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- [METHOD] My first few thousand in IM - Lessons Learnt
- Do you use private proxy for senukex? Where to get senukex already installed VPS?
- Mass Pinging Tools?
- How to make VCC?
- Traffic Python
- godaddy domain typo error- can i get refund?
- Facebook Fan Pages for sale. I need to find buyers.
- JV for adsense expert $$$$
- Doomsday came and went- so how about this?
- [Journal/Method/spoonfeed] The 'Crashed Challenge' 30 Days to Money...
- *TIPS* Harvesting URLs with G's Palm Firmly Clenched Around Your Ballsack
- VCC for Bing that works?
- Is there some centralized source to get coupons? Even if it has monthly?
- Review: Twitter Software
- I got over 300k live autoaproved blogs, am i allowed to do this
- Anchor text multilanguage effect?
- Using a TON of categories with AMR??
- How to get a FREE PR 10 Backlink for your site.
- How long does it take G to readjust my preffered URL?
- Finally Earning $500.00/day With Leadbolt
- 400+ UV this month, no conversions
- How Many Runs With AMR Before Creating New Accounts?
- Finally Debt free!!!
- How to make Blog visible in mobile devices?
- Traffic Travis gives me .uk urls when set to U.S.! Anyone else?
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- yahoo extractor need review
- Best Place For Private/Shared Proxies?
- Best "Autoblog" Software/Plugin?
- What Services Would You Pick For...
- Wordpress Auto Social Bookmarking
- Linkpushing - lets see if it works with a real time study
- 11 Networks on on single wall?
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- Newbie can't reply to posts
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- can some one give me discount code for WPRobot?
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- Why does everyone think AMR is so great? I've had awful results..considering refund
- Sharing accounts like SEnuke is against rules?/risky?
- More Proxies --> More IP's --> More value in Google
- [ASK] Is there a quick way to reset all campaigns in WPR when to get the 1970 error?
- Hi BHW Noobs
- concrete5 better than wordpress?
- [Method] Easy Way To Get Offline Clients ! BlackHat?
- How Does Bulk Ping Work?
- Capturing Emails Idea
[METHOD] My first few thousand in IM - Lessons Learnt Posted: 21 May 2011 08:47 PM PDT Hey Guys, I've been a member here for a while, and have learnt heaps. While I'm a Sales Director for a Web Company, I like to do some IM on the side for fun, it's more of a hobby than anything, but find it very interesting. So after a few almost-successful campaigns, I came up with a great idea. So here is the method (I won't give niche, but some will work it out as this hit various forums very hard). 1. I found a D-Grade Viral Celebrity who's name was getting 50k+ Exact Searches per month. I investigated, and found that there was no real marketing push from them. 2. I approached them, and after 4 un-replied attempts to contact them, I simply wrote the following email: SUBJECT: I'll give you $100 via paypal if you don't like my idea - business proposal MESSAGE: Call me to discuss, #### ### ###, I am 100% serious about the $100 if you don't like my idea, let's make some money together. 3. I got a call within 5 minutes (literally), and proposed an eBook in this celebrities niche on a 50/50 split. I told them I'd write the eBook, and have them look over it for approval. 4. I bought an exact match domain (.com wasn't available though) and begun SEO with a 2-week pre-order campaign. I also bought an exact match for a similar slightly longer tail, and put content up. 5. I done my own link-wheel, had 5x web 2.0's, bought some xrumer profiles, scrapeboxed 25k links to these, and 1k links to my main from the highest PR links I scraped. I linked EVERYTHING to the long-tail domain, put it in Google Webmaster tools .etc along with the main. 6. I done FB Ads for the Pre-Order to the main, made good coin 7. After the longtail domain jumped up the ranks to within the top 5 and I didn't get sandboxed, I went in Webmaster tools, and said "Site Moved" to the main. I then 301 re-directed everything. 8. I started hitting the main with the same strategy as with the longtail, got to #1 within a week, selling a decent amount of pre-orders. 9. I made a considerable amount of cash on pre-orders before the book was even written. 10. I wrote the book, done a sick design (I used to be a designer), got it approved by the minor celeb, and we were good to go. 11. I upgraded my server to a VPS on Hostgator (Mistake #1). 12. I uploaded the book to Wordpress eStore (Mistake #2) with PDF Stamper and all. 13. Celeb hit his fan pages with the link - Site went down within 15 seconds. Thanks Hostgator. 14. I rang Hostgator, had it back up within 5 minutes. 15. Made a killing for 10 minutes. 16. eStore is very vulnerable - unencrypted link went VIRAL. Every forum related to the niche, got posted on the facebook Fan Pages, everywhere. Sales stopped. 17. Still #1 - still selling a few books, trying not to think about how much money was lost. Lessons Learnt -=-=-=-=-=-=- 1. Don't listen to everyone who says it's impossible to rank for high traffic keywords - pick a niche that no-one is trying to market, and make your own product. Pay someone to make it, who cares, just make a market of your own that didn't exist. 