Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO |
- Using scrapebox for checking profile urls
- black hat equals to cheating or not?
- Dropship begginner - know any goot dropship websites?
- LOL YouTube Comment Spam Video!
- Is there a downside for using private proxies for reviews
- $5 Easy if you Know Naive Bayes Classifiers
- Need a professional mailing service
- 698 Photography Niche IDs
- Starting out, some questions.
- Dog Problems
- finding a niche question
- when you say "blast it"...
- About ready to create my site
- Requirements for youtube partnership
- Affiliate Tips help
- how to create
- Please point me in the right direction!!!
- adsense placement in forum or bookmarking site
- How Do You Use Xrumer To Post Comments On Wordpress Blogs?
- fillling CPAs using proxies and imacro
- Lol captcha!!!!!!!!!!!
- Buying Facebook LIKES
- Anyone tried Tweepi?
- how to tell if a site is using xrumer vs Scrapebox? what are the huge porn tubes using?
- Tunisia , Egypt , and now Libya
- What else can I do to increase my rankings?
- [GET] Deadbolter - Free Standalone, Hosted Content Locker
- Hi guys
- Wow...Anyone else working with this hotel affiliate program?
- [GET] 77000 Adult Emails
- Interspire - How to increase import speed
- How can i make money from my facebook accounts
- Need partner to make some $$$
- Tenq payment? Confused
- How to kill a website competitors links.
- New proxies: "Error 407 Proxy Authentication Required" ??
- How long for my blog to get PR?
- What Features Would You Like To See In An Article Directory?
- Anyone still using SSM?
- Selling thread help
- JV Penny Auction Site Subscriptions
- [GET] 2605 Adult Contacts E-Mails
- Need a keyword sniper replacement!
- PPC That Doesn't Require SSN?
- Offline Systems - Do the work once
- Google comes clean! There is "blacklists" - "whitelists"
- Help how to change my ie browser language?
- $1/Day Blog (What about $50?)
- ****Simple/Stupid FB Page Question I Need Answered!
- Viral in germany. How to monetize ? need niche ideas.
Using scrapebox for checking profile urls Posted: 20 Feb 2011 07:12 PM PST I cant think of the best way to word this so I apologize if it is a little confusing. Using scrapebox you can through a list of links in there and run through them to verify if your url/keywords are found on the know like when you check blogs to see if they are autoapprove or not. Well I wanted to use the same process to check profile urls so I dont waste my time on the profiles that get deleted or didnt create right. so I would through one of my keywords from my url in there and it scans my profiles and shows me the good ones. MY QUESITON: I know a lot of forums wont allow you to see a profile unless you are registered/logged in...but they allow bots like google through to see all the even though you browse there and it says log in google can still see your link.....when scrapebox checks these links does it look like google/a search engine or is it blocked out just like we are? If its blocked then even though you can run profiles through scrapebox to check links it might only find 25% of them since many forums wont allow you to see profiles unless logged in. So i guess i was just wondering if anyone knew how scrapebox appeared to forums...can it get by and see all profiles like google bot can or is it blocked like we are without logging in? |
black hat equals to cheating or not? Posted: 20 Feb 2011 07:12 PM PST I think it might be a controversy whether black hat equals to cheating. in some sense, they are the same thing. when you say searching for holes in computer programming, if someone knows it, they will make use of it. black hat seo is like making use of holes in search engine. cheating does the same thing, if there is no holes, people would not have the chance to make use of it. |
Dropship begginner - know any goot dropship websites? Posted: 20 Feb 2011 06:44 PM PST Drop shipping sound pretty good and I want to try it out, but I can't find any quality websites or wholesalers. Suggestions? |
LOL YouTube Comment Spam Video! Posted: 20 Feb 2011 06:42 PM PST I'm not sure if u guys already posted this, but I just saw it and thought it would be PERFECT for BHW. |
Is there a downside for using private proxies for reviews Posted: 20 Feb 2011 06:36 PM PST Sup everyone, hope u had a joyous weekend, was wondering...could I use private proxies to populate my business citations with reviews, IP for 2 or 3 reviews or maybe only 1, what do you think? thanks |
