have more to share. It's not that I don't want to, but I'm afraid what I'm doing is only relevant to newbies and it's a work in process. But, I decided if someone can benefit from the decisions I made after some trial-and-error (and lots of time invested) then it will benefit them. If you want me to expand on anything, please ask.

First I read, learned and tried everything. I failed a lot but discovered that I could make money (20 dollars per month on cpa and twitter spamming). Then I focused on building enough autoblogs that could generate $1/day/blog, was scalable, and didn't rely on spamming. I have not achieved this goal yet.

And if you're new to this stuff: two years ago I didn't know what a proxy server was.
Today I have: 2 unmanaged vps running nginx and a hundred wordpress sites, I'm comfortable editing mysql tables, make my own wordpress templates (using artisteer), have hundreds of social network accounts and yes, I know what a proxy server is.

This is not really a method but it's more like a summary of decisions I made and why:

#1 Patience
There's a old saying "Get it done quick and dirty". Unfortunately, the legacy of this approach is the "dirty" and you never really remember the "quick". Guess what, the Internet's not going anywhere - take your time and make a plan - even if it's just a high level plan.

#2 Hosting
-Tried 000webhost, hostgator, powweb
-Shared hosting has too many limitations and threat of suspension and no access to the system for tuning.
-Tried Managed VPS at wiredtree. They have great service. They allow any content as long as it's legal. But you pay for the service.
- I now use slicehost and linode unmanaged vps. Linode is less expensive - $20/mo for 512 but have no backup. You can use scripts to make offsite backups. Both have online tutorials on how to build your server with nginx and fast php. This is required if you want to have more than 10 blogs on a 512mb server. Apache uses too much RAM. I have 40 blogs running on one server (20 get 100 or more impressions per day- the others less to none) that costs 20 dollars per month. Remember, VPS is still essentially a shared hosting environment and you will still have bandwidth and disk usage rules to follow. If your websites are more active than mine, you'll need fewer sites per server or a bigger server.

#3 Privacy Page
If you're running adsense, get a privacy page going now. Two most common reasons for suspension are clicking your own ads and no privacy page. I copied and modified one from online somewhere - make your somewhat unique per site. Do a google search for adsense privacy policy example and go to the second or third page. Then spin whatever they have so yours is unique. You need to include a paragraph about dart (I think it's still important) and link to the google dart policy. I tried but I can't post the link - newbie limitation.

#4 CMS
Before joining BHW I made a few websites using Joomla and even managed some autoblogging by using some extension. Now I use wordpress due to flexibility and tons of free plugins and themes. SEO 101 is easy with plugins and google likes the organic blog functionality. You can make it look more like a website by using a static front page and changing the theme (under page edit) to single column. Then you can add a menu button for blog to ensure g-bot can index your posts. Wordpress is the way to go.

#5 Plugins
I use a core set of plugins:
404 SEO plugin
All in one SEO pack
Amazon affiliate link localizer
Dagon Design Sitemaps
Display widgets - adsense limits you to 3 ads per page. I use this to turn the sidebar widgets with adsense OFF the blog post page. This way you can have adsense in the sidebar of the front page but put all 3 adsense ads within the post. Higher chance of click.
Quick Adsense
WPRobot - I couldn't get CC working ever, tried and like wp-autoblog a lot but it didn't have (not sure about now) Amazon or Clickbank integration. I think Autoblogged is the same but not sure. WPRobot works great. I bought the 25 dollar version then downloaded the full version from here.
WP Super Cache - takes a huge load off the server and lets you have more websites.

Plugins I delete:
I delete hello and akismet on every site. I disallow all comments by Settings>Discussions and turn off every checkmark except the 2 under Before a comment appears - check those two. Then edit each page on your site and uncheck "allow comments".

Plugins I tried and don't use anymore:
Reason is that twitter and pingfm changed their API's recently and may again. I'd rather not be at their mercy so i take the blog's RSS feed to the social network sites using twitterfeed.

#6 RSS to Social Networks
I use twitterfeed to take all my blogs RSS feeds and pump to twitter and facebook. I use a particular social network account for each blog. At one point I tried to cross post and within a week all ten twitter accounts in the test were suspended. I use multiple twitterfeed accounts in the event one gets corrupted, suspended or something but no problems so far.