2. I don't know whether my 301 redirect idea is effective, I was paranoid about sandbox (never been hit there, just heard about it), and decided to think outside of the box. It's an obscure idea, not sure if it's any good, but it worked for me, and I have results from it. 3. Don't trust Hostgator. They're fucking liars. I spoke with their tech support 5 times and they guaranteed me I'd get 20mbps when I needed it. Judging by the possible traffic, I've done the maths - it shouldn't have gone down. 4. Don't rely on a Wordpress out-of-the-box eCommerce system to protect your book. This is your gold, protect it properly. I was once a programmer, I could've written my own software for this, but was lazy and used something off the shelf - never again. 5. Don't pick a celebrity that has a bunch of haters. The celeb I picked had twice as many people hate them as loved them, and out of spite, I got hacked. 6. Don't rush things. Take your time, think things out, and thoroughly plan every possible outcome. I was in a hurry due to excitement - if I wasn't, I could've made an easy 50k, instead, It's NOWHERE near that. 7. Beware of Karma - I was using pirated software to build this site from start to finish, and pirates are what cost me my fortune - Karma is a bitch, so I'm copping this sweet. We live and we learn, hopefully you can learn from my experience guys. Good luck! |
Do you use private proxy for senukex? Where to get senukex already installed VPS? Posted: 21 May 2011 08:33 PM PDT 1. Do you use private proxy for senukex? As it seems the success rate is really poor when using proxies. If you don't use private proxies, then how do you combat the problems of same IP for repetitive account registrations for different projects? 2. Where to get senukex already installed VPS except BHS? |
Posted: 21 May 2011 08:04 PM PDT What are some mass pinging tools that I can use? Thanks. |
Posted: 21 May 2011 08:03 PM PDT I never realized the usefulness of these Virtual Credit Cards until ebay told me to put one. I usually just verify ebay automatic payment with my verified paypal accounts but time have changed. Does anyone here know how to get VCCs? I dont want to buy it, I need to know how it's done. However, if you are selling a guide on making these then I would like to buy it. |
Posted: 21 May 2011 07:36 PM PDT Any of you guys know anything about this? Is it legit? Does anyone have any experience from it? Is it really that good? These days you can´t be to sure. There are lot of hypes out there, so I´m asking.. Maybe someone actually has something to say about this? And please before you ask me to scan the forum I did, but I only found one post with one reply. Doesen´t really help me that much. So I´m reopening the subject. :) Wreshyn. |
godaddy domain typo error- can i get refund? Posted: 21 May 2011 07:19 PM PDT i made a typing error by mistake....can i get refund ? that domain will be useless......10 dollar doesnt hurt that much but still :( |
Facebook Fan Pages for sale. I need to find buyers. Posted: 21 May 2011 07:16 PM PDT Hey, I'm looking for someone to help me find buyers for my facebook fan pages. I have a large quantity I am going to let go. Fan page sizes range from 1k-100k. PM me if you have a referral or can help. |
Posted: 21 May 2011 06:52 PM PDT Hello, I'm looking for adsense experts for my JV. Looking for someone who has been in the adsense earning game for a while and has tested multiple accounts and made it past the ban hammer. No noobies. |
Doomsday came and went- so how about this? Posted: 21 May 2011 06:48 PM PDT Go to your local thrift store. Buy a bunch of clothing. Scatter what look like outfits across the lawns of the congregations/churches who believe in this. They will arrive Sunday morning to find the empty clothing of people taken. This will mean that they got Left Behind. |
[Journal/Method/spoonfeed] The 'Crashed Challenge' 30 Days to Money... Posted: 21 May 2011 06:40 PM PDT I have spoken with HaRRo and he has agreed that I can post a stripped down version of my 'Crashed Challenge' blog for the next 30 days. I have some free time now exams are over so for the next 30 days I am posting exactly how I take a new site and turn it into a money making machine. Here are the important facts:
My end goal is to see how many people I can have earning money online within 30 days. I will be doing the challange with a random new domain I registered today ( If you want to follow the challenge you can do it with a new site, or alternatively apply some of the later techniques to your current sites. Day 1 of the challenge will be posted Monday... |
*TIPS* Harvesting URLs with G's Palm Firmly Clenched Around Your Ballsack Posted: 21 May 2011 06:26 PM PDT Yes, dracony you are right. Although months ago I didn't quite believe it at first, G does in fact ban footprints. It's essentially restricting what you can/can't search for like some kind of political regime. Apart from blatant criminal terms, G shouldn't restrict what people can or can't see. It's meant to have objectivity. Anyway, you will find the following footprints restricted: 1. powered by ANYTHING - a standard, simple footprint, the bread and butter of the beginner scraper, and often if you know the name of the platform but don't have any sites of the platform to find better footprints from, this is a good first port of call. But not for big harvests because A. it's almost NEVER the optimal footprint and B. G will burn your proxies down to worthless cinders 2. any special operator, inurl: intext: inanchor: etc. Thankfully there is one very useful operator which I don't think is