$5 Easy if you Know Naive Bayes Classifiers Posted: 20 Feb 2011 06:33 PM PST Will give someone an easy $5 (via paypal) if you are familiar with Naive Bayes Classifiers. The question is as follows: The …rst question asks you to analyse the following naive Bayes model that describes the weather in an imaginary country. We have Y = {night, day}; X1 = {cold,hot}; X2 = {rain,dry} and P(x1, x2, y) = P(y)P(x1|y)P(x2|y) with P(Y = day) = 0.5; P(X1 = hot | Y = day) = 0.9, P(X1 = hot | Y = night) = 0.2, P(X2 = dry | Y = day) = 0.75 and P(X2 = dry | Y = night) = 0.4. For each of the following formulae except the first, write an equation which defines it in terms of formulae that appear earlier in the list. (For example, you should give a formula for P(x1, x2) in terms of P(x1, x2, y)). Then given the model above, calculate and write out the value of the formula for possible each combination of values of the variables that appear in it. 1. P(x1, x2, y) 2. P(x1, x2) 3. P(y|x1, x2) 4. P(x1) 5. P(x2) 6. P(x1|x2) 7. P(x2|x1) 8. P(x1|x2, y) 9. P(x2|x1, y) Are X1 and X2 conditionally independent given Y? Are X1 and X2 marginally independent, integrating over Y? Provide a short proof for both answers. |
Need a professional mailing service Posted: 20 Feb 2011 06:30 PM PST Hello, I need a professional mailing service for sending 1k dutch emails (adultdating) with good inbox rate. I will send every monday the list and payment. Also do I need a mailingservice to send 15k dutch mails for adultdating. Pleae let me know if you can help me. Best Regards, Peter |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 06:20 PM PST This list consists of people who are fans of canon, nikon and sony cameras on FB. Virus Total - Code: Code: |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 06:04 PM PST After seeing this thread Get Clickbank Sniper Software Exclusive I was interested in actually using my CB account. I watched the video about his software and got to thinking about how to start. So I have some questions: 1. Do most people just do simple 1 page sales letter style pages? 2. If thats how its done, do you use a specific piece of software that generates these for you? What software? 3. Does anyone here make good sales pages for a price? Id be willing to pay for a solid sales page based on a CB product I handed someone. 4. Am I asking the right questions? (serious here) 5. What type of traffic (source) are you all using to drive traffic, other than organic seo? This seems pretty simple. Research a product. Get a domain, site, and some traffic. Hope it converts. Am I right? |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 05:47 PM PST I go to this site every now and then when I want to take a break from work. This one made my day... ![]() |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 05:46 PM PST im using the adwords keyword tool to find the maount of searches for something... you know where it has the competition bar... does this have anything to do with the value of the keyword? The searches for the keyword are very high, but the competition is very low... is that a good thing or do you just want a lower amount of searches? |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 05:38 PM PST hi guys, I read a lot threads talking about "blast your web2.0 sites with scrapebox", my question is, when you do the blast of comments, does the anchor text pointing to your web2.0 sites are all random english names or your keywords? and how is that make difference? really thanks. |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 05:35 PM PST Heres where I am at... I found a small niche that has searches between 500-12000 searches a month for related keyword I found out through adwords. That seems to be a small enough niche to me. I have 3 domains and the one for my site is very simple and straight forward, mainly it is the topic im writing about .net...I figure .net is still a decent domain rather than having a longer less starightforward site name. I just finshed writing 5 pages of articles that kind of lead into one anohter... They have to do with a certain form of cooking, and I am very knowledgable because I am a chef myself. I know the information is very good, and not found for free widley online. I plan to have keyword on each page be links to other pages I am writing on that topic... example... "The rye bread will rise for 2 hours" Then have bread be a blue link to a page about rye bread.(Bread is not my topic, I just dont want to reveal it so no one steal my idea...:) Now im hearing for imformation websites like this WordPress is a good tool, so I plan to use that. Once I build the site I plan on adding at least a 500 word page or good recepie every 1-3 days. Once I have the site built I know I have to get backlinks. I plan on outsourcing the backlinks, and I have somone in mind that can do 500-20000 verified backlinks. Once I have some good traffic I want to add some ads from google, or another site anyone may reccomend to me... Do i just need to keep adding articles forever? This is my main plan for this site... Im wondering if any veterans can give me some feedback if I am going in the right direction. I also want to know if i should wait a while to get alot of backlinks since the site will be new, and how many is too many for a new site? Anyone who can give me input would be greatly appreciated! Ill try to give updates on my journey to my first succesdull ad site! |
