Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO |
- 3waylinks - A joke?
- ★wholesale supplier of authentic,original branded designer watches★
- Question about Gildan T-Shirts.
- How low would you go for $20?
- Many of you already know this, but just in case here is a first hand warning!
- elbitz invite
- best PAID keyword research tool...
- Anyone have experience with Yoo themes?
- Top +100 tools for using twitter
- IM-Friendly Article Directory Just Launched!
- Anyone ever use this company?
- domain names and getting indexed.
- export all backlinks in BMR
- Epic Halloween!
- Where to buy a keyword database that has phrase-match competition values
- IPHONE 4S Supplier ALL with RECEIPT from CA.
- competitor ?
- Trying to create a buzz
- In Two Days .....
- Woot! shows the best attempt to get affiliates. Ever.
- Getting accepted into adsense
- Saints Row: The Third Competition!
- 2 bots i need .... do they exist?
- need adwords coupon can anyone spare one
- Q: auto submit wp post to a different social networks FRee ?
- Leads & Live Transfers JV $$$$
- Social Media Visitors - Are They All The Same?
- I'm going to make incentive offer cash as simple as I can here
- My site got 2,500 hits in the first 24 hours...
- Tattoo
- Scammed for $550 - RepGuys Scammer = Mugshots!
- Great Idea... ? Maybe...
- whos gonna win Big Brother
- do you know a friendly url shortener for paper ad? thanks+rep
- Who likes working alone online
- Been a lurker for quite some time... Thought it's finally time to come out!
- New and need some help starting
- Ads on Privacy Policy and Contact Us Pages..
- How to check for unique contents
- Halloween Party 2Nite
- The Full and Complete Guide to Starting your Offline Business
- 6 month lead gen JV
- sold something on CL, now next day buyer is threatening to go to cops
- What program can do this effect
- Import Export Business - Any ebook/WSO or help?
- [FREE] SPECIAL OFFER for BHW'ers | "Feature Spots" on | Fiverr for Marketers!
- Pay pal verification.
- Free Anonymous and High Anonymous Proxies :)
- Looking for Amazon or ecommerce person
- JV Service Sales Thread At BHW ! HURRY
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 08:15 PM PDT Man I sure hate to be the one complaining all of the time, but it seems as though most of these affiliate marketers are only good at writing sales copy, and their products usually SUCK! I know Jon Leger is well known (if thats even his real name), but how can you create a product that doesn't even work... a new member cannot even get past the setup options without errors, and still stay in business?!?! This seems to be a trend these days. I have bought a LOT of CRAP lately and ended up requesting a refund because... well... it was CRAP! Very little seems to go into creating a QUALITY product anymore. If you can create a mile long sales page, and get affiliate marketers to mention your product, you could be selling a pile of dog shit and it wouldn't matter. My professional recommendation at this point is to avoid 3waylinks. Like many other IM products, it seems to be an old dusty (and worthless) product just sitting out there for suckers to buy. | |||||
Question about Gildan T-Shirts. Posted: 29 Oct 2011 08:11 PM PDT Does / did anyone ever wear "Gildan 5.3 oz Heavy Cotton" T Shirts? I like the plain color t-shirts, nothing fancy. Do they shrink in the wash? Also, are they a sturdy t-shirt etc. | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 08:07 PM PDT So here is a little story to put a little pep in everyone’s Halloween cheer! So for the most part, I promote adult and cam sites. So last night, I was doing some homework on MFC (My Free Cams). So some buddies and I decide to wonder over to the site and view some of these cams that are “free”. Obviously, the girls only do things if you tip them with tokens. Well from my understanding, 20 tokens = $5 for the model. So the first room we pick is “Miss Heidi Fox” – and holy shit is she fucking wasted. Her eyes are rolling behind her head, she is swaying all over the place, seems to be delusional. The topic for her room was “20 tokens I take a shot, 60 tokens for pussy view and 100 tokens to bang Pinhead”. Yes, Pinhead from Hell Raiser. Right behind her in her living room was a life size version of Pinhead, and she had strapped a dildo around his waist, under his cloak. So about a few minutes later, someone pony’s up the 100 tokens for her to go do the nasty with Pinhead. Well she bends down, gets in a “doggy” position. She seems good to go for the first minute, and we are all having a laugh. Then all of a sudden, she starts to sway, and BOOM, she passed out with Pinhead falling right on top of her. I thought I was going to piss myself in laughter. About 5 minutes later, she crawls up, stumbles, then smashes in to her computer and disconnects her cam. And all that work for only $20. | |||||
Many of you already know this, but just in case here is a first hand warning! Posted: 29 Oct 2011 07:52 PM PDT I started in IM a few years back. I built some websites, I bought a bunch of crap products.. you know the usual newbie stuff. Well I started making a ton of money using PPC (adwords)... Enough that after only a week of scaling it up I was thinking "wow I"m going to be set for life in a year at most" well about 4 weeks into it I got my adwords account banned (still not sure why they were very vague) Anyway, I learned the most valuable lesson I have ever learned in my entire life from that experience. NEVER EVER EVER!! put all of your eggs in one or even two baskets. Sense that experience I have spread out as much as I can I will literally dabble in anything that may make me money, from content writing for a penny a word, to a large authority site, to selling on Amazon. I find something that works, scale it, and outsource it as much as possible so i'm not spending all my time doing the work. (many of my projects after outsourcing only make me a couple bucks a day, but if I profit from it, and dnt have to put anymore time in it, then I consider it a success.) The reason I'm even making this post is because, I had an authority site in which I worked very hard on and was my main project for a while now.. I was making a killing like when i first started with adwords. Well as with many sites all of a sudden GONE no warning no nothing... and I don't mean it doesn't rank as well any more I mean it's deindexed.. may come back may not who knows... point being is that I'm fine.. I have enough other eggs that even though it suck I will be fine.. Once you find something that's great, but DON'T stop there, find something else, then something else.. you will be glad you did. (Please no pm's about methods and stuff I won't answer them so don't waste ur time:cool:) | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 07:49 PM PDT anyone have an elbitz invite I can have/buy? | |||||
best PAID keyword research tool... Posted: 29 Oct 2011 07:44 PM PDT I have been using the typical google keyword tool and getting decent results BUT it's taking a lot of time to do this work, what are some tool I can use that will cut my research work to a fraction of the time? | |||||
Anyone have experience with Yoo themes? Posted: 29 Oct 2011 07:33 PM PDT I have downloaded an unofficial version of the new cloud theme and I am not familiar with their framework and can't seem to get a demo that looks like their demo. I have heard that there's a demo version out there that you can install loaded with demo content but can't seem to find it. Anyone familiar with their themes or can help out? I can hook ya up with plenty of other software for helping. | |||||