as palm-clenched-around-balls strict as the others yet but if i mention it here G will ban that too ;) 3. any url string, especially in quotes. Once an extremely useful tool, it has just come to light over the past 3-6 MONTHS that G has finally caught on to it and put the brakes on. they really pissed me off with that one. So, for example, all the public profile scraping "action=profile" or (inventing this one) "/forum/member.php?u=" are all GONE. Sure, you can do a few searches with them, but NOTHING substantial. The whole forum links thing is this: xrumer has such a low success rate on *RAW* scrapes (even with the best XAS_AI that makes very little difference) that it is ALL about numbers. When you can only scrape a few thousand or so per IP, you've got 200 working proxies (public proxy numbers are diminishing by the day, ask proxygo who is very opinionated on the matter). Let's say you get 500k before your proxies are burnt out, remove duplicate domains and you've got 50,000. Let's take a very good raw scrape profile rate of 5% and you've got not a lot at all. It's not an outright ban, but in practical terms for the BH SEO guy, it's getting close. --------------------------- My tips to solve these ball-clenching problems are the following: 1. Don't stinge on your public proxies. Get a good MULTIPLE SOURCE supply of public proxies. But public proxies are free, I hear you scream! Anyone can scrape tens or hundreds of thousands of shitty dead proxies, but it takes a long time to get the right sources and even more to test all of these each and every day. In the end, it's better to leave it to somebody else. I'm not an affiliate for proxygo but his service really is kickass and indispensible for the money I paid. But don't stop there, research into ways of maximizing your total daily amounts, because all across the board working public proxies are going down. 2. Don't harvest with more threads than you have proxies, try to make it at LEAST 2:1 proxies to threads ratio. If you're not that pressed for time, also use SB's delay function or hrefer's antiban function to keep the proxies going for longer. Faster is nearly always not better for large harvests because once G realises you are automating queries, down comes the ban hammer and the proxy is gone. You may think that public proxies are infinite but as time goes by and tools become more popular, yet the supply is not increasing to meet that demand, there is a squeeze on at the moment and it will only get worse. 3. Be inventive with your footprints. Powered by, special operators and so on once worked well, and they still can for small harvests and Yahoo! , but now for G you can't do that anymore. Think like a human, not like a bot. I can't say more than that here because G will bring down the ban hammer on everything we know that is right and good in this world. I will give you one last tip -- while it may be tempting to resort to Yahoo! and worse BING for your efforts, they are only to be used as supplements. For certain CMS Yahoo can be bizarrely good, for example it is very good at PHPBB, but for most, G is where it's at. Even with the most refined footprints that perform admirably with G, put it in BING and you get a load of irrelevant crap. And for harvesting foreign languages in hrefer, you have GOT to have G. TO ALL EMPLOYEES OF GOOGLE AND ESPECIALLY THE WEB SPAM TEAM. I AM NOT TRYING TO SPAM ANYONE OR DO ANY HARM. I JUST WANT TO BE ABLE TO SEARCH WITH PROXIES AS MUCH AS I WANT WITHOUT YOU RESTRICTING MY FREEDOMS. IN ORDER TO PACIFY YOU, ESPECIALLY MATT CU%20TS, I OFFER YOU A NICE PICTURE OF A HOT GIRL IN A BIKINI, SO THAT YOU CAN MAYBE TRY TO GRAB HER INSTEAD OF OUR BALLS, BECAUSE GRABBING MALE BALLS IS SLIGHTLY GAY ![]() |
Posted: 21 May 2011 06:14 PM PDT Hello, Does somebody sell a VCC for Bing Yahoo Adcenter that works? I don't want to set up the account and get the account disabled in hours... or a maybe a VCC for adwords. But I feel they'll ban me right away. PM me. |
Is there some centralized source to get coupons? Even if it has monthly? Posted: 21 May 2011 05:47 PM PDT Been looking for a company that provides data-base level of working coupons, but I haven't found any. Anyone point me in the right direction? |
Posted: 21 May 2011 05:40 PM PDT hey guys been out of the loop for a minute. was wondering whats some good twitter software out there to get? i see hummingbird2 is updated, anyone try that yet? thanks |
I got over 300k live autoaproved blogs, am i allowed to do this Posted: 21 May 2011 05:30 PM PDT Okay so i sorted some things lately, to be able to do large volume blast 1: i bought new computer (i7 cpu, 6gigs or ram) 2: i harvested like crazy 3: i got 2.4 million uniq AA pages (comming from 10k uniq sites) 4: still waiting to get bandwidth lifted from 20/20 to 50/50, hopefully on monday or tuesday 5: i need more private proxies for blasting (i have only 25 of them, and i have to often some problems with them) while doing blast to tier 1 links, i see posts are succesfull (25 proxies, 50 connections, but unfortunatly pipe at at 20/20 is to small, becouse banwdith is at max, hopefullly 50/50 mbits will do it better) in aprox 33% case, and when checking those 33% succesfull i get 50% actual live links so its like like 2.4 million / 6 = 400k, and with reserve when full run is finished it should be surely over 300k now, i wonder, am i allowed to do this (or its not allowed to ask for help on exchange for help on bhw?) Can i ask: -i will do free 40k blast to someone who writes me x amount of articles? -or similar stuff (pinging, xrumer, making 2.0 properties for me, etc) -ask if someone can provide me a few private proxies for large scale blast, etc is this allowed to request ? |
