Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO |
- new cl phoneeverificationfix I have it here
- A Chinese SEOer
- The truth about why we get fat(Honestly, this is huge)
- Phatzilla's YouLikeHits Bot -- 8000 Credits for FREE
- do u work a fulltime job? or is cl ur life?
- Alice In Chains Fans Apply
- I need a CONFIRM ALL FRIEND REQUESTS code for Facebook.
- Craigalist question
- Need Help - Selling Services Place For BHW Free
- Rebecca Black My Moment - Monetize Now!
- Whats with CL Today
- [Help] Football Gambling Website
- My1st Day Here
- Useful tool for a start...
- [JV] Pay for a dedicated server fees, earn good ROI
- Backlink/Linklicious Not Indexing
- hope i'm welcome here
- Homepage links
- Questions on outsourcing, hiring abroad, ect.
- Vulnerability in Craigslist
- Offline Client requesting guarantee
- Trying to open a collection agency and need advise. Anyone in the buis?
- Directcpv adware software
- Bulk Xbox Live & PSN Codes
- Best way to use social bookmarking?
- My $.02 on getting "sticky" ads
- How much should I charge for my advertising space?
- lame question about inboxing and delivering emails....
- Youtube SEO...
- Why isnt my site earning what it use to?
- Hi all
- How New or Old was your Recent Adsence Approved Site
- If your site is sandbox, what do you do?
- Best Service for Submitting Spun Blog Entries to 1,000's of Sites?
- This website is so SAD
- New Group Buy Website
- wpmu list
- Manually review at 10k?
- Anyone can help me to grab a cool FBML?
- Was BHW Just down for a couple hours?
- best fiverr services for blogger?
- I really need HUGE list of comments for scrapebox
- About code delays.. pls check!!
- xsserver vps question
- Complete Pack WP Themes (495 Wordpress Themes)
- need a partner to make money (blackhat)
- addsocials get facebook likes from there too
- Heres the full top 20 keywords with the highest search volume and CPC
- A Nice Page of Free and Useful Tools
- Masking An Unsubcribe Domain?
new cl phoneeverificationfix I have it here Posted: 18 Jul 2011 08:47 PM PDT new cl phoneeverificationfix I have it here type in mha idol click select this pageragesetup.exe save file, then double click it to get it working let me know if you have any questions ====================================== |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 08:17 PM PDT :D:google2:I come from China, the work is SEOer, like SEO in the industry today and say hello. :D |
The truth about why we get fat(Honestly, this is huge) Posted: 18 Jul 2011 08:15 PM PDT Ok guys, this is serious now. I want people to understand the real reasons why we get fat simply because what the government has been telling you is actually and honestly completely wrong. Not only that, it is causing people to literally DIE from heart disease. Take this as a blessing, i'm going to open your eyes to the truth about fat, heart disease, cholesterol and how wrong the government's guidlines are. I typed this all myself, please ask yourself, if this post could help keep from an early death, would it be worth spending the 5 mins reading? This is worldwide, but mostly in the UK and America where they seem to share the same guidelines. I've spent a lot of time researching this, but this video below is one of the best videos you will watch. You need ot pay attention, Gary Taubes is not there to "convince" you of this. He is simply explaining the FACTS and letting you decide for yourself. This sometimes makes the video seem boring, but you have to understand he is not a salesman. ---------------------------------------- Now i'll just give you some facts about fat and the process of weightgain in the body. I urge you to believe me that this is true and then go research it for yourself. First of all, ALL doctors are taught about the role insulin plays in the body when they first start their University course. So every doctor understands how fat is deposited in the body. Yet they still follow the governments guidelines and go against the science and observations which have been made for the past 100 years. We knew about why people get fat for 100 years! Mistakes were made and the governments believed some shoddy doctored reports about fat which started the ball rolling in the wrong direction and is now literally killing people. Ok here it is. The reason people get fat is because they eat carbohydrates. Mainly sugar and starchy carbs. NOT because they eat fat. That is the honest truth, please believe me on this and reverse the social programming which makes you believe that fat = bad. You have muscles in specific places on your body which are sensitive to a hormone called Insulin. When these parts of the body come into contact with Insulin they trigger the wall of the muscle to allow fat to pass through and attach to the area. When you eat carbs, they are converted into