Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO |
- What is it with parents?
- Theory regarding Twitter
- Life or Death: No Joke, Help!!
- Is there any automatic friend adder like tweet attacks?
- Small question..!
- Can anyone help me to setup CPA Iframe?
- Build 25 Unique Backlinks Everyday Easily in Just 2 minutes - FREE
- Pay pal help
- Attn: Mods - Need Approval To Offer Service
- Added new link submission types to my phpLD directory
- What is the best link cloaking solution for wprobot in wordpress subdomain multisite?
- If you have more then 5k friends, message me
- How the hell can I use twitter to put money in my pocket?!
- Make 3x the investment?
- Blackhatworld WP Theme
- [GET] Email Marketing Guides Collection by MailChimp
- Selling Lists? Is it worth it?
- Recurring Income - $5/mo New Program
- Sites like Microworkers for CPA offers?
- Has anyone run non-simultaneous adwords on different emails/accounts that go to same url?
- Saved up some cash , Now what should i do with it?
- What is this guy using on his site?
- Avoiding Automatic Spam Flag on comments?
- Copying articles that's only been published once?
- Make Youtube vid on Squidoo "smaller" size?
- Automatic Thumbs Up?
- looking for facebook traffic
- any one know how to bring cheap facebook make money traffic
- Affiliate Marketer Needed
- Need Advice about Ebay and Paypal !
- im looking for Casino Affiliates and can pay High CPA
- Whats the safe speed for sending?
- What Does YOUR SEO Strategy Look Like?
- Hahahahahahah
- AdSense for feeds advice
- Is there any way to open my website inside a FBML?
- JC Penney Busted By Google
- How to reinstall after losing copy of scrapebox
- Need advice on Adsense for domain parked pages... And alternatives....
- Cancel Please
- Us local ads
- How do I know how often google is visiting my sites?
- Bought an autoblog on flippa for $15 what to do with it?
- Can I list multiple DNS from different hosts?
- Sub4Sub youtube channels
- Gr0up-0n clone jv
- Making Money for Downloads Site
- How to only show unique articles on homepage
- How To Invest YOUR Money
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 07:01 PM PST Ok , My mum was checking her emails about 30 mins ago and she said to me " Dan , are you expecting a parcel for delivery " i then told her no. So she clicked the "tracking link" to the site. She then shouted over to me my computer has got a blue screen error (not a gpu problem dont worry) and it had to shut down. I said to her you have definately got a virus , She kept saying no so we started it back up and bam norton 360 , avira and MSE all detected around 87 trojans (backdoors). I cant believe she clicked a spam link haha and the fact that she thought she was right. The younger generation will always have one over they're parents :p | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 06:52 PM PST Does anyone know if several thousand accounts from the same IP would get banned if they all followed only one person? | |
Life or Death: No Joke, Help!! Posted: 13 Feb 2011 06:49 PM PST I live with my mom, dad has never been in the picture, we have 2 dogs. I lost my job and live in a city with one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation, there are no jobs to be found anywhere. Mom just had a stroke and ALL of our money had to go to doctors to keep her alive. We are about to be evicted with nowhere to go. The shape she is in she would not make it 2 nights on the streets and the dogs have never really left the backyard. On top of that she still NEEDS to go to the neurologist because her brain is not working right, she sometimes doesn't even structure her sentences in a way that makes any sense at all. Eviction takes 60 days and we have till than to come up with $2,200 for 2 months rent or be homeless. Straight up this is do or die. I need to make this money online with a quickness! I don't have any real experience in IM but I have been studying my ass off 18 hours a day every day for 2 months now. Just before the brown stuff hit the fan I bought scrapebox, TheBestSpinner, Sick Submitter, and Market Samuri. I am still figuring out how to use all of this but like I said I am putting 18-20 hours a day at it, I only sleep 4 hours a night and take 2x 1/2hour naps a day (that's what the astronauts do). I learn fast and have great aptitude for IM! I can build basic websites with drupal CMS. I have maybe $50 or $100 at most to my name. there is no one I can borrow mony from, and no way I can get a loan. I don't have anything to sell. Please BHW this is literally a matter of life vs. death, What would you suggest I do to make $2200 in the next 60 days. I don't have a product to sell, I am registered at peerfly though It is a brand new account and I have not started promoting anything yet. I have an adsense account and amazon associates. I am familiar with affiliate marketing and CPAs. This is not a joke it is a cry for help and if you don't have constructive ideas please don't bother posting, I don't want to hear that its hopeless or that I should sell sperm or any other nonsense. This is only the surface of the drama and I can barley think straight right now, I need ideas. Thanks to anyone who can offer me a bit of advice to run with. -Ian | |