Anchor text multilanguage effect? Posted: 21 May 2011 05:29 PM PDT Hi Guys, Does anybody know if google translates anchor texts for search results? For example: I have a french website targetting "lunettes de soleil" or french for "sunglasses". If I build links with the anchortext "sunglasses" to this site, will it help in the serps for the french keyword? It's the same word, just in an other language. The site itself is french in this example and I'm targetting I wonder if somebody tested this before? |
Using a TON of categories with AMR?? Posted: 21 May 2011 05:29 PM PDT I want to get the maximum amount of livelinks / active articles that I can. So here is what I am thinking about trying for categories, since we all know how much of a stumbling stone that categories can be: I am going to compile one big list out of the top/main categories of many different article directory sites. Then I'm gonna put them all into a text doc, in proper AMR format (IE: like this: business,health,health & fitness,family,automotive) (except it is going to be a WAY longer list than that. Then for each new article, I will use like 5-10 of what I think are the most relevant categories, and then put them at the front of the list, and leave the gazillion other category choices in the list too. This way, in theory, if the article directory doesn't have any RELEVANT options, surely it will find SOMETHING to use within my big list of categories, am I right? Anyone else use this approach? It would be near impossible to get a category mismatch when doing this, wouldn't it? |
How to get a FREE PR 10 Backlink for your site. Posted: 21 May 2011 04:56 PM PDT Step 1. Get a Google email account: Joe Schmuck. Step 2. Do a Google search for Google Profile and click on create my profile and fill in the about me stuff. Step 3. You should be logged in with the email account you created in step 1. Step 4. In the Short Bio box, create your backlink: Joe schmuck is an SEO Expert ib Blog content promotion. Include anchor text in the Bio: Where (hxxp://nnnn) is the website you want to link. The 'SEO' should be undrescored & highlighted if you did it right. Step 5. Click on the 'Create Google Profile' button. Step 5. You can add other URL's too. Step 6. Take a copy of your link to Digg, sign up with them and submit your Google link that you just copied and it will move you up in the SERP. Enjoy! Just something I picked up... |
How long does it take G to readjust my preffered URL? Posted: 21 May 2011 04:50 PM PDT Google has indexed my website as (instead of I've set the preferred URL to include the www. in G webmasters. I'm wondering if you guys know how long it generally takes for G to update this new change? |
Finally Earning $500.00/day With Leadbolt Posted: 21 May 2011 04:24 PM PDT Using a content locker and promoting my website with YouTube is gets me HUGE traffic. Currently have around 10 keywords I'm targetting Searches: 100 000/Month Page 1/2/3/4 & 10 Keywords #1 on Google Searches: 20 000+/month Page 1, #1 Content locker converts at a 5% rate! My Secret: Web 2.0 Properties ! Lots of EM! |
400+ UV this month, no conversions Posted: 21 May 2011 04:17 PM PDT So far I have 400+ UV and I just started this website around 3 weeks ago. I'm getting around 30-40 UV a day and I've been dancing on G anywhere from #10 on page 1 or somewhere on pg 2 or 3. Should I start changing some things up because I havn't gotten a conversion yet? Do you guys usually get 1 sale after say 100 visitors? Or should I just be patient and wait for more visitors and getting a higher rank on the big G? edit: also of those 400+, I have gotten 130+ hops and 24 order form impressions. I'm new at clickbank considering this is my first monetizing technique so any help will be beneficial. Thanks! |
How Many Runs With AMR Before Creating New Accounts? Posted: 21 May 2011 03:57 PM PDT I'm still kinda new to AMR, and was wondering a couple of things: How often should I make new accounts when using AMR? So far I have gone a month on the same account, submitting one article each day. It seems as though I am getting less and less live links. And I have been submitting a new, highly spun, high quality article each day. Since the directories seem to come and go on their own, almost as if AMR has a mind of its own, does this mean I should create new accounts more often? Also, and equally important question that hopefully someone can answer: Does each and every article title have to be unique with AMR? Will the article directories reject an article that has a title that has already been used by someone else? Or do you just have to make sure each article title is unique for that ONE account that you are using over and over? Thanks a ton for any info (I tried to join the AMR forums but had no luck - I never got an email confirmation) |
Posted: 21 May 2011 03:50 PM PDT I have finally paid off all my credit cards! and i currently own no one nothing :D such an amazing feeling! Debt size - a little over $5k. How I did it - Worked hard doing a normal 9 - 5 and allot of over time. The quick fix thing is a dream, real work is the reality. Get that right an you will forever be happy. :D |
