Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO |
- Is it bad to bold a keyword too many times in an article?
- Amazon Affiliate and down ?
- Got a working facebook viral script but didn't make a single penny from them :(
- MailDevil fastest settings?
- What type of shipping do you use?
- Freezing youtube videos views worth it?
- Free Daily Price Action Forex Trading Strategies & System From Asia Forex Mentor
- Google Sitelinks
- Highest post count on the web??
- What International Call Forwarding Service to Use ????
- Do you have to be logged into Adwords to use MS?
- Diff share pages?
- enjoy's noob diary into Dark SEO
- Paypal Limited :S what to do in this case ?
- Static Front Page
- Living a tax-free live....where do I start?
- How do you setup NON-GENERIC DNS?
- Looking for socks proxy provider
- html confusication
- round 1 to google
- TinieApp or NeoApp
- Uploading A Lot Of Content Before Google Indexes
- Bulk Blog Commenting - Anchor Text or no?
- WTF does my wordpress site screw up the images!
- Whats the best Aff. Program to go use?
- Traffic Travis V4 keyword research fixed
- PM Spam function of xRumer 7?
- Facebook Group Event Invites
- help me get past page 2!
- Where to find clients?
- What is best delay time for Wait and Reply?
- adsense keyword targetting !
- [Dark SEO Scripting]
- Dan Kennedy
- yet another indian !
- is this the right time to use black hat tools?
- [want] anyone got porno keyword list?
- Attn clad genius
- How to fetch comment with content in a feed?
- ?¿-Advice for the noobs-?¿
- Clickcentive Beta - backlinking program
- Anyone from New York City here?
- Any free tools?
- Looking for Suppression List
- Video Back Links
- 40k
- Yahoo Pipes - Having Issues! Need some help.
- Scrapebox Commenting vs trackbacks
- i have been testing and re-testing CL and i finally have it down to a science BUT!
- Which BHW Member have help you a lot in Social Networking niche?
Is it bad to bold a keyword too many times in an article? Posted: 12 May 2011 08:38 PM PDT Just posted an article on my blog with my keyword in it about 8-10 times for this 500 word article. Thus I bolded the keyword 8 times in the article (500 words) is this OK? or too much bold |
Amazon Affiliate and down ? Posted: 12 May 2011 08:36 PM PDT |
Got a working facebook viral script but didn't make a single penny from them :( Posted: 12 May 2011 08:34 PM PDT I'm really sad. I got a working viral script for faceb00k but I didn't make any single $ from it. Any help and suggestions will be appreciated. :( |
Posted: 12 May 2011 08:12 PM PDT Anyone got MailDevil here?What is your fastest settings for it.I set mine to Custom Smtp.Anyone? |
What type of shipping do you use? Posted: 12 May 2011 07:45 PM PDT I am basically trying to sell phone accessories at a cheap cost. Instead of selling them bulk at wholesale price...I wanna sell them by unity and open the market to normal clients instead of middle mans. For example an iPhone case for 1 or 2$. All of my products are located in Asia. Most of you know the shipping is pretty expensive from there. EMS charge around 23$ for anything below 0.10 kg. The other method of shipping would be with HKPOST and China Post, which cost between 1 to 3$. The problem with them is the shipping time and the risk (can be lost easily). Now this is what I want to know. For sellers -> Do you use HKpost or China Post? Does your item get lost most of the time? Any complaints? For buyers -> How do you feel regarding the purchase of an item at a cheap cost but the shipping can take 2 to 3 weeks? Thanks |
Freezing youtube videos views worth it? Posted: 12 May 2011 07:44 PM PDT Freezing Youtube video views worth it? Say your channel has inactive subscribers as in like mine. When I upload a video and right after you reload the page so many times to get 300 views & freezes. Ive notice the views unfreeze in about 2--3 days. If I didn't freeze the video I would have less then or almost equal to the amount of views in same period of time if i didnt reload the page. I beleave it can show up better on the youtube search bar. If you use the "Filter & Explore". If you look for highest viewed. Also leave the video on autoplay & advertising on the channel alot. |