Is there any automatic friend adder like tweet attacks? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 06:41 PM PST I just started using facebook and I would like something like tweet attacks that can automatically add friends? | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 06:40 PM PST Hey guys.. i just tried to follow some 200 members in a day.. and it says " You have reached your limit today,try later soon" what does that mean.. What's the limit to click follow... Thanks in advance.. | |
Can anyone help me to setup CPA Iframe? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 06:30 PM PST Hi, Can anyone help me to setup cpaiframe for my website? I will pay for this service. Many Thanks. Chris | |
Build 25 Unique Backlinks Everyday Easily in Just 2 minutes - FREE Posted: 13 Feb 2011 06:13 PM PST Create 25 inbound links every single day - FREE. All links are on UNIQUE C Class IPs and Domains! Check it out here: (by the way, it's my affiliate link :D) If you don't wan't to go through my affiliate link just go directly to socialmonkeedotcom | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 05:52 PM PST Hello, I have a problem with my paypal account. It has been limited a while now and I checked on it and now the funds are eligible for withdrawal. But the thing is, to withdraw the funds I need a USA bank account. And the other thing is the paypal name is fake. So I was wondering if there was a way around this. | |
Attn: Mods - Need Approval To Offer Service Posted: 13 Feb 2011 05:29 PM PST I have never offered a service here before so please forgive me for not knowing how it works, but I do know that I have to have approval first, so can a mod please contact me? Thanks :D | |
Added new link submission types to my phpLD directory Posted: 13 Feb 2011 05:21 PM PST Hi all, I posted a thread a few days ago announcing my web directory, now I have decided to cancel compulsory registration for people wanting to submit their sites as I think that may be a turn off. If you are looking for another phpLD powered directory to submit your site to, here are my listing types:
266274 | |
What is the best link cloaking solution for wprobot in wordpress subdomain multisite? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 05:19 PM PST Hi, I have used wordpress subdomain multisite and installed wp robot 3.4. As the wprobot embed link cloaking method seems not work on multisite, so I would like to find a solution for affiliate link cloaking for my main site and all my sub-sites, any suggestion? Thanks. | |
If you have more then 5k friends, message me Posted: 13 Feb 2011 05:14 PM PST thanks. I have an offer for you. | |
How the hell can I use twitter to put money in my pocket?! Posted: 13 Feb 2011 05:12 PM PST Newbie here looking for the chedda, feta & mozzarella! For the longest I was of the school of thought that twitter was utter nonsense. People talking about how the taco they had for lunch gave them gas...really? I give a flying fuq! But I've come to realize that twitter is here & it's here to stay! So how can a newbie like me use it to put money in my pocket?!?! Right now I have an article marketing campaign going on promoting a clickbank product. I'd love to rev things up and implement twitter to get some more exposure to my blog & articles & ultimately more sales! I did a little research on my niche in twitter and saw that its heavily populated. But what i see is that everyone seems to be spamming eachother. One affiliate spamming the next affiliate with affiliate links to the same product?...I cant imagine this is a profitable model. Tell a humble newbie on the REAL BHW way to leverage twitter & monetize it to my advantage?! -ichi | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 05:04 PM PST I've noticed that this is one of the few sections of the forum that is serious about what they do. You all must consider the financial aspects as well. Which is what I need help on. When you post on CL or spend money on proxies, or buy landlines or PVA's do you think about the return? I was thinking about CL methods and doing some math. For example if you pay $25 for a job posting you need to make $50 or more to do it again. At $25 you recoup your money, at $50 you can do it again. But you need to make a profit, otherwise you're just posting to keep posting! I would think this applies to any business model. If you can't make 3x's the money is it really worth doing? Any examples or advice people could give on this topic would be appreciated. Here or via PM. Thanks! | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 05:02 PM PST A while back I saw where someone posted a BHW look-a-like theme but I cannot find it now, does anyone remember who posted it or where it is? I tried searching but the terms black hat world and wordpress aren't really optimal for searching around here :D Thanks! | |
