Thursday, January 6, 2011

Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO

Posted by IMers at 9:12 PM ,

Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO

xRumer 7 Finally Released - Discuss Your Thoughts & Experiences here

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 06:21 PM PST

I predict a lot of threads about xRumer 7 being posted very shortly. A lot of us have been waiting for a long time for this release so it's pretty exciting to see it available for download finally.

To download simply login to your account at:

For activation you need to take your xrumer_key.txt from your old installation and copy it into your new installation. Upon starting the app enter in your login details and it should activate without asking for a key again. If it does ask for a key simply delete everything and try again.... For me it worked on the second key.

I'm still setting up my campaign and getting read for my first PM Blast which is supposed to be able to break forum limitations like minimum post and time between pms...etc, so really excited to see how this works out.

Also notice that there is an option to enable ReCaptcha OCR so this should be pretty BIG. Can't wait to test it out and see how the success rate is.

Anyways, post your first thoughts and experience using the latest xRumer 7.

Quote from Botmaster:

ATTENTION! Speed of posting can be slower because XRumer 7.0 can decode ReCaptcha (optionally). It uses a lot of CPU/RAM to decode it. Once the administration of ReCaptcha find out that exist a software for its automatic recognition, the protection become more complicate and recognition its not possible. At the moment we cannot guarantee the stability of work on 64 bit OS (We are working to solve this issue). Thank You for understanding.

. alive?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 06:19 PM PST

Just wondering if anyones talked to tommysc in the last few days....made an order 2 days ago, and paid and haven't heard back yet.

I know I"m being antsy but normally he's real speedy & responsive. Just seeing if anyone else has talked to him recently.

Tommy your not in mexico are you?? lol

CLAD owners please read!

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 05:49 PM PST

If you're using CLAD with forwarded hotmail accounts you've probably lost a few hundred dollars within the last couple months due to emails getting stuck in the junk folder and not being forwarded to the master account.

There's an incredibly simple fix for this problem that can be incorporated into the way CLAD validates accounts. This fix was posted in the CLAD support forum almost a week ago but it really hasn't gained much traction. If could spare just a couple minutes of your time to sign in there and post in the thread it would be greatly appreciated.

Posting on CL is getting increasingly tough, people are paying $5 per PVA, dealing with PW resets, ghosting etc... the last thing any of us want is to be losing leads to the junk folder.

- DF

CPA Redirector 2.1 Modded - GeoIP, Variable Passing, and URL Rotation

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 05:41 PM PST

WARNING - :smokin::240:

Needed this for a project I'm working on and thought it might be useful for others. We all know CPA Redirector and it's usefulness ;)

  • Variables - Passes subid through all the page acrobatics, useful with postback calls, etc.
  • GeoIP - Currently setup to filter out US to one set of pages, CA to another set, and all others go to a final set of pages.
  • URL Rotation - Each country page set ( US, CA, Other) can have any number of links that will be randomly selected and finally forwarded to.

Copy this code and save as your index.php file -



//Standalone CPA Redirector v2.1


$magic_number = 1234; // Any number you choose except ZERO!

$sid = $_GET['sub'];
$sid = sid;

$PHP_SELF = preg_replace( "/index.php/", "", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] );

//Don't edit below this line unless you know what you are doing.

if (isset($_GET['mn']) && $_GET['mn']==$magic_number){               

                echo '<html><head><META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW"></head><body><form action="' . 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$PHP_SELF. '" method="post" id="form1">
<input type="hidden"  name="sub" value="' . $sid . '" />
<input type="hidden"  name="mn" value="' . $magic_number . '" /></form>

<script language="JavaScript">
                return true;

if ($_POST['mn']==$magic_number){               

        echo '<html><head><META NAME="ROBOTS" CONTENT="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW"></head><body><form action="' . 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$PHP_SELF. '" method="post" id="form1">
<input type="hidden"  name="sub" value="' . $sid . $sid . '" />
<input type="hidden"  name="mn" value="' . $magic_number . $magic_number . '" /></form>

<script language="JavaScript">
                return true;

$dom = preg_replace( "/^www\./", "", $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ] ) ;

if (((strpos($ref, $dom)!=FALSE) || (trim($ref)=="" ) ) && (!isset($_GET['mn']))  && ($_POST['mn']==$magic_number.$magic_number)  && ($_POST['sub']==$sid.$sid)){
        //GeoLocation Code
        $gi = geoip_open("GeoIP.dat",GEOIP_STANDARD);
        $country_code = geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, "$ip");
        // Country name is not used so commented
        // Get Country Name based on source IP
        //$country = geoip_country_name_by_addr($gi, "$ip");
                case "US": $country = 1; break;
                case "CA": $country = 2; break;
                default: $country = 3;
        //Rotator Code
                srand((float) microtime() * 10000000);
                if ($country == 1)
                        $input = array("".$sid,
                        } else if ($country == 2)
                        $input = array("canada1",
                        }else {
                        $input = array("other1",
                $rand_keys = array_rand($input, 2);
                $link = $input[$rand_keys[0]] ;
                header("Location: $link");


<script type="text/javascript">
window.location = "http://YOURSITEHERE" //This is a redirect for people coming straight to the URL

You'll need the MAXMIND DB -
And this code saved as all in the same folder -



/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 2; tab-width: 2 -*- */
 * Copyright (C) 2007 MaxMind LLC
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

define("GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN", 16776960);
define("GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV0", 16700000);
define("GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV1", 16000000);
define("GEOIP_STANDARD", 0);
define("GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE", 1);
define("DATABASE_INFO_MAX_SIZE", 100);
define("GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0", 111);
define("GEOIP_ORG_EDITION", 110);
define("GEOIP_ISP_EDITION", 4);
define("ORG_RECORD_LENGTH", 4);
define("MAX_RECORD_LENGTH", 4);
define("MAX_ORG_RECORD_LENGTH", 300);
define("GEOIP_SHM_KEY", 0x4f415401);
define("US_OFFSET", 1);
define("CANADA_OFFSET", 677);
define("WORLD_OFFSET", 1353);
define("FIPS_RANGE", 360);
define("GEOIP_DIALUP_SPEED", 1);

