Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO |
- [Need Suggestion] How to defeat b2b site in SERP
- Anybody used Auto Backlink Bomb?
- Wanted Whole Suppliers of Authentic Branded Products
- I am Programmer
- Own content locker can bypass
- Text to Speech?
- Pics of My New BlackHat Office
- Hosting
- Is there a benefit to Blogspot as site?
- Quickest way to build micro sites
- What Wording do you Use for Content Lock Pro v2?
- Suggestions - Best Method for my product
- Footprints for Contact Forms (Scrapebox)
- My Offline Journey
- best way to backlink web 2.0?
- How to Automatically Tweet Retweets Based on Keywords
- Be careful! they, READ BEFORE PURCHASE
- Please Check Your Smoke Detectors
- help with clickbank!
- Need AA AMR List that gets 250+ Livelinks.
- ** 'Massive' web crime ring smashed **
- Who has succesfully made an anonymous acct. on ebay and paypal, ad transfered ...........
- The Facebook Amazon SEO Trick - How do they do it?
- 15 year old- Journey to $10/day
- Scrapebox names problem
- Scrape all pages of website >> Scrapebox
- Best place to write articles for people?
- How would someone go about making a high PR blog network?
- Is my work IP on the twitter Shitlist?
- Looking for Authentic BlackBerry Buyers!
- How can I promote my blog using autoblog network?
- [NEW] 50-50 Adsense JoinT Venture
- How many copies can a successful WSO sell?
- Best providers of FB likes
- An AFFILIATES dream come true! EZ sales, low refunds, PROOF! Seriously CHECK THIS OUT
- How to create animated videos?
- newbie here
- I suck at clickbank need advice
- Contact a Moderator for BST
- Anyone here in Germany?
- Check status of accounts in TA?
- Give me some twitter users
- best shop software
- Conan o'Brien and Duplicated Content
- Hey Hey!
- Editing Adsense code (removing "<--")
- [Journal] Trying my luck with Facebook PPC
- Link wheel
- How to get more CB affiliates for a $21/sale new product
- Ad network for proxy network?
[Need Suggestion] How to defeat b2b site in SERP Posted: 11 Nov 2011 06:44 PM PST Helloo all BHW, morning.. Today i want to start some product that produce in my country, and wanna sell it online, in order to get overseas buyer. But, when i check competitor in the first page, there are some b2b site, likes alibaba, ec21, tradett, etc, that sell same with my product. So, what is the best way to get top on those situation? Looking forward to see your solution.. :) |
Anybody used Auto Backlink Bomb? Posted: 11 Nov 2011 06:37 PM PST Is it any good? It's a one time fee and can post to a few platforms so it looks like it might be a decent investment. |
Wanted Whole Suppliers of Authentic Branded Products Posted: 11 Nov 2011 06:28 PM PST I am need of large quantity of authentic branded items. Apparel,electronics and any other goods. Must be USA based suppliers and goods can be inspected by experienced inspectors to make sure it is authentic. Quantity range any thing above 1000 to 5000 pcs each. Middle mans and agents are fine if you can put us through direct suppliers and we can pay 1% sourcing fees if we make a deal. Please respond any serious suppliers who owns the stock with pics, prices and with valid phone number to mahitsense at gmail dot com. Any other emails will be ignored with out this information. |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 06:24 PM PST Hello, I have programming experience of 12 years. I would like to make Tools and apps for online marketing, SEO. My previous experience was as a financial programmer, website developer, client server architecture etc.. Here is my proposal: 1) You and I will make a draft of application to build with all detailed features and User Interface. We will divide the project phases. 2) You will pay me according to project phases while I will code the application. Meanwhile I will show you the work done. 3) You and I will share 50-50% of the selling profit. If anyone of you interested, Please PM me. Thanks, Kalrudra |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 06:09 PM PST just take some time and check my content locker on blogspot it can bypass.. i can waste my time doing content locker for CPA while people can right click and copy or ctrl+a and ctrl+c then paste in microsoft word.. then they can press ctrl+left click and boosh no CPA lead are made.. SO can avoid it? Im adding javascript that disable right click and highlight plus disable ctrl + any key .. tested and cant be copied, select all, right click and so on.. My questions - can still be any way in order to copy a content?? after using the code?? Let me share the code PUT BELOW HEAD TAG (EDIT HTML) Code: <script language='javascript'>function keypressed() {;return false;}document.onkeydown=keypressed;// End --></script> Code: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" > |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 06:06 PM PST Anyone knows of a good text to speech software that allows me to distribute the mp3 files I make? The ones I've checked out don't give distribution rights. |
