Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO |
- Lead Generation for Skilled Trades - Easily Scaled to $X,XXX
- Any Mass email software I can use for my e-mail list?
- What does PM stand for? Sorry brand new to this...
- where to buy adsense accounts?
- Fan Building Help
- Adult affiliate programs with rss feed?
- How to Protect Domain Privacy At Flippa?
- Does this plugin exist?!?!
- New member here :)
- Advice Needed For Camera Review Site. (Amazon Cancelled Account)
- How to check index effectively with SB?
- Unique Facebook Votes
- Theme for Authority Site?
- Tired of Making nothing but pennys!! Got resources jst need a lil push.
- List of dating site affiliates
- [Case Study] Ranking a site from scratch and Flipping it for profit.
- Advice needed on super-affliate & affiliate recruiting
- Reliable US Supplier-North Face, Juicy Couture, True Religion & More!
- Let's chill the F*&^ Out With all the Drama Going on Here Lately
- [Case Study] Ranking a site from scratch and Flipping it for profit.
- WP Themes for Local Biz?
- Backlink Services with Nuclear Link Crawler Integrated In
- [FREE] Wicked Content Technique 100s of FREE Unique Websites cheap!
- scrabebox site down?
- My first thread I really need help with SP
- scrapebox help - how to transfer successful blog posts to rapid indexer
- some advice please, starting my SEO
- promote amazon store
- Free Kindle Fire Plus Other Stuff
- Plimus PayPal.. WTF?
- Need Keyword Suggestion
- Senukex Pic included could the be right?
- Need Keyword Suggestion
- scrapebox proxies flaged as spammer
- Should I start a free press release directory ?
- I know it's early but I just wanted to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! Have a Great One!!
- What combination of paid BHW/SEO services would you use if you outsourced 100% of your seo
- [GET] Another Free 200 Hotmail Addresses
- Business Plan IM
- ???????????????????????????????????
- Help to get my website and business rank on search engine
- How to tell how old your Paypal account is?
- guys plz help me . linux VPS
- scraping urls from text file by keyword
- Network to promote on dating sites?
- Paypal dispute help regarding fans (online services)
- Looking for reliable PPI Network
- what do you think about this crazy $$$ script, REAL OR FAKE??
- what should I study at college? (SEO Related)
- Make 1500-1800 a week with no work.. Whitehat method :) ( Seriously )
Lead Generation for Skilled Trades - Easily Scaled to $X,XXX Posted: 22 Nov 2011 07:16 PM PST Ok, so here's another quick and easy "in" that some of you offliners might find useful. We'll be talking about generating leads for businesses in skilled trades. What are skilled trades? General contractors, electricians, stone masons, etc. For this example we'll be talking about anything from a handyman service up to a new home construction and everything in between. Something you may not realize about these types of businesses is that the majority of them are already buying leads, and in some cases spending thousands a month doing so. Most general contractors I've spoken to seem to take the stance that buying leads is somewhat of a necessary evil, but nonetheless necessary. As a marketing expert who provides online services to offline clients, this is an epic laydown sale just waiting to happen. Here's why: How many services do you offer to your clients that they are already conditioned to buy, right out of the box? I'd guess almost none. But that's exactly what this is. Your prospects will already be buying leads, and all you'll be doing is showing them a higher quality lead at a competitive price, and they're going to eat it right up. ServiceMagic. This is the major player in this space. They generate and sell thousands of leads a day all across the country. Check out the rate card: Quote:
Not enough leverage? ServiceMagic also bids on the businesses' exact name, and then upcharge on the lead 50% for it being an "exact match lead". This means they're stealing leads that otherwise would have gone straight to the business owner by bidding on their terms and outranking them for their name. It's mean and dirty but something you can use to cozy up to your prospects. Why pay these guys for leads you would have gotten anyway and/or leads that will be sold to your top 3 competitors? ;) Here's what you'll offer: 1. An exclusive lead generated just for the buyer. 2. A lead delivered in real time. 3. A free trial of 3 leads.** 4. Verified leads. (this involves calling the lead to verify the info, takes 5 seconds) **Once you've delivered the free trial of 3 leads you'll require an upfront deposit for blocks of 20 leads each. Make your calls and pitch the offer directly to the owner of the company. 