Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO |
- Safely transfer money to main PayPal?
- Careful What You Say! The U.S. Gov. Is Seizing ISP Records
- CA Private Proxies
- 500,000 Million Pageviews Weekly
- How To Cloak Affiliate Links In Bulk?
- need a VPS
- Youtube Videos To Promote Clickbank Products.
- How can I get someone's blog taken down?
- Post you Link Pyramids Diagrams - HERE!!!!
- $100 Google Adwords Coupon
- Help please...i need multiple vcc's for indian residents ?
- Anyone use
- scrapeboard on vps a newbie question
- Replica jewelry / fake pearls
- anyone know when backlinkwatch will be back online?
- Scrapebox - Scrape google by time frame? Past Week, etc...
- Do you buy health insurance or have a traditional employer
- I need help Please
- Does the Facebook Viral Script plus CPA method still work
- - Free Backlink Indexing Tool
- 94 - Justin Bieber's born...
- Looking for partner to make money with. Incredible Opportunity
- 1.6 Billion Youtube views (wow)
- I have an idle AC Account. Anyone want to use it?
- How can this site rank so well?
- Is there a tool that tracks your sites SERP for keywords that you are targeting ?
- Fake The Referrer/SEO Question
- SEscout - Track your rankings like never before. Try it free today!
- Craigslist is blocking my emails... Help Please!
- scrapebox autoapprove list?
- Video Uploading Q - What would you do?
- Rough Week..
- At which point is xrumer financial worth
- getting kicked out of my house.. lol
- Blog Network for links
- Adsense on an Information ONLY warez website?
- Weberster - SCAMMER ALERT!
- Wanna learn how to make $$$ publishing Content For the Kindle?
- Adsense not counting my page views, CTR jumps to 2,000%, BAN COMING THE WAY, What to do?
- 15 year old SEO/IM new to BHW.
- Sub-Page or New Niche Site?
- Help! Anyway I can "steal" a FMBL script and modify to a personal page :))
- Are reviewed article directories mightier than autoapprove ones?
- Let's talk about Promoting Pay Per Lead Tax Sign Ups
- The Comment List Is Malformatted? Scrapebox Mistake
- feedlisting banned from google
- Hello Everyone
- Whats the deal with Craigslist?
- Let me dispel an Xrumer backlink myth for you.
- Need a poke in the right direction
Safely transfer money to main PayPal? Posted: 18 Jan 2011 06:42 PM PST I have a bunch of PayPal accounts that I am using to accept payments for on eBay/ my website. I also have one that is fully verified that I am planning to send all the funds to from my other stealth PayPals for withdrawal. Is this a good method? I'm just getting into it. I'm using different IP's, clear history cookies cache, etc. Just have a few quick ?'s What is the best way to send funds to my verified PayPal? (Send as service? send as Gift for no fees? Goods?) How much can I send to my verified PayPal without raising flags? And if my verified account is limited, can I resolve it easily by using the other accounts to confirm the payments? Most of all, is this a good method? Does anyone else do this? Just joined today, but I've been watching this forum for awhile. Figured it was time to join. Seems like a great place! Thanks! | |
Careful What You Say! The U.S. Gov. Is Seizing ISP Records Posted: 18 Jan 2011 06:18 PM PST No shock here. Don't say you didn't know. :eek: What The Government Wants To Know About You Earlier this month, news broke that the government got a court order to force Twitter to reveal the private account information of some people associated with WikiLeaks. What is unusual about the situation is not that the government obtained such an order, but that we found out about it at all. Our government routinely gains access to Americans' private online information through secret court orders. Worse yet, these proceedings are one-sided, with only the government presenting arguments. In a legal system based on openness and adversarial process, this has led to troubling results that threaten our privacy. Many of us spend a great deal of time online and it should come as no surprise that law enforcement has followed. People type things into Google they wouldn't tell their spouses and store years of their most intimate correspondence with Yahoo! Internet service providers complain that the volume of requests for their customers' private online information is so huge that they now have entire departments dedicated to responding to court orders. The public has been largely unaware of this trend, due to the secrecy of courts and the failure of corporations to put up much of a fight. When the government wants someone's private online information, it files an application under seal asking the court for permission. The government presents its arguments, but there is no one on the other side because the person whose information is at stake does not know it is happening and because corporations have little incentive to spend time and money objecting. Even worse, the government's applications are sealed until someone requests they be