Top +100 tools for using twitter Posted: 29 Oct 2011 07:18 PM PDT :DHere I will share some tools for twitter:D 1) Backtweets - Tool to search twitter where they got their links from your blog or site on twitter. You even links that have been shortened. 2) TweetEffect - Tool twitter to find out if you won or lost followers on each tweet. 3) CheckRetweet - Tool to track twitter RT's data in their tweets. 4) Tweepz - Tool to find twitter twitter users by city, keyword or name in the bio. 5) Twuffer - Twitter Tool to schedule tweets to be sent anytime you want and is not available. 6) Tweet Manager - Tool to manage your twitter tweets. Allows you to send an automatic reply, follow back everyone who follows you, mass tweeting, tweets and schedule also allows more than one account. 7) HootSuite - Tool to manage multiple twitter accounts, monitor brands, create groups, lets you customize the visual characteristics in columns, provides statistics of tweets. 8) Favotter - Tool twitter favorite tweets to find out who and what were his. 9) Friend or Follow - twitter tool to find out who you follow and not follow you. Find out who follows you and you do not follow. 10) Twitter Counter - Twitter Tool to generate a graph how many followers you have / earned per day, month, year, when he started tweeting, compare and share with others the number of followers on his blog. 11) TweetStats - Tool for twitter to have all the statistics on your tweets, from how many tweets per month, more time to tweet which clients used. Very complete. 12) TwitChuck - twitter tool for information about someone before then, if it was locked, tweets often has more followers than following, if tweeted lately, you have so many replies. 13) iTweet - Twitter Interface for use online, has RT button, complete information about users, tweets, perfect for those who have twitter blocked at work. 14) CoTweet - Ferrameta for corporate twitter. Well the look clean, allows multiple accounts, multiple users, track keywords, search, and also allows schedule tweets. 15) Twittelembra - Tool twitter. It is a sort of agenda via twitter. Sign what, when and how you want to be reminded of an appointment and receive twitter. Excellent tool, created by @ brunobertolini in Florianopolis. 16) Twubble - twitter tool to give tips to new followers? This tool gives you plenty of suggestions of followers. 17) Twalala - twitter is a tool that allows you to filter your twitter, block tags, sentences that do not want to receive tweets, or even silence a user for a certain period, without the need to unfollow. 18) Twitterless - Be warned by the tool twitter when someone stops following you and have the history graphs of his followers. 19) Twittelicious - twitter tool that saves and shares tweets you find interesting. It's like your favorite browser to Delicious or twitter. 20) Twitter Grader - Twitter Tool to see what position you're on twitter. Search by city, state, country. Compare with other users. 21) Twitter - Twitter Tool to discover who are the people you most twit, when was your first tweet. 22) Twibbon - Tool to create a twitter campaign twitter. Place the image on your avatar. 23) Twilk - Tool to create a twitter background for your Twitter avatar with your friends. 24) TweetBeep - Tool Twitter to receive alerts on your twitter about who comments on her blog, about who talks about his brand, about whom you mention in conversation. 25) Tweetchannel - Tool to create twitter twitter channels. 26) Tweetree - Twitter Tool to track who's talking to you, with branches, as birds in a tree. 27) Tweetcube - Tool for sending files over twitter twitter. Images, videos, music and more ... Comat 10mb files. 28) Twitcam - Tool twitter to broadcast live video integrated Twitter in 3 easy steps. 29) Twitterfeed - Tool to send tweets twitter feed and have any statistics 30) Blablabra - Tool to follow the twitter statistics twitter in Brazil. Brazilian version dostrending topics. Information such as more users who tweet, retweet etc ... more 31) Woofer - Inverse twitter, with at least one macroblog 1400 characters 32) Postwitt - Tool that integrates your Twitter tweets to your blog. 33) Flokio - Tool to create your own twitter group Miniblog. 34) Twi tt - Twitter tool for sharing photos, videos, music, documents and polls on Twitter 35) EasyTweets - Twitter Marketing Tool with multiple accounts, to monitor brands, schedule tweets, post and RSS feed content automatically. PAID SERVICE. 36) Twables - Applications for twitter. From fun games to tools and news. 37) Twitoria - Tool to check your twitter friends inactive. 38) Twitpic - Twitter tool for sharing photos on Twitter. 40) Twitoaster - Tool to organize your twitter replies. 41) Twinfluence - twitter tool to measure their influence on Twitter. 42) My First Follow - twitter tool to find out who I was the first follower. 43) Tweetwaster - Tool twitter to find out how much time passes you on twitter. 44) TwitterMass - twitter tool for account management, branding, audience and much more. PAID SERVICE. 45) SMS2Blog - Tool twitter. Update your Twitter account by phone, by sending an SMS. 46) Twittervision - Twitter Tool to view the latest updates in real time, at Google Maps. 47) Wefollow - Tool to search on twitter. Generates directory. 48) Tweetvolume - Twitter Tool to check the presence of certain key words in the micro-posts comparing the style google trends. 49) TweetTabs - Tool Twitter searches in real time. 50) Tweetmeme - Tool to put twitter on his blog a button to generate a tweet from your post. Same here I use this blog in social media. 51) Future Tweet twitter tool to schedule tweets. 52) Tweleted tool twitter to see tweets that have been deleted. 53) Twitblock - Tool to block mass twitter spammers following you. 54) BackupMyTweets - Tool to generate backup twitter tweets. 55) The Bank Whuffer - twitter tool to measure your reputation on twitter. It is a kind of bank that gives credits, a form of currency. 56) TwitterCircles - Tool to display your twitter friends cycle stronger on twitter and their friends. friends. 57) Filtrbox - Tool twitter and social media to monitor their brand and reputation in social media. 58) Screenr - twitter tool to record your screen and instantly shared on twitter, youtube, embed in your blog or even on the iphone. 59) Twitter Logo - Tool to transform text in any font and appearance of twitter. 60) TwitDir - Tool to search on twitter. 61) Trendsmap - twitter tool that shows real-time on a map, what is being spoken in their region. 62) Who Whom Follower Tool - list of twitter followers and followed in common, with up to 5 accounts. 63) Twinester - twitter tool to create discussion groups. 64) SubstiTwit - twitter tool for those who are out of time. Create a substitute in your twitter tweets and schedule and program to replace your streaming solution for you! 65) TweepML - Tool that creates lists of twitter users who you can share with others and follow all of the list 66) Tweetube - tool twitter video sharing 67) Twiddeo Tool - you send tweets to twitter with videos 68) Refollow - Tool to manage twitter followers and followed en masse, very easy and fast to use. Interface cool 69) TwitBacks - Tool to create twitter backgrounds quickly and free. 70) Tweetbars - twitter tool to create custom signature to your tweets to blogs, sites, or discussion forum 71) Topsy - Tool twitter a link to track and influence of profiles retweet your link. 72) Twitoaster - twitter tools to measure results of a tweet 73) TwitRes - twitter tool to share your resume with your followers 74) - Tool to have options twitter people to follow. 75) Twitterlocal - twitter tool to choose a location which profiles below. 76) TweetScan - maintenance releases of Twitter search. Allows you to register to receive email alerts and save searches. 77) Twitlonger Tool - Twitter tweet beyond 140 characters. 78) - Tool to integrate twitter tweets of your music on 79) Tweetfeel - Tool Twitter sentiment analysis in real time 80) TrueTwit - Tool to check if your twitter followers are real, preventing spammers 81) MyCleenr - twitter tool to know how long you follow someone who does not tweet. 82) TweetAways - twitter tool to filter all participants (a promotion, for example) through retweet the message and select the winner randomly. - Tool twitter to send out promotions more easily. Simply enter how many users want to contemplate, the @ twitter or link as the basis of data and perform their drawings in the safest manner. 