Friday, January 21, 2011

Various Type Of Drill Bit

Posted by IMers at 12:38 PM ,

Opening of a drill bit is generally designed to interrupt the electric current, previously passed through the contacts. Generally the loads are inductive and, therefore, no current is interrupted instantaneously but establishing an arc.
Arc duration should be brief. Not too long to prevent the destruction of the points of contact, not too short to avoid breaking drill bit.
To override these effects between the two contacts which will produce an electrical breakdown cameras are introduced off sparks. The resistance of an arc depends on the number of ferromagnetic plates that stand between the terminal contacts. metal lodged in the chamber off-sparks are charged with stretching the bow, producing a magnetic blow elcentro arc cools rapidly, absorbing the heat generated by joule effect and reducing priming elriesgo.
For almost all types of drill bit, all trademarks, there are replacements, not only drill bit, but the main and auxiliary contacts. When replace contacts, must be done not only the contact itself, it is also necessary to change the springs to exert pressure for the contacts, because when a contact burn, spring-slack and no longer make the necessary pressure to keep in touch.
No replacement housing, the magnetic circuit and the terminals.
Sometimes it happens that when a terminal loose contact burns and housing, in this case, the possible replacement is the complete replacement of the entire contactor.


Outward appearance of a contactor is to figure 3, but not all contactors are physically the same, there are low power and small size (Fig. 4), high consumption (Figure 5), modular (Figure 6) and compact (Figure 7)
In high voltage was named to the drill bit, which is open (or closed) in Absence of tension, using a pole to maneuver. Low tension, are called circuit breakers to jump stress that when trapped in a spring, so lets not be able to reconnect again. To reconnect you have to turn the lever down (open), to jump raerme spring and then close up the lever. fuses placed in solidarit, so that removing one is removed.
Other two are called fuses section, by acting like a drill bit.
Section, therefore, can be a high voltage switch, a low voltage circuit breaker or fuse block. Normally all breakers are more than 60 A switch-breaker type.
Drill bit to be powered below gives output current above, the breaker not allow the reversal of the current, only works one way never to the contrary.

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