Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO |
- Sony PS3 Network hacked in George Hotz defense by Hacker Group Anonymous
- Editing Blackhat Code Breaker
- Legit or fake
- What to do with 200/day traffic website?
- Chat/Instant Messenger marketing?
- Biggest Blog Commenting Fail Ever....
- can i shorten links 4 times?
- Creating custom FB fanpages using Wordpress
- twitter bot that auto replys to keywords
- Find hidden sales page
- making money with music, any help is appreciated :)
- Urgent request from you PC Techs
- Needing Referrals - Earn some $$$
- Request for assistance
- SPUN Generic Forum TITLES...
- Adsense Home Adress Verification
- How people made to me 85 youtube accounts within 2hours and free
- where are any web2.0 submitter ?
- Appeasing the Gods of the WWW...
- Are people who buy IM products stupid?
- $400/$800 week for PowerSeller willing to DropShip
- XML Sitemap -->> XRUMER URLS With Anchors from META-KEYWORDS
- Help Me to Rank #1 on Google
- Rankings...not sure whats going on...
- Will Sell Items For People On Ebay
- Need to move scrapebox onto a different pc - PLEASE HELP
- Can Anyone Help Me Out With Items To Sell!
- "Automate this! Outsource that!".....yeah right
- vBulletin 4.x.x vuln
- ******* Bans Twitter Traffic
- I need to grabs id from a fan page is it possible?
- Hey guys!
- paypal owner launches space program
- RSS Feed Errors.... HELP!
- Anyone tried this Mass Torrent Uploader?
- Need someone to help me sell!! 35% towards u
- Poker Team Venture ( FREE to Join + Passive Income ) [Only 9 spots] !
- Blast secondary sites then link to money site later?
- [Q] about the group email
- How can I make money from FB zynga game fanpage with 14K fans?
- Linkpushing
- I have SeNuke X, ScrapeBox, etc. how do I profit from this ?
- Article marketing post-Panda
- Clickbank Cookies - First or Last Affiliate? Who Really Gets The Commission?
- Offshore high risk merchant account denied me
- I need ongoing e-mail lists targetting business owners!
- Does Hootsuite pass IP data on to Twitter?
- Bot
- Looking for Bulk E-Mail Hosting & Software Solution
- i m looking for site tracker just like extremetracking,
Sony PS3 Network hacked in George Hotz defense by Hacker Group Anonymous Posted: 06 Apr 2011 08:30 PM PDT wasnt sure if this was posted yet but its a good read. Ps3 is targeted for suing George Hotz. Hotz, known online as Geohot. He was the first to jailbreak the iphone and now he did it to sony ps3 and they hating. for got to mention...that means no Black Ops. about 500k people tonight are not happy...I am one of them | |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 08:21 PM PDT I can't seem to find a working better self-hosted content locker atm than BHCB. It has it's faults and here are some links with hopeful solutions to them: No geo-targeting Solution: Very simple offer rotation Solution: NOW... I have 2 questions abou editing BHCB: 1: How do I use CPA-Redirector 2.1 to refer block/fake the refer with with BHCB site? 2. How do you edit the BHCB widget skin, like you can with a CP4Le34d skin? Thanks for any help. | |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 08:18 PM PDT What do you think about this [a]uction on [d]hgate | |
What to do with 200/day traffic website? Posted: 06 Apr 2011 08:12 PM PDT I got a website getting 200 organic visitors a day but I have no idea what to do with it. Its in the tech niche, related to some free software, so my traffic wont buy anything and placing ads on it gives pennies. I was thinking of somehow boosting youtube views with that traffic. Can't think of anything else... What would you do with a worthless 200 visitors a day? | |
Chat/Instant Messenger marketing? Posted: 06 Apr 2011 07:56 PM PDT Hey guys, I was wondering if there is any ressources talking about Chat/Instant Messenger marketing? I got a list of Instant messenger address targeted within my niche and I would like to get in direct contact with them. Is there any ressource out there talking about this field (how to sell a product/idea/service via Instant Messenger, Should I pretend to be one of his friend, Should I pretend to be a guru, etc..?) Any help appreciated, Thanks! | |
Biggest Blog Commenting Fail Ever.... Posted: 06 Apr 2011 07:50 PM PDT "{Julie|Jamie|Mary|Michelle|Camila|Kayla|Devin|Joe lle|Melinda} is the name all my comments went under wasnt aware you listed name instead of spin syntax" What's wrong with newbies these days? LOL. | |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 07:49 PM PDT example, i have a from shareapic and i go to to shorten it. then i take that shortened link to linkbee/ to shorten it. then i take that shortenedx2 link to linkbucks to shorten it. then i take that shortenedx3 link to to shorten it. can i do this, provided i ensure that there are 5 seconds for the ads to be displayed for each interval? | |