Pics of My New BlackHat Office Posted: 11 Nov 2011 06:05 PM PST ![]() ![]() Don't laugh I am buying a new desk this weekend. ![]() For Naps When SEO gets too tiring Just moved into a beautiful new office. I have made all my money from offline SEO, but I am trying to move into regular IM at the moment. Offline has been real good to me though. My best productivity tip would be to use the pomodoro method. That consists of working for 25 minutes and taking a 5 minute break. Do this four times and take a 15 minute break. It keeps my partner and I focused and working fresh. Most of all Don't give up guys. Be creative and work your asses off |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 05:51 PM PST Amazing that no matter what this is the only sub-forum I see for a question on hosting. I use dreamhost and got my 1 site up already. Just bought my second site, registered my site on godaddy, and can't figure out how to get to the site to install wordpress. Am a noob I guess. Can someone help me out? |
Is there a benefit to Blogspot as site? Posted: 11 Nov 2011 05:33 PM PST I have created quite a few sites, ranked decent, but I always see a blogspot domain in there somewhere, Is there any benefit to getting a micro site ranked if its a blogspot? |
Quickest way to build micro sites Posted: 11 Nov 2011 05:21 PM PST I am in the process of putting together a lot of small microsites All will have their own domain, and will be around 10-15 pages each. What is the fastest way to get them built. I dont need pretty themes just basic, but want them to be easily optimized. |
What Wording do you Use for Content Lock Pro v2? Posted: 11 Nov 2011 05:02 PM PST Wondering what wording you guys use in your content locker to maximize people completing an offer. |
Suggestions - Best Method for my product Posted: 11 Nov 2011 04:48 PM PST So I have a product and understand there are many options to provide the product to people without them having to pay for it. Like cpa, content blocking, etc.. Any suggestions on the best method for a product I own? |
Footprints for Contact Forms (Scrapebox) Posted: 11 Nov 2011 04:46 PM PST I was wondering if anybody had any footprints for contact forms that I can plug into Scrapebox. +rep for anyone who delivers :) Also, if I find a few before I get some responses, I'll post them in here. |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 04:40 PM PST Yeah, yet another thread for offline journey. About Me: I have been reading up, studying, practicing SEO for about 2 years now. I have successfully got few of my sites to google page 1 and within rank 5 or above. And I believe that If I give it my 100% I can get it to rank 1. But of course, real life comes in play and have to sometimes through that to the side. I still do little bit of seo on my sites, but not nothing major. I learned all I need to about SEO to actually start pushing myself to get offline clients. Learning SEO is never finished, as it's constantly being update with new techniques and strategies. Taktical's Thread really pushed me to start doing something instead of constently reading forums, and wasting money on seo tools and software. Well, not really wasting. I must of read his thread dozen's of times, and there was nights where I couldn't even sleep due to all the ideas I kept getting on methods to promote offline clients. But I should really thank him for inspiring me to make this push. To start off, I have to really and turely thank Taktical for the document's he provide in his thread. Those document yet pushed me further to actually start working towards generating clients. People do not realize what he has given, and many people will not push them self to make use of it. It's free for you to use, use it! Things to Note:
I payed $25 for the brochure, because I wanted an editable psd file, which I can later add my information. How was the brochure? ![]() That's only the front of the brochure, i think this was done very professionally as I only told her I need one for seo services. I will offer this for you guys to use also :) Code: Code: Remember Taktical mention about referral and networking? That's where this will come in play. The bumper sticker, I haven't received yet as it was just send out to be deliver yesterday and today being holiday didn't get it. The bumper sticker will be on my vehicle of course and is also another method to advertise your services. I travel all day, and do you know how many people are behind me? It's a great method I believe :) Other Offline methods to implement