How to make Blog visible in mobile devices? Posted: 21 May 2011 03:34 PM PDT Is there a plugin or something to make a site or blog viewable on mobile devices like iPhone, Nokia N8 etc Thanks |
Traffic Travis gives me .uk urls when set to U.S.! Anyone else? Posted: 21 May 2011 03:29 PM PDT Hey, I'm in north america, but every time I use TT it gives me several .uk addresses when I'm using the SEO analysis mode. It's done this since the beginning. When I go to my browser to see the top 10 US results, there are never any of the .uk urls in there. Is this happening to anyone else? Makes the program pretty useless for me. ed |
Posted: 21 May 2011 03:29 PM PDT Hey BHW :D (moron-me , nvm) I'll get to the point right away. So I started a WP blog 3 weeks ago (to be exact). (domain + hosting). Keyword I want to rank #1 (2-word keyword) 6600 monthly searches (exact) €1- 2 CPC Stats: Main ranking keyword is NOT in the domain name Domain name is niche related but not keyword related Articles: 33 (25+ keyword SEO) 300-400 indexed pages Ranking first page for long/short tail keyword combinations Ranking page 21 for my main (2 words) keyword. Pagerank 0/10 Uses: Manual backlinking on blogs, forums, yahoo, etc. WPSynIT (pro version) THANKS RSS submit & pining All required plugins, included SST2-mofo :eek: Couple youtube vids No SEnuke or SB blasts and all that automated crap, no money for it. Twitter & all other (15+) social networks. 680 followers atm / 1780 following Monetize: Began using adsense couple days ago (€0.38 with 2 clicks) PROBLEM!!! (Question: Is this normal &/ good? Google analytics: (last 3-4 days only 25-28 UV's) ![]() Thank you BHW for everything |
Getting better ranking in!! Posted: 21 May 2011 03:19 PM PDT Hi I have a website in french but its not even showing in the first 100 result , it has a good ranking in and , same for yahoo . so i was wondering what i can do to make it ranked for .fr , i was thinking of buying an .fr domain but after i checked my competitors it seems they are all using .com . Do the server's country make a big difference on this ? |
Posted: 21 May 2011 03:19 PM PDT hello fellow bhw members has anyone tried this software ive been looking all over the forum and google for a yahoo extractor and it seems that this is the only candidate. i want to buy this software can anyone provide maybe more info about this software? if it works good or does it work at all? greatly appreciate if it if anyone can provide an info or suggest other software to extract emails from yahoo willing to pay if someone could make an app for this |
Best Place For Private/Shared Proxies? Posted: 21 May 2011 03:17 PM PDT ive seen a few proxie services mentioned here but i would like to know what proxie services shared and private you guys have had good results with and would recommend? your feedback is appreciated :D |
Best "Autoblog" Software/Plugin? Posted: 21 May 2011 03:14 PM PDT I'm looking for the best autoblog software/plugin for wordpress. I want to setup 10 tonight and they all must support the following:
also hopefully an integrated spinner. If not i guess I could work without one... Anyways all help is appreciated... I'm trying to build funds for my site because I need to buy over 500k back links. |
What Services Would You Pick For... Posted: 21 May 2011 03:04 PM PDT I want some help picking out services from the "For Hire" section for my site- I want to steadily build a nice outsourced package to achieve my goal. With panda it seems some of the SB and xrumr stuff may be questionable. Im looking for long term strategy, this is not an affiliate style site. I need longevity and stability. Im new to the game but learning tons from BHW, My site is 3 years old 2500 backlinks so far Ranking number 12 for exact keyword 18,100 global searches 15.7mil results Ranking number 8 for exact keyword 3,600 global searches 6.2 mil results The niche is fairly competitive, I need to break the number 3 spot in order to pay the bills. Purchase number 1- 5 linkpwns from Botwiz, 3 for the #12 ranking and 2 for the #8 ranking. Botwiz is going to drip them slowly over 2-3 days per linkpwn. Looks like it has good reviews, Purchase number 2- I purchased these blog posts below. Should be helpful High PR Blog Network Packages: 10 Permanent PR 6 posts -100% unique articles -ETA: 7-10 Days -Price: $175 So what else should I purchase as part of my monthly plan. I have the budget set aside for this so lend a brother a hand!! |
Wordpress Auto Social Bookmarking Posted: 21 May 2011 03:02 PM PDT I know there is a plug in that will post to social networks after you upload a post to your wordpress blog, but I want to know if there is a similar plug in that will just randomly go through all existing posts and book mark them on a schedule, like 10 a day or something. |
Linkpushing - lets see if it works with a real time study Posted: 21 May 2011 02:59 PM PDT I keep seeing people posting about their link pushing successes. I know a lot of people are skeptical when they read such things so im going to do a real time study. I have just registered the following domain name - it has about 1k exact searches per month It has 8950 results when searched for the key word in brackets. From what im reading, a few good articles and a few link pushes should get this to the first page or two in google for the main keyword. Im going to add some articles tomorrow, then start the link pushes at the start of the week. The journey begins....:cool: |