Requirements for youtube partnership Posted: 20 Feb 2011 05:35 PM PST My current stats: Video's Uploaded - 10. (around 2-3 a month uploaded) Channel Views - 55k Total Upload Views - 100k Subs - 1700 How much more do I need to push this before applying do you think? I will probably double the upload and channel views in the next few months too :) |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 04:59 PM PST Guys what is best way to make affiliate link? like make it open in new window or the same window where the landing page opened. please Affiliate experts i need your advice. Thanks |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 04:57 PM PST looking how to create this lik pop up side thingy cpx has on the left side it has that lil ad thing where you click on it its slides out, im been tryoing to do it. and cant any help is great. thanks in advance |
Please point me in the right direction!!! Posted: 20 Feb 2011 04:38 PM PST Okay I am a newbie to BHW but not to the SEO market. I am in the process of getting about 60 70 websites up and running and need skilled help in certain markets. I will have the 60 70 sites up to just drive in some leads for now to have some income coming in. After a few months I will have only 1 main site that I will divide my attention to. Okay so to give you some background on what market I am looking to get in you will realize this will not be easy. I am looking to get into the health insurance market for SEO. So if anyone who has ever done SEO in insurance you know what I am getting myself into. I already have all the keyword research done, web hosting provider picked out and already have my web design done. Okay . So this is what I need: · Since I already have the design done and the content done. With that being said, not only will I have the content for the 60 70 sites but I will have the content for my main site that I am looking to have around 1500 to 2500 indexed pages with one keyword per page. So with that being said I already have the content for the page written but I need and amazing spinner to get me that Meany articles spoon that is unique were I won't get panelized. So first thing is a great spinner. · Okay the second and most important thing is back links. If so saw the numbers above I am going to need to purchase a TON of back links. I am looking to do the 60-70 pages asap and the main site will be a few months down the road. If you are looking to make just a buck off of me that's just stupid because I promise this will be an ongoing process for MANY MANY years to come. · The third thing is i will have social networking sites done but I wont have the time or man power to get the friends up and going. I know I am missing some things as of now so you see what I am trying to do so if you have anything that can help or you have services that I can use please let me know and I would love to work with you! Thanks :eek: |
adsense placement in forum or bookmarking site Posted: 20 Feb 2011 04:37 PM PST I read on another forum that you are not allowed to have adsense on the login page, but I cannot find it in the adsense TOS Does anyone know if this is true ? |
How Do You Use Xrumer To Post Comments On Wordpress Blogs? Posted: 20 Feb 2011 04:34 PM PST How Do You Use Xrumer To Post Comments On Wordpress Blogs? I have a list of 14 million wordpress blogs (got it from BHW downloads section, some user just posted it a few days ago) and of course 14 million is a little to big for Scrapebox to use.. so how do I put this list into Xrumer & set up my comments and all the requirements needed to comment on wordpress blogs? |
fillling CPAs using proxies and imacro Posted: 20 Feb 2011 04:31 PM PST Lets make a little imacro script that opens your CPA link randomly 3 or 4 times a day, and then fill in the form using different proxies. A fake referer script could be used too, to minimize risks to get caught by the AM. Would that work? Im sure some of you do it already :p |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 04:28 PM PST So Im about to go to bed,and I decide to check out my server with Sbox. Lately using mainly slow commenter with captcha service >> success + stronger links. I look at the box and the next blog URL says: hxxp:// Submitted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 04:05 PM PST I need Facebook LIKES for a small project at hand. PM me with quantity and pricing. |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 04:04 PM PST Hi, Has anyone tried Tweepi? I know it uses the API but the stats look interesting... |
how to tell if a site is using xrumer vs Scrapebox? what are the huge porn tubes using? Posted: 20 Feb 2011 04:03 PM PST Since Xrumer and Scrapebox both are able to post comments, how can you tell what program someone is using by checking their backlinks? What do you think all the major porn tubes are using like Pornhub, Perfectgirls etc? Xrumer? I check their backlinks and its all tons of blog comments... |
