Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO |
- Success on Facebook/Twitter?
- Looking for Finance Blog Posts
- Will G.Adsense ban me if i use Leadbolt in the same site?
- kindle vs real books
- I need some help with CLAD
- Question about 'Blackhat Techniques'
- Separate ad-sense account for separate website
- Buy Commercial Wordpress MU software
- Those anyone use WP Affiliate Bot?
- Money for Autoblogs?
- Best FREE/CRACKED youtube mass uploader?
- what's the best domain affiliate program?
- uBot to Spam Yahoo Answers?
- mailing questions
- Addicted to BHW already...
- Give me idea's for someting to program to make us money!
- AMR SUCCESS RATES <how to optimize>
- Suspended Twiends Account Question
- Adsense question.
- Ranking sub-domains
- How do you read your e-mails?
- Bookmarking Demon Questions
- I Created Many Web 2.0 Sites and Posted Articles Et,, Does Google Know Its 1 Person By IP
- Any point to have your sites on G. Webmasters Tools?
- Phatzilla's ** Quality FACEBOOK GUARENTEED FANS Service **, BHW'S Cheapest !
- * Ex employee posting false things about me online, how can I get revenge?
- CL changing my hidden text
- [ASK] Any way to download,copy,or extract a FB Fanpage
- Senuke / Scrapebox /AMR/XGen SEO Which is Which
- need to send 330k emails, need services!
- My Site Have Been Getting Visits But No Sign Ups.....
- Big Events= Even Bigger Cash Flow$$$$
- need a little help with mail mascot
- WTB 100 Youtube Accounts
- Looking for a Wholesaler of Children's Namebrand Designer Clothing
- Any know a good Mail 2 Blog ??
- Twitter accounts Crazy damn site
- Will Pay Good Monies for Adcenter Account JV for 5 People!
- what web20 property I should use now?
- Edu Blast to money site?
- Cancelled Majestic SEO today - who do you recommend for backlink recon?
- Is there any simple software to customize wp themes?
- Gauging difficulty to rank top in google, critic my method..
- Scrapebox proxies tip!!!
- 507Money Affiliate program
- Scouting Competition - your thoughts..
- Need some help pls
- Need 5000 fans for my fanpage please make offer
- Looking for partnership in site flipping
Posted: 09 May 2011 08:32 PM PDT I recently have been debating whether to create a Facebook/Twitter account and build up friends/follows to try the old email submit offer tactic. But before I even bother I wanted to know if anyone around here has ever had any success doing this, like with a couple thousand friends/followers or more how many conversions do you really get whenever you do an offer post? |
Looking for Finance Blog Posts Posted: 09 May 2011 08:29 PM PDT I write. Looking to post articles on finance blogs. |
Will G.Adsense ban me if i use Leadbolt in the same site? Posted: 09 May 2011 08:11 PM PDT I have an Adsense Account in my site and I want to apply for the leadbolt, Does Google will banned my account if i have a leadbolt affiliate in my site? please I need some answer.. thanks |
Posted: 09 May 2011 07:54 PM PDT ok so i work as an IT tech so iam looking at computer screens for 9 hours a day, then i get home and normally on the computer. Checking emails and everything else with sites, ebay ect.... So i decided to take up reading to help relax. So instead of doing my normal routine of coming home from work then going straight to the computer or tv, i wanted to kind of get away a bit from looking at it. Hence why i have read some really good books, i noticed not only does it relax me but helps greatly with going to sleep. Note* constantly looking at computer screens/tv strains my eyes and can give he a headache. Since i started reading it has HELPED ALOT. I wonder since the kindle is a computer screen would it be counter productive to use a kindle instead of reading paper back/hardcover books? |
Posted: 09 May 2011 07:54 PM PDT I need some help figuring out how to put a new hidden text code into CLAD. I have found some HTML codes some other people are using and I tried copying it into the template, but there is no difference in the ads. Can someone please show me how to do it? |
Question about 'Blackhat Techniques' Posted: 09 May 2011 07:49 PM PDT After reading a thread, I want to make a thread of my own and see something here... Umm... I actually never used any blackhat techniques before, and the reason behind it is because I am a bit afraid. Not the law or whatever, but that Google will ban the site or something, and then I'll be royally screwed. So my question is... Is there like a ... safe-'er' blackhat way to rank for a keyword? Or you can go as blackhat as you want, as long as you know what you are doing? (My keyword has 800,000 broad searches, and 700,000 exact) |