I was using socialoomph's pro account to send random posts to my twitter accounts to make them seem more natural, but it uses a fixed schedule and therefore looks less than natural. I also used SO to send rss to pingfm and then to many social network accounts. I cancelled my socialoomph pro account because it's too complicated to have all in one place. Now I'll use tweet attacks from the desktop. The only thing tweet attacks won't do is randomly post from a queue like SO's pro. That's a nice feature. But tweet attacks says they integrate with SO API to schedule posts - I hope it works as well.

Hootsuite was okay until they started charging for RSS to social network. And pingfm has integrated superfeedr but I dont like it. It often includes meta data in the post that shows up in the twitter post. I'm still working on a way to get to pingfm that's easy and consistent.

So far I'm settling on Twitterfeed and tweet attacks.

#7 Social Networks
I'm currently using my social network accounts only for posting my wordpress RSS feeds. That's a huge waste as accounts on these sites can support a nice income by posting CPA and other links. I'm hopeful that tweet attacks will open some opportunity there.

I use a site called fakenamegenerator to get account names and information. It's a great site. There's a link to order enough fake ids for all your needs in csv format. They ask for your email.

I use lastpass to save my account credentials and profiles for the fake ids. This is a very cool free software that has an extension for firefox and makes it easy to sign up for social network accounts by using preset forms. It takes a minute to set up the forms, but it's worth it. I know there's a concern about lastpass privacy but I'm okay with - the data is encrypted and the connection is secure. I tried roboform and liked it, but didnt want to pay. PS - you can export your lastpass data to CSV, save to a flash drive and lock it in a drawer in case something happens to LP. I have not done that yet, but should.

#8 Home Computer O/S - I have experience with unix from 30 years ago that made this easy for me.
I dual boot my main computer win / linux. I have vmware running under the linux machine and run win xp on an instance. Any BH software that needs to run under windows I run on the VM. This way I can trash it and copy an original or incremental version of the VM. Note that vmware doesn't release disk space. It adds to the disk usage even if you delete something. I can only free the disk space by copying to windows and running the commands there. They don't work under linux. That's at least true with vmware server 2 and ubuntu 10.

#9 Weblog clients - Remote Posting
I use gnome-blog or blog entry poster to post to my blogs remotely. It's a linux weblog client and makes it much easier to post to many blogs without having to login to each blog's console. It also supports blogger and other blogging platforms. You can copy images to the post. It's easy. There are others - Search for wordpress codex weblog client.

#10 Ads Management
I use google doubleclick for publishers. If a cpa program expires, you can add new creative instead of trying to locate that cpa ad on every blog. It uses ad units and orders like we're selling ads to 3rd parties, but it still works fine in our environment. It can also rotate ads within the unit based on popularity. I have a tough time trusting google with everything, so I'm also looking at openx, but I read there was a security issue that may or may not be resolved.

Sorry for the long post. I hope someone gets something useful from it.

Like I said, if anyone has a question let me know and I'll try to help.

Bloody Big G Banned my Site

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 12:03 PM PST

I am totally fedup of these guys... after going on an indexing spree and ranking my pages like anything suddenly every page gets deindexed and webmaster tools gives this message "This site may be in violation of Google's quality guidelines"

Does giving a warning hurt them a lot??

I guess iam done with them ... i was planning to run an advertising campaign on FB for one of my affiliate store, what do you guys think, is it a good idea?

need help

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 11:56 AM PST

Hi there I m new to BHW I'm designer by profession & own a designing website.I want to know how to get traffic on website. I have completed 21 project in fiver,odesk & other sites

Does anyone know the name of this song?

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 11:44 AM PST

There's this song from Wikileaks teaser, it fucking rocks. I'm trying since 4 days to figure it out without success. If anyone knows it please help me out thanks!
the song begins @ 00:55

Question about domain etc

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 11:40 AM PST

Can someone who knows a decent ammount about BH SEO and Xrumer etc PM me their skype? This stupid f**king moderation system won't let me post my question no matter how many times I switch things :pat:

Do You Still Backlink Even When Its Done For You?

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 11:32 AM PST

So without naming names I will be using a monthly backlinking service. They offer DAILY link building in different formats (web2.0 post, xrumer, blog comments, high pr profile links, and a mix of all) Since this service really takes care of the basics except bookmarking, I still find myself looking at other people and what they offer and if cheap and good should I still build off them to?

Example: If im already posting to 15 web 2.0 sites from this company (and they allow repost so really they set it up for you and you can maintain it) do I still need to go to someone who is doing the same service for $5 say as a review?