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 04:27 PM PST hello, i would like to get your feedback on my backlink plan: i am attempting to do a link pyramid (or at lease i think this is what i am doing) so i am creating 400+ word articles and submitting them to article directories such as articesbase and ezinearticles. I am gunna spin these articles with spinner chief and then using the spun articles to make blogspotdotcom and wordpressdotcom websites. i will be creating a total of 2 articles for articlesbase and 2 blogspotdotcom's. i will be creating and spinning more articles to submit to article directories so i can backlink the first 4. i have scrapebox and i will be blasting this set of backlinks. so in total i will have only 4 backlinks to my money site . the 4 backlinks will be backlink'ed with more articles and blogspotdotcom's. these articles and blogspotdotcom's will be blasted with scrapebox. i will be repeating these process untill i see an increase in my serps. i got this concept from reading backlink strategies here on BHW but since i am still learning, i am concerned i am not fully comprehending the tutorial threads. please let me know if i am doing anything wrong or offer any useful feedback. thanks and i hope this works. |
How to Automatically Tweet Retweets Based on Keywords Posted: 11 Nov 2011 04:03 PM PST Hello everyone, I been a BHW member for a while, mostly reading and learning. Now it's time to give a little back to the community at BHW. In this tutorial I will teach you how to create automatic (at)username mention retweets on Twitter using Twitter search RSS, Yahoo! Pipes and Twitterfeed. I have used this method successfully to automatically increase interaction between real Twitter users and my Twitter accounts. Since this method creates (at)user mentions, users in return often follow me, retweet my tweets to their followers, send me messages, or visit my profile and click on my outbound links. So let's get started. Below there will be many http links, be sure to replace the xx's with tt's. Also replace the * with periods. Sorry for this, I cannot post links, even in code boxes. Also below I had to use (at) because the sign was triggering as an email and would not let me post. Now since this is RSS based posted through Twitterfeed, the (at)usernames will appear on other users Mentions tab and not the actual Retweet tab. First you must create a Twitter RSS feed based on keywords. Code: hxxp://search*twitter*com/search.atom?q=(keyword) Code: hxxp://www*mprocopio*com/blog/social-media/rss-feed-twitter-search/ Open a new Pipe and place a Fetch Feed module. Under URL input your Twitter RSS feed link. Next, drop a Regex module and connect your Fetch Feed module to it. The first thing you have to do in the Regex module is to isolate the author's username. If you look at the RSS data, you'll notice that the username is embedded in the link info. You want to strip the rest of the link from the username and replace the string with only (at)username. Below is the information to enter in the first rule. This rule will strip the URL up to the username and append a RT (at) to the username. In Code: Code: hxxp://www*twitter*com/ Code: RT (at) In Code: Code: /statuses[^\s]+ Code: : Add another rule. This rule will stripe all the HTML code from the tweet content. In Code: item.description Code: <.*?> Code: (leave this entry blank) Now we must add the link string and description string together to make one string. To do this, add a Loop module and connect your Regex module to it. Inside the Loop module place the String Builder module. Create the string as follows: Code: Code: assign results to item.title. Now it's time to remove the colon we place in the Regex module to circumvent the space bug. Drop another Regex module and connect your Loop module to it. Add one rule as follows: In Code: item.title Code: : Code: (leave this entry blank) Setup the module as follows: Code: Block items that match any of the following Code: item.title Code: Matches regex Code: hxxp://[^\s]+ Code: item.title Code: Matches regex Code: www* RT (at)username (tweet content) Now in your Twitterfeed account create a new feed. Be sure to select post title only and uncheck post links. I like to post 5 tweets every 30 minutes. So each Pipe can net you 10 tweets an hour. You can scale it up a bit with more Pipes, but I wouldn't recommend Tweeting more than 40 tweets an hour. |
Be careful! they, READ BEFORE PURCHASE Posted: 11 Nov 2011 04:02 PM PST Be careful! they xrumerservice .org are Swindler! i paid them 150usd for theie services,but i get nothing till now. what a shamed man! DescriptionUnit priceQtyAmountVerified forum posts Package size: 20000 verified forum posts$75.00 USD2$150.00 USD [3:40:06 PM] myname: you allready charged me [3:48:09 PM] myname: i;m waiting for you reply, because i paid my money and get nothing [4:03:47 PM] myname: you need refund [4:04:23 PM] Janis Macins: No I do not offer refunds in such case [4:04:34 PM] myname: its scam? [408 PM] myname: ok so got report on bhw [453 PM] Janis Macins: go ahead and do so I really do not care [458 PM] myname: ok |