Tunisia , Egypt , and now Libya Posted: 20 Feb 2011 04:00 PM PST I just want to congratulate all FREE PEOPLE for acquiring their freedom . And I m wishing that Gaddafi will surrender under the Libyans will . 300 people dead just for protesting , the sucker hired mercenaries from Africa and he is firing at people with anti planes guns . May God help Libya and all Libyans fighting :) |
What else can I do to increase my rankings? Posted: 20 Feb 2011 03:59 PM PST its been stuck at #15 for quite a while, and my competition is pretty easy too. ive done linkwheels, article submissions, social bookmarking, blog commentating, etc. what else can I do to increase my rankings? |
[GET] Deadbolter - Free Standalone, Hosted Content Locker Posted: 20 Feb 2011 03:49 PM PST (not mine. Friend told me about this and wanted to share. If creator pops in, feel free to close this thread) |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 03:37 PM PST I started a new blog few days first one actually. I'm getting more visitors everyday: Today I had 5000+ pageviews and 4000 visitors. Mostly from twitter. Now my question, best way to monetize it? I have some adsense adds..but I don't understand it, yesterday 1,5% CTR and today only 0,50?! However, if anyone here could help this noob I would be happy.. |
Wow...Anyone else working with this hotel affiliate program? Posted: 20 Feb 2011 03:31 PM PST Is anyone else working with ? I swear there support is TERRIBLE.. They just informed me that they were dropping my rate by 20% bc they want me to switch to "private branding" And i told them I would have to change THOUSANDS of links by hand on all my blogs so i did not want to do this cuz it would take way too long.. I blank my referers so there scared about "legal" issues which is why they want me to do this in the 1st place..But So I ignored there email and Now just got a email earlier that my lead rate will decrease 20% EVERY week until i do this..which is fucking bullshit..i mean wtf.. Anyone else being treated like absolute shit by these guys? I mean I'm pushing nearly 5 figures a month and they still refuse to put me on weekly payments and there treating me like this (I'm on net 30) Yeah its only a high xxxx per month but still i think i deserve better support then this.. PLus the thing is with this affiliate program is they put a cookie on your browser whenever someone visits ur if the user returns within 365 days and books another hotel you get commission AGAIN. So i would be losing out on all my return visitors as well What should i do? I would switch to another hotel affiliate program but i hate to change something thats already profitable.And can't even find a half way decent one.. Should i tell them how it is? I dont want them to ban my account and have me lose all my cash..Could really use some advice.. Anyways if i were anyone i would stay away from them or set up a private branding page right away.. Also dont even THINK your gonna get weekly payments bc according to them when i asked for quicker payments.... All our systems are built to process payments only once a month. Changing this at all would require massive amounts of programming and a completely different set of processes for our Accounts Department. This simply isn't something we are interested in attempting, as there would be no real benefit to us, and it would in fact make it easier for fraudulent affiliates to dodge our security systems. Besides, I'm sure you'll find that our payment terms are already much shorter than most other online monetisation channels. Regards, Anyways sorry about my rant.... these guys just have me really pissed off |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 03:30 PM PST 77K Adult Niche Emails - emails from some escort forum . download: Code: Code: Facebook Email Lookup download link I put here for those who don't have it yet (this FBlookup is not from this forum but from another one - this one is fully working. I have posted it here on BHW in the same thread 2 days ago: Code: Code: I would be very happy if you could post it here for everybody or PM me those emails which results in Facebook - names , surnames , location , ID , sex . I have my computers working on 100% CPU and I can't allow to filter them now . If you don't know how to install Facebook Email Lookup , I can help you . |
Interspire - How to increase import speed Posted: 20 Feb 2011 03:25 PM PST I haven't seen this mentioned here, I've searched plenty. Anyways I know a lot of newbs might find this handy. If you find yourself importing lists into IEM and just taking horrendously long there is a fix! If you go into "/admin/functions" under your IEM install, find the file: subscribers_import and open it in an editor You'll want to find this variable $PerRefresh and change it to whatever number you desire (100-1000) keep in mind you dont want to overload your server. PHP Code: |