Free Daily Price Action Forex Trading Strategies & System From Asia Forex Mentor Posted: 12 May 2011 07:34 PM PDT Trading Psychology Conquering Your Emotions A lot of traders can actually feel their emotions in place when they place their trades. And seeing their trades taking place. Emotions include: - Heart Thumping (Beating faster) - Sense of Anxiety - Nervousness - Excitement - Irrational Behavior - Frustration - Desperation - Hatred & Revenge mindset - Devastated - Always feel that the market is going against you - Etc, If you feel any of the above in trading, it is normal. The market is set for you to feel this way. Which is why to be a successful trader, 80% is about conquering and mastering trading psychology. And some of the reasons that you could be feeling any of the emotions above include: - You are trading way beyond your risk level (Trading too high an amount of your capital) - You have not calculated your proper risk size before entering - You entered based on Gut feel - You fully expect and anticipate that the market will go your way according to your previous experience or something which you had learnt but it Didn't.. - You are trading on a money that you desperately need. (Eg. borrowed money, food money, life saving money etc..) - Etc. If you have experienced the above, stop trading for the moment. Remedy: - Go get a shower and analyze what had gone wrong - Go for a stroll in the park, beach etc.. - Self Reflection - Meditation, calming exercise Ask yourself, are you trading the right way? Are you actually trading or gambling? Do you have a proper trading system? Did you entered on proper setups (eg. price action) or you entered based on your gut feel? Trading is about self analyzing, discipline, self control, and sticking to your trading system. It may sound tough at first, but once you start practicing the stuffs here for 20 days. It will then become part of you and you are no longer putting any conscious effort in applying the above. Start with learning and trading with a proper system today. Learn the full system at Asia Forex Mentor Price Action Forex Trading System To an awesome trading as always, Ezekiel Chew |
Posted: 12 May 2011 07:24 PM PDT Anyone knows how to make google display sitelinks that I want? |
Highest post count on the web?? Posted: 12 May 2011 07:17 PM PDT I was browsing a forum just now, and couldn't help but to be amazed about the post count of this guy: Sure, it could be fake, but from 2005, I think this could be possible. Anyone seen higher that has a chance of being legit? |
What International Call Forwarding Service to Use ???? Posted: 12 May 2011 06:53 PM PDT Hi there, i was hoping you could all have some input on which particular service you would recommend using for intero national call forwarding. I have a online business which needs to make itself available by mmeans of a toll free number to Aus US and canada... I want to have a back end pabx so i can change where i route calls on the fly any ideas from experience with your own sites would be greatly appreciated..... and rep will be provided for the urgently needed guidance. cheers ppl |
Do you have to be logged into Adwords to use MS? Posted: 12 May 2011 06:52 PM PDT getting an "AIR "need login' error, seems to be Adwords account based as putting on new socks and removing account in MS makes no matter, as no tying it to an adwords account causes the error. |
Posted: 12 May 2011 06:41 PM PDT Anyone else notice these? Here is the old one: ![]() Here is the new one: ![]() Anyone know what causes you to get the new one versus the old? or how to alternate between them? |
enjoy's noob diary into Dark SEO Posted: 12 May 2011 06:30 PM PDT Ok, well hello out there people, as you may have guessed from the topic line, I, am enjoy! I just wanted to start writing down all of my experiences that I encounter, I feel like it will not only do so much more for me, so I can look back and reference what I have done, but also helpful for you viewing as well so you can take an idea and maybe make a spin off of your own... I really want this diary to inspire people much like me, people that are self learners and self starters that have a knowledge on pretty much everything, but never sticks around to really master that subject, a dabbler of all dangers, the jack of all trades if you would imagine. So I guess I could start by going a little bit over my background... So I know a little bit of pretty much everything, from electronics, to programming, to social engineering, to good ol fashion breaking an entry on homes and automobiles! I always loved computers, but always loved running on the dark side of the tracks..if I saw a challenge, I saw myself beating that challenge, and I am very good at beating the challenges I encounter. When I was about 8 (no, don't worry it's not my entire life story.) I remember opening up a QBasic game in where you were monkeys in a city throwing bananas at each other until the other is destroyed (I told you all healthy food would kill you!) I didn't play it that long, that wasn't what interested me, what really interested me was, what made those little furballs tick inside this magical screen of wonders, how do I make my OWN monkeys slaves?! So I took apart the whole application and started building my