9 times of out 10 when dealing in this space the owners are very hands on and easy to get on the line. They field offers from lead vendors all the time so be sure to come right out of the gate with the fact that you're offering exclusive, real time leads and a free sample. Once you've delivered your sample leads, you'll offer to work on a block-of-leads basis with no contracts, just a simple upfront payment for each block of leads you deliver. Example: If you charge a flat rate of $25 a lead for exclusive leads you would take a block payment of $500 per block. Every time you deliver a lead you debit their account for the cost. When they're down to a couple leads, you ask for a refill. They'll love the fact that there are no minimum purchase amounts and no contracts (something the big boys don't offer). Don't monkey with complicated phone scripts on this one. Ask them if they're buying. If they say yes, pitch them your offer. If they pass, drop them and move on. There's a bottomless pit of prospects in this niche and you can sell out of your immediate area so don't be afraid to power dial and go for the low-hanging fruit. You'll need a few things to get started - 1. A landing page with a form to collect the leads. I use wufoo since I'm a total noob with coding and I get notified in real time. The faster you verify the leads the quicker you can forward them to the client and charge their account. 2. A handful of phone numbers to collect leads via voicemail and verify leads. I use a Skype business account and set up separate voicemail for each lead type and lander. 3. A few bucks to generate the trial leads. How do you gather leads? This is something that should be a no-brainer to anyone who has been on this forum for more than 5 minutes, so I'm not going to do any hand holding here. That being said, here are my top 2 sources: 1. PPC 2. Craigslist My CPL in (cost per lead) runs about me about $6 across these 2 sources and my RPL out is about $22 average. I'm running campaigns for a limited number of clients but its fairly hands-off and the quality is such that I have no caps - they'll buy as many as I can send. Done right you could easily make a full time income just generating leads for a few clients. If you're too broke to thrown down on PPC - you can always try canvassing. The companies you'll be generating leads for are likely doing this themselves as well. It's an old school tactic that's tried and true and still used all the time. This involves printing up a zillion fliers with a dedicated phone number and dropping them inside outer doors and under door knobs. A bit crude but if you need startup cash this can get you going. That's it for now. I'll elaborate on specifics if anyone's interested in learning more. :) | |
Any Mass email software I can use for my e-mail list? Posted: 22 Nov 2011 07:14 PM PST Hi, everyone! I have an e-mail list but do you know of any software where I can mass email everyone. Any free alternatives as well? I searched the forums, and I saw software but they are outdated and don't work anymore. Can anyone help? | |
What does PM stand for? Sorry brand new to this... Posted: 22 Nov 2011 07:05 PM PST I've been ready other blogs and I've been noticing people are using the abbreviation "PM"... Anyone know what that means? | |
where to buy adsense accounts? Posted: 22 Nov 2011 07:02 PM PST where to buy adsense verified account?fully verified account?dont have to worry about pin or etc? | |
Posted: 22 Nov 2011 06:39 PM PST Ok here's my dilemma, i want to add some targeted fans to my client's FB pages. By targeted meaning by location. EX. whale watching in thailand. i want to have some fans based on Thailand also to like the page. Is there any method for this? Need some help guys. | |
Adult affiliate programs with rss feed? Posted: 22 Nov 2011 06:37 PM PST Hey! Im looking for good adult affiliate programs/sites that provide rss feeds. Do you guys know some? Please tell me =) Regards | |
How to Protect Domain Privacy At Flippa? Posted: 22 Nov 2011 06:36 PM PST I am brand new to flip website. If I don't want to publicize domain name, can I do that at Flippa? How much will cost for that? I have some sites that make money every monthly for couple of years. I want to sell them. Since I am new to this, don't want to publicize these domains in case I didn't sell them. What's your suggestions? | |
Posted: 22 Nov 2011 06:27 PM PST What is the most effective means of delivering an ebook via an opt in on wordpress? I'd be interested in hearing your experience with the different options out there. In case that wasn't clear. I want to offer an ebook, given free, to those who give me their email address. What is the best way to do this in wordpress? Thanks! | |
Posted: 22 Nov 2011 06:24 PM PST Hello everybody! I'm new to this forums and i hope everyone can guide me on the right path to earning money online :) | |
Advice Needed For Camera Review Site. (Amazon Cancelled Account) Posted: 22 Nov 2011 06:23 PM PST Hi Guys, I have a domain name including a brand (canon) and product name (550d). Apparently Amazon is not allowing that. So I wanted to ask for guidance, is there anyway to get back to amazon without changing the domain. Or do you have any alternatives to Amazon. I checked comission junction but didn't find anything, actually didn't understand the website. Thanks in advance.:p | |
How to check index effectively with SB? Posted: 22 Nov 2011 06:19 PM PST I have 10 private proxies from YPP, but they get ip blocked after like 500-600 google index checks? I don't get it, I bought proxies to avoid this...? Are there settings that I need to fix or something? When I do blog commenting i get about 20% success rate with a premium list I bought. | |