class GeoIP {
    var $flags;
    var $filehandle;
    var $memory_buffer;
    var $databaseType;
    var $databaseSegments;
    var $record_length;
    var $shmid;
"" => 0, "AP" => 1, "EU" => 2, "AD" => 3, "AE" => 4, "AF" => 5,
"AG" => 6, "AI" => 7, "AL" => 8, "AM" => 9, "AN" => 10, "AO" => 11,
"AQ" => 12, "AR" => 13, "AS" => 14, "AT" => 15, "AU" => 16, "AW" => 17,
"AZ" => 18, "BA" => 19, "BB" => 20, "BD" => 21, "BE" => 22, "BF" => 23,
"BG" => 24, "BH" => 25, "BI" => 26, "BJ" => 27, "BM" => 28, "BN" => 29,
"BO" => 30, "BR" => 31, "BS" => 32, "BT" => 33, "BV" => 34, "BW" => 35,
"BY" => 36, "BZ" => 37, "CA" => 38, "CC" => 39, "CD" => 40, "CF" => 41,
"CG" => 42, "CH" => 43, "CI" => 44, "CK" => 45, "CL" => 46, "CM" => 47,
"CN" => 48, "CO" => 49, "CR" => 50, "CU" => 51, "CV" => 52, "CX" => 53,
"CY" => 54, "CZ" => 55, "DE" => 56, "DJ" => 57, "DK" => 58, "DM" => 59,
"DO" => 60, "DZ" => 61, "EC" => 62, "EE" => 63, "EG" => 64, "EH" => 65,
"ER" => 66, "ES" => 67, "ET" => 68, "FI" => 69, "FJ" => 70, "FK" => 71,
"FM" => 72, "FO" => 73, "FR" => 74, "FX" => 75, "GA" => 76, "GB" => 77,
"GD" => 78, "GE" => 79, "GF" => 80, "GH" => 81, "GI" => 82, "GL" => 83,
"GM" => 84, "GN" => 85, "GP" => 86, "GQ" => 87, "GR" => 88, "GS" => 89,
"GT" => 90, "GU" => 91, "GW" => 92, "GY" => 93, "HK" => 94, "HM" => 95,
"HN" => 96, "HR" => 97, "HT" => 98, "HU" => 99, "ID" => 100, "IE" => 101,
"IL" => 102, "IN" => 103, "IO" => 104, "IQ" => 105, "IR" => 106, "IS" => 107,
"IT" => 108, "JM" => 109, "JO" => 110, "JP" => 111, "KE" => 112, "KG" => 113,
"KH" => 114, "KI" => 115, "KM" => 116, "KN" => 117, "KP" => 118, "KR" => 119,
"KW" => 120, "KY" => 121, "KZ" => 122, "LA" => 123, "LB" => 124, "LC" => 125,
"LI" => 126, "LK" => 127, "LR" => 128, "LS" => 129, "LT" => 130, "LU" => 131,
"LV" => 132, "LY" => 133, "MA" => 134, "MC" => 135, "MD" => 136, "MG" => 137,
"MH" => 138, "MK" => 139, "ML" => 140, "MM" => 141, "MN" => 142, "MO" => 143,
"MP" => 144, "MQ" => 145, "MR" => 146, "MS" => 147, "MT" => 148, "MU" => 149,
"MV" => 150, "MW" => 151, "MX" => 152, "MY" => 153, "MZ" => 154, "NA" => 155,
"NC" => 156, "NE" => 157, "NF" => 158, "NG" => 159, "NI" => 160, "NL" => 161,
"NO" => 162, "NP" => 163, "NR" => 164, "NU" => 165, "NZ" => 166, "OM" => 167,
"PA" => 168, "PE" => 169, "PF" => 170, "PG" => 171, "PH" => 172, "PK" => 173,
"PL" => 174, "PM" => 175, "PN" => 176, "PR" => 177, "PS" => 178, "PT" => 179,
"PW" => 180, "PY" => 181, "QA" => 182, "RE" => 183, "RO" => 184, "RU" => 185,
"RW" => 186, "SA" => 187, "SB" => 188, "SC" => 189, "SD" => 190, "SE" => 191,
"SG" => 192, "SH" => 193, "SI" => 194, "SJ" => 195, "SK" => 196, "SL" => 197,
"SM" => 198, "SN" => 199, "SO" => 200, "SR" => 201, "ST" => 202, "SV" => 203,
"SY" => 204, "SZ" => 205, "TC" => 206, "TD" => 207, "TF" => 208, "TG" => 209,
"TH" => 210, "TJ" => 211, "TK" => 212, "TM" => 213, "TN" => 214, "TO" => 215,
"TL" => 216, "TR" => 217, "TT" => 218, "TV" => 219, "TW" => 220, "TZ" => 221,
"UA" => 222, "UG" => 223, "UM" => 224, "US" => 225, "UY" => 226, "UZ" => 227,
"VA" => 228, "VC" => 229, "VE" => 230, "VG" => 231, "VI" => 232, "VN" => 233,
"VU" => 234, "WF" => 235, "WS" => 236, "YE" => 237, "YT" => 238, "RS" => 239,
"ZA" => 240, "ZM" => 241, "ME" => 242, "ZW" => 243, "A1" => 244, "A2" => 245,
"O1" => 246, "AX" => 247, "GG" => 248, "IM" => 249, "JE" => 250, "BL" => 251,
"MF" => 252
    var $GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES = array(
"", "AP", "EU", "AD", "AE", "AF", "AG", "AI", "AL", "AM", "AN", "AO", "AQ",
"AR", "AS", "AT", "AU", "AW", "AZ", "BA", "BB", "BD", "BE", "BF", "BG", "BH",
"BI", "BJ", "BM", "BN", "BO", "BR", "BS", "BT", "BV", "BW", "BY", "BZ", "CA",
"CC", "CD", "CF", "CG", "CH", "CI", "CK", "CL", "CM", "CN", "CO", "CR", "CU",
"CV", "CX", "CY", "CZ", "DE", "DJ", "DK", "DM", "DO", "DZ", "EC", "EE", "EG",
"EH", "ER", "ES", "ET", "FI", "FJ", "FK", "FM", "FO", "FR", "FX", "GA", "GB",
"GD", "GE", "GF", "GH", "GI", "GL", "GM", "GN", "GP", "GQ", "GR", "GS", "GT",
"GU", "GW", "GY", "HK", "HM", "HN", "HR", "HT", "HU", "ID", "IE", "IL", "IN",
"IO", "IQ", "IR", "IS", "IT", "JM", "JO", "JP", "KE", "KG", "KH", "KI", "KM",
"KN", "KP", "KR", "KW", "KY", "KZ", "LA", "LB", "LC", "LI", "LK", "LR", "LS",
"LT", "LU", "LV", "LY", "MA", "MC", "MD", "MG", "MH", "MK", "ML", "MM", "MN",
"MO", "MP", "MQ", "MR", "MS", "MT", "MU", "MV", "MW", "MX", "MY", "MZ", "NA",
"NC", "NE", "NF", "NG", "NI", "NL", "NO", "NP", "NR", "NU", "NZ", "OM", "PA",
"PE", "PF", "PG", "PH", "PK", "PL", "PM", "PN", "PR", "PS", "PT", "PW", "PY",
"QA", "RE", "RO", "RU", "RW", "SA", "SB", "SC", "SD", "SE", "SG", "SH", "SI",
"SJ", "SK", "SL", "SM", "SN", "SO", "SR", "ST", "SV", "SY", "SZ", "TC", "TD",
"TF", "TG", "TH", "TJ", "TK", "TM", "TN", "TO", "TL", "TR", "TT", "TV", "TW",
"TZ", "UA", "UG", "UM", "US", "UY", "UZ", "VA", "VC", "VE", "VG", "VI", "VN",
"VU", "WF", "WS", "YE", "YT", "RS", "ZA", "ZM", "ME", "ZW", "A1", "A2", "O1",
"AX", "GG", "IM", "JE", "BL", "MF"
    var $GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES3 = array(
    var $GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAMES = array(
"", "Asia/Pacific Region", "Europe", "Andorra", "United Arab Emirates",
"Afghanistan", "Antigua and Barbuda", "Anguilla", "Albania", "Armenia",
"Netherlands Antilles", "Angola", "Antarctica", "Argentina", "American Samoa",
"Austria", "Australia", "Aruba", "Azerbaijan", "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Barbados", "Bangladesh", "Belgium", "Burkina Faso", "Bulgaria", "Bahrain",
"Burundi", "Benin", "Bermuda", "Brunei Darussalam", "Bolivia", "Brazil",
"Bahamas", "Bhutan", "Bouvet Island", "Botswana", "Belarus", "Belize",
"Canada", "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the",
"Central African Republic", "Congo", "Switzerland", "Cote D'Ivoire", "Cook Islands",
"Chile", "Cameroon", "China", "Colombia", "Costa Rica", "Cuba", "Cape Verde",
"Christmas Island", "Cyprus", "Czech Republic", "Germany", "Djibouti",
"Denmark", "Dominica", "Dominican Republic", "Algeria", "Ecuador", "Estonia",
"Egypt", "Western Sahara", "Eritrea", "Spain", "Ethiopia", "Finland", "Fiji",
"Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "Micronesia, Federated States of", "Faroe Islands",
"France", "France, Metropolitan", "Gabon", "United Kingdom",
"Grenada", "Georgia", "French Guiana", "Ghana", "Gibraltar", "Greenland",
"Gambia", "Guinea", "Guadeloupe", "Equatorial Guinea", "Greece", "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands",
"Guatemala", "Guam", "Guinea-Bissau",
"Guyana", "Hong Kong", "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", "Honduras",
"Croatia", "Haiti", "Hungary", "Indonesia", "Ireland", "Israel", "India",
"British Indian Ocean Territory", "Iraq", "Iran, Islamic Republic of",
"Iceland", "Italy", "Jamaica", "Jordan", "Japan", "Kenya", "Kyrgyzstan",
"Cambodia", "Kiribati", "Comoros", "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "Korea, Democratic People's Republic of",
"Korea, Republic of", "Kuwait", "Cayman Islands",
"Kazakhstan", "Lao People's Democratic Republic", "Lebanon", "Saint Lucia",
"Liechtenstein", "Sri Lanka", "Liberia", "Lesotho", "Lithuania", "Luxembourg",
"Latvia", "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", "Morocco", "Monaco", "Moldova, Republic of",
"Madagascar", "Marshall Islands", "Macedonia",
"Mali", "Myanmar", "Mongolia", "Macau", "Northern Mariana Islands",
"Martinique", "Mauritania", "Montserrat", "Malta", "Mauritius", "Maldives",
"Malawi", "Mexico", "Malaysia", "Mozambique", "Namibia", "New Caledonia",
"Niger", "Norfolk Island", "Nigeria", "Nicaragua", "Netherlands", "Norway",
"Nepal", "Nauru", "Niue", "New Zealand", "Oman", "Panama", "Peru", "French Polynesia",
"Papua New Guinea", "Philippines", "Pakistan", "Poland", "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
"Pitcairn Islands", "Puerto Rico", "Palestinian Territory",
"Portugal", "Palau", "Paraguay", "Qatar", "Reunion", "Romania",
"Russian Federation", "Rwanda", "Saudi Arabia", "Solomon Islands",
"Seychelles", "Sudan", "Sweden", "Singapore", "Saint Helena", "Slovenia",
"Svalbard and Jan Mayen", "Slovakia", "Sierra Leone", "San Marino", "Senegal",
"Somalia", "Suriname", "Sao Tome and Principe", "El Salvador", "Syrian Arab Republic",
"Swaziland", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "Chad", "French Southern Territories",
"Togo", "Thailand", "Tajikistan", "Tokelau", "Turkmenistan",
"Tunisia", "Tonga", "Timor-Leste", "Turkey", "Trinidad and Tobago", "Tuvalu",
"Taiwan", "Tanzania, United Republic of", "Ukraine",
"Uganda", "United States Minor Outlying Islands", "United States", "Uruguay",
"Uzbekistan", "Holy See (Vatican City State)", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"Venezuela", "Virgin Islands, British", "Virgin Islands, U.S.",
"Vietnam", "Vanuatu", "Wallis and Futuna", "Samoa", "Yemen", "Mayotte",
"Serbia", "South Africa", "Zambia", "Montenegro", "Zimbabwe",
"Anonymous Proxy","Satellite Provider","Other",
"Aland Islands","Guernsey","Isle of Man","Jersey","Saint Barthelemy","Saint Martin"