84 Twitter Tool to publish full articles without having a blog or a site 85 twitter-friends- twitter tool for statistics on their Twitter. 86 twitter tweetlevel.edelman- tool to measure their importance in twitter. Algorithm based on the amount of RT's, followers, updates, and complete. 87 utwitbook- tool to search (by affinity eg advertising) or advise people on twitter 88 topfollowfriday -tool twitter to know how many people have advised you on # followfriday and how you recommended. 89 Twitter tool that allows different @ 's (tweeters) tweeted the same for an account. 90 jotabl- Twitter Tool to use twitter as a comment to your blog / site 91 Twitter Tool to organize your folders on twitter. 92 Tool and Twitter client with support for multiple formats. 93 admiistrar an account by several people 94 colourlovers- twitter tool twitter to customize the background, very complete and simple to use - Twitter listen to Radio channels through twitter 96 tweetwhatyoueat- tool twitter to tweet what you eat and have control over your weight / claorias etc ... 97 Tool to search for people by location. Find out where people are. 98 tweetmixx- with twitter directories, links, filters to make your twitter more organized 99 twitrans.onehourtranslation- Tool to translate tweets twitter 100 tweetmatrix- tool with several utilizadades to enhance your experience on twitter 101 twittepaga- Twitter tool that pays you every time you sponsor a msg streaming solution service 102 tweetforatrack- viralized your music on twitter and make it available for download 103 twootles- Search on google and twitter at the same time. 104 quoteurl.appspot: Share your conversations on twitter 105 twiangulate : Analyze the connection between people who follow you from those you follow. Make connections. 106_muuter: To silence someone who follows you on twitter hashtag for very useful in the BBB or Tuesday for those who do not like football, will be very useful in the World Cup! 107 tweetcalories: Calculate how many calories you spend tweeting. 108_tweetrandomizer: follower picks a random a twitter account that you designate. 109) Brazilian Service to publish photos on twitter with many excellent features. 110) lambitter: is a tool to disseminate and monitor events through twitter. 111) tool to let you know when you're sleeping. If you are not tweeting, it assumes you are sleeping. 112) twitter tool sets based on their RT's quotes and the 3 people more quotes you on twitter. 113) Snapbird is a tool to search twitter tweets with more than 7 days, the official twitter search fails. He gives up 200 results. 114) tweetyam: Now we can see the value of twitter people's money. 115) tool for monitoring social media, including: twitter, facebook, viral videos, google buzz. Research in real time. 116) twendz.waggeneredstrom: tool for exploring twitter conversations and sentiments of brands on Twitter. 117) tweetpsych: twitter tool that analyzes whether his followers like you. 118) stats.brandtweet: twitter tool to assess their relevance 119) justunfollow: tool to unfollow on Twitter who does not follow 120) tweetreach: twitter tool to discover the extent of his tweets. 121) sproutsocial: tool to manage multiple twitter accounts, statistics of his followers rich, excellent tool. Free for 1 month. I consider the possibility of paying for an account on it ... I can not post links. Take the name of the tool and add {.com}, or Search in G. If you liked this thread get me a thanks. Folow me too @globalandmeet I bet you will enjoy it ... It gives alas! | |||||
IM-Friendly Article Directory Just Launched! Posted: 29 Oct 2011 07:16 PM PDT Hey there, Just wanted to let everyone know that I just launched a new article directory site and I want to invite everyone to come by and post some articles. There are a few advantages to posting articles on DeluxeArticles. Articles will be approved within 12 hours of submission (at 5am and 5pm est daily). I will also approve articles in between those hours but the 2 times I listed are guaranteed. This is a great perk especially for when there is a big launch and you want your shit posted fast, instead of waiting 2-3 days on other sites. I allow affiliate links as long as it's not to any content that the big G wouldn't like. I don't care if you re-use your articles from different sites. I'm pretty laid back so why not give it a shot and see if you like how I run things. I know that you probably think that I am crazy for starting an article directory site but hey it's a good way to learn the in's and out's of IM and shit. Also note, the logo will be changing I already ordered a logo from Fiverr. Thanks for checking out the thread. the site is: ***deluxearticles dot com*** p.s. - I couldn't find any rules about posting my website in the lounge so if I broke any rule please delete my thread and I do apologize for the stupidity. | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 06:58 PM PDT In order to promote my affiliate link I need help. Anyone here ever do business with this company? Thank you. I don't want to be scammed. Been scammed before by a company with the same layout. | |||||
domain names and getting indexed. Posted: 29 Oct 2011 06:56 PM PDT If I have a domain that i direct to another domain will the redirected domain get indexed in google? Or is it better to mirror the site so it can be viewed directly under the new domain? | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 06:51 PM PDT in BMR, there is no way to export all backlinks? do I have to click on the little thing that goes to google and searches for your article, find my article's url and paste the url in excel, then the next one, the next one, the next one? I cant export them all? | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 06:47 PM PDT Just kidding... what is everyone doing tonight since it seems every body is doing stuff tonight instead of Monday night here in the states. Just turned 21 this month and sitting inside on BHW researching a few things so that I can jump back in the game of making money online since it has been a few months since I have done anything productive with my online money making abilities. | |||||
Where to buy a keyword database that has phrase-match competition values Posted: 29 Oct 2011 06:42 PM PDT Anyone know of a database (or a web source) that will return a value for the "phrase match" of a keyword e.g. if i type "big boats" into Google, I can see the text: "About 1,980,000 results" is displayed there. I need to grab that number for 1000 kws. The Xedant database does this. But they don't have this number for all of their data for some reason... | |||||
IPHONE 4S Supplier ALL with RECEIPT from CA. Posted: 29 Oct 2011 06:41 PM PDT Since I got a lot of pms, I decide to open this new thread with more explaining details. Original, Unpacked, Unlocked NEW iphone 4s from CANADA. Price: 16G white: $870 16G black: $875 32G white: $990 32G black: $995 64G white: $1150 64G black: $1150 firstly, i am sorry for the info. i pm to some ppl before, i have fixed price now, all of iphones 4s are bought from canada iphone shop, and all iphones will be shipped from canada with receipts, if u would like to see a pic proof of receipt, that is not a problem, you can check the date of time, shop location and product name from the receipts. And then, i must inform buyer that the price i list above is only the price for each iphone model, if u wanna make an order u have to pay like $880+ Shipping + $25(duty). AGAIN, if you are looking for cheaper price, i have to apologize these are the best price i can do. well, if you are interested in my offer you can pm me now.;) | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 06:22 PM PDT is there a way to find out what my competitor is doing to get traffic? | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 06:22 PM PDT I'm ordering a case pack (24) pairs of Rock & Republic Maternity Jeans. (Retail price-$298 a pair) They are AUTHENTIC and come brand new with tags. I'll have all sizes and 2 different styles...styles that are hard to find. I'm looking for a couple of people who would like to help me sell them and make some money on the side). I'm going to be dropshipping them blindly (your name/business and address in the return section) for $105 shipped. I only accept paypal. Also, if you are interested in buying authentic merchandise wholesale, hit me up. I have dozens of wholesalers and dropshippers at my disposal and can help you find whatever you need. (For a price, of course) The jeans will be here in a week. You can make quite a bit selling these suckers! | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 05:57 PM PDT I will have $250 000 more in the bank! Positive thinking, confident with my skills And some luck I will be sucessfull. One of my spare time passions is poker and being in a family in the casino business its hard to get away from especially at Family functions! Will be playing tommorow at noon and day 2 will resume Monday and play down to the final table :) | |||||
