Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO |
- helllo every one onstop ebook provider here for free
- How Do You Get Youtube Video On Front Page Of Google?
- Content Locer with adsense?
- Would my PPal account get gayed?
- ...Waiting on my ScrapeBox Activation...
- I Called Google Today & They Dont Like Affiliates!
- Who's from or have been to Jakarta Indonesia?
- Questions about HMA VPN
- help to loop rss feeds
- Host For Web Is Run By Idiots!!!!
- Is there a way to change the time on BHW to EST?
- What Is Your Opinion On The New G Update?
- Do You Use REAL Information With Namecheap Account?
- Does Cj take your commissions if you have no sales lately?
- OneHourBacklinks - Reviews?
- [newbie] no visitors even though ranked #2
- [Success Story] 100th BHW Post.
- All Proxides Died during SB Run
- How To verify a Facebook account for advertising ?
- Any 3rd party ways to get money out of my papyal account
- JV Invite For Serious people! - The Facebook ATM - for super AFFs only!
- Wordpress vs Joomla - which is better and why?
- CPA Redirector and Adsense?
- Will switching a site from Joomla to Wordpress lose page 1 rank?
- Partner Dropshipping?
- Can anyone suggest me a good WP Plugin for this?
- WTF happened to WickedFire?
- Canadian forwarded landlines or PVAs
- Has BHW changed your life?
- What Ads Should Be On a Black Hat Site?
- Selling on Amazon? How do you find out what sells and what doesn't?
- Rss submitting
- Affiliate Sites For Marijuana Vaporizers
- adsense and youtube? (possbl n00b cntnt)
- Anyone here do CSC? Worth the investment if you have an idea?
- Whats wrong with my internet help
- Dumb WP Question
- Need a list of nicknames
- Conversions
- Could this be a goldmine? 11,100,000 Monthly Searches & No Competition
- How Can We Use Tools Like "Magic Submitter" & "Senuke" Safely With Google New Update
- Best software for backlinking?
- Light speed lazy method to get 80% unique articles free
- Im new - but i think i used to post here?
- What Do You Think About This Micro (Micro) Niche ?
- Adsense ads click - Noobs, do not enter please
- Directory Power Submitter - PhpLD 4.0 Category Submission
- If BHW was a country, what would the avg..
- Need a tool like the Black Widow
- High Ranking No Backlinks ???
helllo every one onstop ebook provider here for free Posted: 04 Apr 2011 08:34 PM PDT helllllo i m here for providing ebooks related to seo , traffic and make money :D | |
How Do You Get Youtube Video On Front Page Of Google? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 08:23 PM PDT To get your Youtube video or whatever video on the front page of Google I would assume you would post your video on a website related to you video with a Page Rank and make sure your keyword is in the Title of the video? Another scenario would be to post your video in a forum and wait for the search engines to pick it up? I'm not sure about these options but what do you think? :) | |
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 08:18 PM PDT Is there anyway I could put a gateway or content locker on a site with adsense on it. I want people to have to submit an iframed email submit to access my site | |
Would my PPal account get gayed? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 08:17 PM PDT gayed as in frozen for no reason since we all know they like doing that shit. I have about $500 in my balance at the moment and I'm about to receive some more over the next couple weeks, might hit $1000. wondering if I'm still safe from paypal or is my funds getting a little to high? (no bank account to deposit to) | |
...Waiting on my ScrapeBox Activation... Posted: 04 Apr 2011 07:51 PM PDT I purchased ScrapeBox back in January 2010 (over a year ago). I have not had a use for it but I think I need to use it to scrape some URL's from a website. So, after not being able to find a program that works and getting feedback on here to use ScrapeBox, I've decided to use it. It took me a while to find my order email. Once I did, I realized that it had to be activated as it does not use a key... Just waiting. I hope it comes soon... Thanks for reading and handing out in the lounge with me. | |
I Called Google Today & They Dont Like Affiliates! Posted: 04 Apr 2011 07:47 PM PDT I took the time to call Google today and wanted to ask them why my Adwords account was suspended. The lady on the phone told me the reason my account was banned was due to "direct linking" to clickbank landing pages. She also stated that each Adword account can only be promoted for one url. There can be no affiliate links on the website that I'm promoting from adwords on my website? She said I can promote my own product on my website though. My question is what the hell is Google doing? When did they implement these standards? If Google is anti-affiliate does that mean if you have a website with clickbank links on it, you will be pushed down in the serps? | |
Who's from or have been to Jakarta Indonesia? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 07:30 PM PDT I'll be flying to Jakarta, Indonesia for a business meeting tom. I only have a day to spare and can only go tour within the Jakarta area. Is anyone from Jakarta here? Any popular night spots? ;) Arby | |