    var $GEOIP_CONTINENT_CODES = array(
  "--", "AS", "EU", "EU", "AS", "AS", "NA", "NA", "EU", "AS",
  "NA", "AF", "AN", "SA", "OC", "EU", "OC", "NA", "AS", "EU",
  "NA", "AS", "EU", "AF", "EU", "AS", "AF", "AF", "NA", "AS",
  "SA", "SA", "NA", "AS", "AN", "AF", "EU", "NA", "NA", "AS",
  "AF", "AF", "AF", "EU", "AF", "OC", "SA", "AF", "AS", "SA",
  "NA", "NA", "AF", "AS", "AS", "EU", "EU", "AF", "EU", "NA",
  "NA", "AF", "SA", "EU", "AF", "AF", "AF", "EU", "AF", "EU",
  "OC", "SA", "OC", "EU", "EU", "EU", "AF", "EU", "NA", "AS",
  "SA", "AF", "EU", "NA", "AF", "AF", "NA", "AF", "EU", "AN",
  "NA", "OC", "AF", "SA", "AS", "AN", "NA", "EU", "NA", "EU",
  "AS", "EU", "AS", "AS", "AS", "AS", "AS", "EU", "EU", "NA",
  "AS", "AS", "AF", "AS", "AS", "OC", "AF", "NA", "AS", "AS",
  "AS", "NA", "AS", "AS", "AS", "NA", "EU", "AS", "AF", "AF",
  "EU", "EU", "EU", "AF", "AF", "EU", "EU", "AF", "OC", "EU",
  "AF", "AS", "AS", "AS", "OC", "NA", "AF", "NA", "EU", "AF",
  "AS", "AF", "NA", "AS", "AF", "AF", "OC", "AF", "OC", "AF",
  "NA", "EU", "EU", "AS", "OC", "OC", "OC", "AS", "NA", "SA",
  "OC", "OC", "AS", "AS", "EU", "NA", "OC", "NA", "AS", "EU",
  "OC", "SA", "AS", "AF", "EU", "EU", "AF", "AS", "OC", "AF",
  "AF", "EU", "AS", "AF", "EU", "EU", "EU", "AF", "EU", "AF",
  "AF", "SA", "AF", "NA", "AS", "AF", "NA", "AF", "AN", "AF",
  "AS", "AS", "OC", "AS", "AF", "OC", "AS", "EU", "NA", "OC",
  "AS", "AF", "EU", "AF", "OC", "NA", "SA", "AS", "EU", "NA",
  "SA", "NA", "NA", "AS", "OC", "OC", "OC", "AS", "AF", "EU",
  "AF", "AF", "EU", "AF", "--", "--", "--", "EU", "EU", "EU",
  "EU", "NA", "NA"
function geoip_load_shared_mem ($file) {