own applications, and I immediately realized, hey!...You can use this for things other than games? WoW! AN INSTRUCTION MANUAL WITH FUNCTIONS?! I was the happiest 8 year old in the world, screw the Disney channel, screw MTV still being a pure music channel, and screw the biggest plastic big-wheeler on the block, I had a way to make my own little slave. So maybe now you can see why I chose the reason to walk along the dark side...I mean, who the hell wants to be a jedi when you could be mother f***** Boba Fett?! I always loved the fact of nix* based operating systems, they are just so much more free to me, ya know? There is so much more you can do with them! Yeah, I know that was a bit random, I stopped typing and lost track for a second and that was the first thing I thought of, but um..where was I? Oh yeah..uh, I always liked the fact of creating something incredible from nothing but my imagination, it's like being on an acid trip and pretending your iron man making 3D blueprints. I always liked the fact of social engineering because i realized people are entirely to simple minded and can be fooled by the first paragraph as long as it sounds friendly enough and you put on a pretty smile to front it with. "Well hey, and how are we today? enjoying this beautiful weather? haha" "Yeah, it feels so incredible! I am Kurt Hamling, and I am a contractor with" "the owner of this rented property, we're just going to be spraying the" "building around the parameter today to prevent insects, if I get in your" "way, just push me right on through ok? haha (pretty smile)" Yeah, what good is that you ask? Well...allot, if its a call center, you should know that most call centers have a designated smoking area as they are always on about some smoking thing, but thats another story, so you simply 'spray around the areas' where the workers all talk about their 'supervisors' or 'managers' or the 'quality scores' or the 'average handle times' or 'an experience with a customer' and then you turn around and use that to social engineer yourself right on into the building...badges? most places workers coming in from lunch or smoking don't care about badge policy and people slip through all the time, rented security really sucks now days. So, all of my thoughts and ideas, and whatever else comes to me, whenever, will pretty much go into this thread, so just keep an eye out and bookmark it for me if you feel like riding along the dark side of the fence where we spill glasses of milk for fun! But I think first I am going to go roll one up and finish my beer, ill write some more and update this diary whenever I come around the computer and feel like I have something important to say. Todays post music features: My Life Ft. Lil Wayne (on your own pc) |
Paypal Limited :S what to do in this case ? Posted: 12 May 2011 06:18 PM PDT my paypal got limited... first it want only a credit card verification.. ( i add a vcc) after i add the confirmation code .. i got this :S paypal isn't in my name and not in my country .. paypal is in indonesia so what to do for a photo id ? or adress proff? for adrres proff they need a Utility Bill p.s : i will pay 10$ if someone will fix id .. :P thnx... here is a photo : ![]() |
Posted: 12 May 2011 06:02 PM PDT Ok fellas..i know someone here knows the trick or A trick to get this done. I would like to incorporate an html lead capture page to the front page of my wordpress. I know that i am able to make a page then hit up settings and static point to that particular page. To be more in detail.. The html page is built to capture leads (name,number,etc) of course it has a php form to go along with it. How do i get my html page to be the front page of my wordpress website?? Ive tried to iframe it in there..create a new template on my server..all kinds of thigs... Im slightly dizzy..any help is appreciated |
Living a tax-free live....where do I start? Posted: 12 May 2011 05:53 PM PDT I actually have a ton of questions regarding living a tax-free life but I don't want to bombard you guys with a plethora of questions. I'll start small. Anyway, I'm a freelancer web designer living in the United States and I don't think our corrupt, immoral, and ever-expanding socialist government doesn't a cut of my annual income. I've recently discovered that there are various ways to legally avoid paying income tax (tax avoidance). Can't Use PayPal Well first off I want to use an alternative method in receiving payment from my clients. The reason being, despite the convenience of paypal, is because of a law that was recently passed. This law requires that paypal and other payment processors (google checkout, etc.) to report people to the IRS once they've reached a threshold ($20k gross income and 200 transactions). So