unsealed, and since the person under surveillance typically never learns about it, these applications usually stay sealed forever. The net result is a system in which individuals' electronic privacy is regularly put in jeopardy, with no chance to fight it, in a context vastly favorable to the government. This is made more troubling by the fact that the law governing electronic surveillance is not clear. For example, the Fourth Amendment compels the government to obtain a warrant and show probable cause to access someone's email. Unfortunately, the government disagrees, arguing that the Fourth Amendment does not cover email. That is a startling position that would mean Americans could no longer expect the privacy in our correspondence that we enjoyed in the past. Regardless how one feels about the Fourth Amendment's applicability to email, we should all agree that it's problematic when controversial issues of law are routinely decided in secret, one-sided proceedings. The current system of secrecy works perfectly fine for the government, so it is especially important that companies and courts take initiative to combat excessive secrecy. Twitter is to be commended for taking the rare step of asking that a government surveillance request be made public. Other companies should follow suit. Courts have a role to play, too. Even if investigative details are rightly kept secret, in general the law of surveillance should not be a secret law. Courts should require the government to file its legal arguments in public, and should make their own decisions to grant or deny applications public as well. | |
Posted: 18 Jan 2011 06:11 PM PST Needs CA private proxies PM me please. | |
500,000 Million Pageviews Weekly Posted: 18 Jan 2011 06:10 PM PST Hi guys, So my new site has been solid and receiving over 500,000 pg views a week. How can I make $$ with this. I know CPM but what is the best company etc? Really need help to capitalize on this. Thanks guys. | |
How To Cloak Affiliate Links In Bulk? Posted: 18 Jan 2011 05:55 PM PST I would like to know how to cloak affiliate links in bulk in Wordpress? I want to create affiliate datafeed blog from .CSV file. I need to cloak all affiliate links there. Is there such Wordpress plugin that allows to do such or web tool? Thanks :) | |
Posted: 18 Jan 2011 05:52 PM PST tryed but they are out of stock any reommendations? | |
Youtube Videos To Promote Clickbank Products. Posted: 18 Jan 2011 05:48 PM PST Hey guys, does anyone here do this? And has it proved effective for you? If so, could you PM me with URL links to your videos (If that's allowed?). I'm looking to start making a few 'Vids to promote products. However it is best to get an insight from experienced users before delving into it! Cheers:) | |
How can I get someone's blog taken down? Posted: 18 Jan 2011 05:48 PM PST Some tool copied a bunch of articles I wrote 1 for 1 and just changed the links so they pointed at his blogger blog. As someone who isn't very fond of actually writing content this really pisses me off. Does anyone know I can go about getting his blog deleted? I'm guessing there's something I can do/say, after all this is Google we're talking about. | |
Post you Link Pyramids Diagrams - HERE!!!! Posted: 18 Jan 2011 05:43 PM PST Im looking for a lot of them so I can test them and compare so please post yours here :) | |
Posted: 18 Jan 2011 05:37 PM PST Hey folks. I have I have been of assistance to you in the past with the Host Gator and Interspire method, please send me the $100 Adwords coupon you receive in the mail. Thank you in advance. | |
Help please...i need multiple vcc's for indian residents ? Posted: 18 Jan 2011 05:28 PM PST Hi All I have a problem... I am looking for someone that can provide VCC'S to indian people. They need to be able to be topped up via alert pay, would be good if they could be topped also from somewhere in India also. Does anyone know if anything like this is available ? | |
Anyone use Posted: 18 Jan 2011 05:27 PM PST Offer 30mm emails per month for $800...seems too good to be true. It's not an ESP so you still need some decent data and everything, but you use their servers/IPs and good software in that price. Just curious if anyone used them. Thanks | |
scrapeboard on vps a newbie question Posted: 18 Jan 2011 05:22 PM PST hey ppl i have scrapeboard i have really sux 700kb/s dl - 80kb/s upload dsl connection. i want rent a windows vps to get my jobs hurry. but there s a problem that i reset my dsl modem to get new ip to signup forums with no dublicate account block. with vps there will be an only 1 ip adress that which vps is located and theres no chance to reset and get new ip. i though surely proxies :D so its why proxy borned.but im curious about that the proxy costs. with a hurry calculate i reset my modem and get new ip daily 30 times. this means i blast to same forums in a day 30 times. also this means i should buy 30 proxies per day ? so what is the rate of success with proxies ? i get really great rates with my own connection and ip. my mind is really mixed. please advice me something im bored to wait my low connection on my scrapeboard blasts. | |
