Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO |
- Forum advices and tips
- Installed Xrumer, Whats Next?
- Do you use the same Wordpress themes?
- hi
- share your new list of auto approve blogs
- Link Wheel vs Link Push?
- I want to run my vps from my phone: Android vs iPhone 4
- Wordpress membership theme?
- Why does an inner page rank higher than main domain?
- Does TPB actively monitor new uploads?
- Fiverr Updates to your phone/e-mails?
- voice ovev software?
- Ever Heard Of WebStarts?
- How to get maximum money out of niche adult blog?
- Viralme please post here.
- I'm feelin so fly I'm on G+ :D
- Best format for YouTube?
- How is FACEBOOK So Good?!? $$$$$ ALL STOPPED!
- giving away 2500 visitors to your site to say thanks
- spikes in new posts for autoblog
- managerial accounting online test HELP WiLL $$
- I'm Going To Audition For Canada's Got Talent
- Got scammed for $10 000 in Forex
- Just bought a $3 billion dollar yacht
- Creating new blog for our website. Should we use Blogger or Wordpress?
- Have a really good idea..but dont know how to monetize!?
- How to add WPMU Sites to SenukeX
- I'm in need a spam trap mailing list. WILL BUY
- youtube targeting question
- How do i stop spam comments completly????
- Adsense Smart pricing
- Hey! I'm JOT
- Youtube jv need comment poster/rater
- Email Extraction tool?
- Uninstalling Tor ?
- Forum Generator License
- What to do against Fraud-Leads?
- Want to work with a craigslist poster.
- how do I do 301/other redirects and keep cached page in G?
- How Long Does It Take For You Guys To See Returns?
- Google Instant
- Shocking illusion - Pretty girls turn ugly!
- Too much HATE? Let it out!
- How to get deindexed?
- Buying Facebook Ad accounts w/ voucher for $50 each!
- Looking to hire someone for SEO
- Creating Twitter Accounts with 1 Gmail Email
- Scrapebox Support is Driving me Crazy
- under the radar replicas
- Opinions on Longevity of Adsense - Best Time to Cash Out
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 09:22 PM PDT Hi there. Just signed up and decided to contribute to the community a list of tips that could be used by people who run their forums on smf or on any other forum software. the intention of this thread is to give tips and advices and not to promote or advertise anything. I decided to give you couple of tips that work for me and help my community stay active. The first thing that you want to do when you open a new forum is to show people (guests) that your forum is active, meaning that your boards are full of topics and that your stats are alive and that people can gather info from your community. 1) If you just started a new forum, my advice for you is to start making your own topics, using different accounts. Use a mod for replying to your own posts which is called "Post as Alternative User". But don't post the same topics and replies, replies and topics must be different in word and sentence structure. Don't log out every time you want to post a reply. Make replies with at least 1-2 sentences, add questions to your posts and make sure to finish topics with "Thanks for Help" , "I appreciate Your Help" , etc. You want to show guests that your forum is extremely friendly and can always help. You also want to show some activity, that's what potential guest (future member) wants to see. So work on making your own topics and reply to them under different member ID that can be found in Admin -> Members. Your topics should be interesting, don't rush with it, remember, you want to attract attention. Make topics and answers to them in a smart and interesting way. Avoid 1,2 word post. 2) About boards. Don't open 50 boards right away. Do it step by step, take your time. First think about the most important topics that your forum must have. First, make 5 topics and work on filling them out. You want to have at least 15 topics in one board. Think from the side of a guest, when you enter board you want to see many topics in there. You want to have a feeling that there is not enough time to read all of them. That feeling will bring a guest back to the your forum because he/she knows that there is an interesting info. Imagine if you have 2,3 topics and you already started promotion? A guest came, saw that there are 2 topics in one board and left. You don't want that! Like I said, make at least 5-8 boards and fill each with at least 20 topics. Again, don't rush. Start promoting only after you see that forum looks juicy and always think from guest's side. 3) Promotion. I noticed lots of topics here on forum, saying add link to your forum signatures, promote on youtube, submit articles to digg, etc. The last one, digg - doesn't work for me at all. I've not seen that digg readers registered on my forum. It's just useless in my opinion. Adding link to