Example #2 If my service im with supplys me with blog comments any day I want do I need to have another person who offers the same service do it for me to?

The only part of me that says YES to the above examples is because it will be coming from first off different user names for the web 2.0 sites but will have the same article sent just spun.

Hope im making sense because it boils down to now that I have found a good service from 1 person do I still have to go get more from person #2?

Mailing postcards question

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 11:24 AM PST

Hey all,

Printing postcards is easy:
  • Find local print shop (or online.... whatever)
  • print

The thing I'm stuck on, is: how to I get addresses on thousands of postcards?

I have a fair grasp of my action plan and I have a strategy worked out for testing the direct mailing water ... but I just can't figure out how I'm going to send out that many cards with different addresses on each!

Do I just find a company that will print the postcards with the addresses on them? And have them ship it out?

In other words: any tips and suggestions on how to get 1,000 different names on 1,000 postcards and send them out in a efficient manner?


file sharing site submitter ???

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 11:19 AM PST

does anyone know of a file sharing site submitter tool that works properly, not to upload files to hotfile etc, but to automatically upload the posts (with links to the file sharing sites) to the sites such as downeu . com ????

Name of software that automatically builds our Web 2.0 Pyramid?

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 11:10 AM PST

Sorry for this really basic question... I was reading about an app on here the other day... You provide it with the necessary information, and then it goes out and automatically creates pages on Squidoo, etc...

Can somebody remind me what the name is of this app? Also, if you use it, would you recommend it?


PayPal disputes on Flippa

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 11:08 AM PST

What are the chances of an account with a +2 rating, because they verifed a phone, of them winning an auction, then after a few weeks putting in a dispute with PayPal that they never got what they purchased? Once they have the domain, hard to get it back and PayPal will be on their side.

Should a seller ship a copy and have them sign for it? Maybe delay transfer of the domain for 45 days?

Or is there really no problems with this on Flippa?


Youtube unknown error

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 11:07 AM PST


Why does some times youtube videos always come back with unknown error?

I just uploaded a video and it totality
disappeared so now I have to upload the 230mb video again.

I always have this out of 1 of 5 videos and its really annoying.

I wish Google would sort it out.


Easily build 25 UNIQUE backlinks to your pages every day with the push of a button!

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 10:35 AM PST

hey everyone, i found this site, looks quite interesting for any one want to build consistent back links every day from Social book, comment, etc

the site promises to be free for 25 links per day unless you want more

looks great, give it a try, get yours for free too :D


my money stuck in paypal and no way to get it

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 10:29 AM PST


sorry if i will post here i dont know if this is right place

here is the story my country not supported by paypal i used france paypal

i recieved money to it but paypal limited and asked for docs that i dont have

after 180 days passed they sent me email says your fund elegable for withdraw to bank account france bank account or usa bank account only

when i logged to paypal to withdraw i found that i cant withdraw till give them all info they need i contacted them no response and i cant acall them via phone coz many reasons

i tried on thread on dp to scar paypal to give my money withdrawble o i will sued them (sound funny? as they not support my country):p

they response and told me they will never work with me again and will close my account after anotehr 180 days and i can withdraw then

same thing happens to me in another paypal account but after 180 days i even cant login to my account

how now i can get my money from paypal? any experience? is money lost there forever?

please anyone can help?


Best Classifieds Ads Script !!

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 10:24 AM PST

Hi Fellow BHW'ers !!!

I have been researching the net for the best classified script available to setup my own classified website and have come across a lot of them. Each claiming to be better than the other.

If any of the members have had any experience in running a classified site and would care to share their experiences/ recommend a script , I will be grateful.

Also , please mention any pitfalls I would do well to avoid during the the project.

Thanks in advance,

Cheers and have a great day.

Affiliate Script Needed (WP Plugin?)

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 10:24 AM PST

Hey Blackhatters,

I'm building a new site, and it's built on Wordpress. It's basically an ecommerce site (I won't bore you with the details). Does anyone know of an affiliate tracking wordpress plugin? I tried searching the downloads section, but I couldn't find anything.

I'm using Magic Members, and I want to offer members the ability to become affiliates of the products I sell and member services.

Also, if anyone knows about a stand-alone affiliate tracking script, I could always use one of those too. The script doesn't necessarily have to be a WP plugin, it would just be easier. When I say affiliate tracking script, I don't mean tracking202. I'm talking about managing a small affiliate network.