[GET] Email Marketing Guides Collection by MailChimp Posted: 13 Feb 2011 04:52 PM PST [GET] Email Marketing Guides Collection by MailChimp Email Marketing Field Guide A comprehensive field guide to email marketing. Topics include: - How HTML email works - Designing and coding - Anatomy of a good HTML email newsletter - Designing around spam filters - Testing and troubleshooting - Email marketing best practices - Measuring performance You don’t have to be a professional web designer to use this guide, but a little HTML knowledge will help. First, we’ll cover all the basics, like how HTML email works (and why it always seems to break when you try to send it yourself). Then we’ll get into the technical stuff, like how to design and code your HTML email. Finally, we’ll run through email-marketing best practices for list management, deliverability and measuring performance. Let’s Get Social We'll show you MailChimp's social features and help you combine your email marketing with your social-media presence. Topics include: - Social share buttons and merge tags - Signup form for Facebook - Auto-tweeting and auto-post to Facebook - Tracking tweets and likes - Twitter, Facebook, Yelp, iTunes and Etsy templates - Video, Flickr and Eventbrite integrations - Social Pro Here at MailChimp, we use Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and our blogs to engage our community of fans and connect with them wherever they are. We send email newsletters, too. (Surprising, right?) We've found that using email and social networks together provides a greater benefit than just using one or the other, and we've added lots of exciting features that amplify the best qualities of each medium and make it easy for them to work together. Constant Contact Switchers Guide An introduction to MailChimp for former Constant Contact* users. Topics include: - Importing your list - Setting up templates - Changing account settings - Creating groups - Viewing reports Welcome to MailChimp. Getting started is easy—this guide will help you make a seamless transition in just a few simple steps. We’ll explain how to set up your lists, create beautiful campaigns and view your reports in MailChimp. We’ll also go over the differences in using MailChimp and Constant Contact. Warning Signs That Your Client Is Spamming Warning signs that a client’s spamming and tips on how to handle the situation, including: - How to spot a dirty list - Checking your client's reputation - Agency mistakes - Confronting clients We originally created MailChimp to help creative agencies (web developers, freelancers, advertising agencies and more) send beautiful email campaigns on behalf of their clients. Now we manage more than 500,000 MailChimp users with millions of subscribers. So we’ve helped a lot of agencies help their clients with email. Unfortunately, this also means we’ve had to shut down a lot of agency accounts for their clients’ bad email-marketing practices. This guide will help you recognize warning signs that your client is spamming and learn how to react. Email Delivery For IT Professionals Lots of info on setting up and successfully managing your own deliverability infrastructure, including tips on: - Hosting and hardware - Bounce handling - Feedback loops - Application development considerations MailChimp will help you understand the roles that infrastructure and management play in deliverability, and how to leverage your infrastructure to help your marketing team deliver engaging content. Most of the information in this guide is targeted at the technical and social requirements for setting up your delivery infrastructure. If all this stuff is in place, you have a much better chance of hitting the inbox. How To Avoid Spam Filters How spam filters work and how to avoid them. Tips include: - Checking campaigns before sending - Preventing false abuse reports - Using a double opt-in method - Checking your reputation Innocent email marketers who send permission-based emails to people who requested them get spam filtered all the time. Unfortunately, there's not a quick fix. The only way to avoid spam filters is to understand what spam is and how the filters work. This guide gives you the rundown. Email Jitsu “Combat tips” for HTML email design, including: - Hand coding - Viewing in different email readers - Testing emails - Tools and tactics This guide is a funny, Jitsu-themed intro to HTML email coding and design. You might be skilled in CSS positioning and grids, but coding HTML emails requires some back-to-basics knowledge of web design that you may have forgotten. MailChimp For Designers A tour of MailChimp specifically for designers. Topics include: - Managing multiple accounts for clients - Email template language - Popular integrations - Avoiding spam fIlters - Understanding reports - Collaborating with clients and colleagues Maybe you’re a freelance web designer hired to create email templates. Maybe you work for an agency, and you’re setting up a client’s MailChimp account, designing their templates and teaching them how to use the application. Maybe you’re a web-design consultant. In any case, you can use MailChimp to create beautiful emails for your clients and see to it that their email-marketing plan is successful. How To Use Templates Tips on creating and styling templates. We'll cover: - Campaigns vs. templates - Template types - Which template should I use? - How to switch templates - How to style your templates A template is the backbone of every MailChimp campaign. We've got lots of template and layout options to choose from, and this guide will help you figure out what kind of template you should use, and how to style it to suit your needs. Getting Started With MailChimp Step-by-step instructions on getting started with MailChimp. You’ll learn how to - Create your list - Import your list - Create your campaign - Avoid spam filters - Understand your MailChimp reports Welcome to MailChimp. This handy guide will help you get your first email campaign off the ground. We’ll also offer tips on managing your list, viewing your reports and making sure your campaigns get into the right hands. Common Rookie Mistakes Common email-marketing rookie mistakes, including: - Not having permission - Confusing transactional emails with email marketing - Assuming people remember who you are - Writing like a used-car salesman - Ignoring campaign reports - Sending with a personal reply-to address If you’re new to email marketing, you’re probably excited about sending out lots of emails to your customers. But if you’re in a rush, you might end up sending emails to people who have forgotten about you, or worse, didn’t give you permission in the first place. You might accidentally send the wrong kinds of emails or use language that offends your recipients. Even stuff like using an unprofessional reply-to address can get you in trouble for spamming. So before you start blasting campaigns, check out these common mistakes that email-marketing rookies often make. How To Create An Email Marketing Plan A fictional case-study that includes step-by-step instructions for creating an email-marketing plan. Steps include: - Defining your readers - Determining your purpose - Outlining your goals - Determining your frequency - Creating a timeline You know you want to do some email marketing, but you’re not sure where to start. You think you might need a "Plan of Action," but that sounds complicated and time consuming. Let’s face it: You’re too darn busy to spend hours and hours developing an email- marketing plan. This guide is for you. MailChimp For Musicians An introduction to MailChimp's features for musicians. Topics include: - Sign-up forms - RSS-to-email campaigns - Social share merge tag - Sharing your music - Finding your fans MailChimp's email-marketing tools make it fun and easy to send email newsletters, manage your mailing lists and track your performance. Have a new song or video to share? You can do it with MailChimp. Want your fans to share your updates with their own social networks? MailChimp makes it dead simple. Curious about where your most loyal supporters are located? Find out with just a couple clicks. In this guide, we'll cover all those features and more, and we'll show you how to use them effectively. MailChimp For Etsy Sellers Lots of information for Etsy sellers who use MailChimp, including: - Building your list - Creating an attractive newsletter - PayPal integration - Growing your customer base We’ll explain how Etsy* sellers can use MailChimp to market their shops, stay in touch with their fans and grow their subscriber lists. Powerful features like our PayPal integration and RSS-to-email tool are perfect for Etsy sellers. And our social sharing options help get the word out about your new products. MailChimp For Bloggers Information on growing your blog and building your audience with MailChimp, including: - Building your mailing list - Setting up an RSS-To-Email campaign - Merge tags for bloggers - Social Sharing - Blog publishing tools MailChimp makes it fun and easy to send email newsletters, but what does that have to do with bloggers? Turns out, there are great opportunities for increased audience engagement when bloggers introduce email as an option for content delivery. The guide includes helpful tips, step-by-step tutorials and more. MailChimp For Churches Lots of information about how churches can use MailChimp, including: - Building a list - Creating a newsletter - RSS-to-email campaigns - Social sharing We’ll cover all the basic features MailChimp offers for churches, and how you can use them effectively. Chances are, your church has been sending newsletters, either physically or digitally, for a long time. Newsletters provide a great way to keep your congregation informed about news, events, schedules and more. You may have close relationships with many of the people that attend your church, but newsletters provide structure, keeping them informed about everything your church is offering in a way that may not otherwise be available. MailChimp For Nonprofits Lots of information on MailChimp and nonprofits. Topics include - Creating a list - Creating groups - Sending your first campaign - Sharing your newsletter - Reports and analytics - Integrations This guide explains the basics of MailChimp and the ways we can help nonprofits. MailChimp makes it easy for nonprofits to grow their email-newsletter list and stay connected with their members, staff, volunteers and board. We'll explain how to use MailChimp's powerful features and integrations, from our PayPal integration to our social sharing options, and how they can benefit nonprofits. Your First Email Marketing Project Step-by-step instructions for creating and sending your first email-marketing project. Steps include: - Choosing an email service provider - Selecting an email template design - Testing and troubleshooting - Delivering your campaign If you’re a web designer, and you’ve been put in charge of your very first email-marketing gig, we wrote this for you. It’s basically a list of all the things you need to consider when you work on (and bill for) an email-marketing project. We’ll take you step-by-step through what it takes to get your client’s email campaigns out the door. How To Use Merge Tags Tips on how to include dynamic content in your email campaigns with merge tags for: - Formatting custom list information - Social sharing - Video sharing - Email translation MailChimp provides all kinds of merge tags to dynamically add content to your email. You can include something as simple as a subscriber’s first name, or create an entire campaign using nothing but merge tags. This guide is a step-by-step tutorial for using MailChimp’s merge tags. Code: Format : PDF (Zipped) If you like that, say Thanks ! :cool: | |