signatures, youtube videos - works! Do that. Now, what works the best in my opinion is craiglist guys! If you want to see people registering on your forum day and night then make short ads and post them on craiglist. You want to write a short and positive ad about your forum. You want to explain in one two sentences that on this forum you met many friendly people and that you recommend them to take a look and register if they have questions about this and that. Post ads regularly, I would recommend you to do it on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, that's when most of the people sit in front of monitors and look for something cheap on craiglist. Ads will least for 7 days only over there. You want to make 2-3 ads in different cities. Remember that there are moderators that check all ads. Some of them can be deleted if a mod will check out your account and will see there the same ads but in different cities. So when you post on craiglist, you don't want to show that you're 100% spammer. If you do, you'll receive a notice from your domain company about stopping doing that. don't over submit craiglist, 2-3 ads once/3-4 days. Don't forget to add "Welcome Topic" mod to your forum and welcome through PM. You want to welcome every person that registers on your forum. Use different member IDs when replying to his/her topics. Replies must be completely different from each other, again you want to show that forum is active. One more thing that you want to do is to set up treshhold (Admin -> Features and Options) to some unbelievable numbers, for example 30000. Remove "User for the Past 15 Minutes", you don't want to see there 3000. Second, you want to rename "Users Online" to something that will show that there are really 100 currently members online, you may use what I used - "Currently Users Online." Also, I would suggest you to remove "Most Online Today:" and "Most Online Ever:" because once you'll start promoting your forum all of the guests that will come to your forum will be added to those numbers and after a while there will be a huge number and it will look suspicious, you don't want that. This will keep that active mood on forum, it will show that there are always members on forum and plus it will attract guests to register and start posting. These are my tips SMF members. I hope they will help you. |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 09:15 PM PDT I installed Xrumer on VPS at xsserve. Is there anything else I need to do (e.g. install anty virus? get proxies?) that I need to do before I start using it? Thanks again. Oh and I checked my ping and it is: Dowload Speed: 33.99 Mbps Upload Speed: 27.92 Mbps Ping: 5ms Is that any good for VPS? Thank you again for wonderful support. |
Do you use the same Wordpress themes? Posted: 20 Jul 2011 09:12 PM PDT Has anyone experience if you use the same WP theme for all your money sites, you ended up getting penalized by the big bad G. I know people will to be safe, use different themes to minimize any possible traceable footprint. But it would be nice to know someone actually got penalized for having the same theme. If so, it will help me make the conscious effort to switch theme for every one of my money site. Thanks. |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 09:09 PM PDT what do I have to do to post in the buy/sell service section. looking for a voting service. |
share your new list of auto approve blogs Posted: 20 Jul 2011 09:02 PM PDT in behalf of all newbie, we address this to of of you specially to whose who have software,we ask your kind heart to please share your latest auto approve list to comment by niche. thanks... |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 08:59 PM PDT What works better and why? Also what is also less likely to get you in the sandbox. I need to buy a service and was looking at both. I thought google caught on to the link wheel but I could be wrong! |
I want to run my vps from my phone: Android vs iPhone 4 Posted: 20 Jul 2011 08:52 PM PDT Well i have a VPS with Scrapebox, Tweetattacks, Tweetattacks AC, Senuke and Ubot Studio. I spend a lot of time in college so i want to run my VPS directly from my phone so i can set my settings between classes. I want tu buy a moto droid X or an iPhone 4, my main goal is to manipulate my VPS. I read trough the internet that i can do that (for example, this blog post explain how to run scrapebox from iPhone 4: tinyurl[dot]com[slash]4xhota5) But i really don't know what phone is better to run a VPS, i know i can hack both phones to get apps for free but i really don't care about that, so let's see, what are your experiences running a VPS from those phones, if any? or what do you think? any comments? |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 08:44 PM PDT I'm looking for kind of a wordpress theme or plugin where users can register free and upload content like images and articles. anyone know? |