Insulin. Thus, eating carbs, increases your bodyfat. Carbs are also CONVERTED into fat too. So you know all that fat sitting around your waste? It was created mostly form the bread, cereal, sugar and potatoes you eat every day. I have spent a lot of time on this and if any of you are interested I can explain a lot more about it. Just before I go, a few more observations in science show that.. Eating too much fat has never proven to cause heart disease unsaturated fat lowers overall cholesterol BUT it increase BAD cholesterol. Eating saturated fat increases overall cholesterol, BUT it mostly increases GOOD cholesterol Insulin is directly connected to appetite. The more carbs you eat, the hungrier you get. Which is why fat people who eat a lot of carbs are always hungry. A case was made that we live in a toxic society and we get fat because of excess and junk food. This is incorrect, in many places all over the world in the past 100 years it has been observed by doctors and scientists that families who have very low incomes and suffer from malnutrition are obese. This is because all they can afford is foods like bread and rice. It was also observed that in low income families that the obese family was often VERY active. Working up to 10 hours a day in hard labour, yet they were still obese because of the high amounts of Insulin their body. Another piece of misinformation is that bodyfat is calorie dependant. This is incorrect. We do not increase in bodyfat depending on how much we eat. We increase in bodyfat only if our hormones and genetics allow us to. For example, Women have around 50% higher bodyfat than men. Is this because they eat more? No, of course not, it is because their genetics predispose them this way. Men's bodies tend to add fat to the gut, while women mostly gain fat on their thighs and bum. The reason for this is purely GENETICS and has nothing to do with how many calories we eat. Lastly, if you eat a low fat/low calorie diet, you are placing your body into a very stressful position. You have a diet totally full of carbs which produces insulin, which in turn tells your body to add fat to your body. You are also increasing your own appetite. But worst of all, you are restricting the calories and literally placing yourself in a scenario of starvation. This is actual TORTURE to your body. You are forcing your body one way by telling it to increase bodyfat and appetite while pushing in the opposite directly by starving yourself. It pains me when I see people do this. The fact is, you can eat a diet with calories OVER what you supposedly burn in a day, yet if you eat the RIGHT diet which our genetics are perfectly balanced with. The same diet we have been eating for the past 100,000 years, you will naturally lose weight. EVEN IF you eat over the 2,500 cals for men and 1,500 for women. This is because our GENETICS help us to ensure our body stays at a healthy weight. Sumo wrestlers live on a diet of mostly rice. Not fat. Why? Because if they didn't eat so much rice, they wouldn't get fat. Last but not least, EAT FAT, it is really good for you, it is a great source of energy and it does you no harm. In fact, it does you a lot of good because it raises your GOOD cholesterol(especially saturated fat), which plays and essential part in keeping your heart HEALTHY by repairing arteries. |
Phatzilla's YouLikeHits Bot -- 8000 Credits for FREE Posted: 18 Jul 2011 08:13 PM PDT Hey Everyone, i notice Youlikehits has been getting alot of press (Guess its the new twiends or something??) So i decided to quickly whip up a new bot for it using HTTP Requests -- not a crappy macro. All made in 15 minutes with shitty autoit All you have to do is unrar the two files to the same directory This is what the INI file is all about [settings] accountname=Your Account Name password=Your Password start=0 (What url we should start at) - Leave default if you're a noob end=4600 (What url we should end at) - Leave default if you're a noob sleep=0 (Sleep time in between Requests, increase this if you start getting banned or your points taken away, sleep=1000 would be 1 second, sleep=2000 would be 2 seconds and so on) debug=1 write to a debug file in directory of bot I tested this -- got around 8k credits for just leaving it on for a while -- this will probably get patched soon so get as much use out of it as you can! |
do u work a fulltime job? or is cl ur life? Posted: 18 Jul 2011 08:02 PM PDT I always wondered if u guys are working a full time job and doing CL ..or is making money from cl ur only job? Me personally i work full time and do affialite marketing on the side.:cool: |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 07:52 PM PDT |