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 07:27 PM PDT I've been sending emails (using Milmascot and WebMailing) and I used HMA VPN to hide my ip, but yesterday I include my personal email to the email list that I send and when I woke up I still have not received any emails. Is there any possibilities that HMA VPN block the emails that I send? Thanks in advance! | |
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 07:17 PM PDT Hi all Sorry if in wrong section, not sure where to ask Is there a way to loop(repeat) a rss feed maybe by adding code , say I post 20 updates or posts, the feed will start from the beginning and post the same 20 things over and over again michael | |
Host For Web Is Run By Idiots!!!! Posted: 04 Apr 2011 06:56 PM PDT I just moved my websites. When I am swearing at my computer my husband asks if I am online with "Sue". These are real conversation that I can prove. I kept the emails. The last one is epic and word for word! The server at Host for Web has cycles of so much traffic my website wouldn't load. I have support tickets dating back to Oct over this problem. The tickets were titled. My Website Is Not Loading and Timing Out Over and over they asked me what the problem was. Well duh! Could it be the problem is the one in the title of the message? Over and over and over they asked for me to run a tracert for my website. Each and every time, I would be asked why I sent sent a tracert report. Then they would say the server was working fine when they checked it. Nothing changed. My page always took more than a minute to load (when it loaded) and they said it was my layout and content slowing it down. One told me was my ISP was the problem but wouldn't explain why their sites were the only ones timing out. Now that I have moved. My page loads fast and I have had no problem since I moved. Their tech support people don't actually read the tickets. THE MOST condescending ass holes on the planet! Probably a year after I got the account this happened. Why did you change my account name from hobbitstohumans to losilledot com? I am sorry we cannot change the name of your account once it is setup. Yes you can cause you did. It has always been under hobbitstohumans. Then I got a long condescending message telling me that I was wrong and obviously had not paid attention to my account. I went through my old emails and found my registration email with their confirmation of my account hobbitstohumans. I got a curt note saying they would send my request to next level tech support. Never acknowledged they were wrong. They didn't say kiss my ass, go to hell or anything. This weekend I went through this. Me You billed my credit card. I want it refunded you don't have permission to charge to it. Them: You have 3 active accounts with us and subscribed for the automatic paypal withdrawal, you started it yourself and confirmed from your paypal account. Me: There is no automatic withdrawal on my PayPal account and no money was taken from it. Everything was billed to the credit card. Them: All you need is to cancel paypal subscription which you started, we can't cancel it and this can be done only from your side. Client starts and cancels paypal subscription from the paypal account. Me: There is no automatic withdrawal on my PayPal account and no money was taken from it. Everything was billed to the credit card. Them: We need the Paypal transaction number. Me: I don't have a Paypal transaction number. Attached are screen caps of my invoices. You will see that the method of payment was Paypal in March and Credit Card in April. Them: Please explain what do you exactly need? Would you like to change your payment method to paypal? Attached is a screen capture for the credit card account that you took the April payment from without my permission. It is NOT PayPal. The invoice you used is 154035. I would like that refunded. I want to cancel everything except the domain registrations you have!!!!!!! Them: I don't undestand reason of this cancellation if your hosting is working fine with us. We can refund last charge PayPal charge and use credit card instead, I don't see any difficulties here. I was so pissed off at this point that I had a headache! It took every ounce of self control to not send back a string of swear words. I don't fucking care if they refund my credit card. I just don't ever want to deal with those stupid dumb asses. | |
Is there a way to change the time on BHW to EST? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 06:53 PM PDT So im not very bright to begin with.. but is there any option hidden where I could make BHW display my time zone? It drives me ape shit looking at what? Greenwich mean time? I know Harro and those guys are in the UK but shit give a dumb Yankee a break. | |
What Is Your Opinion On The New G Update? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 06:35 PM PDT Id like to get some peoples thoughts on what the new G update consists of... Id like to hear everyones opinion, maybe some other people would like to know. | |