  $fp = fopen($file, "rb");
  if (!$fp) {
    print "error opening $file: $php_errormsg\n";
  $s_array = fstat($fp);
  $size = $s_array['size'];
  if ($shmid = @shmop_open (GEOIP_SHM_KEY, "w", 0, 0)) {
    shmop_delete ($shmid);
    shmop_close ($shmid);
  $shmid = shmop_open (GEOIP_SHM_KEY, "c", 0644, $size);
  shmop_write ($shmid, fread($fp, $size), 0);
  shmop_close ($shmid);

function _setup_segments($gi){
  $gi->databaseType = GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION;
  $gi->record_length = STANDARD_RECORD_LENGTH;
  if ($gi->flags & GEOIP_SHARED_MEMORY) {
    $offset = @shmop_size ($gi->shmid) - 3;
    for ($i = 0; $i < STRUCTURE_INFO_MAX_SIZE; $i++) {
        $delim = @shmop_read ($gi->shmid, $offset, 3);
        $offset += 3;
        if ($delim == (chr(255).chr(255).chr(255))) {
            $gi->databaseType = ord(@shmop_read ($gi->shmid, $offset, 1));

            if ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV0){
                $gi->databaseSegments = GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV0;
            } else if ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV1){
                $gi->databaseSegments = GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV1;
            } else if (($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0)||
                    ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1)
                    || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_ORG_EDITION)
                    || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION)
                    || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_ISP_EDITION)
                    || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_LOCATIONA_EDITION)
                    || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_ACCURACYRADIUS_EDITION)
                    || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_ASNUM_EDITION)){
                $gi->databaseSegments = 0;
                $buf = @shmop_read ($gi->shmid, $offset, SEGMENT_RECORD_LENGTH);
                for ($j = 0;$j < SEGMENT_RECORD_LENGTH;$j++){
                    $gi->databaseSegments += (ord($buf[$j]) << ($j * 8));
                    if (($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_ORG_EDITION)
                        || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION)
                        || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_ISP_EDITION)) {
                        $gi->record_length = ORG_RECORD_LENGTH;
        } else {
            $offset -= 4;
    if (($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION)||
        ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_PROXY_EDITION)||
        ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION)){
        $gi->databaseSegments = GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN;
  } else {
    $filepos = ftell($gi->filehandle);
    fseek($gi->filehandle, -3, SEEK_END);
    for ($i = 0; $i < STRUCTURE_INFO_MAX_SIZE; $i++) {
        $delim = fread($gi->filehandle,3);
        if ($delim == (chr(255).chr(255).chr(255))){
        $gi->databaseType = ord(fread($gi->filehandle,1));
        if ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV0){
            $gi->databaseSegments = GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV0;
        else if ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV1){
            $gi->databaseSegments = GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV1;
                }  else if (($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV0)
                    || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1)
                    || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_ORG_EDITION)
                    || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION)
                    || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_ISP_EDITION)
                    || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_LOCATIONA_EDITION)
                    || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_ACCURACYRADIUS_EDITION)
                    || ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_ASNUM_EDITION)){
            $gi->databaseSegments = 0;
            $buf = fread($gi->filehandle,SEGMENT_RECORD_LENGTH);
            for ($j = 0;$j < SEGMENT_RECORD_LENGTH;$j++){
            $gi->databaseSegments += (ord($buf[$j]) << ($j * 8));
            if (  ( $gi->databaseType == GEOIP_ORG_EDITION )
                || ( $gi->databaseType == GEOIP_DOMAIN_EDITION )
                || ( $gi->databaseType == GEOIP_ISP_EDITION ) ) {
            $gi->record_length = ORG_RECORD_LENGTH;
        } else {
        fseek($gi->filehandle, -4, SEEK_CUR);
    if (($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_COUNTRY_EDITION)||
        ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_PROXY_EDITION)||
        ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_NETSPEED_EDITION)){
        $gi->databaseSegments = GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN;
  return $gi;

function geoip_open($filename, $flags) {
  $gi = new GeoIP;
  $gi->flags = $flags;
  if ($gi->flags & GEOIP_SHARED_MEMORY) {
    $gi->shmid = @shmop_open (GEOIP_SHM_KEY, "a", 0, 0);
    } else {
    $gi->filehandle = fopen($filename,"rb") or die( "Can not open $filename\n" );
    if ($gi->flags & GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE) {
        $s_array = fstat($gi->filehandle);
        $gi->memory_buffer = fread($gi->filehandle, $s_array['size']);

  $gi = _setup_segments($gi);
  return $gi;

function geoip_close($gi) {
  if ($gi->flags & GEOIP_SHARED_MEMORY) {
    return true;

  return fclose($gi->filehandle);

function geoip_country_id_by_name($gi, $name) {
  $addr = gethostbyname($name);
  if (!$addr || $addr == $name) {
    return false;
  return geoip_country_id_by_addr($gi, $addr);

function geoip_country_code_by_name($gi, $name) {
  $country_id = geoip_country_id_by_name($gi,$name);
  if ($country_id !== false) {
        return $gi->GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES[$country_id];
  return false;

function geoip_country_name_by_name($gi, $name) {
  $country_id = geoip_country_id_by_name($gi,$name);
  if ($country_id !== false) {
        return $gi->GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAMES[$country_id];
  return false;

function geoip_country_id_by_addr($gi, $addr) {
  $ipnum = ip2long($addr);
  return _geoip_seek_country($gi, $ipnum) - GEOIP_COUNTRY_BEGIN;

function geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, $addr) {
  if ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1) {
    $record = geoip_record_by_addr($gi,$addr);
    if ( $record !== false ) {
      return $record->country_code;
  } else {
    $country_id = geoip_country_id_by_addr($gi,$addr);
    if ($country_id !== false) {
      return $gi->GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES[$country_id];
  return false;

function geoip_country_name_by_addr($gi, $addr) {
  if ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_CITY_EDITION_REV1) {
    $record = geoip_record_by_addr($gi,$addr);
    return $record->country_name;
  } else {
    $country_id = geoip_country_id_by_addr($gi,$addr);
    if ($country_id !== false) {
      return $gi->GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAMES[$country_id];
  return false;

function _geoip_seek_country($gi, $ipnum) {
  $offset = 0;
  for ($depth = 31; $depth >= 0; --$depth) {
    if ($gi->flags & GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE) {
      // workaround php's broken substr, strpos, etc handling with
      // mbstring.func_overload and mbstring.internal_encoding
      $enc = mb_internal_encoding();

      $buf = substr($gi->memory_buffer,
                            2 * $gi->record_length * $offset,
                            2 * $gi->record_length);

    } elseif ($gi->flags & GEOIP_SHARED_MEMORY) {
      $buf = @shmop_read ($gi->shmid,
                            2 * $gi->record_length * $offset,
                            2 * $gi->record_length );
        } else {
      fseek($gi->filehandle, 2 * $gi->record_length * $offset, SEEK_SET) == 0
        or die("fseek failed");
      $buf = fread($gi->filehandle, 2 * $gi->record_length);
    $x = array(0,0);
    for ($i = 0; $i < 2; ++$i) {
      for ($j = 0; $j < $gi->record_length; ++$j) {
        $x[$i] += ord($buf[$gi->record_length * $i + $j]) << ($j * 8);
    if ($ipnum & (1 << $depth)) {
      if ($x[1] >= $gi->databaseSegments) {
        return $x[1];
      $offset = $x[1];
        } else {
      if ($x[0] >= $gi->databaseSegments) {
        return $x[0];
      $offset = $x[0];
  trigger_error("error traversing database - perhaps it is corrupt?", E_USER_ERROR);
  return false;