I need a CONFIRM ALL FRIEND REQUESTS code for Facebook. Posted: 18 Jul 2011 07:50 PM PDT Hi, I've some massive amounts of friend requests and I can't go manually trough the process of confirming them all. I need some kind of iMacros code, java or some other kind of program so it will automatically confirm all the friend requests. I already tried Greasemonkey but it's not working. Also tried some other ConfirmAll code that i found on some page related to MafiaWars, but it's not working either. Rep+ for someone with solution. |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 07:47 PM PDT Hey guys, I was just thinking recently about craigalist in general. I'm just curious what is going on with craigalist. I remember a while ago it used to be where Internet marketers(mostly grey/blackhat marketers) were getting very solid traffic from. I'm just wondering if this kind of stuff still happena on cl and if not what kind of marketers are making the most on cl. Thanks |
Need Help - Selling Services Place For BHW Free Posted: 18 Jul 2011 07:17 PM PDT I'm in the process right now of creating a spot for people who have services to sell.Not like Fiverr..It's going to be on a twitter format.What I would like to see is people help push it who wants there brand or service seen.I think a simple twitter format is perfect for this.This can be like a group effort and get all the BHW IMITATORS members to post as well and make this big.I'm sure this is just a pipe dream,but dreaming is what counts right? I need help with a domain name?I already got the script.I'm even going to advertise BHW on my site...Gotta give love. Let me hear your feedback. |
Rebecca Black My Moment - Monetize Now! Posted: 18 Jul 2011 07:11 PM PDT Gentlemen...start your engines! Monetize! About 40 comments coming in every 5 seconds. It will be a top viewed video by tomorrow morning. It took me 6 tries just to get it to load because of the traffic. OOh yah....and she's actually better, but full of autotune. already 425,000 results on Google for "Rebecca Black My Moment" in quotes Uploaded about two hours ago 302 views (broken) 27,678 likes, 45,492 dislikes |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 07:06 PM PDT Something is up, every time i post i get thru captcha ok, then when i click to see my ad live it goes to the url not found page and the post never appears in my account like i never posted it! strange |
[Help] Football Gambling Website Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:54 PM PDT This is my first thread at bhw, sorry if it's not the right room and sorry about my english :) My friend ask me to help him build a football gambling website, we live in South East Asia. My questions are : 1. What domain provider allow gambling website? 2. Where to host the website? 3. Is it save to use cc (plastic mastercard) from entropay to make adwords ad about gambling? Thanks for the help ... |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:46 PM PDT Hello Everyone, new here looking for ideas to make money, tired of working with all these old people everyday |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:34 PM PDT Hows it going folks - this looks like a cool place :) Quick bit of advice needed - new to automating backlinking approaches and been looking at lots of different systems, like cash202's blueprint on here for example. Would anyone recommend a good tool to get started? Been looking more into SeNukeX and it looks interesting... then read these posts and found tons of other tools haha. Opinions on SENukeX? |
[JV] Pay for a dedicated server fees, earn good ROI Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:32 PM PDT Howdy Folks, If you are able to pay via Credit card or Paypal : $660 a 6 months dedicated server fees in OVH, I'll pay you $495 the last 4 months, but you'll get nothing the 2 first months. that's mean the triple of the amount you paid. PM me only if you want to pay, I have another active JV and a full PM's Inbox. ;) |
Backlink/Linklicious Not Indexing Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:29 PM PDT Ok here is what I am working with. I own a website that is ranked on the 1st page of a two word keyword term that gets 200,000 exact searches per month, but I want to be number 1 or atleast number too. I don't think content is the problem I think it is the backlinks... The reason I think this is because i literally have no backlinks. When I type into G "" it comes up with zero results. So for the past couple weeks I have purchased multiple high pr backlinks and subscribed to linklicious and dripable, but still nothing is indexing. What do you think is the cause of this? Linklicious turned all of the links into rss and pinged them. I did not custom name the linklicious rss feeds i left them as default names and words... Would that have anything to do with it? I had two backlinks a couple days ago but they disappeared. Let me know what you guys think. I want to get this links to index. |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:28 PM PDT hi to all, im gene, as new here hope im welcome. thank you |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:22 PM PDT I'm wanting to include homepage links as part of my seo strategy. What is the best way to get these? |