Do You Use REAL Information With Namecheap Account? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 06:32 PM PDT Do you guys make your Namecheap accounts with REAL info (pariticularly street address)? I dont want any law suits or letters sent to my house....I am 16 years old living with my yeah don't want to get in big trouble.:cool: Right now all my money from clickbank is directly linked into my bank account. I plan on using paypal for my domain (you can do that, right?) Thanks guys! | |
Does Cj take your commissions if you have no sales lately? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 06:15 PM PDT I just noticed a 11.00 credit and it referenced a Transcation ID, but when I search for it by id; it didn't appear. There any charges if you don't have a lot of sales? | |
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 06:11 PM PDT hello mates :D This new service (OneHourBacklinks) is with some adverts here in BHW. Their website looks nice, and they offer a kinda good service... Anyone already used it? Any reviews? D0-F0llow/No-Follow ratio? Regards, Soares | |
[newbie] no visitors even though ranked #2 Posted: 04 Apr 2011 05:56 PM PDT Hi, I used the google external keyword tool to find a search term that has 40k global searches a month, and registered a domain name containing that term. I'm now ranked #2 for that term and there's still no traffic to the site. I may not have the best design skills, but they aren't too bad. Even if the articles aren't informative, at the very least, people would have visited and left. Problem is no one is visiting at all. To check ranking, I used scroogle scraper as well as Google. My web history is disabled for Google, so the Google #2 results should be accurate. I use Google Analytics for stats reporting. Any ideas? | |
[Success Story] 100th BHW Post. Posted: 04 Apr 2011 05:40 PM PDT Almost a year ago I joined BHW not knowing what it even meant. I was directed here by a friend who told me he found some knowledge here. I didn't post much because I was barely understanding the stuff being posted here. I made this forum my Home Page and basically absorbed all of the information I could find. This forum has literally changed my life. I was a kid who was always into hustling things in high school, but BHW allowed for me to see that money is waiting on the internet, and it's legal. I am a university student who had a line of credit, and had depression because life was hard. Thanks to Google External Keyword tool, SEO Spyglass and SEO, I was able to find a niche that had thousands of monthly searches and started building my site on WordPress. WordPress can be a pain in the ass sometimes. I had it installed with Fantastico De Luxe and it would give me nasty errors. I reinstalled it and it seems to work fine now when I install plugins. Remember to have them in .zip and to delete unnecessary folders. Quote:
Themes are still giving me trouble so I upload them on my host's File Manager in .zip format and extract them there. Remember to delete the .zip after in order to not use too much disk space. DO NOT MAKE YOUR SITE SOUND LIKE A SALES PAGE. IF YOU ARE "REVIEWING" A PRODUCT, MAKE IT SOUNDS REAL, AND CREATE A STORY TO GO ALONG WITH IT. THAT HELPS THE READER KNOW THAT IT IS AN AVERAGE JOE LIKE HIM WRITING IT. Absolutely necessary plugins in my arsenal: 1. All in One SEO Pack - Pro Version virus total: 2. Google XML Sitemaps 3. SEO Friendly Images 4. SEO Booster Pro (You may have to tweak it to calm down a bit) 5. MaxBlogPress ***** Affiliate (Hides my affiliate links) 6. Theme Authenticity Checker (Notifies me if there's hidden code in my themes) 7. WP Widget Cache 8. Simple Press (It's a forum for WordPress. Only install if you have a large community on your website) As for SEO. I didn't bother with useless blasts. Don't waste your money on that. You should invest in High PR backlinks and High Authority pages. Those PR0 pages are just a waste of time and focus. Manual submissions have allowed for my backlinks to stick, and my forum posts are legit, while my signature's picture contains my link. Automating can make your life easier, but for me the costs outweigh the positives. I cannot afford to pay so much money for initial costs and monthly charges for products like Senuke X and XRumer even though they are fantastic. With Google's new update, manual submissions and quality services on BHW have allowed me to do just fine without spending a lot of money. ScrapeBox is awesome because it's only $57 and can do a lot. Here is a website with fresh proxies every day: Pay attention to your competition. I have found some quality backlinks through SEO Spyglass just by copying my competitor's. Always try to stay a step ahead. That Facebook account has go to go. Temporarily disable it if you want to keep it. So many people are close to success, but stop because they feel that the effort isn't worth it. Believe me, don't waste time on doubting yourself when everyone can make it happened. I think smoking marijuana helps too :P It calms me down and gives me a better outlook and allows me to come up with more untapped markets. Don't do drugs ;) It's all about positive energy and the laws of attraction. The world doesn't care if you're upset or that you're lazy. Make the most out of your life and earn money that can help you. An extra tip for university/college students to make money: Sell your essays on AcaDemon. It doesn't hurt to make a bit of cash that way. That's how I started. | |