Posted: 18 Jan 2011 05:10 PM PST Looking for a wholesale supplier for fake\replica jewelry and most important fake bulk pearls. | |
anyone know when backlinkwatch will be back online? Posted: 18 Jan 2011 05:00 PM PST That was an awesome backlink checking site. Fast, and better than the crappy ones that only give you the first 50 or whatever. It's been down for 2 days and I'm sad. | |
Scrapebox - Scrape google by time frame? Past Week, etc... Posted: 18 Jan 2011 04:48 PM PST Is there a way to add into the url a time period such as only list results from the past week, or past month? Or would the developers of Scrapebox be able to include this? Would be very beneficial to many I'm sure. | |
Do you buy health insurance or have a traditional employer Posted: 18 Jan 2011 04:48 PM PST This seems to be the closes forum for this discussion so I will put it here. Unfortunately health insurance is tied with employment. For those of us who are self employed we have to find our own. Do any of you purchase your own health insurance or do you go without? | |
Posted: 18 Jan 2011 04:37 PM PST I don't know where to put this post but I need help if my site is working properly. it is myvouchergeek type website but I don't know if I am getting credit for the survey. there are nothing on stats. i just don't know if anyone sees a survey or not. Would anyone be so kind to do one for me? Please and thank you. here's my site: | |
Does the Facebook Viral Script plus CPA method still work Posted: 18 Jan 2011 04:11 PM PST Hi, I have been trying to look for a good viral script for facebook. But people say facebook blocks them pretty quick. Is there still money to be made using this technique, or is it just too old now, because facebook practically got raped? Regards, luca | | - Free Backlink Indexing Tool Posted: 18 Jan 2011 03:56 PM PST Hi i just finished an early version of a free alternative to BIT(Bulk Indexing Tool) You can download the tool at LinkIndexer [*] org Let me know if this is helpful for you and/or if you find any bugs...(I havent done much error handling so far... ) m00j99 | |
94 - Justin Bieber's born... Posted: 18 Jan 2011 03:51 PM PST Quote:
| |
Looking for partner to make money with. Incredible Opportunity Posted: 18 Jan 2011 03:51 PM PST Hi, I'm looking for someone who's willing to work 18 hours a day, 7 days a week for me. Ideally the candidate will be educated to a very high standard and have at least 3 years of marketing experience with a proven track record. In return for your work I'll give you 30% of the profits you generate. Now you must be asking yourself what I'll do for you to make this such a life changing opportunity? Well, I'll provide you with a GMAIL ADDRESS that you can use to apply to various CPA networks and to communicate your daily work with me. Sound too good to be true? Well, it is sort of as I'm *extremely* picky and will only choose the professionals of the highest standard for this incredible opportunity. --Insert picture of money, yachts, big houses, gorgeous women, things of a similar nature-- So if you think you meet the above criteria then act now for this incredible opportunity. If interested send an email with your application details to: Code: hexalor@localhost thanks! | |
1.6 Billion Youtube views (wow) Posted: 18 Jan 2011 03:47 PM PST Holy cow I just came across a youtube channel with over 1.6 billion upload views, it totally blew me away.. this has to be the most views I have ever seen on a single channel. I am pretty sure it is not owned by anyone @ BHW, if mods give me permission to post the channel I will but for now here is a screenshot. Anyone know of any bigger channels? ![]() | |
I have an idle AC Account. Anyone want to use it? Posted: 18 Jan 2011 03:37 PM PST I removed the offer... Thanks to hexalor. I will just post my own articles to this account like I have been doing with my other 4 AC accounts. | |
How can this site rank so well? Posted: 18 Jan 2011 03:29 PM PST Hello I am looking sites places top 10 in G in very hard keyword "buy viagra". How is possible that the site viagrabuy is ranked #4? It was created 12-Oct-2010, and according to yahoo only has 729 links. What are other factors for rank in this very competitive keyword ? | |
Is there a tool that tracks your sites SERP for keywords that you are targeting ? Posted: 18 Jan 2011 03:26 PM PST I am doing a lot of SEO on my sites and tracking the rankings for my targeted keywords can take a bit of time. Is there any tool that tracks your sites SERP for keywords you are targeting? | |