essentially if I move too much money through paypal then the IRS will know about it (which is something I don't want). Is there a paypal alternative I can use to accept payment from my clients over the internet? Which Country? So which country is the best to do my offshore banking? Panama? Belize? I want to be able to open a bank account online rather than physically fly to one of those countries. Is it better to do anonymous offshore banking or should I use my real name? Paper Trail I'm guessing that criminals (mobsters and drug dealers) are able to pay little or no taxes by hiding their assets....."hard" cash as opposed to storing it in a bank account which would be visible to federal agents. I'd imagine moving my money around the internet would leave a "paper" trail (a record of the transaction that would be available to investigators). With that in mind how would I make deposits to my offshore bank account? Won't moving my money from my US bank account to a Belize (for example) account only make it easier for the IRS to know I have an offshore account? Thank you for your time. |
How do you setup NON-GENERIC DNS? Posted: 12 May 2011 05:52 PM PDT When I E-Mail a craigslist E-mail address, it get's returned with this error... Client host rejected: Please_use_SMTP_relay_of_your_isp,_or_setup_non-generic_dns.See:_ xabd-275 How do you set-up a non-generic DNS using cPanel?? I already got a Domainkey-Signature and SPF. |
Looking for socks proxy provider Posted: 12 May 2011 05:44 PM PDT Please pm me, thanks! |
Posted: 12 May 2011 05:41 PM PDT How the heck to people take a url such as and turn it into http://0x00004e.0x000002e.0x0062.000...137b5d29c.html So that every browser automatically knows what the real url is? I thought it was html confusication but that doesn't appear to be it. Any ideas? |
Posted: 12 May 2011 05:33 PM PDT If this is true I would expect big G to maybe retaliate against facebook. I wonder if G could sandbox FB in its entirety lol. Code: |
Posted: 12 May 2011 05:26 PM PDT What are the official websites to buy these software? |
Uploading A Lot Of Content Before Google Indexes Posted: 12 May 2011 05:23 PM PDT I'm wondering if i should create a wordpress blog and then block G from viewing it. After that I'd upload a lot of content. Then, I'd allow G to view my blog and index all the content. The goal would be to "jump start" the number of pages that can be indexed before G ever visits my site. Please let me know if this will work. Thanks. |
Bulk Blog Commenting - Anchor Text or no? Posted: 12 May 2011 05:02 PM PDT Curious to get opinions on big bulk commenters. Of course, I'm talking about Scrapebox users who do 100k+ comments per month. What's your take on anchor text for the name field? I've been told NOT to put keywords in there, actually use spinnable real names (like Scrapebox suggests). I guess my main question is, without anchor text, is there still value in just posting a s**t-ton of backlinks? Thanks for your feedback! |
WTF does my wordpress site screw up the images! Posted: 12 May 2011 04:57 PM PDT Check this out and is their anyway i can correct this? Thanks |
Whats the best Aff. Program to go use? Posted: 12 May 2011 04:45 PM PDT I'm thinking making someone money with ppl signing up to an aff program. Anybody know of any high paying good ones? I thought about friend finder, but idk. I'm looking for one that is simple for the people to fill out, and where I can my money to money prompt, I would prefer one with western union or at least paypal. |
Traffic Travis V4 keyword research fixed Posted: 12 May 2011 04:38 PM PDT They have finally added exact search results to Traffic Travis now, it should have been there on launch but I am glad they added it regardless. Anyone waiting on this to go buy it? It dosen't seem to be the fastest keyword checker out but it's alright. Edit: scratch that, the keyword module is STILL broken. Sure they've included exact search now but InAnchor and InTitle is still broken and SEO Difficulty is broken also. |
Posted: 12 May 2011 04:36 PM PDT Hey! I couldn't find any serious xrumer 7 threads here and since the botmasterlabs website is down I couldnt get any information from there. I just have one question. Does anyone have tested the PM Spam function of the new xRumer 7? I had xRumer 5 and I remember that the PM Spam function was very weak and didn't get any results! Whats new in xRumer 7 when it comes to PM spam? Cheers |