Creating custom FB fanpages using Wordpress Posted: 06 Apr 2011 07:32 PM PDT Hi everyone, I've got something to share with you! I heard several people complaining that creating custom FB landingpages has become more time consuming after FB stopped supporting FBML. Well, I created a WP theme to make my life easier, and decided to share it (for free) with the rest of the world! It's a matter of installing this theme and you can start making your custom landingpages. I even included a fanpage-feature so that you can show different content to fans and non-fans! However, I don't want to be a "Spammer" or anything, so before I would post the URL I would like to ask: am I allowed to post my URL? :-) Wilco | |
twitter bot that auto replys to keywords Posted: 06 Apr 2011 07:10 PM PDT Anybody know any programs that automatically reply to a certain keyword on twitter without getting banned. eg. I sell soap and you post "great day in the bath but shame about my soap" id want to automate a tweet to them saying - buy soap here ..... link Also is there a way you can only send it to people NOT following you (so you dont spam your friend list) thanks ;) | |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 07:02 PM PDT Anyone know the software name or a ways to find hidden sales page where vendor offer different prices for their product? Previously it is on download section that is uploaded quite sometime ago but i forgot the name.. :( Anyone? | |
making money with music, any help is appreciated :) Posted: 06 Apr 2011 06:54 PM PDT Hello, I have a friend who is very passionate about music, he owns a small studio which he funded by himself. So he is creating his own music and also rapping. (Have in mind idk much about music lol) He was asking me if there are some ways to make money online with music and how to do it and as stated above i am a noob when it comes to creating sounds (music :P). Thats why i am asking you for any kind of ideas/shares you have on your mind, please write it here :) Tnx for any help. | |
Urgent request from you PC Techs Posted: 06 Apr 2011 06:51 PM PDT I have this friend who has a Compaq Presario R3000 with Windows 7 just installed. But Compaq doesn't make drivers for Win 7. Anyone know where I can get drivers, at least audio drivers for this PC for Win 7? Or if there's a work-around. | |
Needing Referrals - Earn some $$$ Posted: 06 Apr 2011 06:33 PM PDT Hello all I am in desperate need of some referrals around 30 to be precise! I need people to sign up (PM if interested) and complete a free offers. I think it's just a 30 day free trial with Homestead. Won't cost you nothing and In return I can pay you or return the favour by joining under some of your affiliate links. Please, if this is the wrong section then remove/move. Kind regards, Scott. | |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 06:17 PM PDT Hi, I can't post on BHW forum. Why? What is the problem? Moderator can you help me please? Thanks. | |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 06:00 PM PDT Hi. Can anyone point me in the direction of some generic spun TITLES? I have spun comments, but i need some generic spun TITLEs. Thanks | |
Adsense Home Adress Verification Posted: 06 Apr 2011 05:58 PM PDT I requested the letter with the code for the adress verification one month ago and still didn't arrive, someone experienced that? usually how long it takes until they send the letter? thanks | |
How people made to me 85 youtube accounts within 2hours and free Posted: 06 Apr 2011 05:57 PM PDT I just was lazy to use proxy to make account and more lazy to spend cash on it, So i was thinking who can do this work for me free?? I went to dating site 1)fast create one girls account with sexy pics on it 2)Send sms to be in front page, it cost me 1.5$ 3)In the account I wrote that i do not answer to Comments or Smileys i do not answer the questions: hello, how are you? and etc But i like a man who can make for a girl something real. Today i lost password from my account on youtube((( I will go to real dating with guy who first send details for youtube acc to me. within less then 2 hours i had 85 accounts made for me.... So Tits is RULEZZZZZZZZZZ | |
where are any web2.0 submitter ? Posted: 06 Apr 2011 05:41 PM PDT where are any web2.0 submitter ? like senuke submit to articles,web2.0 .... i need only web2.0 submitter :) where are something there ? | |