Please Check Your Smoke Detectors Posted: 11 Nov 2011 03:45 PM PST It's that time of year again, it's getting cold and we have furnaces, heaters and fireplaces running. Please check your smoke alarms and make sure they are working. Earlier today, I was awaken by the sound of firetrucks and the sounds of kids screaming bloody murder. Turns out, a few houses down there was a house fire. Spread to the whole house within 2 minutes, flames shooting out of all windows. One teen had to throw her cat out of the second story window and jump onto the ground. A 13 year old boy had to do the same out of the front window. The 2 that got out were screaming that their mother and brother were still in the house, along with 2 cats. The flames and smoke were too much for firefighters to get in. Under a tarp in front of the house, as soon as the fire was under control were the bodies of the mother and son. Survivors said that they didn't hear a smoke alarm and did not even know if they worked. Please check them, it's quick and painless. ~Rob. ![]() |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 03:43 PM PST When i click promote nothing happens i restarted pc still does not work. what should i do? Im sorry if this is wrong section. anyone else having this problem? |
Need AA AMR List that gets 250+ Livelinks. Posted: 11 Nov 2011 03:39 PM PST Hi, I need a good AA list for AMR, that gets about 250+ livelinks in the first run. Please post or PM me your prices. Thanks. |
** 'Massive' web crime ring smashed ** Posted: 11 Nov 2011 03:37 PM PST This is funny, these guys had their redirect virus running on -130 of NaSAa computers! |
Who has succesfully made an anonymous acct. on ebay and paypal, ad transfered ........... Posted: 11 Nov 2011 03:32 PM PST Who has succesfully Made an anonymous acct. on ebay and paypal, and transferred it ....... to their bank acct. or their anonymous bank acct successfully with no problems or scares? Somebody i know is trying to do this same tactic. He has the anonym0us phone number, the fake name, he has a proxy (tho paypal seemed to n0t let him make his acc0unt with this pr0xy server, s0 he's g0ing t0 g0 t0 a library t0 make it.) He was thinking about getting a nfinanse card for his bank acc0unt but is this safe? BTW MY o IS BRKEN S0 DISREGUARD ALL THE 0'S what methods d0 u guys use t0 acc0mplish this method of ann0nym0us bank accts ?? |
The Facebook Amazon SEO Trick - How do they do it? Posted: 11 Nov 2011 03:22 PM PST Search "cheap student desk" and check out the Facebook Amazon product on the first page. I've seen this trick a few times. How are they doing it? I'm pretty sure this is brand new. |
15 year old- Journey to $10/day Posted: 11 Nov 2011 03:21 PM PST So welcome to my thread i have previously done a blog about an idea i had. It didnt really work out so i decided to start afresh and with a new money making scheme. So my plan is real simple as i am a noob. I read about this several times on BHW but i thougth i might aswell try it myself and im using this blog to help me keep motivated. Plan: Use a content locker and CPA on MegaUpload downloads. I advertise this through youtube linking people to free downloads but before they can get it they must complete the offer and i get paid. Its really simple as i am a just new to IM and only 15. If anyone has any tips for me then please let me know :) Day 1
DAY 1 STATS Visits:0 Leads:0 Earnings:$0 ------------------ Day 2
Its been quite a busy day today with school and what not. Its Saturday tomorrow so shall try and work harder and hopefully get the first bit of $. Day 2 STATS Visits:4 Leads:0 Earnings:$0 |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 03:09 PM PST Does anybody else have this problem? Whenever I load a new set of names it defaults back to an old set of names and doesn't overwrite it - I have reinstalled but have the same problem - any advice welcomed... |
Scrape all pages of website >> Scrapebox Posted: 11 Nov 2011 02:56 PM PST I'm trying to scrape all the pages of a website with Scrapebox but its not scraping all of the pages. Google says the site has 770,000 pages. I set the footprint to select all search engines and results to max (1000). It only pulls just over 1500 results. How do I get Scrapebox to scrape ALL the 770,000 pages? Cheers :rolleyes: |
Best place to write articles for people? Posted: 11 Nov 2011 02:46 PM PST I am looking to make a little extra money for the next few months. I have looked on ODesk and on freelancer and have tried to locate people but there are all random Philippines people that are charging $1.00 for a 500 word article. I know these cant be great quality. Where would you suggest looking or how do I actually get peoples attention when others are charging so little? I am an English speaker, and have a lot of time right now to get articles done quickly. |