11 Networks on on single wall? Posted: 21 May 2011 02:59 PM PDT Does somebody know a network where this is possible? Connect to and get updates and send messages or other things from Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, LinkedIn, Yahoo, Youtube, Friendster, Photobucket, Last.FM, Flickr and Foursquare via a social stream? Cheers, |
Posted: 21 May 2011 02:58 PM PDT I'd like to share with you something I did that generated just under 1 million dollars of revenue for a company I owned over a 4 year period. Back in the 90's I owned a bottled water company, the kind of company that sold 5 gallon bottles of water and rented water coolers on a monthly basis. My business was about 65% commercial clients and 35% residential clients and that was by design. The residential clients would pay quicker but had less volume and that cash flow kept my business running so that I could wait for the commercial clients that had larger volume to pay their bills. In that business, the fastest way to grow the clientele was to go door to door to businesses and offer the service on a trial basis. Give them one month free rental and 4 free bottles of water and if they wanted to keep the service, I then started billing them for the cooler rental and set them up on a delivery schedule; generally every 2 or 4 weeks. By calling on businesses, I would also generate residential clients from the business owners as well as the people that worked in those businesses. One thing I would do though is when working an area, I would hit every business no matter how big or how small because you just do not know what lies behind that door when you approach it. The business was doing well even though I was under capitalized because I would work from 4:00 AM until 8:00 PM 6 days a week (yeah, I was and still am a bit of a work-a-holic) but that was what was actually necessary to make it work in the first few years. One day, I'm out cold calling on businesses (I always did that face to face) and I came upon a company that was building a coal fired power plant in the area that I was working and went to the trailer on the property where the purchasing manager had his office. I walked in, introduced myself, explained a little about my company, my products and my pricing and asked him what he was doing for his bottled water needs. He told me that he was using "Competitor A" and was happy with both the product and service and asked why I was different than the other guy. I explained that I knew "Competitor A" had a good product and I was sure that his service was fine and that I doubt that if he changed companies that he would see much difference in either. I told him that we both put our customers on routes and that we assigned well trained drivers to serve our clients and that we both had to pass the same FDA requirements so in essence the difference would be negligible. I thanked him for taking time to talk with me, gave him my card and also wrote my cell down on the card in the event that he had an emergency and that "Competitor A" was unavailable and I would be glad to try and help. Back then, my cell phone bill was in the 500.00 neighborhood monthly. Lo and behold a few weeks later my cell rings on a Sunday and it's the purchasing manager, "BTB, this is Jim from "Texas based coal fired power plant building company and I need some water real fast... can you help me out?" He had 50 bottles of water inside of an hour of course and a few days later called me up and asked me to come and get the empty bottles. We went up there to get the bottles and thank him for the business and in the course of the conversation he said, "You know what, Bleep Competitor A, if he can't serve me when I need to be served, I don't want him. How fast can you get me 200 water coolers and 1000 bottles of water?" 2 days later, I am delivering a truck load of water every day, 7 days a week to that job site as well as so much block ice that I was the biggest customer of the local ice manufacturing plant and billing him 4,500.00 a week. Fast forward to a couple of years down the road... the coal fired power plant is winding down and I'm slowly picking up water coolers from them, dialing back on the volume of water being delivered and I see that the city is putting out a bid for bottled water and water coolers. I get a copy of the bid as well as the pricing of the current company that is serving the city, read it over, pound out some numbers on a calculator and put in a bid. Now, when you are bidding a big contract with a major municipality, you have to prove that you have the wherewithal to buy the necessary equipment as well as the assets to serve that municipality. The purchasing agent for the city calls me in and begins to tell me that he thinks I am too small an outfit to give him the service he requires. Fortunately, I was prepared as I had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen as I've dealt with cities, counties as well as a state when working for others so I showed him the titles to all my trucks (all paid for), the list of current inventory of bottled water coolers (all paid for), my business bank statements for the past 6 months and had a letter of recommendation from the power plant purchasing agent. That kept him from precluding me from the bidding process... we won the bid and it was a 250,000.00 year contract for 2 years. A year and a half into the contract, I sold the business to three separate people for hundreds of thousands of dollars. So, just