How can i make money from my facebook accounts Posted: 20 Feb 2011 03:08 PM PST I have many of accounts with alot of friends.. How should i push offers, whats the best way? Dropping a link to your offer in status updates? Through messages to all your friends?(this seems like alot of work) Whats the best way |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 02:54 PM PST ONLY FOR SERIOUS PEOPLE! I am going to find partner who will biuld with me micro-niche adsense empire. What I need and what I would like to do: 1. Build 300 micronsiche sites per 3 monthes 2. Launch 3 site per day 3. I need partner who are excpirienced in backlinks bulding and wordpress working How we will work: partner - making backlinks+add good WP theme + invest money me - keywords choosing + writing 5 articles for each site + invest money Investing 50 %/ 50 %. How much investment in all project: 300 domains near 3000 dollars, hosting near 30 $ per month, your time. For partner: reduse it for 50 %. Gurantees: Adsense ads will showing on all our site and will randomly changing or just wvwry second site will with partners ads. Hosting will buying for partner name. Aims: 1 month - 100 sites 2 month - 200 sites 3 month - 300 sites 4 month - flipping best 100 sites 5 month - flpping best 100 sites 6 month - flipping other sites Expecting results: I will choosing only low competitable keywords CPC estimate more than 1$. Arange earnings from one site after 3 monthes will be near 10-30 $ per day. So we will get the lowest results 10$ it is 300$ per month, with 100 sites it will 30000 $ per month. From 3 monthes we will get 90000 $ from all project. Flipping: site with earnings 300 $ per month wil worh not less than 1000 $. 300 site = 300 000 $. So it is seriously project, and many work to achive this. It is will be big hard times but it worth it. If you are interested post here or PM, with your contact: skype type your excpirience and SEO tools you have. P.S. Any questions please ask in this thread. Regards. |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 02:50 PM PST Hi guys, I have just purchased an epad from tenq and paid via paypal, now in my Tenq account it says i have paid by western union and no money has left my paypal account? I tried ordering it again in case i pressed something wrong but it says the same thing? Does anyone have any experience with this site. Thanks in advanced. Pete |
How to kill a website competitors links. Posted: 20 Feb 2011 02:28 PM PST How to kill a website competitors links. Hello to all! I am here trying to explain how I basically knocked my competitor's 2,000 links off. Yuhp, 2K! And go my website above his/hers. First off, let me do explain that his ONLY works for Xrumer Profile Links and Scrape Box links. Any link made by them manually, WILL not be able to remove. The idea is simple, but may be risky. You are trying to Google to come revisit your competitors links. And since xrumer/scrapebox links do not typically have a long life, this is where you can come in and knock of their dead links that count for their positions. This is by far the only way to kill their links. And hurt their SERPS. It worked for me in my case, it may also work for you. There are two ways of applying this method and here's my explanation: -- Finding their links. This is the easy part, We all know that there is a 1k link limit with YSE, that's why we should use three sources to get 1-2k homepage links. And then using YSE, to get their inner page links. Scrape Box can be easily used to get this information. Once you have obtained the links, now you have to get the SE's to revisit the links. By: -- Pinging. This is the safest way to do so. Pining already live links will do two of the following: If the links are dead, then it's simple. The links will be not counted any more for the domain. If the links are comments, then over time a higher OBL will be probable causing links to be worth less. Since these links are ALREADY indexed, it's okay to ping their links again. -- RSS Submission; This is a bit more risky, since techincally your building links on links, but over all it's little weight and more trying to kill their link's values. It's okay to do this, as I did it. -- ScrapeBox Blast; Probably the riskiest of them all, because you are building links for links. But again these are very low value links. And in the big shot it kills their links. Conclusion. This method can either kill thier links, or simply add value. So make sure you know more than 80% of their links are Xrumer or Spam Blog Comments. Again, don't bash at this theory because it has worked for me. My competitor had 10k links, and now only has 7k links after what I did. My own website had 5k ( better qauilty ) links and now out ranks him than before they were beating mine. I thought I'd give a share, again it may work for some, and be the total opposite to others. So caution when doing this. |
New proxies: "Error 407 Proxy Authentication Required" ?? Posted: 20 Feb 2011 02:16 PM PST Loaded up my new proxies into SB and got this message when I tested them, "Error 407 Proxy Authentication Required" . How do I authenticate? |