All Proxides Died during SB Run Posted: 04 Apr 2011 05:29 PM PDT I'm using public proxies with SB's wonderwheel, and after scraping 400k keywords, it says that "All proxies are temporary dead and we need to stop Wonder Wheel to prevent your IP from being blocked!". Is it possible to resume the scraping after getting new proxies? | |
How To verify a Facebook account for advertising ? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 05:28 PM PDT Hi I'm looking to verify my facebook account to finish my Advertising campaign ( I'm using a coupon ) they ask for a credit card does Facebook VCC still work ? anyone know the VCC that accepted by FB? | |
Any 3rd party ways to get money out of my papyal account Posted: 04 Apr 2011 05:21 PM PDT Are there any ways to get money out of my paypal account without sending a check or linking a bank account. I have tried sending money to myself on a freelance site but they always seem to go crazy and want an ssn or reverse the payment back to my paypal account. Of course there is Plimus but you have to wait over a month for the withdrawl since they only pay out on the 15th and thats for last months sales. Poker is illegal so there is no way i can fund a poker account and withdrawl it to my bank account. Any other ideas or 3rd party services? I had a bank account attached to paypal once and they loved pulling money out anytime I had a huge order come through and the customer wasn't even filing a dispute. | |
JV Invite For Serious people! - The Facebook ATM - for super AFFs only! Posted: 04 Apr 2011 05:18 PM PDT Hi All, I would like to invite serious JV partners to promote The Facebook ATM will be launched on the 19th May, pre launch from the 12th May. Pre Launch videos have heaps of content, you list is gonna love these. Launching on the 19th May, 2011 at 3pm EST pre Launch 12th May, 3pm EST There are over $7,000 of JV prizes up for grab, daily cash bonuses, Macbook Air, iPad2 and some really cool gadgets! and even prize for the first sale! And it does not end here, We are paying for the opt ins, How cool is that? Drive traffic to the launch site on pre launch and you will get $100's of dollars as JV prize! $57 is the front end sale and believe me this is an easy sale so you'll be sure to make a ton of money from this The TOTAL funnel pays You over $400 profit per costumer! The launch is designed in a way that everyone can make money, even if you have no list what so ever! I even have tutorial videos in the JV area showing you how to promote! If you support us on this launch I promise you'll have our full support whenever you need it. (If you launch a product in the future, you can count on me! I will promote it to my over 200k social media network! + mailing lists). All you need to do is Go ahead and Visit the JV Page NOW: Pre Launch is on the 12th May and the Launch is on the 19th May 2011. Thanks for promoting The Facebook ATM, I really appreciate your help and support on this... Thanks Guys! Kind Regards, Ps: Chec Out the page now to see how damn hard to drive and talk in the same time... ![]() | |
Wordpress vs Joomla - which is better and why? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 05:18 PM PDT Just like the title says, which do you prefer? Wordpress or Joomla? And why? | |
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 05:17 PM PDT Is it a good idea to use cpa redirector if your doing BH to make your bh traffic look like its coming from just a site with your backlink on it or something similar. Wouldnt this be safer then just blanking the referrer? | |
Will switching a site from Joomla to Wordpress lose page 1 rank? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 05:16 PM PDT Hi guys I have a prospective client that wishes to move her current website (joomla), over to Wordpress. Can this lose her page 1 position as I've been told that changing to another CMS can have this effect :-s | |
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 05:11 PM PDT I am looking for a partner someone that can supply and I would be a seller, I have verified PayPal and Ebay account and am ready, post with what you sell and maybe how much you make a week. | |
Can anyone suggest me a good WP Plugin for this? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 05:08 PM PDT Hey B-Hatters, I want to venture into WP blog and i need your advice on the plugin. Can anyone suggest to me a good plugin to do the following? 1. Convert any text/keyword into an affiliate link - Pretty Link, Link ENgine or MBP Nin.ja? Which is better? 2. Promoting Clickbank product - couldn't find any yet 3. Auto populate Amazon product for affiliate - WP Amazon. Beside this? 4. Banner/Ads management for affiliate - couldn't find any yet and other cool plugin to earn some cash via blogging. This might be useful to other as well. So dont be shy to share your favourite plugin. Thanks in advance. | |
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:59 PM PDT its been down for like 4 days now. i think they got hacked. that was the best place to get seo services :[ | |