Posted: 22 Nov 2011 06:03 PM PST Hey guys, I was told that this would be the place to find help for a Facebook Contest. Please let me know if you can help. PM me with an offer I need about 500 unique votes and can use paypal. Thank you! | |
Posted: 22 Nov 2011 05:54 PM PST I am having trouble looking for a good theme for an authority blog in the medical/health niche. I have been looking at the heatmap theme but can anyone recommend something else? | |
Tired of Making nothing but pennys!! Got resources jst need a lil push. Posted: 22 Nov 2011 05:54 PM PST supp blackhatter i been reading this forum for a while now and ihad learned many things i had made some pennys here and there but not much and i would like to scale it up and start making more money. ijst got in a car accident and i need some money fast kuz it sucks having to walk specially here in az thats allwayz fuxkin hot anywayz i would like to make some decent money before chrismas and i need lil help, ihad try adsense, cpa, youtube, Ac i can't seem to make more than pennies, no im not lazy and i take action... ok so im not a completely noob i know about some basic stuff i also have some seo software and stuff that can help me. i have market samurai digi traffic accelerator Backlink Profit Monster ImSlave link blaster pro xgen SEO and some other seo programs like those i also have TubeNaire MX, RX a yt comment rater adsense account AC account leadbolt account cpa account and another stuff that could help me so i would like to know how can iuse this things to help me make money i had many things and had fail on all them any ideas of what could i do? anything would be helpful im not sayin to give me your methods jst some ideas and i put my twist to them i would really apreciate any help, thanks. | |
List of dating site affiliates Posted: 22 Nov 2011 05:51 PM PST Personally I've been looking for some good dating site affiliates and I've read few threads with people looking for some as well so here are the best ones I've found. Easydate Easyflirt Friendfinder Chemistry Lavalife American Singles Crew Dating Dream Asians STDdating Christian Dating Interdap Megafriend IMLive Ad Valiant There you have it a list of places to start up some lazy income! That's worth a few reps and thanks right? :p | |
[Case Study] Ranking a site from scratch and Flipping it for profit. Posted: 22 Nov 2011 05:50 PM PST Hey BHatters, (my friend thought i meant bhaters) Anyways, most of you know me already from my back to $200/day Journy thread and I really appreciate all the support and feedback I have been getting. For the past few weeks I wanted to start something new, since everything that I want to do has been requested from many followers I would love to share what I am going to do live(not sure if the its proper word but you get my point) and uncensored! :D This is what I am planning to do, recently I have been playing around with, purchased a website for about $80 and though it was cheap in my perspective for the amount of work was put into it. I had the curiosity of trying to sell a website too as well to see how it goes. I have seen websites sell for $100k and this sites barely make $1k/month. Imagine if I had to sell my website that make me 3k-4k/month, and of course I am not planning to sell my website. So this What I was planning to do:
So far what I have done: Already selected a niche: Lottery I went to clickbank and checked into the betting section. Obviously the lottery niche are the most popular one. So I decided to go for the Lottery niche since its proven to convert. Already did my keyword research: Main Keyword: Lottery Strategies [Broad Searches] 12,100 For some reason the exact searches are not showing right now. from this point I have already did some digging to get more keywords which I will share as well. Already bought a domain and set up WP: Code: Black Sakura WP Code:
I currently post 3 spun articles for the following keywords and made some changes according to SEOpressor:
This were all posted in different dates and will of course go with more articles as well but everything take its own time to do so. I already pay for back linking service. I have the 1000link/day package. So I just set up the few first blasts. Every Wednesday for a month I will bast the URLs, not the Domain. So I will be blasting the Lottery Strategies article 1000/day every Wednesday. I will Blast 500/day on Thursday and Friday on each of the remaining articles. Note: I am blasting the Post URLS and not the Domains. Follow me and we will see what happens. | |