Separate ad-sense account for separate website Posted: 09 May 2011 07:24 PM PDT I want to create 10 websites with unique content and use cr-theme, should I have separate ad-sense accounts? Or should I put all of them on the same account? |
Buy Commercial Wordpress MU software Posted: 09 May 2011 07:15 PM PDT Dear Blackhaters, Looking for a commercial software like that of wordpress mu. I want to start a website for different schools with one installation handling the sub-domains or sub-directories of the schools. I do not want to go for the commercial wordpress MU. Has anybody gotten any script similar in mind that I can use to handle the network of different schools that will present on a single domain name but with different sub-directories or sub-domains? Your immediate response will be much appreciated. |
Those anyone use WP Affiliate Bot? Posted: 09 May 2011 07:04 PM PDT I found it in WSO (WP Affiliate Bot) and is BHW get discount for this? Sound interesting wp plugin?i am searching for plugin or script like this for cloaking...any similar to this for free?:p:baby09: ps:sorry for my english. |
Posted: 09 May 2011 07:04 PM PDT Im forming some autoblog for my company , but problem is i dont know which money system should i use ? Any pro here ? Help me plz . I'm thinking about affiliate and PPC , but not sure which one should i use . |
Best FREE/CRACKED youtube mass uploader? Posted: 09 May 2011 06:58 PM PDT I don't want to have youtube advertiser cracked as I plan to buy it as I have to much respect to its creator, arbydee2, I don't feel that would be fair :P But, I do want a nice mass uploader to get a few videos out there, I currently have 20 videos on 3 accounts, earning me 10 bucks a day :P I just need to scale. Any recommendations or links to free/cracked uploaders. Thanks :P PS: I do know there is already a thread similar to this but he asked for the best, I just want one that gets the job done :P Also links help Thanks in advance |
what's the best domain affiliate program? Posted: 09 May 2011 06:53 PM PDT I need a reliable/reputable domain affiliate program that either pays a good amount for each domain sold or has great tools where I can create coupons and 'discounts' for my leads... |
Posted: 09 May 2011 06:43 PM PDT It seems the guys who actually make $700 a day on yahoo answers just spam it hundreds of times with software. Is ubot the best software to spam it with or are there better options? thanks |
Posted: 09 May 2011 06:35 PM PDT just wanna mail about 150 emails in a fast way. here is my setup: i have mail mascot using 150 hotmails forwarded and 50 private proxys. mm is set: 1 receipt:1 hotmail:1 proxy+spined texts. CL stops all my emails:( any thoughts guys? |
Posted: 09 May 2011 06:34 PM PDT I discovered this site 3 days ago and have spent each of those days scouring the boards trying to soak it all in. Its all so much honestly my head is spinning. I'll get there though...thanks to all the posters here who make this site a great place. |
Give me idea's for someting to program to make us money! Posted: 09 May 2011 06:28 PM PDT I've been in a programming mood lately, give me some idea's for php/mysql based scripts/software that you would like to see created or like to get your hands on. Ready, set, go! |
AMR SUCCESS RATES <how to optimize> Posted: 09 May 2011 06:24 PM PDT I'd just like to start off by saying that AMR looks like an amazing tool out of the box, unfortunately - I don't seem to have an amazing success rate. I have almost 6,000 sites in my database, but only 3** someodd even allow for account creation. Am I doing something wrong? <is there something i am missing?> Of those 3** someodd submissions, only about 90 worked. How do I increase this success rate? <is there something i need to tweak?> Of those 90, I only got 18 auto-approved. Is this normal? What Can I do to get more auto-approve article directories? |
Suspended Twiends Account Question Posted: 09 May 2011 06:21 PM PDT I was banned today on Twiends, I honestly don't know why. I was wondering if I can still use Twiends, if I "can't", then what should I do before making a new Twiends account, if you don't want to leak anything by posting, simply PM me, I really need to get 10k likes before June. |
Posted: 09 May 2011 06:18 PM PDT I just signed up for an account, but Ive got some concerns. I had an account a few years back, and since then Ive got a different computer, and different IP. My question is, I already used my SSN to verify the tax information on the account. I signed using a friends name, but he doesnt want me to use his SSN. What do I do for the tax part? |