Canadian forwarded landlines or PVAs Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:48 PM PDT Any info would be very much appreciated. I am not sure what the best course of action is.. Any ideas? Thanks so much for any help. | |
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:34 PM PDT BHW has changed mine. I now look into my BHW as my full-time income. I hope to some day get there. I think about BH basically every single second of the day and try to come up with new methods. Indeed my world revolves around BHW. It is amazing to think how far I have come in 1 year. 1 Year ago I was not even into blackhat but today, everything has led up to this moment in time right now. BHW has been my world for the past 5 months, every single day.. :D | |
What Ads Should Be On a Black Hat Site? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:31 PM PDT So I got a black hat site, or a few and don't want to risk my Adsense account that I'm using on them right now, so what should I put on the site? What ads would be most worthwhile and least risky? I know Adbrite is fine but they pay crappy. I've never looked in Amazon's TOS. Other ideas? | |
Selling on Amazon? How do you find out what sells and what doesn't? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:27 PM PDT Is it possible to find out what sells and what doesn't on Amazon? Like on eBay you can take a look at the "Completed Listings"? | |
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:27 PM PDT Hi guys , just a silly question , i have 40 rss feeds i have just submitted , using rss submitt , now the first silly question , does rss submitt also ping the submitted feeds automatically , or do i feed them into a pinger ? , also , how often should i submitt the feeds ? , every x amount of days ? , once a week ? , any feedback is welcome , thanks pete | |
Affiliate Sites For Marijuana Vaporizers Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:25 PM PDT I have a client who retails and wholesales vaporizers. They are looking to set up an affiliate program. Are there any good advertiser affiliate web sites? Google Affiliate Network and Commission Junction both rejected the company due to the drug paraphernalia aspect. Anyone have any suggestions for sites that will allow marijuana vaporizers? Thanks! | |
adsense and youtube? (possbl n00b cntnt) Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:24 PM PDT Hey dudes, Alright so as i posted in my presentation thhread - i own a youtube chann now we have been looking at the possibility of eventually becoming youtube partners...but i have been told that you need to be an adsense member to be a youtube partner? can anyone clear this up for me and what i need to get done? | |
Anyone here do CSC? Worth the investment if you have an idea? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:21 PM PDT Anyone here doing business in here with CSC's? Common short codes for people who don't know allow you to send someone a text, Providing a pin number to send back to authorize a charge to the cell phone bill of the customer for whatever they may be looking at. I've had some ideas (really good ones) But the upfront costs of setting this up is about 2-3K. Not sure if i wanna start blowing $$$ on it without some feedback. Anyone here have success with CSC's? This could be very good stuff when you have creative thinking ;) | |
Whats wrong with my internet help Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:12 PM PDT Both chrome and firefox especially are loading pages really slowly and whenever i click on an area, there is the text input cursor thing |<----.Correct me if im wrong but ive never noticed that before. My modem lights are all ok Ran speedtest the speed is fine Ran torrent,download speed is fine Have not called up my isp since i think its a browser issue.not sure though Would appreciate the help Thanks | |
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:04 PM PDT So I have 60 WP blogs. I have one new blog setup up with a new theme I wanted. I want to put that new theme on the other 59 blogs (yes yes i know footprint not worried about that part). What is the easiest way to copy the new theme into the other 59 blogs without having to reinstall plugins etc etc. I don't want to change the posts at all nor do I want to copy the settings from seoplatinum. Any recommendations here? | |
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 04:03 PM PDT ..used for subsites with MLM programs. Thank you. | |
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:54 PM PDT Hi guys, Just wanted to run a few numbers by you to see if my sales are on par or whether there is work for me to do. At the moment I have a landing page which is a review of the product I am trying to sell. On average 1 in every 4 people then click through to the vendors webpage. I am then making 1 sale out of every 22 people that see their site. So whats that a 4% conversion once they are at the vendors page. Do these numbers sound about right or should I be getting more like 3/4 or even 4/4 heading from my webpage to the vendors? Thanks in advance. | |