Selling Lists? Is it worth it? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 04:48 PM PST I have a workout/w3ightloss site that I'm running right now, it's doing quite well.On my site I have some weight loss methods and an email optin form, I collect emails from users and they receive MY OWN written eb00ks. I've gathered about 40000 emails. These emails are targetted, all these emails are people that are interested in w3ight loss and fat burn1ng. Most of the users on my site are from North America and the rest of them are from Europe. My question is: Can I s3ll this list of emails? If so, how much do you guys think it would go for? Edit: Sorry for the weird typing, 8HW has weird anti-5pam protection.... therefore I can't type like a normal human being :( | |
Recurring Income - $5/mo New Program Posted: 13 Feb 2011 04:35 PM PST I was thinking of starting an affiliate program with my new hosting company in order to draw more traffic. It would be a 50/50 split as I charge about $10/mo for customers. I am offering a free basic website for the new customers where we offer the seo+up to 5 pages of their content+contact page+sitemap+TOS and Privacy Polict etc... Before I went ahead and started this program I want to see if anyone has advice for starting this type of program. Anyone have ideas on how to get the word out etc. Should I charge more or less/mo? Should I even give away the website or should I charge a little more like 25-50$? Any start-up advice would be appreciated. Thanks Zonk | |
Sites like Microworkers for CPA offers? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 04:30 PM PST Do you know any other sites like Microworkers that can be used to get people to sign up to CPA offers? | |
Has anyone run non-simultaneous adwords on different emails/accounts that go to same url? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 04:30 PM PST Has anyone run non-simultaneous adwords on different emails/accounts that go to same url? Hello BHW Brothers, This is what I did 1. Created an adword account 2. Applied voucher and used it up. 3. Deleted all keywords and ad campaigns. 4. Deleted adword account 5. Opened new account under new email. 6. Repeated steps 1-4 from above. I have used the same credit card as it is my understanding that the CC can be used on different accounts especially as some Click compaigns are managed by others. I read that google does not allow multiple ad campaigns to be running on the same url. Therefore, I have not nor need to run simultaneous ads to this site. I open a new account with a new code, same cc and burn it up in a few days then close. Has anyone followed this blueprint and got the hit with the ban hammer? I have only accomplished this a few times but would appreciate your input from those brave souls that blazed the trail before me... Thanking you in advance. | |
Saved up some cash , Now what should i do with it? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 04:23 PM PST Ok , I have made around $1100 since i joined BHW (Big thanks to BHW :) ) doing various "Disposable" methods such as BH SEO , WH SEO , Social marketing , Flipping sites and a few other little methods. I have a few tools: SEO Link Rizer (Still being fixed), Scrapebox x 2 , Tweetattacks , SEnuke and The best spinner. Any ideas what i can do ? , Please dont post something like " get 10 autoblogs then spam the shit out of them and you will earn $$$$$ " or nothing from adsense because they banned me :rain: | |
What is this guy using on his site? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 04:21 PM PST Can you help me understand what this guy is running on his site? The site is digitalproductsreview . net Is this just iframes? | |
Avoiding Automatic Spam Flag on comments? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 03:45 PM PST HOw can you avoid it? How does youtube flag your comments automatically as spam? Seems very random to me. What's even more weird is that a lot of legitimate comments by regular users get flagged too. But today was just bad. I posted 20 comments, and about 12 of them were automatically flagged as spam, when I checked on them. This was done on a new account. Comments were not repetitive. Most of the comments were flagged under very popular videos, and a few on not so popular. Can anybody outline some things that trigger this? | |
Copying articles that's only been published once? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 03:40 PM PST ive found some articles that have been only been published by this one site and copyscape has not found anything. what happens if i copy those articles? since its never been used by more than once, would google think its fine? | |