function _get_org($gi,$ipnum){
  $seek_org = _geoip_seek_country($gi,$ipnum);
  if ($seek_org == $gi->databaseSegments) {
    return NULL;
  $record_pointer = $seek_org + (2 * $gi->record_length - 1) * $gi->databaseSegments;
  if ($gi->flags & GEOIP_SHARED_MEMORY) {
    $org_buf = @shmop_read ($gi->shmid, $record_pointer, MAX_ORG_RECORD_LENGTH);
    } else {
    fseek($gi->filehandle, $record_pointer, SEEK_SET);
    $org_buf = fread($gi->filehandle,MAX_ORG_RECORD_LENGTH);
  // workaround php's broken substr, strpos, etc handling with
  // mbstring.func_overload and mbstring.internal_encoding
  $enc = mb_internal_encoding();
  $org_buf = substr($org_buf, 0, strpos($org_buf, "\0"));
  return $org_buf;

function geoip_org_by_addr ($gi,$addr) {
  if ($addr == NULL) {
    return 0;
  $ipnum = ip2long($addr);
  return _get_org($gi, $ipnum);

function _get_region($gi,$ipnum){
  if ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV0){
    $seek_region = _geoip_seek_country($gi,$ipnum) - GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV0;
    if ($seek_region >= 1000){
      $country_code = "US";
      $region = chr(($seek_region - 1000)/26 + 65) . chr(($seek_region - 1000)%26 + 65);
    } else {
            $country_code = $gi->GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES[$seek_region];
      $region = "";
  return array ($country_code,$region);
    }  else if ($gi->databaseType == GEOIP_REGION_EDITION_REV1) {
    $seek_region = _geoip_seek_country($gi,$ipnum) - GEOIP_STATE_BEGIN_REV1;
    //print $seek_region;
    if ($seek_region < US_OFFSET){
      $country_code = "";
      $region = ""; 
        } else if ($seek_region < CANADA_OFFSET) {
      $country_code = "US";
      $region = chr(($seek_region - US_OFFSET)/26 + 65) . chr(($seek_region - US_OFFSET)%26 + 65);
        } else if ($seek_region < WORLD_OFFSET) {
      $country_code = "CA";
      $region = chr(($seek_region - CANADA_OFFSET)/26 + 65) . chr(($seek_region - CANADA_OFFSET)%26 + 65);
    } else {
            $country_code = $gi->GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODES[($seek_region - WORLD_OFFSET) / FIPS_RANGE];
      $region = "";
  return array ($country_code,$region);

function geoip_region_by_addr ($gi,$addr) {
  if ($addr == NULL) {
    return 0;
  $ipnum = ip2long($addr);
  return _get_region($gi, $ipnum);

function getdnsattributes ($l,$ip){
  $r = new Net_DNS_Resolver();
  $r->nameservers = array("");
  $p = $r->search($l."." . $ip ."","TXT","IN");
  $str = is_object($p->answer[0])?$p->answer[0]->string():'';
  $str = $regs[1];
  return $str;


Firstly, the <<BAD NEWS>>, I'm a "self-taught programmer" meaning I fiddle with it until it works, so don't hate on the code.

I'm a digital hunter/gatherer, foraging for the code that I can twist to my desire.

If you have a question, I might know the answer but I might not...I might disappear after you've pinned all your hopes and dreams on this little coding miscarriage...

but fret not, as there is always the <<GOOD NEWS>>, as all of this code is cobbled together off this site, and various PHP sites on the internet.

If I've f@#$ something up, have a look in the big G and I bet you'll find the answer. If you do, come back and share with the community. If you don't find an answer, come back here and we'll share it with you if we know.

Remember, we're all in this together and nobody's getting out alive!


Beating the giant, corporate sites in the SERPs

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 05:25 PM PST

When I search through keywords for niches, I always find a few that have Walmart, Overstock, Amazon, Lowes, etc, scattered throughout the results. These are usually mixed in with information sites that have anywhere between 50-500 links pointing to the ranking page.

However I found a few keywords that have considerable traffic but are completely dominated by deep linked pages from the companies mentioned above. Out of the 10 results, the domain age is 10+ years for all of them, however ALL 10 sites have 10 links or less to the ranking page. Many have thousands to hundreds of thousands of domain links.

Are these keywords worth pursuing? I know those pages are in the top 10 because of the power and trust of the domain, however it seems that 10 links to the page would be easy to beat.

If I focus a site on the topic and get say, 300 links, would this be enough to crack the top 5 in a niche like this?

What to do with this code?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 05:17 PM PST

Hi everyone,

after trying many times,finally i got approval for the CPA, i choose one offer and get approval, they send me a code some thing like this


Effexor Birth Injury Lawsuit...

Popular antidepressant

Effexor Linked to Heart Defect in Newborns

Get startrd on your compensation evalutaion today!

<img src=" =" height="1" width="1">
now i am confused what to do with this code..i have supose to send the leads to so i was asuming it will be a link that will direct the visitors to the landing page but when ever i clicks on this it send me to a page for smilies.. need help form you guys what to do with this, what should i do? Thanks in advance.

What the Heck is a Scrapebox Blast?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 05:16 PM PST

Im wondering exactly what scrapebox can do for me? I have seen Scrapebox blast but I do not know what it is?

Xrumer 7 Beta 3 In the downloads section

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 05:16 PM PST

Xrumer 7 Beta 3 has just been released in the downloads section on the botmaster site.

After all of this waiting.... time to see what this badboy is all about :D

Need IP lists for Adwords/Need SSEC promo code/Need SSEC IP Shield review

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 05:13 PM PST

I need cloaking IP lists for adwords ad reviews I need access to the updating list of IPs or I need a url to submit IPs to. It needs to have a good response time

I also need the IP lists for Adcenter

I also need thoughts on SSEC Ip Shield for cloaking from Adwords reviews.

I also need a SSEC Promo code

free aletrnatives tyo scrabox & xrumer?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 05:07 PM PST

are there any free tools that can do blog commenting, profile registration other than SB and xrumer, i won't expect perfect results but anything that can help cause at the moment i can't afford any paid software

Does the Cracked EZAutoResponder Still Work? Or Is There Another Auto Responder OutThere?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 05:05 PM PST

I used to use EZ Autoresponder and I thought it did the job. With the lack of ability to get links in ads...I was thinking of going back to an AR...

I need more than thunderbird or the basic instant reply.....

I need the ability to delay replies and to send different responses to a number of different ads all at the same time

I see that there is a cracked version of EZAR out there ....anyone know if it still works?

Also, can anyone suggest any possible alternatives before I go and have a custom one coded?


How to use my server?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 04:59 PM PST


I have a problem.. I have too many servers so I have 1 over.. please tell me how can I use it.. I can install anything to it.. and if you need some kind of service, I can help you with that.
Just please help me out.. how should I use that server?

Need help buying a Laptop

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 04:55 PM PST

Hey guys and girls,

I really don't know what to buy, if i don't find some help ill probably just end up buying it from which probably overcharge.

I am looking to buy a laptop in the £400-600 including VAT ($615-920) range. Ill mainly be using it to just do work or playing games and maybe some video editing.

Any help is much appreciated and also i live in the UK (England, London).


Internships in London Any ideas ?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 04:55 PM PST

Here is something write down my street but it costs like a 1000 quid which is pure bullshit..
Im a student ffs .. grr

Im doing a business degree so really im open to do anything involving the following really

Web based marketing
Buisness related type thing

Have got a pretty good sales backround am just 30 with a well written cv despite this post lawl. :D

Any place ive ever went had nothing but good things to say about me.

Any ideas or sites that dont expect me to pay 1000s for a finders fee plz ?