How long for my blog to get PR? Posted: 20 Feb 2011 01:58 PM PST Hey guys, I started my blog in June of 2010. I now receive 5,000-10,000 visitors per day, however Google only shows me as having 3 pages of backlinks when I search for which is incorrect, I know I have well over 2,000 backlinks by now so there should be far more than 3 pages of backlinks coming up. Also, our site still has a pagerank of 0 which I find a bit odd. Does anyone know about how long it will take before all of our backlinks start showing up and our pagerank increases? Thanks in advance! |
What Features Would You Like To See In An Article Directory? Posted: 20 Feb 2011 01:27 PM PST I'm thinking about setting up an article directory. This will be a part of a bigger project I've been thinking about doing for a while now. Since my directory will be new, I know it'll be challenging to get traffic and authors. My questions are, as marketers, what features would you be interested in having in an article directory? What would make you more likely to submit articles? I know traffic, PR, and authority are some pretty big factors, but those will come with time. My first challenge will be getting authors to submit articles. If you have any ideas, please let me know. Or if you'd rather, PM them to me. I'll consider everything. |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 01:26 PM PST Is there anyone on BHW that still uses SSM to make money? If anyone, please PM me, I'm just looking for people to exchange knowledge with. |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 01:25 PM PST Hi as you may have noticed im pretty new on here, been a member since early december, Mainly signed up to purchase scrapebox from a thread, I have started recently to come look around the forum every once in awhile,and hopefully now start to get active, My question is; I am wanting to sell a fantastic script on here, to get my item listed i noticed i need to be an active member, can anyone tell me exactly how long i need to have been signed up? how many posts i need? and any other things i need before i can list in the buy/sell/trade section I know i need to pay $30 to list thats fine also i notice i could donate, but before i do that, will that take restrictions off me and allow me to post in there, or will i pay the $97 and then still need to become more active and wait however many days from when i signed up, I would really appreciate anyones help and thank you in advance |
JV Penny Auction Site Subscriptions Posted: 20 Feb 2011 01:25 PM PST Courtesy of having an interesting conversation and finding out their budget was too low for myself alone to undertake it, but I started thinking a little bit... PLENTY of people want to get into penny auctions. Problem being that it is mostly out of peoples budget ranges. Then I thought of this... penny auctions are usually ran at a profit anyways... so why not provide the script and layout at a monthly rate, and depending on certain functions, can charge more monthly. I am thinking between $50 - $150 a month for such a site per person. I am a programmer, and thats what I do best, programming, and naturally I can do web design... but I am rather... well frankly, sad in my artistic abilities, so what I need first is a person who can do graphics, XHTML, CSS, and photoshop to help make: 1) Beautiful Sales Site 2) Penny Auction Layouts I already have a testing server that can be used and that will be used to test out the scripts, the layouts, and other what not. The pay will be in a to be determined amount percentage for the subscription. I already have a healthy portion of the script made, I just need to overhaul it and adapt it for more flexibility to work with nearly any layouts that is provided with a simple javascript line or two. And as a means to secure that you are getting properly paid your fair share, I will incorporate a fail safe on my end to protect my interests, and aide you in incorporating a fail safe on your end. This isn't supposed to imply I will backstab you, but I recognize the necessity to make a jab at the other person to get their attention and force said individuals to talk. Also, another thing that is needed is an investor in said idea in due time for an additional server, domain name, and any resources (software and hardware only, NO PERSONAL EXPENSES) for the web designer and programmer (me) that is needed to do their jobs effectively, with each purchase and spending requiring approval of said investor first. Depending on the capital provided, up to 30% of total stake in the company profits (Not Sales). I will set up an additional failsafe to ensure that you are not cut out of the deal at all either. Multiple investors are permitted, but total capital will not exceed $2000 USD. If a contract is required, I will look into getting a contract written up. JV for US and UK Citizens only. Shoot me a private message or contact me on skype if you have any other questions or wish to learn more. Again: Web Site Developer Required Investor Required Programmer (Me) |
[GET] 2605 Adult Contacts E-Mails Posted: 20 Feb 2011 01:24 PM PST Closed thread...mods please delete asap |