Questions on outsourcing, hiring abroad, ect. Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:18 PM PDT Hey BHW, I've been really interested to explore this outsourcing process and meet some potential workers to create a team. My question is where is the best source to connect with potential workers looking to earn somewhere in the $3-4/hr range (plus cool benefits ;D). I'm looking for people with great english reading and writing skills, and I'll be looking for great communicators. The rest I think can be easily taught. Oh, I'm also looking for people I can potentially add to a team that would have ongoing work throughout the year. (So not just one project). Any suggestions on good sources for my search? Cheers :D |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:14 PM PDT Craigslist has a xss vulnerability, more specifically, their 3rd-party phone verification partner has a vulnerability on their site that allows keylogging and cookie stealing upon web page loading, Will update with further information upon later dates (note, full disclosure is withheld due to CL lurkers on this forum, this is just a general update to the public) |
Offline Client requesting guarantee Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:12 PM PDT Hey guys, I've just started an offline SEO company, and have quite a few customers ready to drop. One has requested a Guarantee/KPI of sorts, How would we go about this? Essentially he's wanting one for traffic, but should I just be saying that we can only guarantee rankings (and only to a certain extent) as the actual traffic that hits his site is out of our control (i.e. his brand position, people may not like his brand and not click on it). Any advice would be much appreciated, Cheers, JC |
Trying to open a collection agency and need advise. Anyone in the buis? Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:08 PM PDT Yes I know ppl hate bill collectors but it is really all I know. I am a experienced bill collector and I almost have the initial money saved up to get started. Which you can find here. html sorry i cant post links yet. Its on washington dol So what kind of software should I get? Costs? I use facs were I work now. Anyone ever use NCO as a client? How do I get in contact with them to acquire them as a client? Also sprint etc? I know you can become a millionaire doing this and that is my goal. Tired of getting cheated and making the company I work for hundreds of thousands of dollars for only a few gs a month if that. Credit reporting how to? etc. How do clients get money from the trust fund and how do I get paid? |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:08 PM PDT Hey guys, Can anyone send me a link to download software where I will be able to download the directcpv adware ? I wanna see it in action. Thanks |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 06:07 PM PDT Hello, I'm new here.. I am looking for a supplier for Xbox Live and PSN codes... I can't send any PM's so please email me at liam_roberts_41AThotmailDOTcom |
Best way to use social bookmarking? Posted: 18 Jul 2011 05:55 PM PDT I keep getting different answers on how to effectively do social bookmarking. I understand they are mainly for getting links indexed quickly, but do they also provide linkjuice? I'm building a web 2.0 link pyramid as well as thinking about placing the following types of links in the 1st tier of the pyramid. Social Network High PR Blog Comments Manual Forum Links Docshare Video Which of these should I be bookmarking? Let's say that I have a total of 40 links that I want bookmarked, and I want to hire a service to do this. Lets say I find one that will do 120 bookmarks. Would I then be asking them to spin the 40 links so that there would be an average of 3 bookmarks per link? I'm very confused as you can tell, so how do you do it? Also, what questions should I ask the bookmark service to make sure they are doing it in the most effective way possible? |