How would someone go about making a high PR blog network? Posted: 11 Nov 2011 02:43 PM PST What would be the best way to do this? Do people actually sell these networks? Couldnt a person just go and buy a bunch of high pr sites? I imagine this would get quite expensive... |
Is my work IP on the twitter Shitlist? Posted: 11 Nov 2011 02:39 PM PST Here's the process I've been doing: created and confirmed email accounts with associated twitter accounts. add twitterfeed with a RT bot for various target audiences ONE of the profiles using a variant of the RT bots got suspended. All profiles were connected to tweetdeck, except a replacement profile I set up to re-use the RT bot that went down. The second profile was suspended within hours of connecting the RT bot, even though the profile was aged for a few days and picking up private DMs My suspicion and concern is this might get my other RT bot profiles suspended. So far so good they are all racking up followers, and RT at varying speeds without being throttled. I'm also suspicious of tweetdeck, in that twitter may be picking up on shared profiles I manage - is that possible? From the profiles that appear stable, each account has different behaviour, different apps plugged in, and none of the bios have hashtags or anagrams in them - those profiles have been left alone 8 twitter profiles 2 deleted (from same RT bot is my assumption) 2 IP addresses posting only via 2 accounts per day. |
Looking for Authentic BlackBerry Buyers! Posted: 11 Nov 2011 02:34 PM PST We have a large inventory of Blackberry's. All our phones are 100% authentic blackberry's. We are looking for serious buyers looking to buy in bulk. We have been selling phones now for 6 years. Please let us know if anyone is interested. We look forward to hearing back from everyone on the forum. Thank you iSellCells |
How can I promote my blog using autoblog network? Posted: 11 Nov 2011 02:31 PM PST Good day,For example,I have 500 autoblogs,could someone suggest me,how can I promote my main site(keywords) with this autoblogs? Thanks a lot |
[NEW] 50-50 Adsense JoinT Venture Posted: 11 Nov 2011 02:31 PM PST Alright guys, Going to start Adsense Joint Venture tommow. Prerequisites of this Adsense JV: 1. you should have an adsense account. (Old adsense accounts preferred ) should have decent no. of post in this forum. Profit Split will be 50-50. If you're interested plz do mention the age of your Adsense account. PS:There's always a risk of getting your asdense account banned so only apply when you don't give a damn abt u r acc. & ofcourse it involves a BH method but its not Clickjacking. Only 2 Spots |
How many copies can a successful WSO sell? Posted: 11 Nov 2011 02:28 PM PST Say if you have a really successful WSO. How many copies could you sell of something...I was thinking around 10000? Anyone know the most? |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 02:26 PM PST THeres a bunch of sales threads here on BHW regarding Facebook likes, and hundred of websites offering fans on the internet. Obviously the big fear is getting fake accounts to like you and/or getting one of those idiot providers who thinks they can fool you by using those fake accounts to post on the wall nonsense such as "this is the greatest page ever!" my clients will easily spot stupidity like that. do you guys know anyone or any website you can recommend (either here in the thread or in PM) that provides real, quality, facebook likes targeted by country thats reliable and reasonably priced? |
An AFFILIATES dream come true! EZ sales, low refunds, PROOF! Seriously CHECK THIS OUT Posted: 11 Nov 2011 02:23 PM PST Hey everybody! About 2 months ago I dropped a new website on here and many of you jumped on promoting it. Well within 2 months it has reached a gravity of 99 !! Also it is 2nd place in it's subcategory and actually the HIGHEST gravity in its subcategory. Here's a screenshot of that: ![]() I've been continually tweaking it and the conversions just keep getting better and better. Plus we have an amazing upsell that converts very well too and this means that you can earn up to $83 PER SALE!! If you have not started promoting this then you are truly missing out. Here is some proof of conversions: ![]() As you can see conversions are fantastic and refunds are EXTREMELY low! The proof speaks for itself. Don't waste your time promoting websites that look like trash and don't convert. This bad boy is fresh, unique, and appealling! Here are the specs: Product price: $34 + $77 upsell. (also downsell one time offers) Product commission: 75% (you can earn up to $83 per sale minus CB fees) Sales page: Affiliate tools page: Seriously, you couldn't ask for more. I would like to invite you to jump on board and promote this great website. Thanks for you attention. Sincerely, Rick Thomas Please comment. |