Advice needed on super-affliate & affiliate recruiting Posted: 22 Nov 2011 05:48 PM PST Thank you for taking a look at my post. I have a lot of online/offline marketing related experience, but have never needed to attract others to become affiliates to resell anything. I would appreciate any thoughts, comments and feedback. We are launching a unique public relations (marketing) service for businesses with a $495 price point (not SEO related). The target market are entrepreneurs, small/medium size businesses, insurance agents, real estate agents, auto dealers, legal professionals, financial planners and medical professionals (basically, professions that make money and have $495 to spend to help increase their business awareness). My questions include: 1. If we had $100 to pay for each sale, how would you suggest splitting the money between super-affiliates and affiliates? We don't have any and my thoughts are to offer $50 to super-affiliates and $50 to affiliates so there's a heavy incentive for both but perhaps it should be $25 to super-affiliate and $75 to affiliates. Any thoughts? 2. Aside from obvious ways to market to recruit super-affiliates and affiliates (e.g. affiliate networks, adsense, related forums, etc.) what creative methods have worked for you or others you have seen recruit? 3. We have the ability and ethics to pay super-affiliates and affiliates, but I completely understand how people wouldn't know and shouldn't trust. What ways should we consider to help establish / assure that we are for real and won't rip anyone off? 4. How much of a difference in unit sales do you think it makes if we priced our service at $495 vs. $395? For example, if we could to sell 100 units at $495, how many units do you think we would sell at $395? I doubt it makes a difference, but this is a service that requires us to spend a good amount of money for every order and it isn't something like link building or an ebook that costs very little. There's actually items we produce and deliver. I would be happy to elaborate, but I think (maybe wrong?) that I am not allowed to give details like that here. 5. For a service at this price point and with the $100 split the way you think, what do you think the average affiliate would sell per year? We are thinking 2 packages a year, but have no idea what's typical if there even is a 'typical.' If we had say 100 affiliates; any educated guess on how many packages they would sell per year? 6. I probably put all of you to sleep with this long post already, but I'd love to hear any other thoughts, comments and advice you are willing to share (whether it be on this thread or by PMB). Thanks so much for your time and consideration. Happy thanksgiving to those in the U.S. too! | |
Reliable US Supplier-North Face, Juicy Couture, True Religion & More! Posted: 22 Nov 2011 05:47 PM PST We currently have stock from the following brands: Juicy Couture Tracksuits The North Face Denali Fleece *EBAY'S HOTTEST SELLERS!* True Religion Apparel and Denim Rock & Republic *ORDER IN TIME FOR THE X-MAS RUSH* We accept Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, and ACH Bank wire Domestic orders: 5-7 days International orders: 7-10 days PM ME TODAY TO GET AN ORDER GOING FOR YOU! Customer Service: Bargain Box has a common goal, customer service. We bring premium high quality brand items at bargain prices. Durable, High Quality, Manufacture-tested, Compatible, Top Sellers...LOW PRICES! Why shop with Bargain Box? Quick and Convenient shopping experience. Your one stop source for high quality and customer service. Rock bottom line prices. We do not sell products that are not up to strict quality standards. Unlike many other websites, we have been in business for a number of years and along the way we have acquired crucial contacts and influential partners of which have provided us with Factory-Direct prices. **AT THE MOMENT BARGAIN BOX DOES NOT OFFER DROP SHIP SERVICES** | |
Let's chill the F*&^ Out With all the Drama Going on Here Lately Posted: 22 Nov 2011 05:39 PM PST | |
[Case Study] Ranking a site from scratch and Flipping it for profit. Posted: 22 Nov 2011 05:33 PM PST Hey BHatters, (my friend thought i meant bhaters) Anyways, most of you know me already from my back to $200/day Journy thread and I really appreciate all the support and feedback I have been getting. For the past few weeks I wanted to start something new, since everything that I want to do has been requested from many followers I would love to share what I am going to do live(not sure if the its proper word but you get my point) and uncensored! :D This is what I am planning to do, recently I have been playing around with, purchased a website for about $80 and though it was cheap in my perspective for the amount of work was put into it. I had the curiosity of trying to sell a website too as well to see how it goes. I have seen websites sell for $100k and this sites barely make $1k/month. Imagine if I had to sell my website that make me 3k-4k/month, and of course I am not planning to sell my website. So this What I was planning to do:
So far what I have done: Already selected a niche: Lottery I went to clickbank and checked into the betting section. Obviously the lottery niche are the most popular one. So I decided to go for the Lottery niche since its proven to convert. Already did my keyword research: Main Keyword: Lottery Strategies [Broad Searches] 12,100 For some reason the exact searches are not showing right now. from this point I have already did some digging to get more keywords which I will share as well. | |