My $.02 on getting "sticky" ads Posted: 18 Jul 2011 05:51 PM PDT Since CL is slow right now, I thought that I'd entertain you guys with what I've learned in the little time I've been a part of the Clad and BHW world....since I've gained a bunch of great information from everyone here, I figured I'd help out however I can 1) Keep Clad updated anytime they have an update when craigslist changes their format 2) Keep IP rotation going smoothly (proxy rental takes good care of this. The only problem is that proxy rental is a nationwide service, which means that when you're in clad attempting to post ads, proxy rental automatically intercepts ads throughout all 50 states and sometimes it takes a little bit for an IP to match a region that you're trying to post in, especially when a lot of ads are selected to be posted)...I'm not really sure that you can "localize" when or where the program picks up IP addresses. More than likely you just have to wait until one if found that matches an area that you have an enabled ad in. 3) Content of your ads....this is probably THE most important part of the process a) -Image ads: Image ads are the best way to enter content into the body of a CL ad rather than text because the actual text of the ad can be spotted by craigslist filters that look for particular words in an ad that are known to be overused in certain ads. This also leads into the pb image uploader, because pb takes one image and creates up to 100 of the same image with different file names and actual size of the image. This is important nowadays because craigslist now has the ability to filter when images used for an ad have the same dimensions, or the same amount of pixels (I'm getting better at this, but have had a few issues with the photobucket uploader that I'm using....a new download just became available that is supposed to also give the effect that the photobucket "account user" posts random comments on the unique photos available to add to the individualism of each photo. However, for some reason the photobucket uploader likes to freeze up at times. I'm still working with the provider on this. b) -Title of your ad...for every separate ad that you plan to post, you must create unique and individual ways to create a title. This also means that you cannot have repetitive words within titles of ads, especially when they are being posted in a similar state, and in some cases, certain regions. Once you create custom titles for each ad, you can then create token variations or mutations to ensure that each title of each ad remains unique and undetectable.....having at least four separate variations of keywords helps make the content in the body of the ad unique. c) - Hidden text...within the body of each ad, it's always wise to add hidden text. Most people prefer to add it toward the bottom of the text or image which contains the actual ad content. 4) Scheduling ads accordingly....instead of clogging clad up with trying to post over 100 ads at a time, it seems a lot smoother if you enable a small number of ads at a time (maybe 10-20) so that clad can keep up with all of the work it has to go through to get the ads posted...this is very important because in craigslist's eyes, if clad (you) take too long to respond or type information into one of its pages it will log you out of your account and clad will have to reattempt to post the ad from scratch These things are the backbone to having a "sticky" post (an ad that actually goes live). 5) Reliable source of forwarded phone numbers - this, along with everything else involved with keeping Clad running, is vital to keeping a post sticky. If you are posting locally only, then DSL or RDSL are good ways to go. If you're going national, then you'll need to find a good source of geo targeted phone numbers, and make sure that when you import them into clad with the CL accounts, bind the proper area code with the correct region of CL that you're posting in. 6) Skype # - in order to be efficient with your phone numbers being forwarded to a direct line, a Skype # is a good way to go. You can purchase a # for 3 months from Skype for $18 (there are other sources out there, but this one works just fine for me) 7) Decpatcher - rather than manually entering in all those captchas, it's sometimes necessary to find a good decaptcher source. (especially if you're planning on "mass posting". Most decaptcher services will run you approximately $.02 -.06 per solution, and saves you at least 35+ labor hours per week 8) Spinvox - for posting on CL with PVA accounts, another good resource to have is a spinvox account. This will enable you to link to Skype when CL calls to verify your account, and spinvox will be able to record the message, detect the 4-5 digit code, and enter it into clad for you. This will also save you approx. 20-30 hrs per week (there have been recent posts of an upcoming alternative to this, and I'll probably be checking into it) As always, clad and CL are in an endless battle daily, and I do what I can to stay on top of it all. I hope this info can help a lot of you guys out there, because when I first got into it, I can't even describe to you how much time was spent searching for all of this information and getting my questions answered. Thanks for looking |