Appeasing the Gods of the WWW... Posted: 06 Apr 2011 05:39 PM PDT Not to get philosophical on y'all, but our perception of "black hat" and "white hat" all depends on who we allow to define those terms. . I'm not giving license in this post to those whom I consider take part in real unethical techniques online....cloaking, hijacking clicks, links or browsers, etc... but to cause us to think about who is defining these two specific words we use in SERP. In SEO, who defines the true meaning of "black hat" or "white hat"? Google? Yahoo? Matt Cutts? The difference between unethical practices in actuality and perceived unethical behavior are not necessarily one and the same....unless your a search engine. According to the dictionary; 1. Unethical: not conforming to approved standards of social or professional behavior Black Hat: 1. black hat - A malicious hacker who commits illegal acts 2. black hat - "Black hat" and "white hate" are fairly ambiguous terms used to delineate those who stay within the search engines' (particularly Google's) guidelines and those who don't 3. - Black hat is used to describe a hacker (or cracker) who breaks into a computer system or network with malicious intent. Unlike a white hat hacker, the black hat hacker takes advantage of the break-in, perhaps destroying files or stealing data for some purpose 4. black hat - An unethical method of SEO which break's search engine's Terms of Service. This method works short-term, but sites using black hat methods are permanently banned from search engines within a month or two after they get caught. 5. black hat - This is a term used to describe SEO tactics that are counter or opposed to best practices. The best practices are summarized in the Google Webmaster Guidelines. 6. black hat - this is the name given to people using incorrect techniques to artificially raise the rank of a website in search engines. All black hat techniques violate the regulations of search engines and, sooner or later, lead to banning the websites involved from search engine indexes. Whitehat: 1. Whitehat: It refers to ethical practices used for search engine optimization. 2. Whitehat: legitimate optimization techniques employed that are agreeable to search engine companies, such as the proper use of meta-tags, an adequate keyword saturation and spider friendly page design. 3. Whitehat: An ethical method of SEO that follows search engine's Terms of Service. 4. Whitehat: This is a term used to describe SEO techniques that conform t the best practice guidelines and do not try and purposefully manipulate SERPs 5. Whitehat: Search Engine Optimisation that follows the guidelines set out by search engines, which are in place to maintain the quality and relevance of the search results In using terms like "black hat" and "white hat" to categorize webmasters and SEO experts, IMHO reveals a real push by search engines to blur and change the meaning of "ethical business standards" to suit their own purposes. If fact many times the search engines seem to employ questionable tactics themselves. Such tactics have been questioned by many, but never answered properly, so according to their own definitions, they must also be considered "black hat". Online, the search engines believe they are the only ones who should control the Internet's information highway. They are the Gods to whom you, should you visit their world, must pay homage and offer up financial sacrifices to satisfy their wrath and invoke their ranking blessings. You don't deserve to know the internal workings of their world or how it operates. You're only there to serve them! You who travel their highways must pay the proper toll fee and you have NO right to question their methods or tactics. In fact, you are nothing but one of the mass of sheeple that are there to worship them and do their bidding. To keep you inline, they send our their spys - eh, I mean spiders on a regular basis to ensure you're following their "ethics" and rules. Should you be found in violation of any of their codes of conduct, you'll suffer greatly. In order to get back into their good graces you'll serve 3-18 months in their prison sandbox to ensure you learnt your lesson. Should you get out, you'll be watched very carefully for repeat violations. In order to assist you in your reintigration into your online world it will be suggested you repeatedly go through their TOS to ensure your compliance and behavior as viable and rehabilitated online drone! Benjamin Franklin said it best when he said: "Democracy is like two wolves and one lamb deciding on what their going to have for supper" Search Engine say it best by their actions when they say: "True SEO White hat techniques is like two search engines and one webmaster deciding on what is going to be proper online SEO practices" We are the online Gods...resistance is futile! | |
Are people who buy IM products stupid? Posted: 06 Apr 2011 05:24 PM PDT I know its not true,there are some software and courses that are helpful.But what i dont get is why are there people spending thousands on it and some dont even know how to setup a site etc.Im new to this as well but i see all those who make big bucks are selling im stuff and some of them are not even useful and people buy into that.The question is why are some people stupid?:D:confused: | |
$400/$800 week for PowerSeller willing to DropShip Posted: 06 Apr 2011 05:17 PM PDT You will be selling a product for the Mac OS, you will be working through me who is working through a distributor we will make cuts on sales and this will be worked out evenly based on your reputation, I have known this distributor for a while and he is trusted in my opinion how ever he doesn't want me to sell products on my low feedback account because of payment holds (he cant get his share, and the buyer must leave feedback to get rid of payment hold, well they dont leave feedback unless they have the product, you get the drift?). You can have my phone number if needed to ensure trust | |