Posted: 22 Nov 2011 05:29 PM PST Hi guys, I tried searching for some sort of WP theme in the downloads and the Offline forum. I want something basic and generic enough that it can be used for multiple types of clients, and it doesn't have to be a free theme/template. I want something that can be easily modified, look professional, leave no footprint, can be set up for SEO easily. Any suggestions? | |
Backlink Services with Nuclear Link Crawler Integrated In Posted: 22 Nov 2011 05:19 PM PST So I have a Backlinks Genie subscription and Dripable and I'm wondering if I have to do anything other than transfer the 3rd party API to NLC? I checked my NCL subscription and it says that 0 links have been added for today, but I set something for BLG to run today. Does it just not show up or do I have to do something else? Anyone with experience in this can help me out? Thanks! | |
[FREE] Wicked Content Technique 100s of FREE Unique Websites cheap! Posted: 22 Nov 2011 05:18 PM PST Ok folks, are you ready to snatch for yourself dozens or hundreds of free websites? Here you go. Step 1 Take a look at recently expired domain names. For instance, look here: Code: Step 2 You want to know if Google used to like the website. I go to Google and type and see if it has many pages indexed. If it looks like it had unique content or somehow looks like a profitable site, you can either get the domain and the content, or just the content if you want to start a new domain. Step 3 Any domain you find expired from Godaddy will be parked. What we want to do is find if the hosting for that old domain still exists. Go to Google and type " stats". In this case I type Code: stats from the Google cache. Visit one of the many stat sites out there and find the old IP address that website used to use (using the Google cache link). In this case, the old DNS that used was "" ... go to your c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file and type in ... Code: website is at that IP address. What do we find? The hosting was also expired. Aww darn, that happens sometimes. This site happens to have around 70 unique articles though, you'll have to resort to grabbing them from Google cache and building a new site, or adding them to an already existing site. Tried another site ... (and it has a buy-now for $8) I do the google cache stats trick and find the old IP address was I go to my hosts file and change it ... Code: ![]() Wow, the domain expired but the old hosting didn't. :) Step 4 Use your favorite website copying software to completely duplicate the website. Upload it to your hosting. Buy the domain for $8, point to your host. In this case, this website was monetized with Amazon. Do a massive search/replace and swap out their ads for your ads. If they were running adsense, do a search and replace of UA numbers, etc. That's it! Rinse and repeat. Wow, you just got a complete website buy-now for $8. Complete with custom logo and according to this ... Code: You don't have to buy the domain. As long as the content is unique, if it was a .com and is outrageously priced, just buy the .net ... the logo should work for both. Just do a search/replace on the domain name if you stick the site on a different domain. Once you got the hang of it, you could easily bang out 4 or 5 websites a day like this, along with the benefit of the domain possibly already having PR, unique content, backlinks in place, already having skipped the sandbox because it is aged, etc. | |
Posted: 22 Nov 2011 05:18 PM PST been trying all day to purchase a copy of scrapebox but i cant load their site....tried both root domain and the bhw discount page. Any thoughts? | |
My first thread I really need help with SP Posted: 22 Nov 2011 05:03 PM PST Ok hi guys, I have been member and reader for a while listening to great advices from all of this BHW community. This summer I paid for SP, tested a little. I had no time to work on it seriously before now. Here is my problem, I scraped a lot of content, a lot of blogs, checked the addons if the blogs were POSTABLE, only picked POSTABLE blogs, ran SP for 2 days to use the slow method to post on about 1,200 blogs. End result today after the link checker, I have 4 links. I mean, I wasted my time or I did something wrong. Is there a way to use this tool in an efficient way? :eek: :confused: error in title not SP, BUT SB* ScrapeBox sorry | |
scrapebox help - how to transfer successful blog posts to rapid indexer Posted: 22 Nov 2011 04:53 PM PST hello, im sorry if i posted this in the wrong section. i am not an expert on scrapebox and i am a bit confused on what buttons to press after i run scrapebox to post on blogs. i want to transfer the successful posts to the rapid indexer adon to get them indexed. what i've done: after scrapebox is done, i click the 'export' dropdown and in click 'export posted entries'. i would save it on a .txt file to my computer. i then open up rapid indexer and click 'load indexer services' which i found a list here on bhw. i click 'load your websites' and this is where i get some error msgs. the 'start' button will not allow me to press it and i am stumpped. could anyone share some light on how to transfer your list onto the rapid indexer? | |