Fake The Referrer/SEO Question Posted: 18 Jan 2011 03:20 PM PST Hi I know this topic has been talked about numerous time but I have a specific question that I need to know if it is doable. Let's say you are ranked #1 for a keyword and you get alot of organic traffic that way. You want everyone from Google or other search engines to hit your site and eventually click your ad or cpa offer. This same site you are promoting on for instance twitter where for your offer promoting on twitter isn't allowed. Is there a way where you can fake the referrer for all your twitter traffic so they get redirected automatically to the offer while your organic traffic gets to visit your actual website? Thanks. | |
SEscout - Track your rankings like never before. Try it free today! Posted: 18 Jan 2011 03:19 PM PST ![]() SEscout - Rank tracking done easier and better than ever before. SEscout has arrived! If you've been looking for an awesome SERP tracker and simply want to sign-up, head over to our sign-up page, otherwise feel free to read on. ![]() What is SEscout? SEscout is a SERP tracker designed to make the job of tracking your rankings in Google and Bing easier and more transparent than ever before. SEscout allows you to focus on your SEO efforts while we track your exact position in the rankings and continuously update you of any changes across any and all of your domains and keywords. Notable features
| |
Craigslist is blocking my emails... Help Please! Posted: 18 Jan 2011 03:13 PM PST Hello everyone, this is my first post on BlackHat. I am having some issues lately and could use some advice from you guys. I have been emailing potential clients through craigslist for over 2 years and never had any issues until last month. This was my method: 10-20 Email Acounts (Gmail, Yahoo, Mail) Sent 19 Emails Per 24 Hours Per Acount (They blocked anything over 19) Email included; Example (Please visit my site to learn more about our services) I would constantly keep creating new accounts as older accounts began getting closed down by gmail and other place. I never sent out more than 200-300 in a 24 hour window. Here is my issue: Starting about 5 weeks ago I wasn't getting any replies (this was weird because I would see a 15% reply rate that went to 0% all of the sudden) Created a posting on craigslist to send a test and I never received it. Started creating new accounts with gmail and same problem. Email was sent but never delivered. I am not sending emails in large volumes and they are not considered heavy spam according to my research. What is the issue and how to I get back to what I was doing? I tried using different computers in different locations and still isn't going through. Any advice would be a great help. | |
Posted: 18 Jan 2011 02:49 PM PST I keep seeing people talking about this, and is there a place to purchase lists? | |
Video Uploading Q - What would you do? Posted: 18 Jan 2011 02:46 PM PST Evening chums, Tomorrow I will be uploading various videos I have created to youtube, However some of them are spun using the same pictures in different order. Would you upload all videos of the same subject under one account (5 videos average) or would you upload one of each subject per account so you have various subjects on one account? In essence, 5 similar videos on one account on a single subject, or one video of each subject in each account? I hope that makes sense! | |
Posted: 18 Jan 2011 02:42 PM PST Last week we had a huge snow storm. My minivan got buried in by city plows. While digging it out I managed to lock my keys in the car...ya I know.. took me a few more days to get a tow truck down to break into the car. Guy refused to pull me out of the snow afterward. I was hoping the snow would melt a bit.. and then last night the city towed it. Costs more to get it out of the tow lot than the car is worth. | |
At which point is xrumer financial worth Posted: 18 Jan 2011 02:39 PM PST Outsourcing xRumer seems pretty cheap to me. If you spend 400$ a month (server, xrumer price) + a lot of time that is a very big investment. So i think i can buy about 400.000 backlinks a month from guys on BHW and now i asking myself - do i need so many backlinks? So why everybody recommend buying this software? How much backlinks do you guys produce in one month? And how much is possible to produce in one month xrumer 24/7? The tool is good, no questions, but => what are the advantages of using it on your own? | |
getting kicked out of my house.. lol Posted: 18 Jan 2011 02:35 PM PST well me and my dad have been fighting a lot recently and he's been yelling at my mom a lot and finally we just had one final blow up. he decided that i'm going to have to start paying rent (i'm 19) so i said okay. i'm about to get up and leave in like 15 minutes. i'm making okay money selling websites, about 300 a week and i can do that from anywhere. but the potential for me making more is definitely there it just is taking some time. the biggest problem is that my dad has the title to my car (it has my name on it, but he paid for some of it). idk what's gonna happen there. | |