XML Sitemap -->> XRUMER URLS With Anchors from META-KEYWORDS Posted: 06 Apr 2011 05:05 PM PDT Is there an automated way i can take an XML sitemap - and generate links to it with each link having anchor links taken from the META KEYWORDS section of earch URL? Thanks | |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:43 PM PDT Hi! I don't understand this thing: For my First Keyword I have this result on Google: ![]() This result are from TrafficTrafis software. My website are rank 5! My website name is a subdomain: My domain is 7 month old. My subdomain is 2 weeks old. The website that is rank 2 is only 8 days old!!!! What I can do to become #1 ? I have a lot of backlinks but only rank 5 :( Many thanks to all! :rolleyes: | |
Rankings...not sure whats going on... Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:42 PM PDT Every single one of my rankings fell a few days ago...some by a few places 4 -6 others by 30 - 40, some by alot more. All on the same site. Site structured so each page foused on a keyword. Ive not done any serious linkbuilding, few here and there, never blasted he site. All original content on it. Buiilt a few .edu links to a specific page a few days back...but that wouldnt effect the whole site (would it) Site is about 8 months old, not sandboxed, cant work out whats happened. I've not done anything new in terms if link building so can it be a google dance? Or is it a natural ranking position....cant work it out!!!! :( Any experienced friends want to tell me what going on and what to do? | |
Will Sell Items For People On Ebay Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:29 PM PDT must be great quality any ideads considered! | |
Need to move scrapebox onto a different pc - PLEASE HELP Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:20 PM PDT I have scrapebox on my laptop but I think it would work best on my new PC. I understand that I can only have it on one but how would I go about doing this? Just set it up and license auto transfers? Please help | |
Can Anyone Help Me Out With Items To Sell! Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:19 PM PDT Hi guys im looking for suppliers of items for resale on ebay, im based in uk! | |
"Automate this! Outsource that!".....yeah right Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:17 PM PDT On every post that involves either a method, success story, or even sometimes a question there is always some douchebag 2 or 3 posts down spouting off "Now automate it!" or "go ahead and outsource it!" like its easy as pushing a button.... you know what? making money online is fucking EASY next to automating and outsourcing succesfully. I'm not kidding. go try to make at least a $1 online. no problem. go try to find at least 1 reliable affordable person. problem. LOL I bet you anyone here will be able to succesfully make money online BEFORE they can ever find reliable people to outsource shit to. While your writing your articles making money your have 10 other articles being written by some guy whose going to do a shit job because he charges so little (non native English speaker most likely) or a guy who does a great job but charges too much and thus killing your ROI. Making money online is 10X times easier than automating or outsourcing anything. Why did all my twitter accounts get banned? because you tried to automate it with some bot shit. But I used PROXIES! WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU NEED PROXIES UNLESS YOUR DOING SOMETHING YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO??? You mean to tell me when admins see your IP adress hidden that wont set off a red flag??? WHAT OTHER PURPOSE ARE PROXIES FOR BESIDES TRYING TO MANIPULATE AND EXPLOIT A SITE SOMEHOW? LMFAO! Why did I get a dupe content strike? You mean to tell me that filipino who sold you 25 "Original" articles at .50 cents each robbed you??? NO!:rolleyes: You know who automates and outsources? million dollar companies. you know why? because they have millions of dollars. in short: SIT DOWN. FOCUS. AND DO THE FUCKING WORK YOURSELF YOU LAZY SONOFABITCH.:eek: :eek: :eek: | |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:15 PM PDT Make sure to update or lose data :) From VB staff: Quote:
| |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:15 PM PDT I got a mail from ******* today: Quote:
| |