Posted: 09 May 2011 06:13 PM PDT I was wondering if any of you have had success ranking subdomains. I have a generic domain and I created some sub-domains with my exact keywords hoping that would help out. Is ranking a sub-domain a futile exercize ? |
Posted: 09 May 2011 05:55 PM PDT Is there a program to group all your e-mails together? Right now i'm just going into CPanel and going into webmail etc. Is there another way? |
Posted: 09 May 2011 05:55 PM PDT Hey guys, Let's say I want to build bookmarks to 20 URLs. My problem is that when I try to bookmark multiple URLs in the same time, BMD posts each URL on every bookmarking website. Instead of that I want it to post 1 random URL from my list of 20 URL to each site. How can I do that? Thanks in advance! |
I Created Many Web 2.0 Sites and Posted Articles Et,, Does Google Know Its 1 Person By IP Posted: 09 May 2011 05:39 PM PDT I created 30 web 2 sites, bloger, blog, yola etc and posted articles, blogging etc, different usernames etc.. filed out profile, looks legitimate, Can google know that this is all the same person, I know the blogs can read the ip address, but is that information made available to Google as well, will they know yts 1 person doing all this, |
Any point to have your sites on G. Webmasters Tools? Posted: 09 May 2011 05:37 PM PDT are there any good reasons to have ur site on google webmastesr tools? i recently took all of my sites off cuz ppl r saying if u have affiliate sites they will use that to find it out and make you lose ranks |
Phatzilla's ** Quality FACEBOOK GUARENTEED FANS Service **, BHW'S Cheapest ! Posted: 09 May 2011 05:36 PM PDT Sorry, was making a rough draft for my new service thread, accidentally pressed post instead of preview If a mod would delete this, be greatly appreciated so i can file for an application in BST |
Posted: 09 May 2011 05:34 PM PDT Have any of you used this site? Its more Irish based but I feel there is a killing to be made on here, free ads and discussion. :D |
* Ex employee posting false things about me online, how can I get revenge? Posted: 09 May 2011 05:33 PM PDT I have an ex employee that is posting false things online about my company and wanted to know if there is anyway to get postings removed, if not removed what is the best way to get revenge for what they are doing. The best I have come up with so far is to post a bunch of positive things under the same name so as to dilute the validity of what they are doing. ideas? thanks |
Posted: 09 May 2011 05:25 PM PDT What has Craig done now? It seems like all of my ads are now showing the hidden text. It is like Craigslist has changed the html code to make the text all black and not white. I know other people are having the same problem because I have been looking through all of the listings. Does anybody know how to get around this? Is there any way CLAD can get around this? |
[ASK] Any way to download,copy,or extract a FB Fanpage Posted: 09 May 2011 05:15 PM PDT There is a fan page that I want to clone and I was wondering if there were any trips to either downloading it, extracting it or some Fanpage extractor software. I plan on using the skeleton of this page and modding it for another type of business. Any ideas.... I am tired of trying different approachs. :( |
Senuke / Scrapebox /AMR/XGen SEO Which is Which Posted: 09 May 2011 05:14 PM PDT I bought Senuke, Scrapebox and AMR last week and I've decided to start my full internet marking next month so i'm still reading the good books and threads people post here..But I've come to realize that atleast 2 of the tools I've listed excluding Xrumer which i don't have is/are being mention to lets say 8 out of every 10 post i've read, I want to know is there a time factor or sequence on when and how to use each of them like AMR first then scrapebox second..Guys help me out I'm stacked.. |
need to send 330k emails, need services! Posted: 09 May 2011 05:13 PM PDT yo guys as title said, i need to send 330k emails! how much and how long wud it take! thanks |
My Site Have Been Getting Visits But No Sign Ups..... Posted: 09 May 2011 05:12 PM PDT Hey Black Hat. I am promoting a MLM and my site has been getting hits but no one has signed up, any suggestions? (my site is in my sig) |