Why does an inner page rank higher than main domain? Posted: 20 Jul 2011 08:32 PM PDT For about a month I have a website that when you type in the main KW the best result is at #70 with "" and all the way back at spot #500 is "" How could this be since the some random post isnt optimized at all for that keyword, whereas the main page for this domain is a static page thats onsite SEO is optimized for this KW? Also since it bounces between 500-600 is it sandboxed? |
Does TPB actively monitor new uploads? Posted: 20 Jul 2011 08:25 PM PDT Okay, so NO ONE finishes downloading - but somehow, TPB bans me.. No one could have reported it... What's going on? |
Fiverr Updates to your phone/e-mails? Posted: 20 Jul 2011 08:20 PM PDT Is there a way to see when your fiverr account has gotten a gig? I'd like to be able to know instantly via droid the moment I have received a fiverr gig. If I could somehow use Google Alerts or even get email updates when I get a new gig that would be sweet too. Thanks! |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 08:07 PM PDT Can anyone recommend any voice over software? I want to "disguise" my voice when creating a video for youtube.... I think people would rather hear a video narrated by a woman than my own voice. Thanks. |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:51 PM PDT Internal SEO Guide for employees. Here's access to their paid section that has a submit to put your URL on their list that is submitted monthly (I'm guessing to all the SE's). Enjoy. They seem to be a pretty big company so I hope some of this shit helps. |
How to get maximum money out of niche adult blog? Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:49 PM PDT I have been writing for fun in an adult niche for quite some time, and am going to use my original content to start a blog. I will also be writing more, and enjoy it - so I'm not worried about creating unique content. I'm sure I will be able to get it placing highly in searches, as I do SEO for a living. What I don't usually do is monetize sites - I do SEO for businesses. I know I can't use adsense because of the adult themes and possible adult pictures - but what would the best way to monetize this be? Ideally: What sites/offers work best? What payment service (paypal can be trouble w/ adult, right?) Thanks guys! |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:48 PM PDT please don't close this thread, i am trying to contact him and now i see that he got banned. if someone knows why, can you please tell me? And can someone contact him? Thanks |
I'm feelin so fly I'm on G+ :D Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:40 PM PDT |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:39 PM PDT What's the best video format for uploading to YouTube? I sent a link to my family for some personal videos, and they said they couldn't watch them because they needed a plugin. I thought all YouTube videos were converted to the same standard format, but now I think they maintain their formatting (mp4, flv, avi, mpg...) So... What is everyone else using? Obviously, if different plugins are needed for different videos that are uploaded, we'd want to be using the one that is the most widely used and hopefully preconfigured for most browsers. |
How is FACEBOOK So Good?!? $$$$$ ALL STOPPED! Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:39 PM PDT Hi all, I have a very simple request. I want to simply post on 90 different Fan Pages (not mine, but ones in my niche - like brand pages) and have that post include a youtube video. I have talked to about 10 different freelancers on, and not ONE is able to consistently post on these pages. Of course, on THEIR END, it looks like it goes through just fine and posts to the page. But IN FACT, when I access it from MY END (in the USA), it does not show up. How can this be worked around? |
giving away 2500 visitors to your site to say thanks Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:23 PM PDT That's right I am giving away 2,500 web site visitors to your site free. I will give away 20 of these packages. Here is how you get it. First you have to be a member with 100 or more posts and have 50 or more thanks. This tell me that you give feedback and you post good stuff here. This traffic is good to help your alexa ranking. Feel free to give so love back. ***Please do not ask me if you can buy traffic. I am not selling traffic. Nor will i contact you to buy traffic. I am just giving 20 people 2500 visitors to your site. |