I need to grabs id from a fan page is it possible? Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:06 PM PDT hi i need to grabs email ids from a fan page is it possible? thanks | |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:01 PM PDT Hey! I'm a uni student at the moment studying Commerce (Liberal studies). I've actually been a long time lurker, as one can tell by the age of this account, I have realised that it would be now time to actually contribute to the community. A little bit about me; I've always been entrepreneurial since a young age, and I can happily say I've never been employed, that I've earnt my money off my own back through either tutoring or contracts for sales. I'm always open to new opportunities and always want to learn. I realise I'm a noob in IM and actually don't know what people are talking about half the time, but I'm confident that I will learn if I begin to participate and develop a sense of self on this forum. | |
paypal owner launches space program Posted: 06 Apr 2011 04:00 PM PDT Hope the rocket crashes down to earth, and the guy loses billions of dollars. If anyone is on board, then too bad, Shouldn't trust gaypal founder. | |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 03:53 PM PDT A few days ago, all my sites feeds have stopped posting out to their Fanpages and Twitter pages. I've checked the problem, and it seems because all my feeds now get "Error retrieving the feed XML error: Invalid document end at line" etc Tried using, but that didnt help much in figuring out how to fix the problems. Anyone knows any way I can fix this?? :eek: | |
Anyone tried this Mass Torrent Uploader? Posted: 06 Apr 2011 03:46 PM PDT I just signed up (I'm a member at some other forums and I do a bit of monetization with torrents and I was hoping to expand on that) and I saw that a lot of the torrent submitters on here are pretty pricey (TorrentSubmitter is upwards of $200). I use the QuikN'EZ Torrent Spreader (google it) made by PIXELATEDfocus for $10, and even though it's semi-automatic, I think the trade-off between the complete autonomy and price is pretty good. What do you guys think? Still worth buying the expensive one or is the one I have enough? Has anyone here used this one? | |
Need someone to help me sell!! 35% towards u Posted: 06 Apr 2011 03:45 PM PDT Hi people, I need help selling some replicas. I'm about to leave for USMC bootcamp in like 3 weeks so I dont have enough time to raise money and put it in the bank with websites right now. If you are a powerseller, that would be greatly appreciated. I am willing to give 35% of the profit after ebay and paypal fees and shipping cost. You can easily make $500 this week. I had another account but I'm still trying to get it unblocked after i stupidly used it to buy things and not pay in time. If not, I want to buy an account as long as it's got some age as seller and a lot of feedback. I'm offering $100+ btw. PM me and we can talk in GMAIL, AIM, YAHOO, SKYPE, etc | |
Poker Team Venture ( FREE to Join + Passive Income ) [Only 9 spots] ! Posted: 06 Apr 2011 03:16 PM PDT Hello fellow BHers, This idea has been discussed in the past but NOT with this little twist. Best of all it is FREE and NO danger for the participant whatsoever. I have also added extra security so everyone feels safe. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Antonio and im from Greece. I have been playing poker for the last 3 years (actually this is my third year) and im a winning poker player. I can provide all kinds of proof (such as screename, OPR etc but not publicly, ONLY to those who decide to join) Here is my OPR (official poker rankings): Total Prizes: $136K Total Profit: $24K ROI: 21% ITM (in the money): 15% Now lets move on to the idea: 1 winning player + 9 accounts + 1 tournament at a time = [ PROFIT ] What does the above mean? It means that we could form a group of 10 ( me + 9 participants ), open accounts at a poker site and let me play all 9 accounts at the same tournament. One tournament at a time. How will you do this? It will be done through a remote access software such as TeamViewer or Mikogo which allows remote desktop sharing for multiple sessions. Nine is the max number of windows my screen can fit without me going blind. :eek: How much money do we need? The rule is a minimum of 50 buy-ins. So if we start with $5 tournaments it would be $250. Of course because i will be playing the tournament with 9 accounts we dont need 50 buy-ins for each player but 50 in total. It is basically better to play less times the same tournament with more buy-ins than to play more times the same tournament with one buy-in. How are we going to find the starting capital? ****************** gives $50 to each new player who answers a 20 question quiz. They deposit the money to your desired poker platform which for us is Full Tilt Poker. That means that all of you ( 9 participants ) will have a starting bankroll of $50 for FREE just for completing a short quiz ( i will do the quiz for each one of you ). $50 x 9 people = $450 / 50 buy-ins = $9 ( this is the max buy in for the tournaments i will be playing until our total bankroll goes up ) Target: Our target is simple. Week 1: Turn $450 to $1500 ( in order to start playing the $26 or $33 or $11 rebuy tournaments ) Week 2: Turn $1500 