Make Youtube vid on Squidoo "smaller" size? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 03:30 PM PST Hello roomies! Happy afternoon bhkhtters!! I'm placing a youtube vid on a squidoo lens I have the problem is no matter what code I try to place whether in the "video" or "yourtube" module on squidoo, it only seems to show the vid at full size 640x480 even if I try the embed and change the variables from 640X480 to something else, the size shows the same on my lens ? still shows it at 640X480??? OPPPS!! UPDATE it does automatically shrink it a little on squidoo to "420X320" but that's still much biigger than I'd like, if you know how to get it smaller, I'm all ears! any suggestions? Thanks much madhatters! Hali~:):) | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 03:25 PM PST How do you get unlimited thumbs up on comments? This one video I'm following, there is someone getting 20+ thumbs up on a spammy comment in less than a minute. What tool is this? | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 03:24 PM PST Hi All Can someone have any idea how to bring massive Facebook traffic for free, im talking about a technical method or something that can generate clicks... Any idea will be helpful | |
any one know how to bring cheap facebook make money traffic Posted: 13 Feb 2011 03:18 PM PST Hi All im looking for a way to bring cheap make money traffic from facebook in high volumes any one has any idea? | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 03:11 PM PST Hey, I'm not going to put too much details but I need someone who can help market a product I am developing. Investments may be needed, but just small investments. PM me your previous Clickbank and other products you've made or promoted. We will be in the Internet Marketing niche. I plan to develop a few products, but I will just do 1 for now. PM if interested. | |
Need Advice about Ebay and Paypal ! Posted: 13 Feb 2011 03:05 PM PST I want to open an Ebay account in France and sell some staff . I am not from France so i will use a fake address when i will register. In order to sell i have to link a Paypal account , i want to know if there will be a problem if the Paypal account that will be linked it will be register in other country than France (it will be an EU country as well). The name will be the same but the address from Paypal will not be the same with the address that is on the Ebay account (different countries). So anyone has any ideea if i can do this without getting the Ebay account closed ? Thank you in advance for your advices | |
im looking for Casino Affiliates and can pay High CPA Posted: 13 Feb 2011 03:05 PM PST Hi All im looking for serios Casinos affiliates who can generate traffic by SEO , PPC , emailmarketing . we are paying high CPA'S for traffic + giving the best converting brands in each country . im not sure i can post the name of our network here so PM me , if not i would love for some leads where i can find some affiliates .... casinoaffs KingFish | |
Whats the safe speed for sending? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 03:02 PM PST I have a VPS. What is the safe speed for sending from 1 domain/IP - I don't rotate them. I know there are domain limits like can receive no more than ~500 an hour from an IP before it blacklists it. So obviously I can't just blast to 50k at once. So what do you recommend for using only 1 IP ? | |
What Does YOUR SEO Strategy Look Like? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 02:45 PM PST Here's mine... This has proved to work for me quite well, what is yours like? Any notes or comments are welcome. | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 02:44 PM PST lol, found this from one of my fiverr orders, check how lol it is! Code: | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 02:28 PM PST Make good money from adsense but never have I had anyone click a add in a feed. What could I be dong wrong - any tips - I submit all feeds regular | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 02:18 PM PST All right guys, lately I've been seeing a lot of spam promoting pocodot. Alexa shows, that it's traffic spiked from the beginning of February. Some people are calling it the Facebook killer, I don't know about that. So yeah, why I created this thread... I don't really know, maybe just to ask if someone has any idea why it got so popular lately, if they think it will last and why. Just to discuss a trend. And maybe to give some business ideas to people, invest in the future of pocodot, get good related domains just in case it gets popular and you can use them to monetize in the future, or get good google rankings for the keywords associated with pocodot. If this trend continues it might be a good way to earn some extra $$ for someone :D | |
Is there any way to open my website inside a FBML? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 02:17 PM PST Is there any way to open my website directly into an FBML in FB? I don't want that the user exit from FB... Thank you so much! | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 02:10 PM PST Apparently JC Penney just got popped by Google for a massive BH campaign. Check it out: geekosystem. com/jc-penney-google Quote:
| |