Posted: 12 May 2011 04:20 PM PDT Ok I am glad I am not the only one gettting that message "Please narrow your invite list to friends who are most likely to be interested in this event." What I was trying to do was add all mine and my fellow promotors friends to one event. It got upto 4500 but then started giving me that error. Here is the crazy part: One of the other promoters I know personally has an invite going where he invited 16,000 people in one day, but won't give me the info on how he did it. I believe its a specific software he uses. Just dont know which one it is and the promotor guy also mentioned that when he does without the software he gets the same error but when he does it with the software he doesnt get that error. He can see the software passing through A-B-C- all the alphabets simultaneously..... Does someone have an idea on what software it might be. I dont mind paying for it or maybe even working on a code..... As it will be a good project!!! |
Posted: 12 May 2011 04:20 PM PDT been stuck on page 2 for each search term. terms get good volume, moderate competition. i know that i probably need to keep blasting away but i'm looking for any tips from people who were stuck on page 2 for a while and did some thing getting boosted to 1st page. any help appreciated thank you! |
Posted: 12 May 2011 04:17 PM PDT Hey guys, I'm new to writing articles for Internet clients for money. However, I have years of experience writing for various things, whether it's just for myself (creative writing, journal entries) or for something else (school newspaper). I am looking for clients, and want to make $1/100 words. My work is intelligent and quality, and I am a native English speaker. If anyone could point me out to a place where I can advertise and find some who would be willing to give me some work, I would be much obliged. Thanks. :) |
What is best delay time for Wait and Reply? Posted: 12 May 2011 04:16 PM PDT And also how many 'normal tweets' do you do in between replies? |
Posted: 12 May 2011 04:11 PM PDT will it be a good idea to use adsense section targetting using start and end around the tags (wordpress).the tags will be high cpc keywords which we r targetting..will this prevent adsense to show useless low cpc ads generated from some other wordw which we dont wna target.....? i hope my ques is clear :) |
Posted: 12 May 2011 04:09 PM PDT <(^.^)> .enjoy. <(^.^)> |
Posted: 12 May 2011 04:07 PM PDT You guys ever listened to this guys stuff? I downloaded some of his things from demonoid, took a listen and the only thing I could think the entire time was "how is this douchebag making any money?!?" Did I miss some golden nugget of knowledge? Or is he always that crappy? |
Posted: 12 May 2011 04:02 PM PDT just wanted to say hi.....very new to blackhat seo or for that matter seo....plz keep answering my threads.i hope i can learn a lot from this forum. cya :ciao: |
is this the right time to use black hat tools? Posted: 12 May 2011 03:53 PM PDT hello site is around 4.5 months old and is doing ok in serps.i m having around 2000 links in yahoo link domains...all links are manual...recently came to know about blackhat methods and tools like scrapebox, xrummer, SeNUKE (kinda very new to all this).my question is is this the right time to go for these type of tools? is my domain still new much time shud i wait to before i start spammign the web :) i dont wna risk my only site :o |
[want] anyone got porno keyword list? Posted: 12 May 2011 03:48 PM PDT Im looking for a giant list of dirty,porn,adult keywords. Anyone have one? I tried generating one with wonderwheel scraper but the results are not great Anyone have one? Please please. |
Posted: 12 May 2011 03:29 PM PDT is there a way to export the published urls into a text file so we dont have to check each one by one I have to send the list to my employer THANKS! |
How to fetch comment with content in a feed? Posted: 12 May 2011 03:10 PM PDT How to fetch comment with the content in a feed on wordpress?any plugins working?thans:) |
Posted: 12 May 2011 03:04 PM PDT Ok, I am just trying to find out the best way for myself, and anyone else that might stumble upon here with my low knowledge level of everything... I have been reading about on the forums and I am noticing quite a few ways of making money. I do see that there is Ad-Sense, and I have a bit of knowledge on the service, just, I have not mastered the whore 'key word' concept, or rather, whatever algorithm they use behind it all... I see also that there are blogs that you can use as well, in which creating posts to other posts in which creating backlinks? I think it is Lately, I have been advertising on an irc channel, I have godaddy that I registered with, and I didn't see any result in the 'cash parking' in which now I see is kind of a rip off.. Well, I got a whole $24 and then everything just started to drop, it seems like the viewers were there, but the clicks weren't, and then the users started to go down, so I am pretty much back at $0 a day... So, I wanted to find out, between the two, of Google Ad-Sense, and WordPress, what route is the best route for me to go about my journey of making money with 36 domains (which I can add hosting to), and an Ad-Sense account? |