Woot! shows the best attempt to get affiliates. Ever. Posted: 29 Oct 2011 05:30 PM PDT Well it's not, but it's pretty damn amusing... and that's because it's pretty close to the truth of the life of an average affiliate marketer. Code: | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 05:23 PM PDT Just registered for a new adsense account today, thry ask for primary domain but rather than give one of my MNDs I gave one of my legitimate domains even though I don't really intend to put adsense on there, does that matter? Any other factors in getting accepted? | |||||
Saints Row: The Third Competition! Posted: 29 Oct 2011 05:18 PM PDT Hey guys, First here are the competition details Quote:
Note: If you are interest in participating in the competition you can download the demo for 360, PS3, and PC, over Gamespot. Code: | |||||
2 bots i need .... do they exist? Posted: 29 Oct 2011 05:11 PM PDT 1) Bot 1 - fake visitor needed to fake google analytics into thinking that visitors are staying on my site for longer and making my bounce rate reduce. bot would need to select a proxy > select a referrer url > visit my home page > then at random time (20/180 seconds) select a url on the same url to visit this process continues for up to 5-7 minutes 2) Bot 2 - hardware restart i have no idea if this is possible and/or if a bot could even do this. My ISP (internet provider) do not offer me a fixed ip so everytime i reboot my wireless router im assigned a new ip. Is these anyway i can reboot this automatically? even better to work with bot 1? :confused: | |||||
need adwords coupon can anyone spare one Posted: 29 Oct 2011 04:55 PM PDT im looking for a adwords coupon prefer a $100 one its for a new account but i will settle for any just need one tho pm me or just put the code in this tread if you can help thanks. | |||||
Q: auto submit wp post to a different social networks FRee ? Posted: 29 Oct 2011 04:44 PM PDT does anyone know site like this? i tried but its not working i hope someone can suggest a good option to do this thanks +rep for helpful answer in return | |||||
Leads & Live Transfers JV $$$$ Posted: 29 Oct 2011 04:19 PM PDT I am looking for a few people that have experience in selling leads or live transfers or have established leads/transfers buyers. I can provide transfers and leads for pretty much any vertical out there - loan modification, debt settlement, auto insurance, health insurance, life alert, diabetic, tax, edu, and many more. Just let me know what your client needs and I'll get it. PM me and let's make some money. | |||||
Social Media Visitors - Are They All The Same? Posted: 29 Oct 2011 04:17 PM PDT Question: Is a visitor (targeted or untargeted) that comes to your site via facebook equivalent to one from twitter or digg or stumpleupon or linkedin or any raft of social sites out there? Do they all have about the same likelyhood for action on your site? | |||||
I'm going to make incentive offer cash as simple as I can here Posted: 29 Oct 2011 04:12 PM PDT Sign up for a network that has incentivized offers. Find one with a payout of around a dollar (that's most). Sign up to sites like ShortTask, MinuteWorkers, MicroWorkers, Mturk, etc. Offer ten cents to fill out the incentive form. Split test to see what sites give the most conversions and the highest turnover, and stick with the biggest one. Pump money, little by little, into this. Keep in mind, an investment of $10 will net you $100 if all convert. And you don't have to pay until they show you a screenshot of conversion. Assuming a 20% shave rate by the affiliate network, that's a 400% ROI. | |||||
My site got 2,500 hits in the first 24 hours... Posted: 29 Oct 2011 04:02 PM PDT Quick, how do I monetize? It's an adult-oriented site for a specific starlet. Already on her affiliate network but not getting many click throughs. Thanks! | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 03:34 PM PDT Hello i wona get tattoo any know websites wheris i can look good pictures of tattoo ? Thanks | |||||
Scammed for $550 - RepGuys Scammer = Mugshots! Posted: 29 Oct 2011 03:23 PM PDT Hey, BHW. I have lost about $550 when a friend of mine introduced me to someone with the Skype handle "repguys". So I had a decent chat with "repguys" for 3 hours whose name is Corey or something like he told me. Later, when it was the topic on facebook and viral scripts, he had told me to invest $500-$600 and I get 50% off whatever the share it is. So, since you know facebook + viral script and this guy seemed legit, I sent him the money through paypal (gift) and asked him how long it will take to setup. He said the money goes to someone he knows, a programmer who is behind this project. So I've been waiting on that money, as he said the project will kick into action in 24 hours. That 24 hours has been 240 hours so far. So today, I felt a little suspicious and googled the skype name "repguys" and guess what, the bloody mugshots thread appeared and a little search had revealed that it is none other than our bloody idiotic poo-eating mugshots. I know I've been stupid guys. All this convo has been happened outside BHW and so I do acknowledge mods can't do anything on this issue, but I just thought to put this out to everyone. $550 is not a big deal to me at the moment to pull hair about, but I've just talked to paypal on the phone and filed an "unauthorized transaction" claim since the payment I made was as a "gift" and I know my chances to win the money back by disputing it in the form of "item dispute" are less. Here are the paypal details I sent the money to: Sent to: Hannah Seaton (The recipient of this payment is Verified) Email: Payment sent to: He told me that's his wife. I have been so stupid and learned my mistake. I'll keep the forum updated. +rep to Winchester as it was his post that was indexed in google. | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 03:20 PM PDT I Got an "Facebook-Group-Idea.." but my first "Project" got after 5 days only 40 Likes.... anyone here who would listen to my idea and maybe help me to make it better or work with me together... it would be big... only for German People... but a very Great Idea. Send me an pm and i tell you about my idea | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 02:53 PM PDT Well its the last 2 weeks, I suppose anyone of them can win it now, but Ill go for Aaron. Im sure theres other members here watching it, or am I the only sad person here lol. | |||||
do you know a friendly url shortener for paper ad? thanks+rep Posted: 29 Oct 2011 02:35 PM PDT I am going to put some ads in my local newspaper, redirecting people to a CPA affiliate link. For that I need an easy memorizable kind of link (not cuz it puts a complicated serie of letters/numbers in the url) I need somthing like abc.tld/myoffer thank you much edit : the url shortener must permit some tracking to see the number of clicks | |||||