Need a keyword sniper replacement! Posted: 20 Feb 2011 01:16 PM PST I stopped doing seo for a while and now working on persona project and before i used keyword sniper for keyword research and now it simply doesn't work... online thing outside that I used alot was keywordtracker free and wonderwheel but those dont compare to me. Is it anything else out there that similar to keyword sniper? Yes i searched for the last hour and cant find what I need yet sadly. thanks in advance :) |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 12:54 PM PST Just wondering if there are any legitimate PPC's out there that don't require your SSN, because I am only 17, and you are required to be 18 to use AdSense. I got accepted to AdscendMedia with my age, and that is earning me decent amounts, but that is CPA, not PPC. So, I was wondering if anyone knew of any? Please post them, and if you could also provide proof that they're legit, that'd help a lot! Thanks, Brett ;) |
Offline Systems - Do the work once Posted: 20 Feb 2011 12:51 PM PST Hi all, This is my first proper post here on BHW and wanted to start a discussion on offline systems with you and see if any of you have this same set up in your offline business. Typically when I provide a service to a client it will be based off of a "system". The system I use could be optimizing a website, building back links or creating videos but the way I look at them all is as a business system. The thing is my VA would do all the tasks for me - she would follow a system for a client and then move onto the next system and so on. The problem I have though is if my VA leaves I won't have anyone to work my systems. So at the very start of a system I develop I create Camtasia videos where I walk through the steps of what I need done for a particular "system". I don't make the video aimed at my VA I make it for a general audience - so if the VA leaves then all my new VA has to do is watch the videos to learn the systems - in my mind I "Do the work once and get paid over and over". Some systems that work very well for me right now: Going to websites - grabbing images, creating slideshow videos, uploading to youtube and audioswapping them - then emailing a potential client. This is a great lead generating system. Another "system" is the Offline Nuke method style email. Blast an email out offering a free website review. Those that take up the offer my VA will create a powerpoint presentation of some pointers that they can improve on their website. Works really well too. Another good "system" is scanning the local papers in my home town and looking at the big adverts. Then Google their business to see if they've verified their Google Places listing or not. If not I pick up the phone and make contact. So, I really like to think of my business as systems rather than tasks or processes. I'm curious to know if others do this as systems also? Would appreciate a share of some of your systems you systematize ;) in your business. Peace out |
Google comes clean! There is "blacklists" - "whitelists" Posted: 20 Feb 2011 12:43 PM PST Google opens curtain on 'manual' search penalties Read full story.... Code: |
Help how to change my ie browser language? Posted: 20 Feb 2011 12:37 PM PST i found a guide by searching but it doesnt help on my problem or maybe i just dont know what to type in google, so here is my problem i have vps in germany and when im running my bot it mess up because of my ie language is using germany and i need to make it show the webpage in english permanently for example when my bot browse it redirect to so my bot stop running because its looking for a english text but the site is showing in german language, how can i fix this? please help |
Posted: 20 Feb 2011 12:34 PM PST I see it more and more and I'm trying to figure out on what part I am missing out here... So a lot of people make 50 blogs, each blog earns them $50/day, and here you go... they make $50/daily. It all sounds fun, and magical and has ponies and rainbows all over it. So here is my question... Let's say you want to set up 50 blogs, etc. Hosting for one year = $70 50 Domains $8/domain = $400 Actually, scratch that and lets make it even simpler. Imagine you got a blog, you have to update it with like 1-3 articles a day, correct? Each article costs $2.00, so if you make $1/day from a blog, and it costs you $6.00/day to get someone to write the articles... Where is the profit? |
****Simple/Stupid FB Page Question I Need Answered! Posted: 20 Feb 2011 12:30 PM PST How come I cant the default landing tab to show up guys? I'm trying to get users to land on the info page instead of the wall page. Its killing me |
Viral in germany. How to monetize ? need niche ideas. Posted: 20 Feb 2011 12:30 PM PST Hello guys, im viral in germany ATM. If any guy from Germany, can find a good niche for put content locker for germany. I will push traffic and setup apps. I can split money with him. also do you have an idea how to monetize german traffic with ******* pm me asap. |
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