by being diligent and making sure that I didn't skip one door to knock on, I ended up generating somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 million dollars. You SEO guys, don't leave one stone unturned, be faithful in your marketing. You guys with 1 site or 100 sites, make sure that you take full advantage of the site and don't just aim for one KW, mix it up, add in others and you'll end up with more traffic and more revenue. You service providers, offer a quality product and good service, go the extra mile especially when you don't want to and you may just land a big client. Those of you that work offline jobs, make sure that whatever you do, that you outwork the other guy and you'll succeed. Offline business owners, take some of what I have shared and implement it in whatever way works for you and get that extra customer, additional client and build your revenue. Are you a commissioned sales person? There are some things in this post that can really make you money. Hopefully some of you can take some of the above, adapt it to your personal situation and end up increasing your revenue, making your savings account larger and giving you a better lifestyle. |
Posted: 21 May 2011 02:55 PM PDT Hello everyone, well for some strange reason, despite having registered yesterday, confirmed my addy and now found how to agree to the forum rules, I can't seem to post a reply. (and I had a really good answer for someone) So thought I would see if I can start a thread instead. I recently switched to Black Hat because like many other wannabe IMs, I have finally realized that to do it the honest way these days is impossible! The likes of Google, Ebay and PayPal have become to powerful and now they have made their billions they seem intent on not letting anyone else make even a dollar. Well stuff them! I am stirring my cauldron and will make it bubble over with success!!! |
How do I sell software the right way? Posted: 21 May 2011 02:53 PM PDT I am curious how you guys sell software the right way? like for example: someone buys my software with paypal and get's auto sent a serial or some one can start the software by entering there paypal email+name? what do you guys use? |
Any decatcha services work with your BROWSER? Posted: 21 May 2011 02:52 PM PDT Hey, I've read you need an api to use the decaptcha services out there, but I'm not entirely sure what that means. Is it possible to setup a decaptcha service to run just through my browser? So if I'm at google doing keyword research and a captcha pops up... I'd like it automatically solved. Is that impossible? ed |
UBOT COUPON - $70 Discount and FREE Bonus Bots Posted: 21 May 2011 02:34 PM PDT What's up Hatters, If you're looking at buying Ubot studio but don't want to pay full price you can get a pretty sweet deal with some free bonus bots to save you some time and money. Assuming you already know about Ubot and just want to get your discount and free bots, go here to get your >> Ubot Coupon and Free bonus bots. After you make your purchase follow the steps on that site to get your bonus bots emailed to you. You get the bots with ubot source code so you can make edits/mods. The site lists what bots are part of the free bonus. Assuming you don't know what Ubot studio is, then here is a brief synopsis of what it can do for you: With Ubot you can: - Automate anything that you can do in a normal browser window - Switch/flip proxies - Uses a drag and drop interface for easy coding - Full captcha support (decaptcher/death by captcha...etc) - Compile your ubot bots into .exe files - Sell your bots and make money! Ubot bots that people have made: - Account creation bots - Email link clicker - Yahoo answer bots - Article submitters - Link builders - Rss feed bots - PPC management - Scraping bots - Proxy harvesting bots If you don't know how to code in PHP and want something that is much more user friendly then Ubot is your answer. Go here to get your Ubot Discount and free bonus bots and start makin some dough!! |
can some one give me discount code for WPRobot? Posted: 21 May 2011 02:31 PM PDT i've been looking for that discount code and i spent almost 1 hour... what a wasteful time... anyway please provide me if you have one! |
Need code to invite all friends. Posted: 21 May 2011 02:25 PM PDT The code has changed.... please send me a pm with a price for the code... NEED IT ASAP |
Why does everyone think AMR is so great? I've had awful results..considering refund Posted: 21 May 2011 02:10 PM PDT Now I don't think it's fair to say user error in this case. It is the actual link quality I am concerned about. Granted I'm still learning it but I've had a run with over 100 livelinks. I also hasten to add I have also been RSSing and bookmarking the last ones. Checking in SB last I checked most of them showed they were indexed from that run. I'm not too bothered about sign up rate since I put that down to user error. I'd be happy learning to increase my sign ups if I didn't think the actual links were junk. I was thinking about it and most of these links are pr0 which means I could have just done a crappy scrapebox blast with WAAAAY less effort and got many many more links for it. So I really don't understand why people give it so much praise. I'm thinking they are either stupid and don't know what is working from what is not and just praise AMR cos it's one thing they used...or they have some vested interest as affiliates like is usually the case. I wanted to give it a fair shot but since alot of my links are live and indexed and I have seen no noticeable serp climbs I don't see much more I can do other than get a refund. Also the forum is really quiet over there, plus very superficial instructions on the site, so there is the distinct feeling that after purchase I am 'left to fend for myself'. I want to make it work so vincey boy if you'd care to help me out like you did debbie I'd love to make it work- such that I can see tangible improvements in my serps form my efforts. I shall then amend my comments here otherwise I'll be going for that refund. |