Could this be a goldmine? 11,100,000 Monthly Searches & No Competition Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:53 PM PDT I started started some blogs about a month ago, my first one started making money about a week ago. Its only 50 cent a day, and slowly growing. That 50 cents a day has got me motivated, so I have been purchasing more domain. I purchased one today that is mac related, the the global monthly searches is a little over 11 million for that keyword that matched my domain exactly. Also almost no competition. My question is could this be a goldmine, if so what is the best way to monetize from it (adsense,flippa,cpa, amazon)? I would love feedback and ideas, nothing to detailed im not trying to steal or bum ideas | |
How Can We Use Tools Like "Magic Submitter" & "Senuke" Safely With Google New Update Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:52 PM PDT I just started using the trial version of magic submitter which is similar to senuke. Whats some safe ways to use this software for a site that's two months old & a wordpress blog to keep from getting sandboxed with Googles. Like how many profiles can we safely create with a new domain name bookmarking, submitting articles, posting to web 2.0 sites per profile etc. Here's some of the modules that it has. Profiles Maker, Bookmarking,Video Site,Photo Sites,Micro Blogs Press Release,RSS Feeds,PDF Sharing,Article Directories. | |
Best software for backlinking? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:50 PM PDT What is the best software to use (Besides Scrapebox) that is useful for backlinking? Is Article Marketing enough? I'm having trouble building backlinks and not sure where to start. I do not want to pay a monthly service (such as Senuke) but I'd rather pay for a expensive tool that is worth it in the end. | |
Light speed lazy method to get 80% unique articles free Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:50 PM PDT This is my method of generating articles 80% unique, almost no work required. The method consists of scraping articles from ezine, article base, mixing them and then rewriting a few words if you like to . This scrapes articles from ezine, article base, goarticles (you just insert KW) Thanx to xhpdx for this. media fire /?seb2so6c94mp7h7 Then you mix 10 articles with this (Thanx to crazyflx for this) media fire /?j41kwovi6daot5a The mixer worked for me only on Win7 unfortunately. After all this you can rewrite the article with IAW, AMR or whatever you like. I can generate one good article in less than 10 minutes. The method if good for non native English speakers. | |
Im new - but i think i used to post here? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:37 PM PDT Hey guys - well apperantly im new, but im pretty sure i posted a couple of times here in the past. came back lurking to find info / help as far as marketing and monetizing my youtube channel (which is 100% our material that we make / film) we work hard at this, with no avail so i think this is a place where i will be able to find info to give us that extra boost we need! cheers -F | |
What Do You Think About This Micro (Micro) Niche ? Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:31 PM PDT Hi everybody, I just found a micro niche, but I need experts view on it :
I find this niche interesting, but is it not too small ? The 720 research would they not too difficult to get ? Thanks ! :cool: Beny | |
Adsense ads click - Noobs, do not enter please Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:22 PM PDT Hello. I am asking again for a adsense click software, a download link if its possible... Answers to noobs: -No i will not use it thinking that i can earn money with that --' -Yes i know that i will get banned if use this, i do not plan to use it to earn money - Kids/noobs, do not answer the same thing like "you cant" or "you will get banned" Please, a serious person can help? See | |
Directory Power Submitter - PhpLD 4.0 Category Submission Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:21 PM PDT Does anyone know the best way to use Directory Power Submitter on PhpLD websites 4.0+? The new PhpLD has a javascript category script that requires a screen click. Ive noticed that my PhpLD submissions to the 4.0 version come back with Error: Can not find any good category. I'm assuming the main reason is because there is no form field to fill out. Does anyone know a script work around or how the software works where i can use one of the category boxes to make a post? I have tried category id and script calls but nothing seems to work. Thanks | |
If BHW was a country, what would the avg.. Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:06 PM PDT If BHW was a country, what would the average monthly salary be ? Lets compare and see what matches up :D I know this might be a bit stupid, but still let see :) be honest with your answer ! | |
Need a tool like the Black Widow Posted: 04 Apr 2011 03:01 PM PDT but one where I can feed it a (long) list of links. | |
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 02:59 PM PDT There is a website that ranks for all the keywords in it's metatags without building any links. I'm on page three with an exact match domain for keyword computer repairs with 260 backlinks showing in yahoo site explorer. I'm really new to seo can anyone explain this ? Thanks, Matthew |
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