How to reinstall after losing copy of scrapebox Posted: 13 Feb 2011 02:09 PM PST I bough a copy of scrape box using BHW referral six months ago and found great success with it. My computer just died and I need to download a copy for a different machine. I am in need of this asap for a new job. Does anybody know how to get a new copy of this software? | |
Need advice on Adsense for domain parked pages... And alternatives.... Posted: 13 Feb 2011 02:07 PM PST Need advice on Adsense for domain parked pages... Anybody make any money from adsense and parked pages? I have alot of projects I'm working on and figured instead of leaving godaddys parked page on a few of my domains, I might as well add something of my own on there until I have the time to develop that site fully. One of the domains is aged. (2007) but contains the words "Gay" and "Single" within in. I "Do not" want to get my adsense account banned and have to go through that. Do you think the word "gay" cold possibly get a ban hammer thrown at it? Also, if I dont use adsense but should I do with my unused domain names? Thanks in advance for any replies. | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 02:07 PM PST Double Topic, sorry! | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 02:07 PM PST Hi, I m looking to post some ads in us local newspapers .Can you refer me to some of them (I live outside the usa so all steps need to be done online :submission/payments..).and some canadian newspapers also. Thanks | |
How do I know how often google is visiting my sites? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 01:59 PM PST I have G webmasters, but how do I find out how often the are visiting? | |
Bought an autoblog on flippa for $15 what to do with it? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 01:49 PM PST I bought it really cheap, and it is in a fairly decent niche, I added my adsense codes, and what do I do from here? Backlinking? I have never done anything like an autoblog before so please give me some guidance on what to read around here | |
Can I list multiple DNS from different hosts? Posted: 13 Feb 2011 01:33 PM PST I have one website registered but was in the middle of switching hosts. Can I keep hosting at both places and just type in all 4 name servers at my registrant so that if the first host goes down for whatever reason it will use the next available DNS even its from a different host? Does that even work? | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 01:31 PM PST There are a lot of these kind of channels and the most populars have more then 10K subscribers, such as youtube.c0m/richielupo13 I think these kind of channels are a great place to promote a video and to send subscribers to a different channel. Does anyone own such kind of channels or know how to collect that many subscribers? | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 01:17 PM PST if u can make a Gr0up-0n clone , with feed aggregator from major gr0up buying deal sites , then you are in right place hit me up with some of ur previous work , details via PM :) | |
Making Money for Downloads Site Posted: 13 Feb 2011 01:12 PM PST Hello everyone! So I have a downloads website (people download a particular type of file, they're very eager to get it) where I get around 3k unique visitors per day. I'm trying cpale-ad but only making around $10 day. I'm pretty sure that I could be making more with this, so what's the best way to monetize such a site (that offers downloads). Thanks for your feedback! | |
How to only show unique articles on homepage Posted: 13 Feb 2011 01:05 PM PST Hello guys, I'm looking for a plugin that would allow me to only show on the homepage the articles I wrote (clickbank and stuff), not what I scraped with Autoblogged. Is there a plugin for that which you would recommend ? I could code something like that myself but it's better a plugin you know. Thanks. | |
Posted: 13 Feb 2011 01:02 PM PST okay, answer to all the how to invest your money threads. 1) get a dedi/VPS, if you don't need one then okay all good. 2) get Scrapebox, Xrumer and SE Nuke and private proxies= $714 +$167/month 3) spend about $500 on training so you can learn how to use the above (VERY ESSENTIAL) 4) Buy Google WonderWheel Scraper 2 from a fellow BHW member. Very good buy! Use it to get 10000's on related keywords. $20 5) Get the market samurai/Autoblog Samurai cracks. Use market samurai to find the least competitive, yet highly searches keywords from the scraping. Get say 10 = $0 6) Register 10 .com's from Godaddy. = $82.10 7) Start Autoblog Samurai, harvest articles and other content related. 8) Get WriteAgain for the autoblogs (sold by another BHW member). 9) Get 30 articles written for you (creativewriters will do 30x500 word articles) Make 3 articles per site. Add them to the HOMEPAGE of the blog. Add images/videos, make it pretty! $90 10) get royal mice to rewrite all 30 articles = $30 11) Use SE Nuke to register & submit articles to ALL PR/Article sites, make a video and do the same if wanted. Bookmark each of these web 2.0 properties 12) Chose to make open ended link wheels. 13) Book mark and RSS/Ping the gathered URLS and your site to get indexed quicker. 14) Scrapebox/xrumer the gathered URLS. 15) RSS/Ping the scrapebox/xrumer backlinks. Even bookmark the RSS urls. Ping/RSS and even Xrumer/Scrapebox the Bookmarks 16) Watch as the money rolls in. |
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