How much should I charge for my advertising space? Posted: 18 Jul 2011 05:43 PM PDT I just received an email inquiry about advertisement possibilities on my blog. It's a relatively new blog (Dec 2010), no PR and just recently added some content. Page views per day hasn't reached 1k yet, no backlinking done yet. They haven't made an offer but I would like to know what is a reasonable rate to give to them, in case they're really interested. TIA |
lame question about inboxing and delivering emails.... Posted: 18 Jul 2011 05:32 PM PDT So after my first email "blast", i got around 35 % "returns" of not delivered but sent mail....Mostly it is: "Unable to deliver message to the following recipients, due to being unable to connect successfully to the destination mail server." what could be the reason ? I got (I think ) good timeout and max connection settings on my smtp.... Thanks :) |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 05:29 PM PDT Just made a quick video to try and drive traffic to my site. Is it cool if I insert my URL link right now or should I wait a few days before I insert my link? The reason I ask is because I've heard that Youtube will take down your video if it seems your obnoxiously trying to spam/promote on a brand new video. Just wanted to get a second opinion. |
Why isnt my site earning what it use to? Posted: 18 Jul 2011 05:27 PM PDT Back in Dec I had a website hit the #5 spot for its keyword and that earned me a good $10-15 bucks a day for 6 weeks, then went into the sandbox. About a month ago it came out and reached the #2 spot, but not its only earning about $1 a day. I havnt changed the page at all as far as adsense layout and aff links. It still gets the same amount of searches per month. Can anyone explain why it isnt earning as much anymore? |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 05:26 PM PDT I am fairly new here for talking, mainly had been a lurker for a long time. Just wanted to speak up. |
How New or Old was your Recent Adsence Approved Site Posted: 18 Jul 2011 05:24 PM PDT I personally have a site pending approval that is 3 months old and very thin. Applied on docstoc with spun articles. While another site was approved within 90 minutes. 10 year old domain and a large site with hundreds of pages but no back links. Applied on docstoc with copy paste 100% stolen articles. Please share the basic site info here. #1. How old was the domain and site? #2. Number of pages- Small site or Large site ? #3. Number of back links if any. #4. What country are you in? #5. Where did you apply? #6. Original content or stolen? #7. Please ONLY recent info within the last 30 days. thanks |
If your site is sandbox, what do you do? Posted: 18 Jul 2011 05:21 PM PDT Do you continue doing the BH stuff and build links/posts/comments? Or do you do the WH stuff and play nice for the time being. And/when your site is back online, do you go back to your BH tricks? Please let me know your experience. Thanks. |
Best Service for Submitting Spun Blog Entries to 1,000's of Sites? Posted: 18 Jul 2011 05:16 PM PDT Hey Everyone, What's the best service if i wanted to write a daily blog entry with spin syntax and have it automatically submited to thousands of wpmu style type sites, drip feed style. I know this sounds wierd, but ever since the last G panda update (v2) - My compitition who uses these services has jumped to the top of the rankings. And this method plus directory linking are the only source of their BLS. I recall using a service like this a while back, but don't remember the name. Any suggestions? Thanks. |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 05:13 PM PDT Has any one read the posts on this site about BHW - its pathetic I can't believe that someone went through so much trouble just to defame this great forum and the mods on here.its a joke of a website. seriously there is really no need for this. |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 05:01 PM PDT If you need to a product but you can't really afford the full price for it, then join this group buy site for digital products: Right now, it is completely free to join, although you will need an invite code. Use: blackhatinvite It will become a one time payment site soon but for now you can join free and get in on the available group buys. |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 04:58 PM PDT does anyone have a new list of wpmu sites? |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 04:58 PM PDT Can anyone confirm this is true? If not, any clue if this ever happens? Thanks guys edit. sorry, i meant $10k :) |
Anyone can help me to grab a cool FBML? Posted: 18 Jul 2011 04:51 PM PDT I need someone that can copy/grab or whatever you want a cool FBML :D It's very simple but a lof effective! Please PM me, or leave here a messag who can help me. Thank you so much! |
Was BHW Just down for a couple hours? Posted: 18 Jul 2011 04:49 PM PDT I tried logging on from different computers over the last hour and couldnt get on. Was it down? |