Who likes working alone online Posted: 29 Oct 2011 02:18 PM PDT as it says, do you like working alone, or would you help others and let them earn you some money on a percentage basis. Example you pretty much tell them what to do and they earn and you keep 50% of the earnings. and if you dont mind share your reason dont have too. | |||||
Been a lurker for quite some time... Thought it's finally time to come out! Posted: 29 Oct 2011 02:15 PM PDT Hey there everybody. Well... as you can see by my join date... I'm not really all that new... I've been learning passively... One thing I discovered: What works for others CERTAINLY won't work for you (well... Mostly...) Anyways, turning over a new leaf? ;) | |||||
New and need some help starting Posted: 29 Oct 2011 02:15 PM PDT Hey all, I'm new here at bhw, and I'm looking for some guidance as to where to start. I have some experience with HTML, CSS, and Photoshop and I'm sort of lost as where to start and how to make money which is my main goal. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! | |||||
Ads on Privacy Policy and Contact Us Pages.. Posted: 29 Oct 2011 02:12 PM PDT Can't figure out how to remove them in Wordpress from these pages, as I'm pretty sure it's not allowed. I am using the "Quick Adsense Plugin". | |||||
How to check for unique contents Posted: 29 Oct 2011 02:11 PM PDT Is there a tool to check for unique contents/articles? So google doesn't have to slap me in the face. Thank you :) | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 01:58 PM PDT If you are in Southern Ohio head to Athens for the best street party in the country at Ohio University...legendary for debauchery and teargas from horseback cops JQ | |||||
The Full and Complete Guide to Starting your Offline Business Posted: 29 Oct 2011 01:56 PM PDT Around six years ago I got into the Internet Marketing business. I realized almost instantly that this was the next big thing and that it was a lucrative industry but it seemed to lack something for me. You see internet marketing sales required something more than just a great sales pitch and a great sales service you also needed to find a method to drive traffic to your pitch. Rather than try and take on the three front fight I decided to combine the lucrative untapped potential of online advertising in the offline world and create a consulting business revolving around online presence. With my degrees in human psychology, english and marketing and my previous experience in IT and Web Design I built a business model to bring in clients from the offline world with a lot less effort. Contained with in this thread is everything you need to know to get you started and how I did it. Important: It does take a while before I get into discussing monetization and sales strategy - I assume that many people who are brand new will be reading this guide and therefore I start right at the beginning - if you are only interested in sales and monetization skip down to that section. Lesson 1 - Foundations of your Company: First and foremost you are going to make the decision as to if you are going to be a company or an individual and this is solely a matter of branding. Many people will discuss with you the legal differences between being a company and a consultant; and sure there are some major ones (but of course I provide you the solutions to over come that either way), the important thing in my eyes who do you want to be: A) The SEO labor company - you take payments for linkbuilding, article blasting and on page seo campaigns. Or B) The marketing consultant - you are paid for your ideas and rising base metrics other than SERP The reason I make the distinction is very simple, make yourself stand out to your clients is a matter of brand reputation, in the offline world (especially for you younger IM'ers) brand is going to be a matter of crucial importance; and if you've ever read "The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding" By Al and Laura Ries (the two most respected branding experts in the world) you will understand that one of the most important of these laws is: The Law of Expansion - Which states that any expansion to your brand from your core service will temporarily increase sales, but ultimately dilute your brand reputation. In other words, do one thing and do it better than anyone else. There are hundreds of delicatessens across the United States, they carry everything from sandwiches, to gum, to coffee they are your everything you need corner deli. Then Subway came along and said "I'm going to do one type of thing, sandwiches, in fact I'm only going to do submarine sandwiches" and it became a natural brand. People have a naturally inclination to relate one concept with a noun, which is why branding works and you want their natural association to be the thing that you do best. Over all I am going to suggest becoming a marketing consultant simply because it is easier and more productive to build brand focus around your name and because you are in a more unique marketplace. Each days CEO's and purchasing managers are getting emails and phone calls about their SEO - people in SEO farms offering them to be first in a certain keyword, and very few people coming to them and saying "I want to build the relationship you have with your clients online by building exposure, communication and advocacy across trackable metrics" The other advantage as as an individual you do not need to set up and register a business you can operate as a legal individual and even hire staff with out the costly and time consuming process of becoming a corporate entity. Lesson 2 - The Business Model Setup: The business model for this project is simple; you are going to pitch various internet marketing services to local clients, explaining to them that you will increase various metrics (allowing them to see these metrics and show that your worth the cost) that track website traffic, social media exposure and general advocacy. For these metrics you will be using Google Analytics, Klout, Titter, and Facebook for some companies other sites and services may come into play but that will be at your own discretion. Google Analytics: Google Analytics is going to be a very important metric set, not necessarily for the client but for sure for you, Analytics has some important features including "automated reporting", "Goals" and "Traffic Fluctuation Alerts" that are going to help you seem more professional and keep you on the ball. They also offer great insight to your clients target audience which allows you to send them great "free" insight emails each month which keep them coming back to asking you questions (which any smart consultant bills at a standard of 15 minutes per question). Google Analytics Automated Reporting: Automated reporting is certainly one of the most handy features offered by Google Analytics - many people try and set it up through the custom reporting and it ends up turning out like crap, rather than fiddle with metric inclusion yourself let Google take care of it by simply hitting the button below: ![]() Then select "Schedule" and fill out the information: ![]() I, personally, set the schedule to every Monday and have it sent to myself where I re-brand it and push it to the client but if you don't have the time or interest in doing that you can always just send it directly to the client, PDF format is recommended and always check "include date comparison" as your goal is to show improvement. Google Analytics Traffic Fluctuation Alerts: The next thing we want to set up is Google's Traffic Fluctuation Alerts or "Intelligence Reporting", this will alert us to any major spike, or dip, in traffic - and this is something of crucial importance because any time there is a dip we want to be the first to notice and contact the client with an email like: Quote:
On the other hand if you notice a large spike in traffic hit up the client with: Quote:
This is why we need to focus on these automated alerts so we don't miss these opportunities. To set them up: ![]() Google has a pretty good built in alert system but I like to crank it up to around 75% I'd rather receive an alert that I don't need and ignore it than miss one that I do need: ![]() Now however you are also going to want to add in some manual alerts, because Google won't catch everything, maybe there is a particular date like holiday, or a particular time of day such as evening, where this site based on its content should be seeing abnormal levels of traffic, if instead it sees normal traffic Google won't Alert you even though it's a problem so click on: ![]() Then finally select your metrics and traffic controls and activate the Alert (you can now even set it to alert you via mobile if you'd like): ![]() Now with these metrics in place you can not only actively give the client automated reports with very little work, and always seem like your on the ball, but using Google analytic to view traffic sources and growth you can show your services are working without competitive search engine growth. Other Google Notes: Some other things to note is Google does have a certification process for Analytics and Adwords management (adwords management will be covered in another post since it is just as lengthy of a process) but if you find yourself in need of extra credibility, want to get listed in the Google Certified Partner directory or want to access further Google training resources then the Certified Partnership may be for you. The tests are $90 each and you take them online, they are detailed but fairly easy and I can happily help to provide insights in them. ![]() One very important thing is to never fake your certified partnership as Google will take legal action, anywhere in the world, and they will win. Also, another handy tool is "Google Alerts" which you can set up to monitor when people are talking about your client so you can easily get involved in the conversation and use this natural interest to your advantage. But we'll talk more about that later on. Working with Klout: ![]() ![]() Klout describes themselves as the Google Analytics of Social Media Exposure, and to be honest they are a great service. They are great for two reasons: 1) If you are new to Social Media Management Klout quickly allows you to see what you are doing wrong and what you are doing right and which "Social Style" you are and what topics you are influential about and it there for works as a great roadmap as you are starting out in this business 2) Klout is also great because it is a tracking metric for something that was very loose before. Previously I could manage my clients facebook and twitter and they were only ever interested in metrics that I could record (which makes sense every client wants metric results), in this case it meant the number of Fans or Followers which is something hard to tackle but with Klout I can now show other metrics including: "Amplification" - The ability for your message to be repeated by your followers (this indicates a level of advocacy for the client product, people like what you do and talk about it! Unpaid advertising - it's what makes the social world a gold mine) "True Reach" - How far your message actually reaches "Klout Score" - The level at which you are engage your followers and taking on new ones. The nice thing about Klout is after a while the metric plateaus, meaning some of the most influential people in the world only have scores of 80-90 out of 100. The average Klout user starts at around 5-10 and it is very easy to climb to around 20 and then each point gets increasingly difficult. Most of my clients sit around 30-40 and all I have to do is keep engaging customers to not fall. However, to show that I am still increasing the "Amplification" and "True Reach" metrics continue to rise with no exponential difficulty showing that my engagement growth rate of that 30-40 score is working to grow their business. ![]() Now the one unfortunate thing about Klout is that it does not offer automatic reporting of any type so you will have to manually report these metrics to your client and actively monitor them yourself. But it's a great sales point because no client knows anything about a Klout score except that they want one better than their competitors. Lesson 3 - Let's Get down to Business One of the most common things I am asked when someone is getting into the offline business is "What do I charge?" and this will strictly depend on your clients, your services, your professional sales ability and your reputation. When I started off I was charging $10/h and working with cheap clients. As I learned to build a reputation, and got better and my skills I took on more and more premium clients, now my average opening proposal is $3000-$5000 starting fee and $1500 - $3500 a month in charges for the client (sadly this isn't what I make because I do have overhead costs). Start off small work your way up, don't jump straight to the premium clients until you have the experience and proof to back up your craft; otherwise you risk our reputation before it's even taken off. Below are some of the documents I use to help keep me organized and you may find many of them useful: The Following is a "Proposal Cost Breakdown" given to the client after they accept a "short written proposal" this will show them where the costs are: ![]() Download: Here This next one is a stylized invoice, this is what you send the client for approval when they sign back on this and make payment you can begin the work: ![]() Download: Here Next we have a very important "Consulting Contract" if you decide you want to work on an open ended project with a client where you are unaware how much to bill in advance you will want to fill out one of these contracts. (Note: Fill in names, change country from "Canada" to your country, and edit the hourly dollar value): ![]() When it comes down to it the business process is going to work for you like follows:
Sure that's over simplified but you would be surprised at the number of people who go in with quotes for a client right away, never scare your client away with the numbers, show them services that they really want and negotiate to set up a service inside their budget. Your number one priority should be happy clients who are going to champion your cause and sing your praise! So how do we go about finding these clients? How do we go about making the sale? Let's continue on! Lesson 4 - Finding the Clients: Find the client can be one of the hardest things you'll ever do, when I first started off in the business world I had a part time gig with a "lead list" agency who basically paid me to headhunt companies for certain categories. I got very good at finding quality business leads but it was certainly a tiring task! here are some great ways you can get started finding and contact clients some them may sound a little strange but believe it or not they are tride and true methods of the lead hunter industry. First lets think about the client you are looking for, you are looking for small business or individuals who wouldn't go out and pay top dollar for a marketing agency that could handle these projects, so your company is probably looking for a non-chain business of 10-75 people, 100+ will be a big company for you when you are starting off, but give it a few years. Now one of the most efficient methods I found was hoping in your car (or on your bike) and driving around the city with a notepad, any time you pass a business as yourself 1) Is this an independent business? 2) Do they sell to people rather than other businesses? 