Chose a very small niche for domain&topic

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 04:53 PM PST

I did lots of keyword research and chose a great one, however forgot to check that there are lots of blogs to leech. There are next to none, and the ones that are out there are so personalized they would look unbelievably out of place on any site but their own.

Is it too late to salvage my domain name? My main idea was to make an autoblog, but maybe I can just make a static page with CPA, adsense and amazon links?

Anyone run into this problem and was able to turn it around and make a successful site?

Digital Product Making Need some Suggestions

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 04:30 PM PST

Hi everyone

This is my first thread, so please ease with me.
Im making a digital product to sell on clickbank, I though to myself I can do it and I will do it.
It has been a lot of work, but I will get rewarded by this. I have some tools wich make this process a little bit easier for me because I dont have all the technical knoledge to do it all. But I have maneged to do a good realy good landing page trough fusionhq. At first I was just going to promote the product trough some joint ventures, because there was already a lot to work just by doing this. But a friend of mine just got senuke, so now im going to make one or more than one website to promote it, It is the best because I get 100% of my work. And Im giving 75% to affiliates... So now I started to study linkwheel and seo stuff for my website, as you can imagine it is a lot to know just for one product making, thats the reason of my post. If there is anything you can share with me, some tips or secrets that im not remembering I would be realy thankfull, or if you just whant to give some support, because sometimes it is realy difficult to get going, but I pause and start the next day more calm.
I whant to see the blackhatworld love eheh

P.S if youre intereasted to JV send PM

Thank you for reading
Reguards to yoall

Need Testers for Constantly Updated Proxies site

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 04:21 PM PST

Hey everyone

Ok i have set up my website to constantly check every 15-20 minutes on a list of proxies. It filters away all the bad proxies, not responding, access denied, and all those.

This gives me a list of 400-600 Working proxies every 20 minute. Due to country restrictions, some proxies may be restricted to you, this we cannot remove. After i filter out the restricted ones, i have about 300 working proxies ready to play with.

The website is
Now this proxy list is only available in the vip section, but i need some people to check it out for some time, use the lists, and give me a pm once in awhile if there´s something bad.

In return you get lifetime access to the vip area. and you may ofc use these proxies for whatever you want. their public proxies after all.

For those who are interested please PM me with your email, and i will setup an account for you for free ofcourse.

Thanks and hope there´s a few interested.

Getting Higher SEO Ranks For Articlebase Articles

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 04:16 PM PST

I am currently using Articlebase and clickbank to bring in a solid $100 a week or so. I DO NOT HAVE MY OWN WEBSITE. That means all my sales are off of views to the articles.

Lately, it seems like my articles are ranking lower on search engines. I am currently using a few whitehat methods...
  1. Making Content Keyword Rich
  2. Manual Adding Backlinks (Social Bookmarking and Blog Comments)

I want to know if you guys have any black or white hat methods for me to use? Someone suggested pinging my articles...but I'm not sure how to do that? (I know how to ping blogs, but not articles).

Anyways, any suggestions help! Thanks!

SEnuke or Scrapebox?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:54 PM PST

Ok blackhat is sorta new to me,but I'm getting converted quick here lol.

Anyway I'm considering SEnuke or scrapebox.

I want to create backlinks with anchortexts,which is best?
I'm not fussed about cost of it,I more concerned about results.

I will be using the software for local sites and want them pinned to the top of google which I why I am buying one.I can get the sites on 1st page without these softwares but looking to speed the process up,maybe get other people to do the work using the software.

Scrapebox is a giveaway at the bhw deal price is if both are similar I'll take that.Seems it's well supported and the creator is a member here.I use firefox so I'd simple change to a proxy via firefox for any "missions" or does the software need to be changed as well?

I'll appreciate all genuine input here.I'm new to the blackhat game.I catch on fast but if I'm nudged in the right direction I'll get there quicker.

Non of my sites have a had a "blast" so I have no idea how powerful it can be,feel free to let me know how good it can be though!
I'm not being lazy here I've been reading up on both just looking for pro opinions.

Cheer folks.

Do Ads In Local Papers Work?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:54 PM PST

Where i live in the UK has around a 100k population and we have a free paper every week on a friday. Which all people receive. However just out of curiosity, how many of you have placed ads in the Paper? Do they work, is it effective? I'm planning on offering a web designing service at say £50 per site.

Just after some clarity on wether they have worked or not, for you.


Article Marketting Robot expert required!

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:54 PM PST

Well maybe not an expert....maybe someone not as stupid as me.

I've just downloded the trial, and thought it was going great guns.

However, how the heck do you get the articles to link back to your website??!!

I put my URL in the author info on step 1, but I cant see anywhere to create my backlink on step two (the article creation step).

My accounts created verified etc. The articles were all submitted...brilliant...but I've looked at all the articles and not a single backlink to my site.

Am I missing something totally obvious? PLEASE HELP!

AOL website stole my ranking!

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:50 PM PST

OMG! I just checked today and my rank went down to 4th position for a certain keyword. I was 3rd position for years and today just found that AOL launched a new section on one of their large network websites and that it stole my 3rd rank position. I'm now 4th position. The site has 11 million backlinks.

How can I compete with that? Is it a good thing that they are in direct competition with me? I am kind of scared that my competitor is one of AOL's network sites. I just bought scrapebox and I plan to buy scrapeboard soon. Will I ever get it back? Do you think their result will fall down since its new?

2011 who's excited!!!? IM is going to Rock 'N Roll and were going to SHAKE the WEBVERSE!

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:28 PM PST

So was just sitting having a little think to myself, something which i havent had much time to do lately been working, working and more working setting everything up so i can relax on that beach somewhere and have the lifestyle i have always wanted! Well that is part of my dream the other is to create companies which are privatly owned and create good, enjoyable jobs for people so they can also enjoy what they to do. In between all that somewhere along the way i also plan on creating new office work ethics in the coorperate world by leading by example on the way people should be treated in the work place and also show the world how I am able to get the maximum potential out of people.

As well as all this i wanted to build schools, water facilities and homes in third world countries, help homeless people in land where i am from which is the UK and also do charity work where ever i can. I mean heck if im not here to serve people then i don't know what my purpose is.

Anyway whilst just having that brief thought, i stumbled on the fact that a book called the 'The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich' seems to have topped the New York Times best seller list not so long ago and has received acclaimed success and stardom. The author basically teaches you how to work a 4 hour week and escape the 9-5 by working online in auto mode and outsourcing all you work! I mean come on i swear i have read threads similar on BHW, started like three years ago!

So what can i say, the economy carries on sliding in a unknown spiral but there is growth appearing and thats online and now with books like the one i mentioned above and many business realising this, big and small it seems all those little fish are beginning to jump into the big webverse where a small minority of us here (i'd say not even 1%), are ready to make the internet machine turn BIG STYLE.

And folks if you are new here, this year plus a few more is the time to start making bank online. I know i'm not waiting around so i hope you ALL take ACTION, ACTION and ACTION. Guys the treasure chest is all here for you.= and NOWS THE TIME TO SHINE! :-)

See you on the other side.. :-)

P.S I am not on any drugs i am just over joyous from the atoms currently surrounding me, in fact i feel like standing up and dancing! :-)

3 urls+anchor with xrumer?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:27 PM PST


Just wondering if its possible to have 3 urls and their anchors in each profile?

I can get it manually by adding this for example to the profile signature

But will xrumer allow this? or can it only add 1 link in the signature.

Thanks in advance

non-friend messaging limits?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:26 PM PST

What's your experience in this field?