to $2500 ( to start playing the $55 tour ) Week 3: Turn $2500 to $3500 ( to start playing the $75 tour ) Week 4: Turn $3500 to $5000 ( to start playing the $109 tour ) Week 5: Turn $5000 to $7500 ( to start playing the $55 rebuy or $163 tours ) Week 6: Turn $7500 to $15000 ( to start playing the $109 rebuy tour ) Week 7: Turn $15000 to $20000 ( to start playing the $216 Sunday Major which has a prizepool of $1,500,000 with first place taking down more than $200,000 ) How is the money going to be split? The money is going to be split equally between all of us. This means 10% for each one. Every person's account should have the same money. Is this money going straight to my pocket? First of all, we must ensure that our bankroll stays in tact and grows steadily. Then we will all decide which portion of the bankroll should go straight to our pockets. Security: First of all, the "email address" registered to each account will be handled only by me. You cannot change the email address without confirmation from the previous email address, so this is the first layer of security to all participants. Second of all, everytime i take control of each account and before i start playing, i will personally change the "password" of the account so you cannot do anything until we split the money. This is the second layer of security. This will be done because in the past when someone was making a big win he used to run off with the money. This will NOT be the case here as you wont be able to log in to the account before i equally split the money to all of you. Then you will be given the password and you will be free to access your account. Accounting: Everytime i play and at the end of each session, i will personally add all details to an excel spreadsheet which will be available to all. Those details will describe everything from Buy-ins to Profit. Forum: I will personally set up a private website with a private forum for us to discuss anything. !!!Warning!!! Read the next lines carefully What do i need in order to join? The documents described below are NOT for me. You will NOT send them to me but to PokerStrategy and Full Tilt, if they ask you to. They dont ask everyone but you should be prepared! You will need: 1) Scanned photocopy of your ID or Drivers License or Passport 2) Proof of Address Why would you need these? You will need them to verify your accounts and most importantly to cashout your money. Can i provide fake documents? NO. If they discover you, they will close your account and your money will fly away. Personally, i wont be bothered because i warned you BUT if you DO want to get your money, send them the right documents. I am sure most of you will have a lot of questions, so dont hesitate to ask even if you think your question is stupid. :D Remember that: 1) It is totally FREE 2) Once we set it up, you will NOT have to move one finger. It is totally PASSIVE INCOME. Take action and register your interest in this thread by posting a reply. Only 9 spots will be given to keep this deal lucrative for the group. | |
Blast secondary sites then link to money site later? Posted: 06 Apr 2011 03:07 PM PDT Hey all, basically the title says you guys think it would make sense to just start hammering web 2.0 and other secondary (link juice passing) sites before even linking to your money site for a while and then link back to your site once google dance and everything has calmed down? My reasoning is that you could really let loose on these hooker sites without having to worry about any type of negative affect and then once things have stabalized, you could either 301 redirect or just link them to y our money site Any thoughts would be appreciated...I was thinking that this would be a good way to keep momentum going while you do your regular seo reoutine to your main money site and not have to worry about any adverse serp effects. | |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 03:05 PM PDT so the open group email if i send an email to the address who will receive it? everyone in the group? also can only admins email that address? | |
How can I make money from FB zynga game fanpage with 14K fans? Posted: 06 Apr 2011 02:57 PM PDT Please can anybody help me. I have a 14k facebook zynga game (cityville) page and I really want to monetize it. I also have around 45K gamer emails. Who can help me please PM me and we will talk later about % of winning :) | |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 02:55 PM PDT ***** I cant post the image, but it can be found at link pushing . n3t *********** (the one where many labels are connected to the money site) I have a question about linkpushing....see those red web 2.0 labels, which are closest to the money site? how many articles each of them should approximately have? What about the further ones, the white-grey labels, those which are connected to red labels? How many articles should they have? | |