spikes in new posts for autoblog Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:23 PM PDT I have an autoblog up and running which has been chugging away for a few weeks now and I've noticed that every time there is a new post (or almost every time) I get a boost in traffic directly to that specific post. Why is this and should I even count them as unique visitors? I've heard that statpress can be a little screwy some times. |
managerial accounting online test HELP WiLL $$ Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:21 PM PDT Hello everybody, I am taking my last managerial accounting class in college. I am looking for anybody willing to help me with 25-30 multiple-choice question tests, and 10 true and false questions quizzes. We can do it over Skype ( While I share my screen) and do it together. or if you prefer I can give you the login details. I will pay for your service. These are the following dates for the quizzes and tests Unit Two - Chapters 21, 22 & 23 Course Work Dates: 7/12/11 to 7/23/11 Available on: 7/24/11 & 7/25/11 Course Work Dates: 7/26/11 to 8/6/11 Available on: 8/7/11 & 8/8/11 Please look at the dates, if you are available, I would greatly appreciate it if you contact me. Please only serious inquiries. Since my grade is on the line. Please include your price, and if someone can help me with everything there'll be a bonus!!!!! |
I'm Going To Audition For Canada's Got Talent Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:20 PM PDT Hey guys, I've decided to audition for Canada's Got Talent. I would be happy with just getting past the auditions. From a marketing perspective, I would be sure to monetize any opportunity that would come about. This is a cover song that I uploaded yesterday to youtube (people seem to like it so far and hopefully I'll be able to audition with it or something similar) Trying to go viral on youtube is just too hard for me to pull off right now, but extra exposure on a big tv show might the the trick |
Got scammed for $10 000 in Forex Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:16 PM PDT Well i just want to have some thought of members here. I went to venezuela in 2008 and when i come back i was stick with bolivares, their money. Therefore i was looking online and someone told me you can't exchange it and blabla which was true. In 2010, i started to invest with that guy called Alfredo Eduardo Ramirez. Error i made was rather to send him directly funds i should have opened an account with same broker, i didn't know at that time (against TOS of broker). With time i invested...and invested...finally what should happen happened. In december 2010 he stopped to contact me and he never came back. We had always good communication. Now im thinking about what i should do, i have following things: 1. Copy of his passport 2. Home adress in venezuela 3. My bank statement (show that i have invested) 4. His bank account data in USA (wachovia bank) 5. Website I have sent a registred letter to wachovia bank with all proof few months ago and they didn't do anything. I know i wont recover any $$$, but if he can pay a lot that will worth 10 000. Well if some member can do some work for me, i will appreciate. Now im ruinned. |
Just bought a $3 billion dollar yacht Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:16 PM PDT |
Creating new blog for our website. Should we use Blogger or Wordpress? Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:12 PM PDT It's going to consist of fresh content that we write in house. We really want it to be fun and useful for our readers. Would you recommend wordpress or blogger? I heard Blogger is great for seo with recent changes and I also heard wordpress allows more creativity. |
Have a really good idea..but dont know how to monetize!? Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:07 PM PDT Ive been out of the loop with FB related stuff for a while so I dont know what is working (pages, apps etc)..and what isn't.. Can someone just tell me what is working, doesnt have to be detailed..I just have a really good idea that may make some serious money on..but at the moment its just sitting in my head.. |
How to add WPMU Sites to SenukeX Posted: 20 Jul 2011 07:01 PM PDT Hello, im trying to get senukex working for me, but i dont know how to add wordpress multiuser links that i get into senukex.. can anybody declare this to me how to add more sites for registering new account of wpmu sites. thanks and regards |
I'm in need a spam trap mailing list. WILL BUY Posted: 20 Jul 2011 06:54 PM PDT In need of a spam trap mailing list or someone willing to email 100-200 spam trap email addresses. So I can try and get a domain taken down of someone who stole from me. |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 06:51 PM PDT Hi guys I just wanted to ask a question about youtube targeting. I know it is a form of ppc, and paying per thousand impressions My question is is there a quality score when doing the youtube targeting method? Because it is linked to google adwords I am wondering if there were requirements for the website the link leads to from a youtube video? Thanks for your help |