best fiverr services for blogger? Posted: 18 Jul 2011 03:16 PM PDT what are the best fiverr services I could use that will help draw traffic to my free blogs? not just once but will continue to get me visitors daily? and what are some other ways I can get traffic to my blogs, one is over a year old with over 150 posts, the other 2 are about a month old with 15 posts and 53 posts, all three still get 0 visits a day. how can I increase my traffic? through fiverr services, and through some manual work? also what are some other neat ways I can make money from blogger blogs other than adsense? |
I really need HUGE list of comments for scrapebox Posted: 18 Jul 2011 03:15 PM PDT hello, guys i really need a huge of comments to post in blogs, comments like thanking the author or something like that, i have no comments now !! if anyone has a good amount of comments, just download it please !! Thanks in advance :D |
About code delays.. pls check!! Posted: 18 Jul 2011 03:15 PM PDT HI, Today everyone getting problem with phone verification.. but you can fine solution here : " PHONE VERIFICATION? READ THIS FIRST < nada_chance > 07/18 14:01:57 The company that provides phone verification is having problems today. Wait times seem to be 1 to 2 hours, instead of less than a minute. Codes do not always work correctly. Be prepared to wait. If you can postpone phone verification until later tonight, do so. The call volume should have gone down in the evenings and you'll have a better chance of getting a correct code and quickly. Resending for the code again and again can cause issues as you only get THREE TRIES PER NUMBER EVERY 12 HOURS. Stop sending requests. Breathe. Try again in several HOURS." thanks |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 03:10 PM PDT Alright, I bought a VPS from xsserver about 10 days ago, all been working fine and dandy except for some minor hiccups. I always log in as Administrator. Today, I came to log in as Administrator and it logged me in as though it was another account. I had SB running and I don't want to lose everything I've done today. It's happened before but I just closed it and reopened and it worked fine. Has anyone had a similar problem/know how to fix this? It's annoying, I don't want to restart. Apparently SB is still open and running, I just can't seem to log in to the right account to use it! Cheers! |
Complete Pack WP Themes (495 Wordpress Themes) Posted: 18 Jul 2011 02:41 PM PDT Hey everyone, got a little freebie for all. If a MOD wants to put it in the freebie section. That is OK. I hope all you BHW lurkers out there enjoy it! Don't forget to THANK anyone helpful in BHW (not me, lol) ![]() |
need a partner to make money (blackhat) Posted: 18 Jul 2011 02:33 PM PDT I have the following: millions emails, thousands smtps open relay, over 200 servers (linux & windows with rdp), hundreds webhosting boxes and many more... I know php, js & css very well, so I can make any website upon request. I also have underground cl & fb scripts. I need a partner to make over 10k/week and we will split all the earnings. Please don't pm if you have ideas to make few bucks / day. I will put all my resources for smth big, not for some adsense pennies or sharebucks. Waiting for your PM's! |
addsocials get facebook likes from there too Posted: 18 Jul 2011 02:30 PM PDT by change today i gone to visit addsocial and they add again facebook like system thats is great at lest it is not only youlikehits referrals links : HTML Code: HTML Code: |
Heres the full top 20 keywords with the highest search volume and CPC Posted: 18 Jul 2011 02:21 PM PDT
Source |
A Nice Page of Free and Useful Tools Posted: 18 Jul 2011 02:19 PM PDT I ran across this page today while looking for something else. I see quite a few threads from people trying to find this information or that about their site or a competitors and I thought this might be helpful especially for those on a limited budget since they are free. (there does seem to be one paid tool out of the bunch) I tested out a few of them and they seem to give out fairly accurate info but there is a lot of them so I can not say how well they all work. Code: |
Posted: 18 Jul 2011 01:55 PM PDT I have a question. I have scrapped over a 100,000 thousand email address not really for spamming for the sake of selling something but for the unsubscribe traffic. I want the unsubscribe traffic to increase my traffic ranking. I have multiple domains. I want to send the emails from one domain and have the unsubscribed link referring to another domain. I need that second domain to be masked so the unsubcribie thinks it's from the domain that sent the email. Any ideas on how to accomplish this would be much appreciated. |
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