3) Is this business in the 10-75 employee range? If you answered "No" to any of these questions move on. If you answered "yes" write down their full legal name and an estimation of roughly how big they are (by employee count) Do this for your city and any neighbouring ones, because you'll probably want to get a lead list minimum of 300 companies, I prefer to work with 500 - 1000 because only around 1 - 3 % of these leads will ever be interested in what you have to say and of that only 15 - 25 % will take you on as a supplier. Once you have a decent size list head back home and research, research, research, you will want to find out what industry the company is in, if they went through anything news worthy lately, and the name of a decision maker there (also if you are any good at social engineering trying to find out their current marketing provider and if they do social media services may be of value to you). The reason we are doing all this research is because we are going to enter the field of the dreaded "Cold Calling" (although with that information it's much more of a hot call!) Many people will tell you that cold calling is dead, some people will even try and sell you products saying that cold calling never has to be done again and you can just email advertise. Well I can tell you from experience that the end of the day if you want to sell a service to an old fashion brick and mortar business you are going to need to learn to cold call. A few years back I had the luck of learning cold calling from a cold call trainer by the name of Art Sobczack of and he is by far one of the best cold callers in the industry - but I urge you, do not buy his stuff. Simple because between those two websites, his blog and his email list he gives away more than enough free tips to learn cold calling that you never need to actually buy his stuff. Just take the freebies and learn from there. Now when it comes to cold calling something you have to remember is you are going into this expecting that roughly 97% of people will reject you and that can be a bit of a downer but remember you only need that 3% to run a good business. Some of us will only need that 1% if they are big enough clients! The other thing to remember is there are a few types of people in this world and any salesman (which a cold caller is a type of) needs to be able to quickly figure out which type their client is and be able to adapt their sales pitch accordingly. Look at the two tele-sale pitches below and compare the differences to see what I mean! (The first one assumes I did pre-call research, and am talking to a Medical Healthcare Provider; the second I researched but this is my first call too and it's a building company). Example One: Quote:
Example Two: Quote:
Cold calling can always be a challenge, but hey, give it a whirl and just make sure to always know your client, the more you know about them the better off you'll be. You'll eventually get a knack for it and I'm here to help answer questions too. Now lets say you have the cold call done it's time for your first meeting, what are you going to do? Quite simply it's time to break out the charts of past projects even personal ones, people love charts and they are an easy sale point. Research the company find out what there current social media standings are, do they have any positive or negative reputation on the net, do they have any existing exposure? By knowing where they currently stand you can approach a meeting telling them only services that are relevant to them, how you are going to solve their specific problem and you can show that you are on the ball and have done the research. Lesson 5 - Expansion: Expansion is always a challenging topic, one of the best things I can advise for most people the moment you are thinking of opening an office or hiring a new employee, stop. Don't do it. Wait. Let your capital grow at least by a yearly margin of 0.75x that cost. In example if you wanted to hire a new employee at $30,000 a year and think you have the budget for it wait until you have the budget for $52,500 that way there is always a marginal safety net. Also like most online marketers I try and keep 3 months of operation costs, cash flow positive in a bank (or a vault is good too) because at the end of the day profits don't matter if you don't have the cash to pay the bills. Remember the moment you start involving operating costs and other people taxes become a bigger concern, rebalancing your service fees becomes an issue and you are required (in most countries) to now pay attention to Human Resource regulation, Employee saftey code and much more that you don't have to as an individual. Lesson 6 - Time Tracking: One of the most important things you will ever do both from an organizational stance point and in the interest of profits is committing to proper use of time tracking. Time tracking is important because it not only keeps you on time and organized (obvious statement much?) but it also allows you to compare your expected hourly with your actual hourly, and compare the amount billed to the amount of time that goes into a project allowing you to identify services which are not as profitable as they should be and adjust them accordingly. When it comes to a time tracking tool I can highly recommend: Toggle- ![]() It even has extensive plugin options and secondary modules such as team based features, syncing with basecamp and producteev. It can also be used to pre-alot time, give mobile alarms and as a billing standards calculator on non-price point projects: ![]() Lesson 7 -Book Keeping: when it comes down to it one of the most legally important things is keeping good books - because as an individual or a company you are still going to be on the tax radar and good books keep you from going to jail if you get audited. I recommend the "Freshbooks" bookkeeping tool, it's what I personally use and its a handy interface - way more features than you actually need. Ultimately you could keep an Excel file with a money in ad money out column and just sort all your receipts but if your anything like me you for sure want something digital you can't easily loose track of. I won't go further into bookkeeping as its pretty straight forward especially with Freshbooks but if you have any questions feel free to ask. Quick Tips 1 -Business Mantra: -Note that developing a company culture can raise employee productivity by up to 30% and lower need for employee turn over. -A happy customer should be your number one priority, your internal policies are second to the happiness and return business of your client - your "no refunds" policy should be carefully examined if a client is uncontent with service -Communicate with your clients and welcome feedback, even offer surveys for service discounts as a survey can easily be constructed to sell a client on a service they don't yet own -Don't spend money advertising, spend money being newsworthy. In a local community news PR traction can easily outway your advertising budget at a ratio of 1:6 Quick Tips 2 -Legal Information: -Watch out for Slander and Libel (negative discussion of another person, product, service or brand), know the laws and regulations pertaining to them in your area as its a very easy area to slip into - figure out what you can get away with saying and what you can't -Never promise a client more than you can deliver. If you fail to deliver they can take you to court on either negligence or fraud claiming the services they expected and didn't receive hurt their business. You could end up liable for damages -Always declare your taxes and make sure you have jumped through every legal tax hoop for you and your employees. This isn't the internet, eventually someone WILL look at your tax records. -Never target your competitions clients director (i.e. I send emails to all of Competitor A's clients or all of competitors A, B and C clients - this is an illegal business practice [at least in Canada, UK, USA and EU] the way around it is I send to some of competitor A B and C's clients aswell as some non-clients) FAQ: This section is reserved for any questions asked by the community, or even answered by the community. Q) What about Twitter and Facebook and the content management you discussed? When it comes down to that one of the things I charge my clients for is handling the content as well as their metrics, having a degree in English helps me advertise this a fair deal but basically I write a few months worth of content (roughly the length of their contract) with general tweets, articles and facebook posts. I then use auto posting services such as [u]FutureTweets or Twuffer in order to drip these out over time. I take one set of time and take the payments over a few months, this allows me to focus more on client acquisitions and growth in the future[/i] Hope this has helped! Winchester | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 01:43 PM PDT Ok heres an overview of this JV I need at least 2 dedicated people maybe more to participate. I am a wordpress theme designer I dont have a site yet and i need ready to pay leads. You can sell this service for what ever price you want I only want $50 per order via paypal. Turnaround is 7 days max. This JV will last for at least 6 months possibly longer. Pm If your interested I can send some sample sites for you to use. Please only sign up for this if your willing to dedicate at least 6 months of your time. Mature newbies are welcome. This JV is only open to 2 member I may take more if everything goes well. | |||||