some advice please, starting my SEO Posted: 22 Nov 2011 04:52 PM PST Hey guys, i am going to be starting my own seo quest soon, i have got the best spinner, article creator, a good few edu links where i can post, and cash to spare so this is what i was thinking of doing: My money site would be linked to 5 web 2.0s, where i have spun articles on each web 2.0 pointing back. Thereafter, i will have 3 new web 2.0s to each tier 1 web 2.0. After which i will buy some backlinks from BHW and target my tier 2 web 2.0 articles with around 10,000 backlinks blast each. Now with the edu links i will manually go and create comments linking back to my money site. Right now thats my plan, is there anything else i can possibly do? Anyway of utilising the edu links more, any thing else i need to know?? Any help will be much appreciated!! | |
Posted: 22 Nov 2011 04:41 PM PST hey guys i run a legit amazon store for UK customers and its heading towards xmas and its obviously going to be a little more busyer but im looking to litraly make waves over xmas question is if you had a amazon store how would u promote it.. and where | |
Free Kindle Fire Plus Other Stuff Posted: 22 Nov 2011 04:33 PM PST Ok. This is a PERFECT freebie for a bot. I'm thinking about doing one myself. Anyways, goto this link and register for No More . Now, here's the thing. When you refer xxx number of referrals, you get a lot of different prizes. The person doesn't even have to buy anything...just confirm. That's it. It's like a discount site like or . If someone wants to create a mail bot for this, I'm sure it would go over like awesome! ![]() | |
Posted: 22 Nov 2011 04:31 PM PST Haven't gotten an e-mail or anything but logged in to Plimus and saw them asking me to set up my paypal info. Code: Does anyone know anything about this? Thanks :) | |
Posted: 22 Nov 2011 04:27 PM PST I am launching a website where companies can go and build their own company event. An event where they take their employees to an external location, have meetings and do fun stuff to team build. help me find the best keywords and for it? ======================== please delete this thread, having trouble creating thread because of low internet connection... | |
Senukex Pic included could the be right? Posted: 22 Nov 2011 04:22 PM PST Theres only one account creator but 3 social modules... Wouldnt I need 3 profiles for 3 social networks? | |
Posted: 22 Nov 2011 04:19 PM PST I am launching a website where companies can go and build their own company event. An event where they take their employees to an external location, have meetings and do fun stuff to team build. help me find the best keywords and for it? | |
scrapebox proxies flaged as spammer Posted: 22 Nov 2011 04:18 PM PST Hi scrapeboxers!I experience some SB troubles. 1.Why I comment on over ten thousand blogs(checked good blog) with around six thousand successfully posted,but at last only one or two entries found? 2.How to know if my private proxies are flaged as spammer? Any input is much appreciated,thanks! | |
Should I start a free press release directory ? Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:49 PM PST As most of the article directories are spammed to death, filled with garbage content I'm thinking to start a press release directory (website). What you guys think ?! Any ways to monetize it besides flipping it ?! Any advice I should include in business&marketing plan ?:) Thanks and wait your input | |
I know it's early but I just wanted to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! Have a Great One!! Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:48 PM PST HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! I know it's early but our brothers across the pond will hit it shortly and wanted to give a great shout out to all!!!!!!!!! I hope you all have a great holiday!!!! :):):):):):):):) P.S. - Just an FYI - I normally do a blast on holidays to celebrate the day it is and my acceptance rate is greatly improved!!! (I.E. Merry Xmas blast saying merry christmas), | |
What combination of paid BHW/SEO services would you use if you outsourced 100% of your seo Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:39 PM PST What combination of paid BHW/SEO services would you use if you outsourced 100% of your seo? BHW, I have have AMR, SB, Best spinner, Traffic Travis, Sick Submitter, etc. and have done my fair share of SEO. However, as these tools are awesome I find myself increasingly wanting to completely outsource. I understand the greater cost involved but my returns would most definitely cover the cost and free up family time. So in short, if you could create your dream team of BHW SEO services what would you buy? linkwheels? pushes? dripable? xrumer? bots? And I know it's early but Happy Thanksgiving everyone! | |
[GET] Another Free 200 Hotmail Addresses Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:39 PM PST Ok so its another day and another giveaway, Quite simply again post your BHW name in this thread and I will pick a name at random using randomizer. **PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST HAVE OVER 30 POSTS TO APPLY, I SENT 100 EMAILS TO SOMEONE YESTERDAY WHO WON AND I DIDNT EVEN GET A THANK YOU FROM HIM** Competition Closes at 1pm GMT! | |
Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:35 PM PST Trying to write this, and its fucking abstract and hard. Hardly anything applies such as place, placement, price, key personal etc. Also the pro forma projections have hardly anything in comparison to the template I am using which is based on a restaurant with stuff like cost of goods sold... I basically spam with free software tools and build niche sites lol. | |
??????????????????????????????????? Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:31 PM PST ![]() | |
Help to get my website and business rank on search engine Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:31 PM PST I just started a mobile car detailing business and I normally go from door to door to find customer in big industrial area. For short term it is not too bad, but to make it big, I actually think that ranking up my website to the top of search engine is the best way so I can reach bigger area. But since i am newbie, I can only think of using google adwords to rank my website, and it's probably cost a lot. I just want to ask, if anyone can help me to boost my website or from facebook, can you please share your idea? I don't mind paying for the service. Thanks a lot | |
How to tell how old your Paypal account is? Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:23 PM PST Looked around all over my account, cannot find for the life of me a creation date, statements are only available for last 3 months, so can't go by that. Any ideas? | |
Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:16 PM PST i am a newbie . i have bought it the day before yesterday. i have intended to run soft on it by install virtual machine. but i found it doesn't works for this openVZ environment. so i needn't it anymore .it has 6 month last. and nothing on the VPS. linux vps 2G RAM . 30G disk .1000G bandwidth who can provide a solution to this ? sell it ? where? | |
scraping urls from text file by keyword Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:15 PM PST Hi, I have a text document with 1000+ links like this one govmp .com/user.php?login=okanmokan99&view=history and i need a scraper or something to extract the actual urls from submissions based on keywords. Like i import the list then type the keyword "erken rezervasyon" and the tool to extract the urls that are with that keyword. Please someone help me to find good software. I spend all day long trying to find something good. thank you | |
Network to promote on dating sites? Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:08 PM PST Hey everyone, I'd like to ask if anyone could suggest any network in dating niche, I'm currently with anastasiasaffiliate but it's not very whitehat traffic, could anyone suggest any better? Thank you | |
Paypal dispute help regarding fans (online services) Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:08 PM PST Hello everyone, Firstly, this does not regard any of my customers on this forum :) Basically I have a dispute on Paypal regarding fans, and its been a while so I gave them a call to see if I could speed it up. They asked me what the goods were (as I wrote that they were digital), and I said I was calling for a family member so would go away and find out. If I mention 'Facebook fanpage' or 'facebook fans' for example, would the funds be lost? Who would be in the wrong; the buyer, the seller, or both? Are transactions relating fans allowed by Paypal? What are my options? All help is appreciated :) (STAFF - Please move this if it is in an appropriate section. Thanks) | |
Looking for reliable PPI Network Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:05 PM PST Looking for a reliable, good paying, on the low network. If anybody knows of any, that would be great. Heard about the one on here but then people told me it died.. | |
what do you think about this crazy $$$ script, REAL OR FAKE?? Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:02 PM PST Hi, I came across this auction on flippa: The script scrapes google images for keywords you choose, then downloads the images to your server, and creates a html page for it using the name of the jpg file as title of the html page. The seller also sold other websites on flippa, using the same script. These domains are only created like 2/3 months ago, yet they pull in nice daily adsense revenue after this short time. IS THIS REAL OF FAKE YOU THINK? YOU CAN CHECK ALL THE STATS IN THE AUCTIONS. I'M CONSIDERING OF BIDDING ON ONE OF HIS NEXT AUCTIONS. Greetz XoRaK | |
what should I study at college? (SEO Related) Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:01 PM PST Hello All, Im currently at college doing a foundation degree in networking. Im finding it 'ok' except for the class doing excel stuff (for some reason I really struggle with all of the formulas and whatnot). Anyway, what do you guys think I should study at college? im interested in Marketing, Journalism and mainly SEO. Theres not an SEO course and im intermediate with seo anyway so my best option is to find courses that will help me develop those skills. What do you suggest? Also note I live in england. Thanks, luke | |
Make 1500-1800 a week with no work.. Whitehat method :) ( Seriously ) Posted: 22 Nov 2011 03:00 PM PST |
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