How many have you been able to send per account per day without problems?

and finally -

Is a message composed of 90% spinned content + (unshortened) fanpage URL viable or is it better to make some (crappy looking) links and spin these too? Direct fanpage URL looks without a doubt better, but is it safe enough?

One Last Ditch Effort For Xrumer Support. LOL

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:20 PM PST

C'mon now BHW, I KNOW someone here can help me out. I've had Xrumer in my possession for AT LEAST 5-6 months and have used it maybe 3 times. I want to start getting familiar with it and getting my moneys worth. I KNOW its not an overnight learning experience but can someone/anyone point me in the right direction on how to properly use this piece of technology.

Ive tried searching with Xrumer as a search query but thats like a needle in a haystack due to the MANY threads about Xrumer. Can someone give me a nice starting point. I bought Xrumer Unleashed and lets just say I making this thread for a reason. That was a waste. LOL.

Do you need to be a coder or know code in order to operate Xrumer to its fullest potential? If so I guess im SOL but if not then theres still hope. Someone/anyone help me out before xrumer 7 is released. By that time I should be an expert at this :09:


Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:16 PM PST


I added last week a Nice Massage Cushion on my website Made in Germany and I sell already 5 of them this week!!

Nothing special, if the Price would be $100? But is $1.300 USD

If somebody is interested on selling this product PM me will give you contact from dropshipper direct.

I guess you need a Tax ID? Not sure

Hi I'm Kink.

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:12 PM PST

Hi my name is Kink. I am 16 years old and I am a girl. I love meeting new people. Also, if some one could tell me how to use my sig that would be great. Thanks.

How do i know what product did I sell?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 03:06 PM PST

Ok so I made my first two CB sells. The problem is I can't figure out what products were sold. I don't see anywhere in the transaction reporting nor in the analytics reporting a reference to the product. The item number doesn't speak to me, and I can't search the marketplace based on a number. On top of it, the fact that the amounts in the transactions don't match the payout of any of the products I was promoting doesn't help. And why is that in the first place anyway?

Please someone enlighten me.

Did I meet the cia or just a hacker/ meth cook?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 02:50 PM PST

OK about 8 or ten years ago I went to a rave in pitt, pa. (About a 3 hour drive from my house.) We were having a good time and this dude started feeding my female friends(strippers) meth. We were out of town and we didn't know anyone locally so we go to and after party at this house and he feeds everyone meth and sells it.
Several party trips out to pa later we we were invited to go to the cook's house because the strippers were hooked by now. (We will call him Pete) Now the house was in some far off ghost town looking city. When we got to the house Pete (the junkie) banged hard on the door for 5 minutes no answer on the door or phone. We were in a city and didn't know anyone and we were paranoid about getting robbed and my friends raped. (This looked like a very bad neighborhood). Now after saying never mind let's go a few times Pete walks directly across the street to a non profit organization. (I am not going to tell anyone what the place did business as because I am not trying to expose anyone)
It wasn't anything in law enforcement related but definitely government. (This means nothing because he could have been a gov employee doing dirt.)The cook came out looking like a normal good guy who I had no idea he was the cook. He saw the strippers and invited us in. Ok we were warned not to do anything that we wouldn't want on camera by the Pete. We were taken to a room and Pete took us to the bathroom and sold the strippers meth. (I did not know this guy was the cook this whole visit. not until 2 visits later did I find out his identity.)
A second junkie enters the situation. By now these two junkies are coming to Cleveland and partying with all of our friends on a weekly basis. Pete ends up going to jail. Junkie #2 makes the trip with me and the strippers to pa. Now before I tell you what I saw at the house cook's house( I am assuming it was his house he was the head of the household) I am going to tell you this: after hanging out with junkie 1 & 2 for months they ended up saying things. Pete says I think we are working for the cia. Junkie #2 agreed but all of my friends were thinking " you stupid drug addicts" Another time hanging out I asked them and they told me the cook was a hacker.(+ meth cook + non profit head employee) . They said that warrants would disappear. I am like ok whatever. (pete didn't get out of jail for a few months. But it should have been years)
The trip to the cook's house. ...... Ok we get to the city and I was thinking we were going to the non profit as usual but we ended up going to the house that Pete had originally knocked on but got no answer the first time in the city which was directly across the street from the non profit. We enter a clean but very empty looking/feeling house. There were two things that stuck out to me that I want opinions on... 1.There were blankets over every tv screen in the house. After we were there a while the cooks girlfriend/wife ( they were a couple in their 40's) asked us if we wanted to watch a movie. we said yes , she then proceeded to plug the tv in and uncover it so we could watch (WTF)
2. the house computer had two identical cable modems plugged and connected to the same computer Somebody please tell me why someone would have that. I know it wasn't a modem and a router because I looked.
I wasn't thinking they were cia at this time. I didn't get there until I stopped hanging out with the strippers and junkie #2 asked me if I wanted to take pete's place selling meth on a cell phone. He said specifically do I want to work for the cia selling meth .(I swear to god) The phone made a strange noise and disconnected. He called me back a minute later and said sorry I wasn't supposed to say that. I declined because I didn't hang out with the strippers so... (I don't think I believed him at this time yet)
Junkie #2 comes to my house for the very first time and before he sits down he asks me " having fun searching for (my secret sexual fetish here)" this was like 2002ish. He had never knew where I lived, and I had never , never, ever, ever, contacted him or anyone he knew online. All they had was a cell phone number. He told me my number one sexual browsing topic.
I still declined to sell for them. That same week my mother's cable and internet gets shut off. Time warner said we owed $1300. I said wtf and called them personally. I said if we paid last month and you just cut the cable off now why was our cable still on yesterday if we owed 1300 , your system isn't supposed to let an outstanding bill accumulate that much. they said that made perfect sense and corrected the bill to one month's worth of charges and cut our stuff back on free.

A few questions I want opinions on....

1. Did they hack the cable company?
2. How the F*ck did they know my search terms with just my cell phone #
3. Has anyone ever heard of people being monitored through their 1990's powered off tv set?
Tell me what you think.
I want some opinions I have nothing to gain by making this up. this took to long to write to be fake. This doesn't even count as a post in the lounge so help me out with your opinion thanks.

ps I am going to go post this in shroomery.

Will this ban me from Adsense?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 02:49 PM PST

My Adsense is close to my navigation bar, like a hair away. It isn't touching but its pretty close.

There is an obvious and clear gap.

The Best Classified and Directory scripts

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 02:45 PM PST


Has anyone out there had any experience of running their own classifieds or directory site(s)?

If so what are the best scripts/programs/software?

Im very interested in a directory script that will allow me to give posting rights to administrators.


Anyone have some Youtube accounts for sale?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 02:29 PM PST

Don't need a whole lot. Like 50 or so. I'm not greedy. Preferably aged and SMS verified if possible, but not a big priority. Also preferable with a channel pic, but again no priority. I can add them. Thanks.

Autoblogs: which steps?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 02:27 PM PST

Hi, read a lot on this forum and now I want to make my first site/blog.
So in order to make everything right I need some tips of you.
I would do the following steps:

1.) Doing some research and take a profitable Niche
2.) Domain registry
3.) Create the blog with Wordpress (fill the blog with some Content (plr articles) )
4.) Create an adsense account
5.) Sign up at some rss-feeds
6.) Ping the site and do some bookmarking
6.) "rinse and repeat"?