Big Events= Even Bigger Cash Flow$$$$ Posted: 09 May 2011 05:08 PM PDT Time to give back to the community and help people make money!! I will show you step by step on how i made money with William and Kates Royal Wedding! Get Your Digital Cameras Out! So theres a huge event on, and you dont know how to make money! Quick go grab your cameras and capture the moment! Thats what i did when kate and william were just about to kiss, i got my camera and took a video of this historic moment [IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Jimmy/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.png[/IMG] [IMG]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/Jimmy/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot-1.png[/IMG] ![]() MONEY, MONEY, MONEY $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MONEY, MONEY, MONEY $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MONEY, MONEY, MONEY $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MONEY, MONEY, MONEY Rush Over to your Computer! Once you have the video run to your computer, hook up your camera, and upload the video to youtube! You want to make sure your one of the first people to post the event on youtube! As soon as you have the video uploaded you will see tons of views on your video, which means more money for you! How Do You Make The Money? As if you havent already realized the potential of this, I will show you step by step on how you can make money ;) 1. Go to (Its a site where you can find any offer related to your niche) 2. Search for the offers that interest you. For example i would search=> The Royal Wedding 3. Now you will see offers regarding your niche, and you can choose anyone which you would like to promote! 4. Take a note which CPA Network is providing these offers, and sign up with them accordingly (Read my post on how to get accepted into any CPA Network) 5. All you have to do now is when your uploading the video, in the discription box put down your Affiliate link and wait for the money to roll in! Example: For my video i found an offer with an exlusive ring sold for 20$ which would mark this historic moment. So what i did was in the description box i wrote down my Affiliate link. In literally 1 week i had sold 183 rings, making $8 off every ring! You do the math .. **TIP** Twist these methods and make them better to generate more income! You can use this for any big event: Sports events, award shows, breaking news, concerts. Just do alittle bit of thinking and start making money with big events! |
need a little help with mail mascot Posted: 09 May 2011 04:49 PM PDT as i can see the mm has an option to insert a subject for each recipient. when i m sending my emails the subject it's not auto can i fix that? |
Posted: 09 May 2011 04:49 PM PDT Hey Guys, I'd like to buy 100 Youtube accounts until my regular supplier is back in business. I'm willing to pay $.10-.15 each, but i'd like them to have a money back guarantee for at least 4 days in case of Youtube deletion. Thanks! Dan |
Looking for a Wholesaler of Children's Namebrand Designer Clothing Posted: 09 May 2011 04:21 PM PDT I am looking for some suppliers/wholesalers or children clothing, toddlers preferably. Namebrand designer clothing preferable also. |
Any know a good Mail 2 Blog ?? Posted: 09 May 2011 04:10 PM PDT Any know a good Mail 2 Blog ?? I have these notification emails I get I would like to make them into a blog I am already doing this with blooger and creating 50 links per day with this . The only one I know now is BLOGGER . any one has any other suggestion . I check word press but it does not work the same. |
Twitter accounts Crazy damn site Posted: 09 May 2011 04:09 PM PDT Always sucks to log on do a Follower Check and Have 404 accounts banned. LOL more work i went from a lil over 7 million followers to 2.3million :( live and learn. b4 you start Slaming away about proxies all my proxies are used for the one account and are private. Back to creating more accounts lol whats your worse twitter loss for one day? |
Will Pay Good Monies for Adcenter Account JV for 5 People! Posted: 09 May 2011 04:05 PM PDT If you can create a bing adcenter account w your paypal for me I can pay $100 plus 20% on your money for whatever I spend eg if I spend $200 a day, you'd get $40 a day for letting me use the account. Where can you find a return like that?? I know how we can set it up so theres no risk to you. I can do this for 5 people. If your interested post or pm me your aim/skype and we'll chat, Thanks |
what web20 property I should use now? Posted: 09 May 2011 03:57 PM PDT searched and got some list, but many are not working anymore. anyone has a list that currently works? thanks bear |
Posted: 09 May 2011 03:55 PM PDT I no your not suppose to blast your money site but I have asite about three months old with about 30 to 40 backlinks and i was wondering would a 30k edu blast cause it to get sandboxed? |