Sharing accounts like SEnuke is against rules?/risky? Posted: 21 May 2011 02:09 PM PDT Don't know, I made this thread as I was just trying to get an opinion and info Then I got a message from a member with 22 posts that want's to have a go. I was, however planning to give it to someone else who I already know, but then I saw this second reply in this thread here I don't know much about sharing accounts, I've read BHW rules at least 10 times since I first came here, and I even did a quick search through it and it states nothing about sharing accounts. I mean... my trial will expire in few days so who cares, I got other things to do, and especially if there is a risk or something. (I used my "spam sponge" mail for SEnukeX that I don't care much about if that's of any importance) |
More Proxies --> More IP's --> More value in Google Posted: 21 May 2011 02:08 PM PDT Is this correct? Should I upgrade my amount of proxies? |
[ASK] Is there a quick way to reset all campaigns in WPR when to get the 1970 error? Posted: 21 May 2011 01:57 PM PDT For some reason I keep getting this error and I have to manually go one by one to reset the campaigns. Is there a quick way to reset them all at once? Thanks |
Posted: 21 May 2011 01:57 PM PDT So tell me... Did the title entice you to click this? (Seriously though, not looking to offend anyone ;)) I guess this is where i should introduce myself without giving away too much information... I'm a 22-year old guy from Belgium, home of the famous beers and ... (you tell me, what else are we famous for? Definitely not the hot chicks, as there aren't that many here, you should visit our neighbours for that, along with the far too expensive, but legalized grass). I started my IM/SEO journey about 7 months ago, when i stumbled upon a "make 14 thousand billion gazillion a month" guru site (seriously Chris Farrell, should you be reading this, go stick your crappy membership site where the sun doesn't shine). Luckily, i found a forum (this is to you Choppers) where they quickly made me realize that i didn't need the guru products or crappy warrior sales offers to make it online. In those 7 months, i learned a great deal of SEO, and realized that the only thing you need to improve rankings is hard work/dedication and creativity... oh and not to forget, some fancy blackhat tools ;) Working on a MacBook Pro right now (which doesn't mean i can't run your crappy windows operating system with its 'sophisticated' tools) in my bedroom, 16-18 hours a day - 7 days a week. After trying to sell shitty CB products with no success for months (can you blame me, 99% of CB products are rip-offs, wouldn't even give them away for free) i'm finally seeing some income from a website where i offer advertising space to local businesses. Long live the Belgian social support system though, which enabled me to keep trying/testing all those months, while still receiving an income. (i quit my day job 8 months ago, after working there for 3 years) Anywayzzz, gonna get me some fancy avatar now |
concrete5 better than wordpress? Posted: 21 May 2011 01:47 PM PDT This seems like a really easy way to build unique looking sites; Have a look at what people have built with this cms. It's opensource.:cool: never heard about it until today. forgot to add this OMG! |
[Method] Easy Way To Get Offline Clients ! BlackHat? Posted: 21 May 2011 01:38 PM PDT This is a great way to get a huge amount of offline clients with free advertising. Lets Get Right To It: All you have to do is monitor buildings. Usually in the early mornings a stack of delivery newspapers are going to be placed in the front of buildings/apartments. This is a great opportunity to grab the stack of newspapers, walk away, turn the corner, sort the newspapers one by one, throw away all the advertisements, brochures, whatever and start stuffing it with your ads. Your flyers, your business cards. Return and leave the newspaper stack building by building. The only ads that get distributed in your area via newspapers circulate. Stay by the phone and expect phone calls! Don't Forget To Hit Thanks! |
Posted: 21 May 2011 01:28 PM PDT As the title says, how does bulk ping work? I know what it does but i'm interested to learn the workings of the pinging method. Anyone able to help on this? |
Posted: 21 May 2011 01:28 PM PDT Does anyone do this..... lets say you find a clickbank offer that has a 6-part mini course, and you still want to capture the visitor's email, not just send them to the affiliate page. Why not just put up a capture with your email, then later on, enter their emails into the affiliate page, so both you and the advertiser get teh customer email / name. I'm too lazy to make a 6 part training course myself and would rather just get a ton of traffic and collect emails. Anyone do this? |
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