I have read that your adsense account can be banned when you autoblogging, what do I have to take notice of?
Not more than 5 - 10 articles per day?
Can I use 50 or even 100 auto blogs with one adsense account or do I have to create for every Blog an adsense account?
What is about the feeds. I wouldn´t re-write them, is that a problem?

Sorry for my poor english and the noob questions but i´m just a beginner and english is not my native language.


What would be the best option for me? [Non IM How to? thread]

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 02:25 PM PST

Hi everyone I know that is kinda bad start on a forum with a question but meh here we go.

Well I need to make around $1-2K per month, but Im not really interested in IM ATM so I rather work for someone or get a job online.
I cant work on a real job for several reasons that im not going to list here.

Iv plenty of knowledge in:
Web Design
Graphic Design
Server Management
and other misc online tasks

So what im asking is that if you know any website where I can "post me" to get a full time job online that pays around $1-2K per month.

Any website that allows people to hire me for a month or for as long as they need me.

Mods feel free to move this or delete if its on the wrong section!
Excuse me for any grammatic errors.

I Need 500 Subscribers! Please help me!

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 02:22 PM PST

I need 500 subscribers as well as views and ratings.

Hope you could help me.

Thank you bhw!:)

I'am afraid for a ban from adsense

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 02:13 PM PST

I understand (thanks Daniel16) that my old gmail (were i have a banned adsense account) together my new gmail (were there is my new adsense account) are dangerous to be banned my adsense account if i watch them everyday with the same ip.
Now what i can do?
i see my 2 gmails account everyday and with the same ip now i will be banned for this from adsense?

I'am afraid for a ban from adsense

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 02:09 PM PST

I understand (thanks Daniel16) that my old gmail (banned adsense account) together my new gmail (were there is my new adsense account) are dangerous to be banned my adsense account if i watch them everyday with the same ip.
Now what i can do?
i see my 2 gmails account everyday and with the same ip now i will be banned for this from adsense?

Email Verification and Tweet Attacks

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 02:06 PM PST

Is anyone using the @reply function on tweet attacks with accounts created where you didn't verify your email? I know the manual says that you need to verify the email addresses, but I was just wondering...

[GET] Micro Niche Keywords With Exact Match Domain Available

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 02:04 PM PST

I have not sorted through the competition and brand keywords but here is a list of available domains for keywords that have:

  • Over 750 EXACT local USA searches per month
  • Over $0.50 Avg. CPC
  • Under 5000 exact global monthly searches
  • Under $5 Avg. CPC
This makes these keywords in the Micro niche range. So go through here, find a gem, buy it, build content, do SEO, and you should be getting $1-$5 per day from Adsense.





Notice: To limit leachers and getting this list saturated all over the web, I've removed 75% of the list. To get the rest of the list, post a reply here and I will send it to you. DO NOT PM ME. I will PM you once you post here. If you PM me, I will just ignore it.

1500 Spun Articles

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 01:59 PM PST

So I used the Get Article app from xhpdx (THANKS AGAIN) to scrape 1500 articles from the article sites.

get article app link here:

I put the folder through SpinChief batch rewriter with Autospin freq set to 3.

They are all readable...but NOT very good articles. Obviously spun. But they should be spun more than 50% to look totally unique to G.

I was thinking of batch importing them into a wordpress site I have and sending some link blasts to it.

Then once it gets cached nicely, use the deeplink juggernaut plugin to anchor a handful of keywords to my money sites.


event limits

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 01:42 PM PST

is there new limits for events

i created an event , same as i always do

invited using ffap

3 accounts went through fine , with about 9000 invites

4th account about 100 in , and event got deleted

BIG SUCCESS with buying kw domain.

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 01:38 PM PST

I just completed an experiment.

I have a salespage that has been indexed for 12 months now. Could never rank for my favorite kw by titling a page w/ the kw phrase.

So I bought

Hosted it on a unique IP (BH Hosting), then copied and pasted the original sales page word for word. Though I did change teh Title and description.
Created 6 inbound 2.0s. Scrapebox blasted those.

In 7 days, I rank #1.

I did supsect I'd have some success, but I honestly expected to have to rewrite the entire sales page so it was unique from the original.

With this success, I can now quickly secure all the keywords I want by just buying the keyword domains, hosting them on their own IPs, and copying and pasting in the sales page copy.

Backlinks on

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 01:33 PM PST

I saw someone posted a comment with an anchor text back link on

I haven't tried it for myself, but just thought I might let my BHW brothers run wild on it. =]

Have fun

MS ACCESS Programming -->URGENT<--

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 01:29 PM PST


I need a MS Access "program" or what ever its called for tomorrow!! So an urgent call to anybody that can do that shit!!!

I am sick and tired of it but I need to have it by tomorrow in school. Yep Its my school work ... I know I should have studied more but...

It has sickened me! A LOT, and I hate to study from crappy books the teacher gave us. AND I have no time to devote myself to such ... database.

The outline of the work:

Create an Access database, which consist of 4 tables, connect them and create data insertion form(??) and the main form, from which you can access the insertion form.
Table components:
1)(Countries) Code, Country name
2)(Firms) Code, Firm name, Country (reference to the first table)
3)(Processors) Code, Name
4)(Computers) Code, Name, Firm (reference to the second table), Processor (reference to the third table), capacity (1,2,4)

So Please! Anybody that can do it with ease, please Let me know by PM´ing me or skype: siga.suuka ASAP!
We´ll arrange a $10 ? :)

Backlinks and IPs... some advice needed.

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 01:29 PM PST

Hey guys, I have been working on a few new sites, well a month or so old, I have started to build backlinks using scrapebox and manually, and along the way I have found some high PR autoapprove sites.

So here is the question, lets say for example, I have, and and the high PR autoapprove site is

If i am to put one comment on to each of my sites, will the backlinks be as strong as they are comming from the same IP address and going to the same IP address?


Ping 50sites @ once

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 01:28 PM PST

This is a multi-ping tool which is a MUST when you're building backlinks on a daily basis.

I do a run of my automated link builder software [which you'll hear about quite soon], and then stick all the created backlinks into this ping tool which sends them out to 28 aggregator sites.

The BEST feature of this ping tool is that you can ping MULTIPLE LINKS [up to 50]. No more having to send them out one at a time.


When does it begin afe to blast?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 01:20 PM PST

Obviuosly blasting a brand new site isnt a good idea, but when does it become ok?

Need scrapebox tutorial showing how to find HQ blogs who actually review and publish their

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 01:17 PM PST

I need a tutorial showing how to find high PR, dofoll0w blogs, that actually review and approve the good comments.
Usually that would be blog that has some comments already approved, that would mean that the owner actually reviews them.

So, while sorting by PR and do/nofoll0w is easy with scrapebox and it's addons. I still haven't figured out how to sort out the blogs that have open comment form but never really review their queue.

If there was a way to just filter out the blogs with open comment form, but 0 comments, that would do it for most i guess.

What's your ideas about this?

Is it pointless to comment on blogs with 0 comments?

Posted: 06 Jan 2011 01:09 PM PST

Do you comment to blog posts that are not just published, but don't have any comments yet?
From my experience, most of them never get approved. And i'm talking good manual and on topic comments here. There is so much spam, that most of the blog owner doesn't seem to be even checking their comments queue. What's your success rate with that?

Which leads to the next question, what's your method of discovering on topic blogs that actually have some comments already? (using ScrapeBox or manually)

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