I have SeNuke X, ScrapeBox, etc. how do I profit from this ? Posted: 06 Apr 2011 02:45 PM PDT Hey, I have bought a VPS service this month pre installed with licensed softwares:- SeNuke x SeNuke 7 ScrapeBox Tweet Attacks Tweet Attacks AC Twitter Bot Ubot Studio Best Spinner Article Marketing Robot All are licensed with timely new updates. --------------------------------------- If you are an expert with any of the software and can make money we can do a split on the figure you earn per week/month. If you're able to make very high figure we can do a split of 70/30 too. (70 you 30 me) First post here then mail me at midnightsun.369 gmail c*m Let me know the softwares you can use and experienced and a small hint of method you're going to use. I will accept only old and trusted members as I'm ready to share my VPS login details with you. Thanks. | |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 02:41 PM PDT have been out of the game for a few months, made some sites a while back that still generate nice passive income. I'm doing a new launch, and have to ask: is article marketing still relevant or has Panda killed it? Been reading around, but no clear picture on it. Does article marketing make any sense without spinning? thanks guys :) | |
Clickbank Cookies - First or Last Affiliate? Who Really Gets The Commission? Posted: 06 Apr 2011 02:31 PM PDT I would really appreciate the views of members about this issue. With some things I have been experiencing lately concerning clickbank, some things are not really clear about their cookies. Which affiliate really gets commission for referring a buyer? Is it the affiliate who first introduced the product to the buyer? Is it the last affiliate to refer the buyer to the product? I have experienced 2 different scenerios that bring about the confusion to me. I will explain them thus: 1. FIRST AFFILIATE GETS THE COMMISSION? I have some products listed on the clickbank marketplace and as a vendor I also promote my products as an affiliate. I have received emails from 2 buyers who complained that they could not get commission for buying my product with their own affiliate links. This was one of the mails sent to me: ![]() 2. LAST AFFILIATE GETS THE COMMISSION? Almost every week, new clickbank products are launched in the IM niche. From my experience, I make more money after the product has been launched and people are already buying it. The vendors of those products usually have "Pre-launch" whereby they collect emails of those who would promote those products. Most affiliates create review site for those products and visitors are only directed to an opt-in page of the vendor. From my experience, I make more money if I start promoting their products after full launch than before full launch. Does it mean that my affiliate link cookie overwrites those of other affiliates? Is the last affiliate the one who really gets credited for the sale? Is this just a coincidence? | |
Offshore high risk merchant account denied me Posted: 06 Apr 2011 02:28 PM PDT First of all they came out openly said they allow replicas but after they found out I'm not incorporated they told me they can't help me. WTH? Do I need to form a company to get a working merchant account? Any one know any offshore merchant account that doesn't require you to be incorporated? Don't feel like giving out any more information than I have to. | |
I need ongoing e-mail lists targetting business owners! Posted: 06 Apr 2011 02:26 PM PDT Hi guys, I recently set up a new iFrame Creation site with the removed support of FBML from Facebook. Therefore I need e-mailing lists of business owners so that I can encourage them into upgrading/setting up an iFrame page. This will be ongoing work - XXXX amount weekly. I prefer US/EU contacts. Thanks :)! | |
Does Hootsuite pass IP data on to Twitter? Posted: 06 Apr 2011 02:26 PM PDT I am thinking about doing multiple automated twitter accounts via Tweet Adder and maybe Tweet Attack I am wondering if I use Hootsuite to monitor mention and then manually tweet via Hootsuite, does Hootsuite pass along my IP information to Twitter? I am pretty sure that Hootsuite uses their own API with all communication to Twitter, but I don't know if they pass IP info through. | |
Posted: 06 Apr 2011 02:18 PM PDT Never mind..... | |
Looking for Bulk E-Mail Hosting & Software Solution Posted: 06 Apr 2011 02:12 PM PDT All, First off, great site here and lots of useful info on a lot of different subjects. Looking for a little direction. Have a company that e-mails about 15-20k per day, mostly opt-in, but some not (about 65-35 breakdown). Wanted to get some advice on what outsourced server I could use. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks. | |
i m looking for site tracker just like extremetracking, Posted: 06 Apr 2011 02:11 PM PDT i cant recall its name, its default language isnt english and its stats page looks are just like extremetracking . anybody know , which tracker is it ? thanks for ur time. |
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