sold something on CL, now next day buyer is threatening to go to cops Posted: 29 Oct 2011 01:31 PM PDT i sold something off of craigslist (vero item, doesnt matter what it is). i get a call the next day from the guy saying it is fake. to the best of my knowledge it is real. however, there is a possibility it isnt. i wont discount that. he wants to get his money back but i wasnt anywhere near home when he called. i tell him i will be home later and would contact him. 10 minutes later he texts me and asks when i am gonna give him his money back so he knows whether or not to go to metro. this got me thinking, how do i know he didnt buy mine and then try to give me back fakes? i dont want to mess with cops, but is that even something he can do? i would think a cop would tell him he needs to prove he bought it form me. i dont know, i am up in the air about this. would the cops touch it? | |||||
What program can do this effect Posted: 29 Oct 2011 01:27 PM PDT Original music video After Dark version | |||||
Import Export Business - Any ebook/WSO or help? Posted: 29 Oct 2011 01:05 PM PDT Hey BHW. My girlfriends father has a large amount of savings, and he's looking to put it to use. We got discussing, and we decided we'd import whatever from china and wholesale it in the UK. Is there there WSO other than "John Durhams Export Profits" or any ebooks that will take me through the process without losing all his money! Any help would be amazing! :D | |||||
[FREE] SPECIAL OFFER for BHW'ers | "Feature Spots" on | Fiverr for Marketers! Posted: 29 Oct 2011 12:49 PM PDT ![]() FOR ALL BHW'ers! GET YOUR GIGS FEATURED FOR FREE! (Just PM/EMAIL me after you post with a link to your job and I will FEATURE it. see bottom of this post) ALL NEW Fiverr Alternative Website (SET YOUR OWN PRICE! $5 or $10) Made for SPECIFICALLY WEB / ONLINE Marketers ONLY! Buy Or Sell Web Services (SET YOUR PRICE! $5 or $10) FREE TO REGISTER AND FREE TO POST JOBS! :D DON'T WAIT! POST NOW! I am planning a large media buy in the coming weeks - So I would like to offer all my traffic some compelling offers from my fellow BHW'ers! >>>>>>>>> SECTIONS AVAILABLE TO YOU ARE: <<<<<<<<<< Advertising Audio & Video Backlink Building Content Writing Craigslist / Kijiji Posting Ebooks Facebook Fan Building Graphics Online Business Tips Other Programming Search Engine Ranking Social Media Marketing Traffic Building Websites for Sale I have a few Sellers onboard already - but need MORE! To make this great for EVERYONE! GIG BUYING IS THE HOT THING RIGHT NOW - SO GET ON BOARD! Post your GIGS soon - So you can take advantage of the media buy that will be taking place. After that I will be continually purchasing media to keep sustained traffic. PM me or email me at info(at) with a link to your job posting - and I WILL PUT IT IN THE FEATURE SECTION! FOR FREE! :eek: ps: I know I posted another thread before about this site - But this one have a special offer for BHW, the other doesn't. | |||||
Posted: 29 Oct 2011 12:47 PM PDT Hi everyone, The story goes like this, I have been using Paypal for a min now and everything was sweet but of late its been hell. I normally purchase these prepaid credit cards to use with Paypal to make purchases of eBook and software but of late I have been unable to do anything thru Paypal as I am always being asked to verify my account by limiting it. Yesterday got a prepaid card, went to the internet cafe cos im thinking its my ip or something of that sort causing this paypal issue, so at the cafe.. after adding the card to a new Paypal account with new email as well, I tried purchasing a vps and domain and it was a no no, bang I get hit with the Limited account screen and bollocks. The main issue is that, when my account gets limited, i can't remove/delete the credit card from my paypal account until i verify my account and that alone renders the prepaid credit card all most useless online cos I find most payment systems are kinda connected to paypal, I mean the only way i now use the card is to buy gas or at the grocery store. Please is there any way to get my account verified as it stands, cos I need to buy a vps, domain and some other stuff. This is my 1st project I'm taking on as Im a newbie and I noticed that if you dont practically do something and hit road blocks and ask for topic specific assistance then your journey will be much longer. Advice pls. | |||||
Free Anonymous and High Anonymous Proxies :) Posted: 29 Oct 2011 12:42 PM PDT Hi everybody! Thought I would start up another thread, enjoy! Thank you for looking and don't forget to say thanks :D All proxies scraped and tested at 3:30 PM EST on 10/29/2011 using Proxy Multiply with a 15 second timeout Code: | |||||
Looking for Amazon or ecommerce person Posted: 29 Oct 2011 12:40 PM PDT Here's the deal. I have some very high end clothes to unload. I can't open a clothing account with Amazon, as they are closed. If you have an Amazon clothing-approved site, hit me up for some serious cash. I'll dropship and take care of everything. If you have a WEBSITE with a shopping cart, Hit me up! I need an ecommerce site to help me with a couple things. It'd be great if you're selling luxury items. Even if you can just throw up a luxury-type website with a cart, we can still do some great things. I need one so that way I can go direct with some wholesalers. Once again, I'll do all the work. I'm not big on building websites, even though I know a few coding languages. You do the website and SEO, and I'll bring the products and info. I'll do the dropshipping on that too. If you're one of the above, let's make some cash! | |||||
JV Service Sales Thread At BHW ! HURRY Posted: 29 Oct 2011 12:33 PM PDT i looking for a partner who can fund a sales thread here ($25) . Im currently out of funds and want to offer a fabulous cheap service @ BHW . ALL YOU DO IS BUY A SALES THREAD WITH MY CONTENT / SALES PITCH / GRAPHICS AND I WILL GIVE YOU $4 OUT OF EVERY SALE I GET . Just imagine how much people buy services here ? You'll get $4 everytime someone makes a purchase straight to your PayPal. Since the thread is started by you , you can easily check out how many sales im getting and how much $$ your making. HERES THE SERVICE. I will sell mini niche websites on wordpress with logos and content - I will build blogs that are ready to be launched for aff. sales. I might even throw in a keyword report for $$ or free. I will have a couple of different packages ranging from $25 to maybe even $75 You will get $4 out of every money order i get. Just sit back and watch you me work my bum off and give you money for it. ** the service thread will be live for 2 weeks or more so anything i make within 2 weeks or more you get your commision for it. If anything wrong/bad happens we have to close the service after 2 weeks. This is just to be safe. You will still get the money for the 2weeks and more if it works out good. |
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