How do i stop spam comments completly???? Posted: 20 Jul 2011 06:42 PM PDT Sorry to all the scrapebox and spammers in this forum lol, but how can i have a 100 percent prevention of spam commments on my blog? I am going to be receiving comments and I dont want to have to moderate a huge list of spam comments to find the good ones.... Thanks! |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 06:16 PM PDT So I recently heard about adsense smart pricing and never heard of it before. For those that don't know, If you have ads on crappy sites that google doesn't like or too many ads on a page you get a lower cpc FOR ALL WEBSITES ON AN ACCOUNT. I'm not an expert and don't know how much is true but I did notice I had adsense on a couple sites and they were getting between 1-2 dollars a click. Then I added adsense to a site that's getting around 200 uv a day so I though it would be good and noticed that my clicks for the other sites dropped to like 1 cents, 30 cents etc. It took a big drop for sure. I also heard that link units make the CPC go down, any truth to that? I like the little link unit 720 by whatever near the header but if it makes it drop than I'll take it off. Just wanted to let people know that never heard of it and also get advice from people that have experience to see what helps get your CPC go up.... |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 06:01 PM PDT Been a Learning Lurker for a while here on BHW, now doing some posting. I have been a web developer for several years and doing Social Media consulting for small business for the past 2 years. Piddled around with IM several times over the past decade and now getting down to business! Thanks for all the great info here! |
Youtube jv need comment poster/rater Posted: 20 Jul 2011 05:56 PM PDT Im looking for a person that can post/rate comments for me after the youtube update. Will need the system to run perfectly and be able to comment/rate on at least 30+ comments an hour This would be far better if you coded your own software so i can make person requests to better the bot. If you are able to do this pm me A lot of money to be made. Do not pm me unless you have a custom bot for this. |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 05:53 PM PDT Is there any tool out there that can extract emails from a csv file |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 05:29 PM PDT I recently installed Tor onto my laptop (windows 7) and it turns out I dont need or want it, so ive been trying to figure out a way to uninstall it. It doesnt show up in my program list to uninstall it and Ive tried using the way reccommended on the Tor faq site, but that didnt work either. I didnt want to just delete the program files because i figure that wont uninstall it properly, unless that does work then that would be simply enough... If anyone knows how i can successfully uninstall the program please let me know. Thanks a lot. |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 04:30 PM PDT I have this old Forum making script called Forum Generator but the official site is gone, I remember it was advertised on here when I found it and after I bought it you were given a serial and application to install it on your host servers. I found a mirror of a pirated version searching the web but without the application to enter the serial number and upload to the host. Does the author still visit here? |
What to do against Fraud-Leads? Posted: 20 Jul 2011 04:30 PM PDT I'm working with a company. And they told me i'm generating leads that are fraudulent... i aint the one doing it. so wtf do i do about this? i already told them i'm not doing it |
Want to work with a craigslist poster. Posted: 20 Jul 2011 04:27 PM PDT Edit: nvm im gna do this by myself. Thanks. |
how do I do 301/other redirects and keep cached page in G? Posted: 20 Jul 2011 04:27 PM PDT So I had a website ranking #6 for my keyword. All of the sudden I got a rip from the big G for the site having an unaturl linking structure. The specifically told me it was a link network I was participating in. I deleted the network and resubmitted and got rejected. Done this a couple of times so far and the only thing I have not cleaned up is my extensive use of syndicated content. I have around 25,000 pages cached in G. I would like to delete all the posts on my blog and replace it with 20 or so pages of unique fresh keyword rich content before I resubmit. I would prefer to have it so that allt he cached pages remain in Google but when a human reviews it they see nothing wrong. How do I accomplish this? Plugin? .htt access? Pretend I am a moron. |