Cancelled Majestic SEO today - who do you recommend for backlink recon? Posted: 09 May 2011 03:44 PM PDT Just what the subject says... ***Cancelled Majestic SEO today - who do you recommend for backlink recon?*** (NO YSE) |
Is there any simple software to customize wp themes? Posted: 09 May 2011 03:37 PM PDT Hi Guys, Does anyone knows some kind of software to customize wp themes? I just both some premium themes and I only know the basics of php so I can't customize it . Thank you in advance. |
Gauging difficulty to rank top in google, critic my method.. Posted: 09 May 2011 03:30 PM PDT Hi guys, so I found a niche xyz. I goto majesticseo, put the and look for backlinks I see he has 150 domain referrals and say 300 external backlinks. G Keyword tool says there are 250k searches. I feel thats not a hard site to beat? Assume i can find keyword matching domain. Is my strategy viable? Thank you. |
Posted: 09 May 2011 03:27 PM PDT I'm not good in writing, but I'll try. Get somewhat big proxy list. I use 25k list. Save it in a text file. Then go to scrapebox installation folder and then to Configuration folder. There is a scrapebox.ini file, open it. Look inside for a line named "ProxyHarvester". This is the timeout in milliseconds. Change it to something like 1000 to 3000. Then it will check the proxy list with the harvester very fast. AND then give you a fast access proxies. The ping to proxy will be the same as timeout that you set up. I post now with 25 fast proxies way way faster then earlier with 85-120 proxies with standard timeout settings. |
Posted: 09 May 2011 03:21 PM PDT I would like to post about my affiliate program here but i cant rules are rules :cool: what are the steps to make this happend? where can i contact an admin and what shuld i do to post this here? :) |
Scouting Competition - your thoughts.. Posted: 09 May 2011 03:14 PM PDT So I am scouting my nearly direct competition with a specific blog network I'm running. I chose them because they're doing nearly the same thing I am, which is having a sub-domain feature a specific product review. He's clearly been doing it for awhile, but I actually didn't copy him, only found we had similar thoughts after already starting mine. Anyway, my rankings suck. I was figuring it was due to either a) sub-domains or b) using the same theme for each blog, but he's doing the same thing and his rankings are fine. Here are a few things I see with his using rank tracker plugin and market samurai. Domain --- Rank for Product Keyword -- Indexed Pages -- Backlinks (majestic) Main -- ## -- 4860 -- 440k Product A -- 4 -- 2810 -- 4364 (linked from blog network sidebar) Product B -- 15 -- 669 -- 25,517 (linked from blog network sidebar) Product C -- 78 -- 72 -- 184 (not linked from network) Product D -- 11 -- 574 - 1997 (linked from network) Product E -- 22 -- 49 -- 397 (not linked from network) Sites like product C and E are not linked from the network sidebar, but are linked from the main page which has 4800 indexed pages. Looking at their backlinks, only 38 come from sources outside of the main domain. The top ranked one - Product A - has a lot more links coming in obviously, including many from outside sources. It's no shock that's ranked so high. Based on my not so professional opinion, I am thinking it looks like they do a LOT of trading in to the root domain, getting the authority of it extremely high (although it is PR 0), but it does help when they link to the sub-domains, like a trickle down effect. I could be wrong though, what do you guys think? My thing is I want to find out how to compete using sub-domains, but I know that goes against a lot of what is said here because they can easily be linked together by google. |
Posted: 09 May 2011 03:09 PM PDT I have a new client and he's dream is to be no1 in google. I made the proper research and this can be done. Now, i have 2 brand new domains. Domain 1 : i will use it as main website ( is a construction based company) Domain 2 : i will use it as link for Domain1 ( WP with 1 related article) (For domain 1 i found the exact name like client keyword and for domain 2 is a related name) My question is: It's ok to make SB blast on domain 2 even if is a new one ? (SB is the only tool i have ) PS: Sorry for my bad english :P |
Need 5000 fans for my fanpage please make offer Posted: 09 May 2011 03:01 PM PDT Non targeted is ok, Thanks |
Looking for partnership in site flipping Posted: 09 May 2011 02:43 PM PDT I have got some sites i want to sell and I need help listing them on flippa. profits would be shared 70 / 30 (30 f0r you) after the refund for the listing. if you are interested pm me |
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