Posted: 18 Jan 2011 02:34 PM PST I see one of my competitors is mainly using blog networks for all the links he receives. This is one of the linking strategies I have never used. What service, company, individual do you recommend to get my links on a blog network? Anyone offering that on here? | |
Adsense on an Information ONLY warez website? Posted: 18 Jan 2011 02:33 PM PST Would having adsense on a warez website with just warez releases information no download links get me banned? | |
Posted: 18 Jan 2011 02:32 PM PST I asked Weberster to code me an app around 2-3 months ago, he gave me a 2 week completion time frame, I have sent several emails to him, but no reply, so DO NOT BUY FROM HIM. $75 down the drain. | |
Wanna learn how to make $$$ publishing Content For the Kindle? Posted: 18 Jan 2011 02:31 PM PST Jame Jones (of MNF fame) is having a special webinar about publishing content for the Kindle this Wednesday night at 7:00 PM ET (New York Time Zone) You're going to see a soup to nuts presentation of me: 1) Setting up a Kindle Account 2) Finding content to publish. 3) Getting everything together to publish. 4) Publishing the content in the Kindle Store. And YOU will be able to pick the niche topic that I will be using in the demonstration! Go register here now: Hope to see you on the webinar! (It will probably be based around using James' Ultimate PLR software, so ignore that and get a wad of PLR's here, mix them up, and create new content) I watched his last seminar about this in December last year and he gave real tips on whats hot and what is not in "KindleLand". Tip: Use a screen grabber program to save screen shots to a folder and make a PDF out of it for use later. | |
Adsense not counting my page views, CTR jumps to 2,000%, BAN COMING THE WAY, What to do? Posted: 18 Jan 2011 02:22 PM PST Here's the picture: Adsense registered 11 page views. Over 300 clicks, with CTR over 3,000%. The problem: Adsense fucking me up not registering my page views. WHAT SHOULD I DO? This will get me a ban as soon as the month is over and they review accounts. I NEED HELP!!! *I have reported this to Google Adsense, but I've been replied they cannot send me a personalized reply, WTF? I need this shit straight! The traffic is coming from a redirect, so I obviously know how many people are going through my link. | |
15 year old SEO/IM new to BHW. Posted: 18 Jan 2011 02:21 PM PST Hello BHW, My name is Joe, and I'm 15 years old. I started SEO and Internet Marketing when I was 14. I have been lurking on this forum for a while now, and decided to create an account. Boy has it helped me. I got access to tons of free software, got helped tremendously, and even threw in a share or two. Without this site I wouldn't have known a damn thing about SEO or Internet Marketing. I started around September or October, and now I have gained a wealth of knowledge. I'm looking forward to the day where I gain access to the Joint Venture section. From your friend, Capnc423 (Joe). | |
Posted: 18 Jan 2011 02:17 PM PST If I find a long tail keyword that has little to no competition but is still in the same niche as my money site do I add a subpage and seo that or create a new micro niche site so it ranks. | |
Help! Anyway I can "steal" a FMBL script and modify to a personal page :)) Posted: 18 Jan 2011 02:04 PM PST Newbee on here looking for help.. thank you !!! :) -Priscilla | |
Are reviewed article directories mightier than autoapprove ones? Posted: 18 Jan 2011 02:02 PM PST For example, GoArticles is autoapprove. Sooperarticles is manually reviewed. Do manually reviewed ones give better link juice? I'd really rather spin an article, submit, ping, and be done instead of waiting a week to see if they got reviewed, have to edit them, etc. | |
Let's talk about Promoting Pay Per Lead Tax Sign Ups Posted: 18 Jan 2011 01:54 PM PST I just wanted to get people's ideas on promoting these new tax pay per lead sign ups. Just creating an account and it pays out. It's 100% free. I'm going to try out whatever idea is thrown out, and report back if I make any money. Post your ideas! | |
The Comment List Is Malformatted? Scrapebox Mistake Posted: 18 Jan 2011 01:47 PM PST hey guys, Even though I added spintax, when uploading the comment to scrapebox, it says: The comment list you want to upload is malformatted? Spin Syntax bracket mismatch, I don't think it is? Is it: Code: {Great|large|big|outstanding|important|extraordinary|bang-up|cracking|corking|dandy|groovy|neat|nifty|not bad|peachy|swell|smashing|good|capital|avid|eager|zealous|enthusiastic|big|gravid|large|heavy} {article|post|read-up|piece}! {Really|Truly|Genuinely|Actually|In truth|Very} {emphasizes|builds|stands} on the {classic|classical|standard|creation|old-school|old-skool|olden days|retro|1980s|80's|1982} {game|arcade game|arcade} {that is|that's} frogger. {It's|It is} a {Great|large|big|outstanding|important|extraordinary|bang-up|cracking|corking|dandy|groovy|neat|nifty|not bad|peachy|swell|smashing|good|capital|avid|eager|zealous|enthusiastic|big|gravid|large|heavy} {fun|amusing|amusive|diverting|entertaining|merriment|playfulness|diversion|recreation|humourous} and {addictive|habit-forming} game! I {used to play|in the past played|traditionally played} it as a {kid|child|youngster|minor|nipper|small fry|tiddler|tike|tyke|juvenile|juvenile person|fry|nestling|kidskin|Kid|child} and have {been|become} {hooked|dependent|dependant|addicted|addicted} ever since. {Rather|Instead|Preferably} than {spending|disbursement|paying} my {quarters|money|income|pocket money|cash|funds} to play the {coin-operated|machine|coin-op|coin op|coin operated|arcade} {version|variant|variation|edition|type|adaptation} of frogger, {instead|alternatively|as an alternative|rather} I can play {free frogger|frogger online|frogger online game|frogger games|crazy frogger|frogger|free online frogger|frogger game online|}. Not {only|solely|exclusively|entirely|merely|simply|just|but} that, I can {play free frogger|play frogger online |play frogger online game|play frogger games|play crazy frogger|play frogger|play free online frogger|play frogger game online|download frogger|} in the {comfort|comfortableness|pleasure|pleasance|consolation|solace} of my {own|personal} home! How {greats|great's|great is} that, no {queues|lines|waiting} and {payment|cost} to {play free frogger|play frogger online |play frogger online game|play frogger games|play crazy frogger|play frogger|play free online frogger|play frogger game online|download frogger|! P.S. if this post appears on your blog, hey from ramakazi :) | |
feedlisting banned from google Posted: 18 Jan 2011 01:44 PM PST hi i used feeedlisting from many time to index faster feed...but now i saw that is not more in google ithink is you know some other good feed directories for fast indexing? thanks Maury | |
Posted: 18 Jan 2011 01:28 PM PST I just wanted to say 'Hi'. I have been a member for a while now. Trying to expand my SEO skills, and happened by this forum. Look forward to meeting and working with some of you :) | |
Whats the deal with Craigslist? Posted: 18 Jan 2011 01:27 PM PST Can you use adsense with craigslist? How to i hide where the lead came from? | |
Let me dispel an Xrumer backlink myth for you. Posted: 18 Jan 2011 01:21 PM PST PRIVATE FORUM BACKLINK MYTH Follow these steps and you will see what I mean. Most people think since the profile is private, the backlink does not get indexed/seen by Google... Here's how you dispel that myth 1. Find a forum which requires you to sign up and be logged into the forum to be able to see a thread / view a member profile. 2. Find a thread or profile that you cannot access without being logged in. 3. Take that URL and search that URL in Google. 4. Now most likely the link is already indexed so you should select the "Cached" option in Google. 5. Now you are able to actually view the thread / profile at the time it was indexed. There you go... 5 steps to dispel the myth that private forum profiles are worthless because Google cannot index/view it. :jester: | |
Need a poke in the right direction Posted: 18 Jan 2011 01:14 PM PST Hello I've been interested in internet marketing past few years. I've tried few methods, I made some money, but it wasn't that great. I've been periodically returning to this forum to try it again but mostly with little luck. I want to change that because I am looking for a steady income (however small it might be in the beginning) So, as the title says, I need a poke in the right direction. I'll start off with my skills, I am professional web developer so web design and website coding isn't a problem for me. I am a technical person in general. I've knowledge of SEO, how search engines work, how to rank well etc. I am currently making money by coding - it's usually fun but it's very time consuming and sometimes annoying (if you know how clients can be, you'll know what I'm talking about). So I was thinking where should I start. I can either do what I'm best at (coding/programming), that would seem logical, however in a way that I wouldn't have to work like in a regular job. I don't have any breakthrough ideas like Zuckerberg, Jobs or Gates. So I have to start humble, I thought about making a application (desktop or web), that would for example help you guys with SEO, automatization and so on ... any ideas? OR I could go the path of SEO, choose a niche (I've already found few small, untapped ones) and work from there. But I haven't been watching the latest trends in BH nor WH SEO so I don't know what is the best way to monetize. Could you suggest me some ideas what's "in"? As for the joint ventures, I have mostly negative experience with them so I don't really want to go down that path again. Because I am not an native English speaker, I am not so sure about writing (articles or whatever) either. I can write, but not professionally. I hope this didn't seem as another "how to make money online?" thread and you didn't skip it by saying "too long, didn't read" Thanks, Incantate |
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