Clickcentive Beta - backlinking program Posted: 12 May 2011 02:54 PM PDT I just got into a the Clickcentive Beta. It's cool for what I can tell. Just like those other backlinking program sites. Only works in wordpress right now. Worth checking out. Just search Clickcentive in you Google or Bing or whatever your search engine of choice is. |
Anyone from New York City here? Posted: 12 May 2011 02:51 PM PDT hi anyone from NYC here? it would be cool if we did some type of meetup.... tat would be hot. |
Posted: 12 May 2011 02:25 PM PDT I'm pretty new here and I've been looking around the forums and see topics like "Best tools?" and the responses are always SEnuke, Xrumer, Scrapebox and SEOElite etc. Anyways, is there any free SEO tools besides the bad ones I've found so far Magic Traffic Bot PRstorm (doesn't work anymore) Traffic Equalizer Please post any free SEO tools other then those 3. Thank you. |
Posted: 12 May 2011 02:17 PM PDT Yesterday my ISP contacted me to say that he had received a complaint from Spamcop. Apparently my last mailing had triggered one of Spamcop's spamtraps. Now I have dilemma because I'm sure if I have to get an opt-in from all of my 10,000 subscribers, I will lose a high proportion of them. My question is whether there's a list of spamtraps available, which I could use to screen and clean my subscriber list. |
Posted: 12 May 2011 02:14 PM PDT i was wondering how effective building video back links would be. submitting videos to youtube, vimeo, metacafe etc. and putting your backlink in the video description. a problem i can see with this method is the small amount of sites that allow you to upload videos, since having multiple backlinks from the same site is not too effective. so is anyone doing this method and having success? is there a way to use anchor texts on these video sites? is there a program or a method to blast out multiple videos at the same time, with links, to all the different video sites? any insight will be greatly appreciated! :) thank you |
Posted: 12 May 2011 02:14 PM PDT I might have access to 40k to spend on SEO. What's the best route? I've done adsense which makes me a few hundred month. Was wondering if i should make like 10 authority sites with 30-100 articles each wit that. And then just outsource SEO? Any suggestions. Trying to hit 6k a month with that type of investment. Preferably passive. |
Yahoo Pipes - Having Issues! Need some help. Posted: 12 May 2011 02:09 PM PDT Hey I can't seem to figure this one out. Maybe you guys can help me. How do I join or append an rss url to an already existing url so the resulting rss feed like this: MysiteTheirsite Example My site url looks like this: "" Their site (which pumps out the rss feed) outputs a ton of this: "hxxp://" "hxxp://" etc. So how do I get yahoo pipes to put my site "" in front of their urls per each rss update and then output a new rss feed? What operators need to be used for doing this? I'm trying to get the end result to look like this: "hxxp:// hxxp://" "hxxp:// hxxp://" (no spaces) See? Both sites are now joined, ready for twitterfeed to tweet out the new links on autopilot. How do you do this in yahoo pipes? |
Scrapebox Commenting vs trackbacks Posted: 12 May 2011 01:56 PM PDT I noticed all WP trackbacks are nofollow. Is it better to stick with commenting or is it better to do trackbacks?...Would like more ******** than nofollow URLs. |
i have been testing and re-testing CL and i finally have it down to a science BUT! Posted: 12 May 2011 01:56 PM PDT i am not sure what to promote on there, not interested in CB products, and dating/adult/jobs is dead so ... what does that leave? |
Which BHW Member have help you a lot in Social Networking niche? Posted: 12 May 2011 01:48 PM PDT Hey guys, Are you into Social Networking niche? Always hang out at the social networking section? Often got help from a specific BHW member all the time? Share with us who is your favorite member in Social Networking niche. Or whos thread/contribution that have benefit you the most in Social Networking. Yeahhh, i know similar thread already created last time. But that is in general and this is more into Social Networking niche. Just wanted to see who is the real hustler in Social Networking :D Ok let me start, to me i found thread from Crazy, Indianbill and facebookdude have helped me the most. Other contributor are good too (seriously) but maybe this 3 people posted more information on what i'm looking for. Anyway everyone here contribute in many/different ways :) |
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