How to create animated videos? Posted: 11 Nov 2011 02:23 PM PST hey there, I am looking for a good software to create videos like website of xtranormal Whats the best software to create animated videos? I dont know anything about how to make this kind of videos Thank you! |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 02:23 PM PST hello i am a newbie here.. help me wen i have any problems :D |
I suck at clickbank need advice Posted: 11 Nov 2011 02:18 PM PST i need advice on how to make money with clickbank i kno that there is money to be made in it but how do you get it |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 02:14 PM PST I keep trying to find a way to contact a moderator for the BST section, but every link I go to it shows that I dont have access to the page. I already made my BST thread, but it wont go live until someone reviews Also how do I pay for it? |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 01:54 PM PST Please click this link, and let me know where it takes you. Thanks |
Check status of accounts in TA? Posted: 11 Nov 2011 01:46 PM PST Is there a way to check the status of a group of accounts in TA? I know I can do this in TA AC, but going back and forth is a pain. I'd like an easy way to clean out suspended acts. directly from TA. Possible? |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 01:37 PM PST give me some twitter users that has followers related to adults/ sex.. hope you can give me some 4-5 users coz i cant find them.. need to use with Tweet Attack to follow them |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 01:36 PM PST Hello. Im looking for best shop software. Best if it's heap or free. And good for seo. thanks |
Conan o'Brien and Duplicated Content Posted: 11 Nov 2011 01:23 PM PST Guess what Conan discovered about the way local media picked up a story about his show---apparently every outlet is running off the same script: |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 01:20 PM PST Hey guys, My name is Luke I am 18 and I am from Australia I do own several websites and have been developing websites since I was around 13-14. That is about all you need to know about me :) |
Editing Adsense code (removing "<--") Posted: 11 Nov 2011 01:15 PM PST I need to implement adsense code on a huge number of pages.. (100k +). I'm doing this with Notepad++. But the only way I can use to insert adsense code is by insterting as one line code. The only that works, is if I remove that "<--" is the start of the script.. Is there a problem doing that? ANybody can recommend a software that bulk add and remove blocks in html files? Thanks in advance |
[Journal] Trying my luck with Facebook PPC Posted: 11 Nov 2011 01:11 PM PST Hey, NOT ANOTHER QUITTER JOURNAL , I never abandon my journal and i never give up. For Proof Check my other threads Today i started a Facebook PPC campaign with the money i earned last month . I have around $250 to invest if the campaign goes well .If not, i will see where to stop. Started with Spenser's style .let see how it goes. After Puttin the canpaign on active i came to BHW to start this thread. I will post my progress via IMAGES as it goes. hopefully by next 15 min i will have Enought stats to Post my progress Here. My Method: As i mentioned it like Spensor's guide. NOT a DOG or PET niche. But something else. My curent niche dont have related offer so i have no choice bu to create a contest between two entities and lure the visitors to vote for their favourite and claim a free IPOD/IPHONE I started with 10 ads , all approved. will post my progress soon :) |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 01:08 PM PST I understand the basic structure of a link wheel with 2.0 sites etc. My question is can you use a youtube video in the same way a 2.0 site is used? Will you get link juice from backlinking to a youtube video the same way you would from a 2.0 site? |
How to get more CB affiliates for a $21/sale new product Posted: 11 Nov 2011 01:04 PM PST Any tips on how i can get some affiliates to promote my new cb product. I am new to this vendor system so looking for some affiliates who can promote one of my cb product. Any tips and suggestions |
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 12:43 PM PST Hey guys, I own a network of around 15+ proxies websites + a toplist website and I was wondering what Ad network is good for proxified pages. I am currently using adversal for popups / floating ads but I am looking at placing 468*60 banners on our proxified pages also. Regards Luke |
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