How Long Does It Take For You Guys To See Returns? Posted: 20 Jul 2011 04:26 PM PDT I've invested a lot of money in domains, services, my VPS's, tools, etc. I've been doing this stuff for the last 3 years (only started the SEO part a month ago) and so far I've gotten $121 from Google Adsense. I've probably spent over $1k. How long does it take you guys to make a return on the cost of domain, hosting and SEO? |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 04:24 PM PDT Hi, I've got a problem. I dunno why but when serching my name, Google Instant is now giving as proposition "myname + rape". The weirdest thing is that (of course) the search doesn't give any result about any rape. But I'd like to know if there's anyway to delete that. Plus, how could this happen ? Thx B. |
Shocking illusion - Pretty girls turn ugly! Posted: 20 Jul 2011 04:12 PM PDT |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 04:12 PM PDT I just put up a site... its called (basically, I hate when...)... same concept as fmylife, check it out... might help some of you who are under a lot of stress to let it out! =) I thought it was a good idea, let me know what you guys think! :eek: |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 04:09 PM PDT hello everyone, i was having a discussion with a friend of mine on how people get deindexed. and i see posts all the time and hear stories of people getting their site deindexed and Big G ruining their business but am having a hard time figuring out how it happens. i feel like you would have to be doing something pretty crazy to get your site deindexed. my thought on the subject has always been, if you can do something to your own site to get it deindexed just do it to your competitors and get them deindexed. if a 1million SB blast will hurt my site, shouldn't i just do it to my biggest competitor. the only way i can see google penalizing you is if you leave a foot print that can directly be tied to you and you only. otherwise ill just leave a nice big footprint on my competitors site. what do you guys think? am i completely wrong in my assumptions? any thoughts, opinions, clarifications would be appreciated thanks |
Buying Facebook Ad accounts w/ voucher for $50 each! Posted: 20 Jul 2011 04:06 PM PDT I'm looking for accounts that have been already activated for advertising with a vcc or paypal. Has to have a voucher added, though I am willing to purchase accounts without a voucher added. A big requirement is that the account must have been a PVA account before the advertising section is activated. Paying $50 per account. |
Looking to hire someone for SEO Posted: 20 Jul 2011 03:57 PM PDT Looking to hire someone to do SEO on a few of my sites, please PM me with your experience and what you charge for SEO services. |
Creating Twitter Accounts with 1 Gmail Email Posted: 20 Jul 2011 03:51 PM PDT Guys and Gals, am wondering if anyone has used the strategy of creating 100's of twitter accounts with 1 gmail address but with the variations trick? How was the stick rate? Did the twitter accounts get ban quickly? Any experiences? thanks. |
Scrapebox Support is Driving me Crazy Posted: 20 Jul 2011 03:50 PM PDT I do not know why my scrapebox was deactivated. I was using scrapebox, closed it for one moment than when i tried to open it, it asked me to activate. Firstly i thought maybe is any update or something like that where i have to reactivate the scrapebox, Today is the third day and i can not use Scrapebox, i need it for some of my clients. I send a letter to sb support they just didn't tell me nothing which can fix it. Scrapebox support : Check the connection if the green lights are ok? Than i send a letter telling them that i had all the lights in green. But until now nothing happened. |
Posted: 20 Jul 2011 03:38 PM PDT Anyone with some ideas of replicas I can sell that would be "medium risk" ....just some "name brands, no need to be specific |
Opinions on Longevity of Adsense - Best Time to Cash Out Posted: 20 Jul 2011 03:38 PM PDT Some really intelligent friends of mine, as well as many BlackHatters in the elite invite-only communities, are beginning to cash out their Adsense holdings. They argue that with browser Ad-blockers and peoples increasing sophistication in terms of recognizing and avoiding Adsense the turning point for Adsense is coming. Thus, many are deciding to cash out at present earnings to get more money, rather than wait for the dip where Adsense sites will not be as desired. Due to the nature of the internet where constants are rare, I've diversified my earnings and income streams. I'm so glad I did, a few months ago I lost an income stream that was making me around $12,000 per month out of the blue. Any thoughts? |
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