Todays update

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 10:24 AM PST

Has anyone else had any issues with not getting the self publish email from gayslist?

Scrapebox RSS question

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 10:00 AM PST

First off I want to make clear I am not asking how to index backlinks with SB. I searched, found out how, and accomplished that. My question is around what is actually done with that process.

When I submit the RSS containing links to all the pages I put my backlink on, what I am trying to do is get that page indexed \ reindexed since it includes my new backlink now. Correct?

Just want to clarify that for my reference.


Unique page URL VS PHP auto-generated page URL

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 09:56 AM PST

Okay here is the deal.

I am currently working on a brand new dynamic website that will have thousand of pages and more pages will be added on a daily basis.
The thing is that each of these pages will have the same design template, only the main content will be different.

I have two choices.

I could create 1000 unique php/html files




I could create only ONE php file and use the GET parameters to auto generate the content.



My question is, would it make a difference for SEO?

IMO, 1000 uniques pages is better but its alot more work. And let say I need to create 100 new pages each week, its gonna be tons of work. If I use the PHP GET parameters way, I would only need to deal with one PHP file and a Database on the backend.

Does page.php?name=Name1 and page.php?name=Name2 are considered two distinct pages by Google? Or its the same page( page.php).

I think Matt Cutt talked about this in one of his videos on Youtube but I cant seem to find the link. If anyone have any more infos on this, please let me know.


.Com and .CO Domains for $7.77 With Free Whois

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 09:49 AM PST

Well, I dont know whether you people know,

But, is having a promo running at the moment, may be for this month, which makes it $7.77 for .COM and .CO domains.

For free whois, use the Coupon : FREEWHOIS and you get it right there.

I just ran through some .co domains and seems like a hell lot of them are not taken yet.

Eg : is not taken yet, and I am sure someone would love to have it with them. (I dont really need it lol!)


Why o Why did I ever stop working!

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 09:21 AM PST

Well I guess it might be the downfall for many people who enjoy a bit of success when they are young and in to the internet marketing scene. It certainly was for me.

Until early 2009 I was making a killing from Black Hat SEO but success lead me to become lazy thinking I was set for life from the income of a few websites. How I was wrong lol.

I guess you have to learn the hard way huh?

Anyways I'm in the process of writing up a new 'noob guide to making money online'. Lots of it shit you can find everywhere on any IM forum just broke down in to a simple step by step process for making affiliate and adsense sites with wordpress.

I was doing some research and found a product I made in 2006 that i totally forgot about :eek:

Even worse it has some of my old screenshots from my casino earnings back then!

Grrr, why did I ever stop!

Papers to unfreeze an account

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 09:06 AM PST

It just so happened that I need to provide additional documents to unfreeze an account I have and they will absolutely positively take nothing but papers.

Please, if you are savvy with Photoshop and can help me, just PM me.

guidence needed, with a service I got here.

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 08:45 AM PST

Im not sure how I should leave feed back for a service I purchased. I got the correct amount of links as what I ordered. However, the ad very clearly stated links from pr5 and up sites. When I look at the links, they are all on PR0 pages, in Forums on PR0 pages.

I wondering if I missed something. I know a new profile page will be a pr0, but I figured the Forums they were in would match the stated PR. It doesn't. The Forums are also PR0 and full of spam post.

Google is not going to care about these links.

I feel I got burned, but I am not sure if I should have known better. Is it common to say you will get a link from a pr9 website, then place that link 3 levels down on pr0 pages.

If it is normal, then why pay more for pr5 and higher sites. Google isn't stupid they will not care about these links. They are all PR0, yes 5k of them but who cares.

WH Business - Needs Affiliate Marketing

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 08:42 AM PST

I want to have affiliate marketing for my WH Business that provides discount services for consumers. This is not a download type of business. The product is about $200, and at times, some refunds needs to be made to consumers. The sales volume are low so forget CJ with the 50K of income each month requirement.

Anyone have any ideas?

VPS Mail question

Posted: 12 Feb 2011 08:41 AM PST

I am using host gator as my VPS.

I am using proxies as well as hide my ass when I mail but should I get register my mailing domain with an offshore registrar like katz global.

The current mailing domain I am using is registered with namecheap and it is has free whoisguard enabled on it but i am sure someone can still get to me if they wanted.

I am mailing standard blackhat cpa offers, at low volume right now but I want to make sure I am protected before I up the volume.

Any suggestions and yes I am in the USA.

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